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Upgrade the extension

When updating from version < 18.10 to a version >= 18.10, you need to

  • Retrieve a new license from Centreon support
  • Make sure your Centreon MBI server is based on CentOS/RH 7. You may use the following procedure to migrate your server: Migrate your reporting server

The upgrade of Centreon MBI consists of 4 steps :

  • Updating the repository
  • Updating the extension interface
  • Updating the reporting server
  • Updating the MariaDB database


Update the RPM signing key​

For security reasons, the keys used to sign Centreon RPMs are rotated regularly. The last change occurred on October 14, 2021. When upgrading from an older version, you need to go through the key rotation procedure, to remove the old key and install the new one.

Step 1: Update the repository​

When you upgrade from a previous major version to 21.10.x, you first need to update the repository on your Central & Reporting servers.

You will find the new "Business" repository on the "Repositories" page in your Centreon Support account.

Step 2: Upgrade the extension interface​

  1. Update the package, run the following commands:

    yum update centreon-bi-server
  2. Update through the interface: Log on to the Centreon web interface and go to the Administration > Extension > Manager page and click on the AirUpdate button to update the extension and the widgets

Step 3: Upgrade the reporting server​

  1. Connect to your reporting server and stop the scheduler service (CBIS):

    systemctl stop cbis
  2. Then run the following commands:

    yum clean all
    yum update centreon-bi\*
  3. Start the scheduler service:

    systemctl start cbis

Step 4: Upgrade the MariaDB database​

  1. Stop the cbis service:

    systemctl stop cbis
  2. See Upgrading MariaDB.

  3. Start the cbis service:

    systemctl start cbis