Open Tickets Smarty Variables
Here is the list of variables you can use to customize the body of the ticket - via the Body list definition field on the Configuration > Notifications > Open Tickets > Rules page. You can insert information about the resource concerned by the ticket, or about the user creating the ticket. This information comes from Centreon.
Common variables​
Common variables can be used to open all types of tickets (i.e. tickets on hosts or services). Use the variable directly in the Body list definition field.
Variable name | Description | Example of contents |
$custom_message | Inserts into the ticket the message entered by the user in the ticket opening popup | |
$ | Inserts into the ticket the name of the user that opens the ticket | t.rex |
$user.alias | Inserts into the ticket the alias (login) of the user that opens the ticket | trex |
$ | Inserts into the ticket the email address of the user that opens the ticket | t.rex@jurassic.park |
Tickets on hosts​
Opening a ticket on a host generates a table of values. This means you need to use a Smarty foreach loop to access the values (like in the default ticket body). Wrap the variables you want in the following loop:
{foreach from=$host_selected item=host}
Variable name | Description |
$host.host_id | 17 |
$ | "Api-Host" |
$host.instance_id | 1 |
$host.acknowledged | 0 |
$host.acknowledgement_type | 0 |
$host.action_url | "" |
$host.active_checks | 1 |
$host.address | "" |
$host.alias | "Api-Host" |
$host.check_attempt | 1 |
$host.check_command | "base_host_alive" |
$host.check_freshness | 0 |
$host.check_interval | 5 |
$host.check_period | "24x7" |
$host.check_type | 0 |
$host.checked | 1 |
$host.command_line | "/usr/lib64/nagios/plugins/check_icmp -H -w 3000.0,80% -c 5000.0,100..." |
$host.default_active_checks | 1 |
$host.default_event_handler_enabled | 1 |
$host.default_failure_prediction | null |
$host.default_flap_detection | 1 |
$host.default_notify | 1 |
$host.default_passive_checks | 0 |
$host.default_process_perfdata | null |
$host.display_name | "Api-Host" |
$host.enabled | 1 |
$host.event_handler | "" |
$host.event_handler_enabled | 1 |
$host.execution_time | 0.093993 |
$host.failure_prediction | null |
$host.first_notification_delay | 0 |
$host.flap_detection | 1 |
$host.flap_detection_on_down | 1 |
$host.flap_detection_on_unreachable | 1 |
$host.flap_detection_on_up | 1 |
$host.flapping | 0 |
$host.freshness_threshold | 0 |
$host.high_flap_threshold | 0 |
$host.icon_image | "ppm/operatingsystems-linux-snmp-linux-128.png" |
$host.icon_image_alt | "" |
$host.last_check | 1738599249 |
$host.last_hard_state | 0 |
$host.last_hard_state_change | 1731601141 |
$host.last_notification | null |
$host.last_state_change | 1731601141 |
$host.last_time_down | null |
$host.last_time_unreachable | null |
$host.last_time_up | 1738599251 |
$host.last_update | 1735050379 |
$host.latency | 0.362 |
$host.low_flap_threshold | 0 |
$host.max_check_attempts | 3 |
$host.modified_attributes | null |
$host.next_check | 1738599549 |
$host.next_host_notification | null |
$host.no_more_notifications | 0 |
$host.notes | "" |
$host.notes_url | "" |
$host.notification_interval | 0 |
$host.notification_number | 0 |
$host.notification_period | "" |
$host.notify | 1 |
$host.notify_on_down | 1 |
$host.notify_on_downtime | 1 |
$host.notify_on_flapping | 1 |
$host.notify_on_recovery | 1 |
$host.notify_on_unreachable | 1 |
$host.obsess_over_host | 1 |
$host.output | "OK - rta 0,077ms lost 0%\n" |
$host.passive_checks | 0 |
$host.percent_state_change | 0 |
$host.perfdata | "rta=0,077ms;3000,000;5000,000;0; pl=0%;80;100;0;100 rtmax=0,077ms;;;; rtmin=0..." |
$host.process_perfdata | null |
$host.retain_nonstatus_information | 1 |
$host.retain_status_information | 1 |
$host.retry_interval | 1 |
$host.scheduled_downtime_depth | 0 |
$host.should_be_scheduled | 1 |
$host.stalk_on_down | 0 |
$host.stalk_on_unreachable | 0 |
$host.stalk_on_up | 0 |
$host.state | 0 |
$host.state_type | 1 |
$host.statusmap_image | "" |
$host.timezone | "" |
$host.real_state | null |
$host.host_state | 0 |
$host.state_str | "UP" |
$host.last_state_change_duration | "2M 2w" |
$host.last_hard_state_change_duration | "2M 2w" |
Tickets on services​
Opening a ticket on a service generates a table of values. This means you need to use a Smarty foreach loop to access the values (like in the default ticket body). Wrap the variables you want in the following loop:
{foreach from=$service_selected item=service}
Variable name | Description |
$service.host_id | 17 |
$service.description | "Cpu" |
$service.service_id | 124 |
$service.acknowledged | 0 |
$service.acknowledgement_type | 0 |
$service.action_url | "" |
$service.active_checks | 1 |
$service.check_attempt | 3 |
$service.check_command | "OS-Linux-SNMP-Cpu" |
$service.check_freshness | 0 |
$service.check_interval | 5 |
$service.check_period | "24x7" |
$service.check_type | 0 |
$service.checked | 1 |
$service.command_line | "/usr/lib/centreon/plugins// --plugin=os::linux::snmp::p..." |
$service.default_active_checks | 1 |
$service.default_event_handler_enabled | 1 |
$service.default_failure_prediction | null |
$service.default_flap_detection | 1 |
$service.default_notify | 1 |
$service.default_passive_checks | 0 |
$service.default_process_perfdata | null |
$service.display_name | "Cpu" |
$service.enabled | 1 |
$service.event_handler | "" |
$service.event_handler_enabled | 1 |
$service.execution_time | 6.185488 |
$service.failure_prediction | null |
$service.failure_prediction_options | null |
$service.first_notification_delay | 0 |
$service.flap_detection | 1 |
$service.flap_detection_on_critical | 1 |
$service.flap_detection_on_ok | 1 |
$service.flap_detection_on_unknown | 1 |
$service.flap_detection_on_warning | 1 |
$service.flapping | 0 |
$service.freshness_threshold | 0 |
$service.high_flap_threshold | 0 |
$service.icon_image | "" |
$service.icon_image_alt | "" |
$service.last_check | 1738662813 |
$service.last_hard_state | 3 |
$service.last_hard_state_change | 1731601229 |
$service.last_notification | null |
$service.last_state_change | 1731601229 |
$service.last_time_critical | null |
$service.last_time_ok | null |
$service.last_time_unknown | 1738662813 |
$service.last_time_warning | null |
$service.last_update | 1738662213 |
$service.latency | 0.238 |
$service.low_flap_threshold | 0 |
$service.max_check_attempts | 3 |
$service.modified_attributes | null |
$service.next_check | 1738663113 |
$service.next_notification | null |
$service.no_more_notifications | 0 |
$service.notes | "" |
$service.notes_url | "" |
$service.notification_interval | 0 |
$service.notification_number | 17723 |
$service.notification_period | "" |
$service.notify | 1 |
$service.notify_on_critical | 1 |
$service.notify_on_downtime | 1 |
$service.notify_on_flapping | 1 |
$service.notify_on_recovery | 1 |
$service.notify_on_unknown | 1 |
$service.notify_on_warning | 1 |
$service.obsess_over_service | 1 |
$service.output | "UNKNOWN: SNMP Table Request: Timeout\n" |
$service.passive_checks | 0 |
$service.percent_state_change | 0 |
$service.perfdata | "" |
$service.process_perfdata | null |
$service.retain_nonstatus_information | 1 |
$service.retain_status_information | 1 |
$service.retry_interval | 1 |
$service.scheduled_downtime_depth | 0 |
$service.should_be_scheduled | 1 |
$service.stalk_on_critical | 0 |
$service.stalk_on_ok | 0 |
$service.stalk_on_unknown | 0 |
$service.stalk_on_warning | 0 |
$service.state | 3 |
$service.state_type | 1 |
$service.volatile | 0 |
$service.real_state | null |
$service.address | "" |
$service.host_state | 0 |
$service.host_name | "Api-Host" |
$service.instance_id | 1 |
$service.service_state | 3 |
$service.state_str | "UNKNOWN" |
$service.last_state_change_duration | "2M 2w" |
$service.last_hard_state_change_duration | "2M 2w" |
$service.num_metrics | 0 |