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If you want to use SSO for authentication, please read this procedure.

This part allows to configure the connection to LDAP directories.

Go to Administration > Parameters > LDAP and click on Add.


  • Configuration name and Description fields define the name and the description of the LDAP server
  • Enable LDAP authentication field serves to enable authentication via the LDAP server
  • Store LDAP password field can be used to store user passwords in the database, useful to authenticate users in the event of loss of connection with the LDAP
  • Auto import users field used to import the users of the LDAP directory automatically into Centreon. By clicking on Import users manually, you can chose the users that you want to import

If the Auto import users option is checked, the LDAP settings of any new user who logs into the Centreon interface will automatically be imported into Centreon (name, first name, e-mail address, etc.). ACL profiles will be applied on access (see ACL). However, if this option is not checked, only the users imported manually will be able to authenticate.

  • LDAP search size limit field can be used to limit the size of user searches.
  • LDAP search timeout field can be used define the maximum time for the LDAP search.
  • Contact template field defines the contact template that will be linked to all the users imported from this LDAP directory.
  • Default contactgroup optional field, which is used to add a new user to a default contactgroup.
  • Use service DNS field indicates if it is necessary to use the DNS server to solve the IP address of the LDAP directory.
  • Enable LDAP synchronization on login If enabled, a user LDAP synchronization will be performed on login to update contact's data and calculate new Centreon ACLs.
  • LDAP synchronization interval (in hours) Displayed only if the previous option is enabled. This field is used to specify the time between two LDAP synchronization.

The contact's LDAP data won't be updated in Centreon until the next synchronization is expected.

If needed, "on-demand" synchronization are available from the Administration > Session page and from the Configuration > Users > Contact / Users list.

The interval is expressed in hours. By default, this field is set to the lower value : 1 hour.

We save a timestamp as reference date in the DB and use the CentAcl CRON to update it.

The reference date is used to calculate the next expected LDAP synchronization.

If you modify one of these two fields the reference timestamp will be reset to your current time.

The reference date won't be updated if you modify or not, only the other fields / options.

  • LDAP servers field can be used to add one or more LDAP directories to which Centreon will connect.

The table below summarizes the settings to add an LDAP server:

Host addressContains the IP address or DNS name of the LDAP server
PortIndicates the connection port to access the LDAP
SSLIndicates if the SSL protocol is used for the connection to the server
TLSIndicates if the TLS protocol is used for the connection to the server
  • Bind user and Bind password fields define the user name and the password for logging to the LDAP server
  • Protocol version field indicates the version of the protocol using to login
  • Template list can be used to pre-configure the search filters for users on the LDAP directory. These filters serve to propose, by default, a search on the MS Active Directory, Okta or of Posix type directories.

Before any import, check the default settings proposed. If you have not selected a Model, you will need to define the search filters manually by filling in the fields.

You can use Okta as LDAP server with SWA plugin. Please define:

  • uid=<USER>,dc=<ORGANIZATION>,dc=okta,dc=com for Bind DN field
  • ou=<OU>,dc=<ORGANIZATION>,dc=okta,dc=com ** for Search group base DN field.

With CentOS 7, it's possible to not check server certificate, follow procedure:

Add the following line in file "/etc/openldap/ldap.conf":


Then restart Apache:

systemctl restart httpd