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Using packages

Centreon provides RPM packages for its products through the Centreon Open Sources version available free of charge in our repository.

These packages have been successfully tested in CentOS 7 and 8 environments.

Due to Red Hat's stance on CentOS 8, we suggest not to use said version for your production environment. Nevertheless, these packages for CentOS 8 are compatible with RHEL 8 and Oracle Linux 8 versions.

After installing your server, consider updating your operating system via the command:

dnf update

Accept all GPG keys and consider rebooting your server if a kernel update is proposed.

Pre-installation steps​

Disable SELinux​

SELinux should be disabled. To do this, you have to edit the file /etc/selinux/config and replace enforcing by disabled, or by running the following command:

sed -i s/^SELINUX=.*$/SELINUX=disabled/ /etc/selinux/config

Reboot your operating system to apply the change.

After system startup, perform a quick check of the SELinux status:

$ getenforce

Configure or disable firewall​

Add firewall rules or disable the firewall by running the following commands:

systemctl stop firewalld
systemctl disable firewalld

You can find instructions here to configure firewalld.

Install the repositories​

Remi and CodeReady Builder repository​

To install Centreon you will need to install the remi and CodeReady Builder repositories.

Run the following commands:

dnf install -y dnf-plugins-core
dnf install -y
dnf install -y
subscription-manager repos --enable codeready-builder-for-rhel-8-x86_64-rpms

Enable PHP 8.0 using the following commands:

dnf module reset php
dnf module install php:remi-8.0

Centreon repository​

To install Centreon software, you should first install the Centreon repository.

Install the Centreon repository using this command:

dnf install -y dnf-plugins-core
dnf config-manager --add-repo


This section describes how to install a Centreon Remote Server.

It's possible to install this server with a local database on the server, or a remote database on a dedicated server.

With a local database​

dnf install -y centreon centreon-database
systemctl daemon-reload
systemctl restart mariadb

You can now move on to the next step.

With a remote database​

If installing database on a dedicated server, this server should also have the prerequired repositories.

Run the following command on the Central server:

dnf install -y centreon-base-config-centreon-engine centreon-widget\*

Then run the following commands on the dedicated server:

dnf install -y centreon-database
systemctl daemon-reload
systemctl restart mariadb

Secure your MariaDB installation by executing the following command:


Then create a distant user with root privileges needed for Centreon installation:


Replace <IP> with the Centreon Central IP address that will connect to the database server.

Replace <USER> and <PASSWORD> by user's credentials.

Once the installation is complete you can delete this user using:


The package centreon-database installs an optimized MariaDB configuration to be used with Centreon.

If this package is not installed, system limitation LimitNOFILE should be at least set to 32000 using a dedicated configuration file, example:

$ cat /etc/systemd/system/mariadb.service.d/centreon.conf

Same for the MariaDB open_files_limit directive, example:

$ cat /etc/my.cnf.d/centreon.cnf

Remember to restart MariaDB after a change to configuration.


Server name​

If you want, you can change the server's name using the following command:

hostnamectl set-hostname new-server-name

Replace new-server-name by the name you want. Example:

hostnamectl set-hostname remote1

Set the PHP time zone​

You are required to set the PHP time zone. Run the command:

echo "date.timezone = Europe/Paris" >> /etc/php.d/50-centreon.ini

Replace Europe/Paris by your time zone. You can find the list of supported time zones here.

After saving the file, please do not forget to restart the PHP-FPM service:

systemctl restart php-fpm

Services startup during system bootup​

To make services start automatically during system bootup, run these commands on the central server:

systemctl enable php-fpm httpd mariadb centreon cbd centengine gorgoned snmptrapd centreontrapd snmpd

If the database is on a dedicated server, remember to enable mariadb service on it.

Secure the database​

If you have installed the Centreon server with a local database, since MariaDB 10.5, it is mandatory to secure the database's root access before installing Centreon. Run the following command:

  • Answer yes to all questions except "Disallow root login remotely?".
  • It is mandatory to set a password for the root user of the database. You will need this password during the web installation.

For more information, please see the official MariaDB documentation.

Web installation​

Before starting the web installation process, start the Apache server with the following command:

systemctl start httpd

Conclude installation by performing web installation steps.

During web installation, it is not necessary to install Autodiscovery module.

In the step Initialization of the monitoring, only the actions from 6 to 8 must be done.

Register the server​

To transform the server into a Remote Server and to register it to the Central server or to another Remote server, execute the following command on the future remote server:

/usr/share/centreon/bin/ -u <API_ACCOUNT> \


/usr/share/centreon/bin/ -u admin -t remote -h -n remote-1

Replace <IP_TARGET_NODE> by the IP of the central server, as seen by the remote server.

The <API_ACCOUNT> must have access to the configuration API. You can use the default admin account.

If you need to change the HTTP method or the port, you can use the following format for the -h option: HTTPS://<IP_TARGET_NODE>:PORT

Then follow instructions by

  1. Entering your password: please enter your password:
  2. Select the IP address if multiple network interfaces exist:

    Which IP do you want to use as CURRENT NODE IP ?
  3. Then validate the information:

    Summary of the informations that will be send:

    Api Connection:
    username: admin
    password: ******
    target server:

    Pending Registration Server:
    name: remote-1
    type: remote

    Do you want to register this server with those informations ? (y/n)y
  4. Add additional information to enable future communication between your Remote Server and its Central, Kindly fill in the required information to convert your platform into Remote :

    <CURRENT_NODE_ADDRESS> : Please enter your username:
    <CURRENT_NODE_ADDRESS> : Please enter your password:

    <CURRENT_NODE_ADDRESS> : Protocol [http]:
    <CURRENT_NODE_ADDRESS> : Port [80]:
    <CURRENT_NODE_ADDRESS> : centreon root folder [centreon]:
  5. If you use a proxy, please define credentials:

    Are you using a proxy ? (y/n)
    enter your proxy Host:
    enter your proxy Port [3128]:
    Are you using a username/password ? (y/n)
    enter your username:
    enter your password:

You will receive the validation of the Centreon central server:

2020-10-16T17:19:37+02:00 [INFO]: The CURRENT NODE 'remote: 'remote-1@' has been converted and registered successfully.

Main error messages​

2020-10-20T10:23:15+02:00 [ERROR]: Invalid credentials

Your credentials are incorrect for the <API_ACCOUNT>.

2020-10-20T10:24:59+02:00 [ERROR]: Access Denied.

The <API_ACCOUNT> doesn't have access to configuration API.

Failed connect to; Connection refused

Unable to access to the API. Please check <IP_TARGET_NODE>, scheme and port.

2020-10-20T10:39:30+02:00 [ERROR]: Can’t connect to the API using:

The access url is not complete or invalide. Use the --root option to define the API URL Path. For example: --root monitoring.

2020-10-20T10:42:23+02:00 [ERROR]: No route found for β€œPOST /centreon/api/latest/platform/topology”

Your Centreon target version is invalid. It should be greater or equal to 21.10.

Extend local DBMS rights​

Finally, add rights to centreon database user to use LOAD DATA INFILE command:

GRANT FILE on *.* to 'centreon'@'localhost';

Add the Remote Server to configuration​

Go to the Add a Remote Server to configuration.

Secure your platform​

Don't forget to secure your Centreon platform following our recommendations