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Known issues

Below is a list of know issues and/or bugs you may encounter. We try to provide workarounds. We apply fixes when necessary and are forever improving our software in order to solve any issues for future releases.

Centreon web​

Rebuilding the RRD files of a service causes the status RRD file to become invalid​

All its historical data is displayed as CRITICAL.


This is a workaround to perform the rebuild properly (on the central server):

  • Make a backup of all status RRD files that are related to the services you are about to rebuild.
  • Launch the RRD rebuild.
  • Once the rebuild is complete, restore the status RRD files (using the backup).

If the rebuild has already been done, you will not be able to recover the past data. Remove the status RRD file and all the new data will be displayed properly with the right status.

You have reached the maximum of id into centreon_storage.index_data​


Play the following request into MariaDB :

In your monitoring database :

ALTER TABLE index_data MODIFY id bigint unsigned AUTO_INCREMENT;
ALTER TABLE metrics MODIFY index_id bigint unsigned;

In your configuration database :

ALTER TABLE ods_view_details MODIFY index_id bigint unsigned;
ALTER TABLE virtual_metrics MODIFY index_id bigint unsigned;

Depending on your metrics volumes, this operation could be more or less long.

Autologin does not work with some pages​

  • Monitoring > Resources Status
  • Configuration > Hosts > Discovery
  • Configuration > Business Activity > Business Views
  • Configuration > Business Activity > Business Activity


There is currently no workaround.

The content of the pages is not translated according to the language of the user​


You must install the languages on your operating system with the following command:

yum install -y glibc-all-langpacks

Then restart PHP using the following command:

systemctl restart php-fpm

Centreon BAM​

BAM refresh problem​

On platforms using the BAM module and monitoring tens of thousands of services, after a restart of the cbd service, a long time can elapse before the data from the monitoring begins to refresh in the web interface. From our observations, it takes about 20 minutes for a 50k services platform. No data is lost, and the latency won't happen again until the next restart.


There is no workaround apart from disabling the BAM broker outputs, which is equivalent to disabling the BAM module. This bug is present on all major versions currently supported and should be fixed during January 2022.

Centreon MBI​

Empty tab in MBI​

In MBI, the Report Parameters tab of a job is empty (in Reporting > Monitoring Business Intelligence > Jobs).


  1. Go to the Configuration tab of the job
  2. Select a different report design from the Report design list.
  3. Select the original report design
  4. Go back to the Report Parameters tab.

MBI does not work if databases have custom names​


There is currently no workaround.

You have reached the maximum of id for servicemetric_id columns​

If you have a very large infrastructure, it is possible that the servicemetric_id column size has been reached.


Depending on your data volume, this operation could be more or less long.

Connect to the reporting server.

  • Disable cron job in /etc/cron.d/centreon-bi-engine:

    #30 4 * * * root /usr/share/centreon-bi//bin/centreonBIETL -d >> /var/log/centreon-bi//centreonBIETL.log 2>&1
  • Execute the following queries in the centreon_storage database:

    ALTER TABLE mod_bi_metricdailyvalue MODIFY servicemetric_id BIGINT(20) UNSIGNED NOT NULL;
    ALTER TABLE mod_bi_metrichourlyvalue MODIFY servicemetric_id BIGINT(20) UNSIGNED NOT NULL;
    ALTER TABLE mod_bi_metricmonthcapacity MODIFY servicemetric_id BIGINT(20) UNSIGNED NOT NULL;
    ALTER TABLE mod_bi_metriccentiledailyvalue MODIFY servicemetric_id BIGINT(20) UNSIGNED NOT NULL;
    ALTER TABLE mod_bi_metriccentilemonthlyvalue MODIFY servicemetric_id BIGINT(20) UNSIGNED NOT NULL;
    ALTER TABLE mod_bi_metriccentileweeklyvalue MODIFY servicemetric_id BIGINT(20) UNSIGNED NOT NULL;
  • Enable the cron job in /etc/cron.d/centreon-bi-engine :

    30 4 * * * root /usr/share/centreon-bi//bin/centreonBIETL -d >> /var/log/centreon-bi//centreonBIETL.log 2>&1
  • If the operation occurred during the usual launch of the scheduled task, run the following command indicating the correct start and end dates:

    /usr/share/centreon-bi/bin/centreonBIETL -rIEDP -s YYYY-MM-DD -e YYYY-MM-DD