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Open Tickets Smarty functions

Here is the list of functions available to customize the body of the ticket - via the Body list definition field on the Configuration > Notifications > Open Tickets > Rules page. You can insert information about the resource concerned by the ticket. This information comes from Centreon.

Getting host groups​

The following function inserts into the body of the ticket a list of all hostgroups to which the host on which you're creating a ticket belongs, or to which the parent host of the service on which you're creating a ticket belongs.

{host_get_hostgroups host_id=$host.host_id}
{foreach from=$host_get_hostgroups_result item=hostgroup}
hostgroup_name: {$hostgroup}

Example of ticket body​

{if $service_selected|@count gt 0}
{foreach from=$service_selected item=service}
Host: {$service.host_name}
Service: {$service.description}
State: {$service.state_str}
Duration: {$service.last_hard_state_change_duration}
Output: {$service.output|substr:0:1024}

#### Hostgroups: ######
{host_get_hostgroups host_id=$service.host_id}
{foreach from=$host_get_hostgroups_result item=hostgroup}
hostgroup_name: {$hostgroup}

Possible results​

Host: Api-Host
Service: Cpu
Duration: 2M 3w
Output: UNKNOWN: SNMP Table Request: Timeout

#### Hostgroups: ######

hostgroup_name: MyHosts
hostgroup_name: open-ticket-hg

Getting host severities​

The following function will insert into the body of the ticket the severity assigned to the host on which you are creating a ticket, or assigned to the parent host of the service on which you are creating a ticket.

{host_get_severity host_id=$service.host_id}
{foreach from=$host_get_severity_result item=severity}
severity name: {$}
severity level: {$severity.level}

Example of ticket body​

{if $service_selected|@count gt 0}
{foreach from=$service_selected item=service}
Host: {$service.host_name}
Service: {$service.description}
State: {$service.state_str}
Duration: {$service.last_hard_state_change_duration}
Output: {$service.output|substr:0:1024}

#### Severity: ######
{host_get_hostgroups host_id=$service.host_id}
{foreach from=$host_get_hostgroups_result item=hostgroup}
hostgroup_name: {$hostgroup}

Possible results​

Host: Api-Host
Service: proc-broker-rrd
Duration: 3w 22h
Output: UNKNOWN: SNMP Table Request: Timeout

#### Severity: ######
severity name: P1
severity level: 1

Getting host categories​

The following function will insert into the body of the ticket a list of all host categories to which the host on which you are creating a ticket belongs, or to which the parent host of the service on which you are creating a ticket belongs.

{host_get_hostcategories host_id=$service.host_id}
{foreach from=$host_get_hostcategories_result item=category}
category name: {$}

Example of ticket body​

{if $service_selected|@count gt 0}
{foreach from=$service_selected item=service}
Host: {$service.host_name}
Service: {$service.description}
State: {$service.state_str}
Duration: {$service.last_hard_state_change_duration}
Output: {$service.output|substr:0:1024}

#### Categories: ######
{host_get_hostcategories host_id=$service.host_id}
{foreach from=$host_get_hostcategories_result item=category}
category name: {$}

Possible results​

Host: Api-Host
Service: proc-broker-rrd
Duration: 3w 22h
Output: UNKNOWN: SNMP Table Request: Timeout

#### Severity: ######
category name: P1
category name: sql-category

Getting service categories​

The following function will insert into the body of the ticket a list of all the service categories to which the service for which you are creating a ticket belongs.

{service_get_servicecategories service_id=$service.service_id}
{foreach from=$service_get_servicecategories_result item=category}
category name: {$}
category description: {$category.description}

Example of ticket body​

{if $service_selected|@count gt 0}
{foreach from=$service_selected item=service}
Host: {$service.host_name}
Service: {$service.description}
State: {$service.state_str}
Duration: {$service.last_hard_state_change_duration}
Output: {$service.output|substr:0:1024}

#### Categories: ######
{service_get_servicecategories service_id=$service.service_id}
{foreach from=$service_get_servicecategories_result item=category}
category name: {$}
category description: {$category.description}

Possible results​

Host: Api-Host
Service: Memory
Duration: 3M 1w
Output: UNKNOWN: SNMP GET Request: Timeout

#### Categories: ######
category name: Memory-linux
category description: category for linux memory
category name: Memory
category description: category for memory
category name: P1
category description: service with P1 severity

Getting service groups​

The following function inserts into the body of the ticket a list of all the service groups to which the service for which you are creating a ticket belongs.

{service_get_servicegroups service_id=$service.service_id}
{foreach from=$service_get_servicegroups_result item=sg}
service group name: {$}
service group alias: {$sg.alias}

Example of ticket body​

{if $service_selected|@count gt 0}
{foreach from=$service_selected item=service}
Host: {$service.host_name}
Service: {$service.description}
State: {$service.state_str}
Duration: {$service.last_hard_state_change_duration}
Output: {$service.output|substr:0:1024}

#### Service groups: ######
{service_get_servicegroups service_id=$service.service_id}
{foreach from=$service_get_servicegroups_result item=sg}
service group name: {$}
service group alias: {$sg.alias}

Possible results​

Host: Api-Host
Service: Load
Duration: 3M 1w
Output: UNKNOWN: SNMP GET Request: Timeout

#### Service groups: ######
service group name: SG_1
service group alias: first service group
service group name: SG_2
service group alias: second service group

Getting the value of a host custom macro​

The following function will add to the body of the ticket the value of a custom macro for a host.

{host_get_macro_value_in_config host_id=$service.host_id macro_name='RRDSTATSFILE'}
macro value: {$host_get_macro_value_in_config_result}

Example of ticket body​

{if $service_selected|@count gt 0}
{foreach from=$service_selected item=service}
Host: {$service.host_name}
Service: {$service.description}
State: {$service.state_str}
Duration: {$service.last_hard_state_change_duration}
Output: {$service.output|substr:0:1024}

### Macro : ######
{host_get_macro_value_in_config host_id=$service.host_id macro_name='RRDSTATSFILE'}
macro value: {$host_get_macro_value_in_config_result}

Possible results​

Host: Api-Host
Service: Load
Duration: 3M 1w
Output: UNKNOWN: SNMP GET Request: Timeout

#### Macro: ######
macro value: /var/lib/centreon-broker/central-rrd-master-stats.json

Getting the value of a custom macro defined on a host template linked to the host​

The following function will add to the body of the ticket the value of custom macros belonging to host templates linked to the host.

{host_get_macro_value_in_config host_id=$service.host_id macro_name='RRDSTATSFILE'}
{foreach $host_get_macro_value_in_config_result item=macro}
macro value: {$macro}

Example of ticket body​

{if $service_selected|@count gt 0}
{foreach from=$service_selected item=service}
Host: {$service.host_name}
Service: {$service.description}
State: {$service.state_str}
Duration: {$service.last_hard_state_change_duration}
Output: {$service.output|substr:0:1024}

### Macro : ######
{host_get_macro_value_in_config host_id=$service.host_id macro_name='RRDSTATSFILE'}
{foreach $host_get_macro_value_in_config_result item=macro}
macro value: {$macro}

Possible results​

Host: Api-Host
Service: Load
Duration: 3M 1w
Output: UNKNOWN: SNMP GET Request: Timeout

#### Macro: ######