The BBDO protocol
The BBDO protocol has been created to be the default protocol of Centreon Broker. It is lightweight on the wire and easy to decode. It is especially designed for monitoring resources with Centreon Broker.
BBDO stands for Broker Binary Data Object. BBDO is designed to transfer "data packets" from a node to another. These "data packets" are most of the time monitoring information provided by the monitoring engine (eg. Centreon Engine or Nagios). It uses mostly raw binary values which allows it to consume very few memory.
With Broker 22.04.0, we introduced a new version of BBDO. It is based on Google Protobuf 3. The new protocol stays compatible with the previous one but introduces new events. For example, PbService and PbServiceStatus events are sent instead of Service and ServiceStatus events. Configured with BBDO 3, Broker still understands Service and ServiceStatus events but by default it should send the new versions.
This section is about BBDO 2.
As a binary protocol, BBDO uses data types to serialize data. They are written in a Big Endian format and described in the following table.
Type | Representation | Size (bytes) |
integer | binary | 4 |
short integer | binary | 2 |
long integer | binary | 8 |
time | binary (timestamp) | 8 |
boolean | binary (0 is false, everything else is true) | 1 |
string | nul-terminated UTF-8 string | variable |
real | nul-terminated UTF-8 string (either in fixed (2013) or scientific (2.013e+3) format) | variable |
Packet format
The packets format of Centreon Broker introduces only 16 bytes of header to transmit each monitoring event (usually about 100-200 bytes each). Fields are provided in the big endian format.
Field | Type | Description |
checksum | unsigned short integer | CRC-16-CCITT X.25 of size, id, source and destination. The checksum can be used to recover from an incomplete data packet sent in the stream by dropping bytes one by one. |
size | unsigned short integer | Size of the packet, excluding header. |
id | unsigned integer | ID of the event. |
source_id | unsigned integer | The id of the source instance of this event. |
destination_id | unsigned integer | The id of the destination instance for this event. |
data | Payload data. |
Here, the only difference between BBDO 3 and the previous versions is the data content. In BBDO 3, this part is a serialized Protobuf object whereas in previous versions it is data serialized as explained in the Types section.
Packet ID
As seen in the previous paragraph, every packet holds an ID that expresses by itself how data is encoded. This ID can be split into two 16-bit components. The 16 most significant bits are the event category and the 16 least significant bits the event type.
The event categories serialize events properties one after the other, so order is very important to not loose track when unserializing events.
Event categories
The current available categories are described in the table below.
Category | API macro | Value | Description |
NEB | BBDO_NEB_TYPE | 1 | Classical monitoring events (hosts, services, notifications, event handlers, plugin execution, ...). |
BBDO | BBDO_BBDO_TYPE | 2 | Category internal to the BBDO protocol. |
Storage | BBDO_STORAGE_TYPE | 3 | Category related to RRD graph building. |
Correlation | BBDO_CORRELATION_TYPE | 4 | Status correlation (deprecated). |
Dumper | BBDO_DUMPER_TYPE | 5 | Dumper events (only used for tests). |
Bam | BBDO_BAM_TYPE | 6 | Bam events. |
Extcmd | BBDO_EXTCMD_TYPE | 7 | Centreon Broker external commands (deprecated). |
Internal | BBDO_INTERNAL_TYPE | 65535 | Reserved for internal protocol use. |
The table below lists event types available in the NEB category. They have to be mixed with the BBDO_NEB_TYPE category to get a BBDO event ID.
Type | Value | Uses Protobuf |
Acknowledgement | 1 | No |
Comment | 2 | No |
Custom variable | 3 | No |
Custom variable status | 4 | No |
Downtime | 5 | No |
Event handler | 6 | No |
Flapping status | 7 | No |
Host check | 8 | No |
Host dependency | 9 | No |
Host group | 10 | No |
Host group member | 11 | No |
Host | 12 | No |
Host parent | 13 | No |
Host status | 14 | No |
Instance | 15 | No |
Instance status | 16 | No |
Log entry | 17 | No |
Module | 18 | No |
Service check | 19 | No |
Service dependency | 20 | No |
Service group | 21 | No |
Service group member | 22 | No |
Service | 23 | No |
Service status | 24 | No |
Instance Configuration | 25 | No |
Responsive Instance | 26 | No |
Pb Service | 27 | Yes |
Pb Adaptive Service | 28 | Yes |
Pb Service Status | 29 | Yes |
Pb Host | 30 | Yes |
Pb Adaptive Host | 31 | Yes |
Pb Host Status | 32 | Yes |
Pb Severity | 33 | Yes |
Pb Tag | 34 | Yes |
The table below lists event types available in the Storage category. They have to be mixed with the BBDO_STORAGE_TYPE category to get a BBDO event ID.
Type | Value | Uses Protobuf |
metric | 1 | No |
rebuild | 2 | No |
remove_graph | 3 | No |
status | 4 | No |
index mapping | 5 | No |
metric mapping | 6 | No |
Pb Rebuild Message | 7 | Yes |
Pb Remove Graph Message | 8 | Yes |
The table below lists event types available in the BBDO category. They have to be mixed with the BBDO_BBDO_TYPE category to get a BBDO event ID.
Type | Value |
version_response | 1 |
ack | 2 |
The table below lists event types available in the BAM category. They have to be mixed with the BBDO_BAM_TYPE category to get a BBDO event ID.
Type | Value |
ba_status | 1 |
kpi_status | 2 |
meta_service_status | 3 |
ba_event | 4 |
kpi_event | 5 |
ba_duration_event | 6 |
dimension_ba_event | 7 |
dimension_kpi_event | 8 |
dimension_ba_bv_relation_event | 9 |
dimension_bv_event | 10 |
dimension_truncate_table_signal | 11 |
rebuild | 12 |
dimension_timeperiod | 13 |
dimension_ba_timeperiod_relation | 14 |
dimension_timeperiod_exception | 15 |
dimension_timeperiod_exclusion | 16 |
inherited_downtime | 17 |
The table below lists event types available in the Dumper category. They have to be mixed with the BBDO_DUMPER_TYPE category to get a BBDO event ID.
Type | Value |
Dump | 1 |
Timestamp cache | 2 |
Remove | 3 |
Reload | 4 |
Db dump | 5 |
Db dump committed | 6 |
Entries Ba | 7 |
Entries Ba type | 8 |
Entries boolean | 9 |
Entries host | 10 |
Entries kpi | 11 |
Entries organization | 12 |
Entries service | 13 |
Directory dump | 14 |
Directory dump committed | 15 |
The table below lists event types available in the Extcmd category. They have to be mixed with the BBDO_EXTCMD_TYPE category to get a BBDO event ID.
Type | Value |
Command request | 1 |
Command result | 2 |
Event serialization
Most events listed in each event category have a mapping used to serialize their content. Indeed their content is directly serialized in the packet payload data, one field after the other in the order described in the mapping tables. They are encoded following rules described in the types paragraph.
Let's take an example and see how an host check event gets sent in a packet. Its mapping is as follow :
Property | Type | Value in example |
active_checks_enabled | boolean | True. |
check_type | short integer | 0 (active host check). |
host_id | unsigned integer | 42 |
next_check | time | 1365080225 |
command_line | string | ./my_plugin -H |
And gives the following packet with values in hexadecimal.
| CRC16 | SIZE | ID |
| 0A | 23 | 00 | 28 | 00 | 01 | 00 | 09 |
| active_| | |
| checks_| check_type | host_id | =>
| enabled| | |
| 01 | 00 | 00 | 00 | 00 | 00 | 2A | 00 |
=> next_check | =>
| 00 | 00 | 00 | 51 | 5D | 78 | A1 | 2E |
=> command_line =>
| 2F | 6D | 79 | 5F | 70 | 6C | 75 | 67 |
=> command_line =>
| 69 | 6E | 20 | 2D | 48 | 20 | 31 | 32 |
=> command_line |
| 37 | 2E | 30 | 2E | 30 | 2E | 31 | 00 |
Connection establishment
BBDO is a protocol which can negotiate features. When establishing a connection, a version_response packet is sent by the client. It provides its supported BBDO protocol version and extensions. The server replies to this message with another version_response packet containing its own supported protocol version and extensions. If protocol versions match, then starts the extensions negotiation.
Currently two extensions are supported : TLS and COMPRESSION. Right after the version_response packet, each peer searches in the other peer's extension list the extensions it supports. When one is found, it is enabled (ie. it immediately starts).
Let's have C the client and S the server. The following steps are performed sequentially.
- C initiates a TCP connection with S and connection gets established
- C sends a version_response packet with the following attributes
- protocol major : 1
- protocol minor : 0
- protocol patch : 0
- extensions : "TLS COMPRESSION"
- S sends its own version_response packet in reply to C's
- protocol major : 1
- protocol minor : 0
- protocol patch : 0
- extensions : "TLS COMPRESSION"
- C and S determine which extensions they have in common (here TLS and COMPRESSION)
- if order is important, extensions are applied in the order provided by the server
- TLS connection is initiated, handshake performed, ...
- compression connection is opened
- now data transmitted between C and S is both encrypted and compressed !
So called 'clever' clients/servers can acknowledge packets sent their ways. This is used by Centreon Broker to insure every packet is accounted for, and to start retention procedure in case the other side is unresponsive.
To do so, the other side must periodically send a BBDO 'ack' packet back the same TCP channel. This packet has the number of packet acknowledged by the client.
'Clever'/'Dumb' modes are configured on each TCP output, on a per Broker basis.
Switching versions of BBDO
BBDO must have the same version for all servers in your architecture (central server, remote servers, pollers).
If you use BBDO v2 with this version of Centreon, you will not be able to use the Resources Status page.
If you want to switch versions of BBDO (either switch from v3 to v2 or from v2 to v3), follow this procedure:
On the central server, go to Configuration > Pollers > Broker configuration.
Select the server you want, and on the General tab, in section Advanced options, select the version of BBDO you want from the BBDO version list. Then click on Save.
Do the same with all the elements listed on page Configuration > Pollers > Broker configuration.
Restart gorgoned on each server:
systemctl restart gorgoned
Deploy the configuration for all servers.
Stop the following services:
On the central server and on remote servers:
systemctl stop cbd centengine
On the pollers:
systemctl stop centengine
Start the following services:
On the central server and on remote servers:
systemctl start cbd centengine
On the pollers:
systemctl start centengine
You can check in the logs which version of BBDO is active for a server:
central broker:
tail /var/log/centreon-broker/central-{broker,rrd,module}-master.log
remote broker:
tail /var/log/centreon-broker/<remote_name>-{broker,rrd,module}-master.log
poller module:
tail /var/log/centreon-broker/<poller_name>-module.log
The following line states which version is used for each server:
[2022-05-17T14:53:44.828+00:00] [bbdo] [info] BBDO: peer is using protocol version 2.0.0, we're using version 2.0.0