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Discover the Centreon web interface

First login​

To connect to your Centreon web interface, go to URL: http://IP_ADDRESS/centreon. (Replace IP_ADDRESS by the IP address or FQDN of your Centreon web server.)

Fill in your user name and associated password and click on the Connect button:


The default credentials are: admin/centreon.

You are now connected to the Centreon web interface.

Introduction to menus​

The Centreon web interface contains several menus, each with a specific function (click the Centreon logo at the top left of the screen to expand the menus):


  • Home shows custom views. Your workspace may be blank for now. Once you configure customizable widgets, you will see data and charts according to your customization.
  • Monitoring provides a combined view of the statuses of all monitored items in real and delayed time using logs and performance graphics.
  • Reporting provides an intuitive view (using diagrams) of the evolution of monitoring over a given time period.
  • Configuration allows you to configure all monitored items and the monitoring infrastructure.
  • Administration allows you to configure the Centreon platform (with settings such as authentication, proxy, extensions...) and view the overall status of the monitoring servers.

Change the user interface language​

On the banner, click on the profile icon, then click on Edit profile:


In the language select box, choose your language:


Then click on Save. Your interface is now translated.

If your language doesn't appear in the available language list, you can help the Centreon community to translate the web interface. For more details go to How to translate Centreon.