Configuring notifications
By default, no notifications are sent by Centreon Cloud. To activate notification emails for specific resources, you need to create notification rules.
In which cases can notifications be sent?​
For each notification rule, you define in which cases the notifications will be sent:
- When a resource enters a non-ok status (Warning, Critical or Unknown for a service, Down or Unreachable for a host).
- When a resource goes back to an OK status (Recovery notification).
How are resources checked?​
Resources are checked according to the following parameters:
- By default, checks are made 24x7 for as long as the host or service is in an OK state, every 5 minutes.
- The check period can be customized using the Check period field of the resource.
- The frequency of checks can be customized using the Normal Check Interval field of the resource.
- When a host or service enters a non-ok status (SOFT status type, e.g. Down SOFT for a host), by default Centreon checks 3 times that the host or service is still in a non-ok state (you can define a custom number of checks using the Max Check Attempts field of the resource). By default, 1 minute elapses between each of these checks (you can customize this value using the Retry Check Interval field of the resource).
- If, after these checks, the resource is still in a non-ok status, its status type becomes HARD. If notifications are activated for this status and the time period is right, a notification email is sent.
- When the resource goes back to an OK state, an email notification is sent if you have activated notifications in case of Recovery.
- Contacts receive one notification email when the status of the resource changes (according to the statuses you have defined) - and one only. Example: if you have only selected Critical, no email will be sent when the service enters a Warning status. One email will be sent when the service becomes Critical, but no more.
- If a service already had a critical status before you created a rule that activates notifications for the critical status, then no email notification will be sent.
Creating a notification rule​
Go to Configuration > Notifications > Notifications.
Click the Add button above the list, on the left. The details panel for the new notification opens.
Configure the notification rule:
- Enter a name for the rule in the Name field at the top of the panel.
- Select the host groups and/or service groups and/or Business Views (Business Edition only) you want to send notifications for. For each type of resource, select the events that will trigger a notification.
- Select the time period during which notifications will be allowed for this resource.
Exceptions in time periods are ignored for notifications. Notifications will be sent even during exception periods.
- Select the users (contacts) you want to be notified in case of an event.
- Define an email template. A default template is provided. You can modify it and use macros (variables). To insert a macro in your template, use the Macros button at the bottom right of the preview box.
Macro Description Example {{NOTIFICATIONTYPE}} Recovery, Warning, Critical or Unknown for a service; Recovery, Down or Unreachable for a host. CRITICAL {{NAME}} The name of the service or host. For a service, the name of the host it is attached to is also given. central/proc-ntpd {{ID}} An internal ID for the resource. This can be used for API calls. 41:209 {{STATE}} The status that the resource has just entered. CRITICAL {{SHORTDATETIME}} Date and time in the following format: MM/DD/YY h:mm:ss 10/18/23 12:20:42 {{LONGDATETIME}} Date and time, including the day of the week. Wednesday October 18, 2023, 12:20:42 {{OUTPUT}} The output of the check command, i.e. the text that is displayed in the Information column in the Resources status page. CRITICAL: Number of current processes running: 0 -
Click the Save button at the top right of the panel. The new notification rule appears in the list. You may have to wait up to 5 minutes before the rule starts being applied.