Known issues
Below is a list of known issues and/or bugs you may encounter. We try to provide workarounds. We apply fixes when necessary and are forever improving our software in order to solve any issues for future releases.
Centreon Webβ
Inconsistent results when monitoring a metaserviceβ
This issue may occur when you create a metaservice linked to monitored services, such as Ping services for instance. While the Ping services return correct results, the results received in the Detail panel for the metaservice may be inconsistent and return an unknown status with a message.
There is currently no workaround.
Environment variable not found: "hostCentreon"β
During a central server (or remote server) installation, an error message appears for a short time in the snackbar when accessing the wizard to complete the installation. The error message is the following:
The controller for URI "/centreon/api/latest/platform/versions" is not callable: Environment variable not found: "hostCentreon".
There is no workaround and this message does not prevent from finalizing the installation.
You have reached the maximum of id into centreon_storage.index_dataβ
Play the following query into MariaDB :
In your monitoring database :
ALTER TABLE index_data MODIFY id bigint unsigned AUTO_INCREMENT;
ALTER TABLE metrics MODIFY index_id bigint unsigned;
In your configuration database :
ALTER TABLE ods_view_details MODIFY index_id bigint unsigned;
ALTER TABLE virtual_metrics MODIFY index_id bigint unsigned;
Depending on your metrics volumes, this operation could be more or less long.
Autologin does not work with some pagesβ
Autologin is currently not supported on the following pages :
- Monitoring > Map (legacy excluded)
- Monitoring > Resources Status
- Configuration > Hosts > Discovery
- Configuration > Business Activity > Business Views
- Configuration > Business Activity > Business Activity
There is currently no workaround.
Anomaly Detectionβ
Filter in Resource Status issueβ
In the Resource Status view, you are not able to save a new filter of the Anomaly Detection type.
Cannot monitor an Anomaly Detection service linked to a metaserviceβ
When you create a metaservice with an Anomaly Detection service linked to it, you may not receive data for graphs and predictions.
There is currently no workaround.
Centreon MBIβ
You get some errors during daily import and statistic calculationβ
After updating MBI, you get an error similar to the following during the statistic calculation.
[Tue Jun 1 18:28:26 2021] [FATAL] mod_bi_hgservicemonthavailability insertion execute error : Out of range value for column 'mtbf' at row 1
[Tue Jun 1 18:28:26 2021] [FATAL] Program terminated with errors
This is due to a column update issue in the database.
- You need to execute a script to update database columns, by entering this command on the central server:
php /usr/share/centreon/www/modules/centreon-bi-server/tools/updateColumnsToBigint.php
- Then follow this procedure to rebuild missing reporting data.
Reports which contain graphs are emptyβ
This issue only affects MBI 22.10 on EL7.
Your central server is in HTTPS and the following graphs cannot be displayed when generating reports:
- Host-Graph-v2
- Hostgroup-Graph-v2
This issue is due to the missing link to the CA certificates file.
- Run the following commands as a root user:
Note that the path to the Java cacerts file depends on the version installed.
rm /usr/java/jdk-17/lib/security/cacerts
ln -s /etc/pki/ca-trust/extracted/java/cacerts /usr/java/jdk-17/lib/security/cacerts
Error during the ETL script executionβ
This issue is due to package changes and returns an error similar to the following one:
Can't open perl script "/usr/share/centreon-bi/etl/": No such file or folder
Run the following command as a root
or centreonBI
sed -i 's/_legacy//g' /usr/share/centreon-bi/bin/centreonBIETL
MBI does not work if databases have custom namesβ
There is currently no workaround.
The Report Parameters tab of a job is emptyβ
The Report Parameters tab of a job is empty (Reporting > Monitoring Business Intelligence > Jobs)
- Go to the Configuration tab of the job
- Select a different report design from the Report design list
- Select the original report design
- Go back to the Report Parameters tab
You have reached the maximum of id for servicemetric_id columnsβ
If you have a very large infrastructure, it is possible that the servicemetric_id
column size has been reached.
Depending on your data volume, this operation could be more or less long.
Connect in the reporting server
Disable cron job in
:#30 4 * * * root /usr/share/centreon-bi//bin/centreonBIETL -d >> /var/log/centreon-bi//centreonBIETL.log 2>&1
Execute the following queries in
database:ALTER TABLE mod_bi_metricdailyvalue MODIFY servicemetric_id BIGINT(20) UNSIGNED NOT NULL;
ALTER TABLE mod_bi_metrichourlyvalue MODIFY servicemetric_id BIGINT(20) UNSIGNED NOT NULL;
ALTER TABLE mod_bi_metricmonthcapacity MODIFY servicemetric_id BIGINT(20) UNSIGNED NOT NULL;
ALTER TABLE mod_bi_metriccentiledailyvalue MODIFY servicemetric_id BIGINT(20) UNSIGNED NOT NULL;
ALTER TABLE mod_bi_metriccentilemonthlyvalue MODIFY servicemetric_id BIGINT(20) UNSIGNED NOT NULL;
ALTER TABLE mod_bi_metriccentileweeklyvalue MODIFY servicemetric_id BIGINT(20) UNSIGNED NOT NULL;
Enable cron job in
:30 4 * * * root /usr/share/centreon-bi//bin/centreonBIETL -d >> /var/log/centreon-bi//centreonBIETL.log 2>&1
If the operation occured during the usual launch of the scheduled task, run the following command indicating the correct start and end dates:
/usr/share/centreon-bi/bin/centreonBIETL -rIEDP -s YYYY-MM-DD -e YYYY-MM-DD
Centreon BAMβ
New Business Activities configuration issueβ
Default levels for impact and ratio calculation methods are not set by default in new Business Activities configuration.
There is currently no workaround.