Introduction to the migration process
Migration procedures apply when you wish to install your Centreon on a different OS (typically, to change from an unsupported OS to a supported OS). You need to install a new OS and a new Centreon platform, then migrate your old data to the new platform.
Migrate from an EL-type OS to another EL-type OS (from a Centreon 18.10 or newer)
Migrate from an EL-type OS to Debian 11
Migrate from a Centreon 3.4 platform
Nagios Reader to Centreon CLAPI
Nagios Reader to Centreon CLAPI is a free and open source project to analyze
Migrate a platform with Poller Display module
Migrate your Centreon Central server
Migrating from Centreon Centcore
Follow this procedure to migrate from Centreon Centcore to Centreon Gorgone.