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Version: 22.10


BSM + Centreon Integration Benefits

BSM Stream Connector sends events related data from Centreon to Micro Focus BSM (Business Service Management).

How it Works

  • Every time a service or a host's state is checked, the event passes through Centreon Broker, which uses the functions defined in the Stream Connector to send state changes to BSM.


  • Integration with BSM requires the ability to access a webservice on you BSM platform. Please contact your BSM expert for this part.
  • A Centreon account is required with either admin privileges or Export configuration and Broker configuration menu access in the WUI.
  • A root access in command-line interface on Centreon central server is required as well.


If you need help with this integration, depending on how you are using Centreon, you can:

Integration Walkthrough


Login as root on the Centreon central server using your favorite SSH client.

In case your Centreon central server must use a proxy server to reach the Internet, you will have to export the https_proxy environment variable and configure yum to be able to install everything.

export https_proxy=http://my.proxy.server:3128
echo "proxy=http://my.proxy.server:3128" >> /etc/yum.conf

Now that your Centreon central server is able to reach the Internet, you can run:

yum install -y lua-curl epel-release
yum install -y luarocks
luarocks install luaxml

This package is necessary for the script to run. Now let's download the script:

wget -O /usr/share/centreon-broker/lua/bsm_connector.lua
chmod 644 /usr/share/centreon-broker/lua/bsm_connector.lua

The BSM StreamConnnector is now installed on your Centreon central server!

Broker configuration

  1. Login to the Centreon WUI using an administrator account.
  2. Navigate to the Configuration > Pollers menu and select Broker configuration.
  3. Click on the central-broker-master broker configuration object and navigate to the Output tab.
  4. Add a new Generic - Stream connector output.
  5. Name it as you want (eg. BSM) and set the right path for the LUA script: /usr/share/centreon-broker/lua/bsm_connector.lua.
  6. The parameter http_server_url has to be set according to your BSM platforms characteristics:
  1. Save your configuration, then navigate to the Configuration > Pollers menu and select Pollers.
  2. Select the Central poller and click on Export configuration.
  3. Keep Generate Configuration Files and Run monitoring engine debug (-v) checked and select Move Export Files and then click on the Export button.
  4. Restart the cbd service:
systemctl restart cbd

Now your central server has loaded the BSM Stream Connector and has started to send data!

To make sure that everything goes fine, you should have a look at central-broker-master.log and stream-connector-bsm.log, both located in /var/log/centreon-broker.

Advanced configuration

Parameters table

NameTypeValue exampleExplanation
http_server_urlStringhttps://<my.bsm.server>:30005/bsmc/rest/events/<my-webservice>/URL of your BSM platform
http_proxy_stringStringhttp://your.proxy.server:3128Proxy string needed to reach the Internet in HTTP/HTTPS
source_ciStringCentreon (default value)Name used to identify the transmitter
log_levelNumber2 (default value)Verbosity level for logs 0: errors only 1: +warnings, 2: +verbose, 3: +debug
log_pathString/var/log/centreon-broker/my-custom-logfile.logLog file full path and name
max_buffer_sizeNumber1 (default value)Number of events to enqueue in buffer before sending
max_buffer_ageNumber5 (default value)Maximum number of seconds before sending an event when max_buffer_size hasn't been reached


  • The default value of 2 for log_level is fine for initial troubleshooting, but can generate a huge amount of logs if you monitor a lot of hosts. In order to get less log messages, you should tune this parameter.
  • The default value of 1 for max_buffer_size works fine and ensures the best response times. You might want to tune it (ie. increase it) if you have an important amount of data to send to BSM.

How to Uninstall

  1. Login to the Centreon WUI using an administrator account.
  2. Navigate to the Configuration > Pollers menu and select Broker configuration.
  3. Click on the central-broker-master broker configuration object and navigate to the Output tab.
  4. Delete the Generic - Stream connector output by clicking on the red circled cross at the end of the line.
  5. Save your configuration, then navigate to the Configuration > Pollers menu and select Pollers.
  6. Select the Central poller and click on Export configuration.
  7. Keep Generate Configuration Files and Run monitoring engine debug (-v) checked and select Move Export Files and then click on the Export button.
  8. Restart the cbd service:
systemctl restart cbd

The Stream Connector is not loaded anymore!

  1. Optionally, you can even delete the script file:
rm -f /usr/share/centreon-broker/lua/bsm_connector.lua