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Upgrade the extension

When updating from version < 18.10 to a version >= 18.10, you need to

  • Retrieve a new license from Centreon support
  • Make sure your Centreon MBI server is based on CentOS/RH 7. You may use the following procedure to migrate your server: Migrate your reporting server

The upgrade of Centreon MBI consists of 4 steps :

  • Updating the repository
  • Updating the extension interface
  • Updating the reporting server
  • Updating the MariaDB database

Step 1: Update the repository​

When you upgrade from a previous major version to 21.04.x, you first need to update the repository on your Central & Reporting servers.

You will find the new "Business" repository on the "Depots" tab in your Centreon Support account on :


Step 2: Upgrade the extension interface​

  1. Update the package, run the following commands:

    yum update centreon-bi-server
  2. Update through the interface: Log on to the Centreon web interface and go to the Administration > Extension > Manager page and click on the AirUpdate button to update the extension and the widgets

Step 3: Upgrade the reporting server​

  1. Connect to your reporting server and stop the scheduler service (CBIS):

    systemctl stop cbis
  2. Then run the following commands:

    yum clean all
    yum update centreon-bi\*
  3. Start the scheduler service:

    systemctl start cbis

Step 4: Upgrade the MariaDB database​

See Upgrading MariaDB.