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Version: 22.04

Operating guide

Unless otherwise stated, all commands in this document must be passed as root.

In this document, we will refer to characteristics that are bound to change from a platform to another (such as IP addresses and hosts names) by the macros defined here.

Cluster Management​

The following set of commands can be run from any member of the cluster.

Display cluster status​

To view the general state of the cluster, run this command:


Check the "Failed actions" on the resources and troubleshoot them using the troubleshooting guide.

View the status of a resource​

To know the status of a specific resource, run this command:

pcs resource show <resource_name>

For example to know the status of the centengine resource, run this command:

pcs resource show centengine

View cluster configuration​

To view the cluster configuration, run this command:

pcs config show

Test the configuration​

To test the cluster configuration, run this command:

crm_verify -L -V

Save & import configuration​

Export/import in XML format​

To save the cluster configuration in XML format, run this command:

cibadmin --query > /tmp/cluster_configuration.xml

The following commands perform important modifications to the cluster's configuration and might break it. Use wisely.

After having modified the XML configuration file, reimport it:

cibadmin --replace --xml-file /tmp/cluster_configuration.xml

To completely reset your cluster's configuration, run this command:

cibadmin --force --erase

Export/import in binary format​

The cluster's configuration can be backed up to a binary file:

pcs config backup export

This backup can then be re-imported:

pcs config restore export.tar.bz2

Check the "switchability" of a resource​

To simulate the ability to toggle a resource from one node to another, run this command:

crm_simulate -L -s

Then check the scores displayed.

Resource management​

Switch a resource from one node to another​

To move a resource from the node where it is currently running to the other, run this command:

pcs resource move <resource_name>

Warning: the pcs resource move adds a constraint that will prevent the resource from moving back to the node where it used to be running.

Once the resource is done moving, run this command:

pcs resource clear <resource_name>

Remove an error displayed in the cluster status​

Once the cause of the error has been identified and fixed (troubleshooting guide), you must manually delete the error message:

pcs resource cleanup

Or, if you want to remove only the errors linked to one resource:

pcs resource cleanup <resource_name>

View cluster logs​

The cluster logs are located in /var/log/cluster/corosync.log:

tailf /var/log/cluster/corosync.log

Useful logs can also be found in /var/log/messages.

Change the cluster log verbosity level​

To change the verbosity level of the cluster logs, edit the following files:

  • /etc/sysconfig/pacemaker
  • /etc/rsyslog.d/centreon-cluster.conf

Management of the MariaDB resource​

This chapter discusses the operation procedures for the ms_mysql resource. The procedures are to be performed on the @CENTRAL_MASTER_NAME@ and @CENTRAL_SLAVE_NAME@ servers.

Check the status of MariaDB replication​

Run the following command on one of the database servers:

Connection Status '@CENTRAL_MASTER_NAME@' [OK]
Connection Status '@CENTRAL_SLAVE_NAME@' [OK]
Slave Thread Status [OK]
Position Status [OK]

If errors are displayed on the third or the fourth line, it means that the database replication has been broker for some reason. The procedure below explains how to manually re-enable the MariaDB replication.

Restore MariaDB master-slave replication​

These procedure is to be performed in the event of a breakdown in the MariaDB databases replication thread or a server crash if it cannot be recovered by running pcs resource cleanup ms_mysql or pcs resource restart ms_mysql.

Prevent the cluster from managing the MariaDB resource during the operation (to be run from any node):

pcs resource unmanage ms_mysql

Connect to the MariaDB slave server ans shutdown the MariaDB service:

mysqladmin -p shutdown

Connect to the MariaDB master server and run the following command to overwrite the slave's data with the master's:


Re-enable the cluster to manage the MariaDB resource:

pcs resource manage ms_mysql

Run the following command on one of the database servers to make sure that the replication has successfully been restored:

Connection Status '@CENTRAL_MASTER_NAME@' [OK]
Connection Status '@CENTRAL_SLAVE_NAME@' [OK]
Slave Thread Status [OK]
Position Status [OK]

Reverse the direction of the MariaDB master-slave replication​

Before performing this operation, it is mandatory to make sure that the MariaDB replication thread is running well.

Warning: Following this procedure on a 2-node cluster installed using this procedure will move the centreon resource group as well, because it must run on the node having the ms_mysql-master meta attribute.

To make the resource move from one node to the other, run this command:

pcs resource move ms_mysql-master

This command sets a "-Inf" constraint on the node hosting the resource. As a result, the resource switches to another node.

Wait until all the resources have switched to the other node and then clear the constraint:

pcs resource clear ms_mysql-master

Management of the Centreon resource group​

Toggle the resource group centreon​

Warning: As in this chapter, following this procedure on a 2-node cluster installed using this procedure will switch the MariaDB master as well, because is must run on the node having the ms_mysql-master meta attribute.

Move the resource group to the other node:

pcs resource move centreon

This command sets a "-Inf" constraint on the node hosting the resource. As a result, the resource group switches to another node. Following this manipulation, it is necessary to clear the constraint:

pcs resource clear centreon

Delete a Pacemaker resource group​

Warning: These commands will prevent your Centreon cluster from working. Only do this if you know what you are doing.

Connect to a cluster node and run the following commands:

pcs resource delete centreon             \
cbd_central_broker \
gorgone \
snmptrapd \
centreontrapd \
http \
centreon_central_sync \

If that does not work, it is probably due to a resource in a failed state. Run the following commands to delete the resource:

crm_resource --resource [resource] -D -t primitive -C
pcs resource cleanup centreon

To create the resources again, follow the installation procedure from this point

Monitoring a Centreon-HA cluster​

A high-availability platform is basically a LAMP platform (Linux Apache MariaDB PHP) managed by the ClusterLabs tools. The platform's monitoring must therefore include the same indicators as with any Centreon platform, and some cluster-specific ones. The monitoring of the cluster must be performed from an external poller.

System indicators and processes​

The easiest part consists in monitoring the basic system indicators, mostly using SNMP Protocol, which is made quite simple thanks to the Linux plugin pack.

  • System metrics
    • LOAD Average
    • CPU usage
    • Memory usage
    • SWAP usage
    • File systems usage
    • Networking traffic
    • NTP synchronization with the reference time server
  • Processes
    • System processes crond, ntpd, rsyslogd
    • Centreon processes gorgoned, centengine, centerontrapd, httpd24-httpd, snmptrapd, mysqld, php-fpm

Application monitoring​

Cluster monitoring​

The cluster-specific health checks can be monitored using the Pacemaker plugin pack:

  • Resources constraints: only for ms_mysql and centreon resources
  • Failed actions

Note: a plugin pack dedicated to Centreon-HA might be release in the future to make this easier.