Centreon Cloud known issues
The following paragraphs detail issues which are known to Centreon and will be fixed in coming releases.
Resource Access Management​
The click area for “All" boxes (All contacts, All contact groups, All hosts...) is too wide: it is easy to select "All" by mistake.
It is not possible to select a Resource Access Management rule in the Business View configuration form.
Workaround: When you create a new Business View, you need to go to the Resource Access Management menu to add the Business View to a rule.
To grant access to services independently of their host, you can define rules only at services group or service category level.
Time period exceptions are not considered for notifications.
In the notification rule listing, rules cannot be sorted by name.
Incremental mass changes are not possible for hosts and services.
Users cannot yet configure Stream Connectors themselves.
Workaround: Centreon can configure Stream Connectors for you. Please contact your CSM.
It is possible to create two services with the same name on a host.
Deploying a service does not work if the template of an existing host is changed. (More actions > Deploy services command.)
It is not possible yet to define a default poller. When you create a host, make sure you define the correct poller to monitor it instead of the SaaS platform itself (Central poller).
Service accounts (e.g. broker service user) are listed in contact selection dropdown lists. Do not use them.
In the Business Activities configuration form, the Notification section does not have any effect.
Workaround: You can still configure notifications related to Business Activities using the standard notification mechanism.
Log in​
- A Connect with OpenID button might briefly show on the login screen. Wait for a few seconds before logging in.