Upgrade Centreon HA from Centreon 20.10
This chapter describes how to upgrade your Centreon HA platform from version 20.10 to version 22.10.
Suspend cluster resources management
In order to avoid a failover of the cluster during the update, it is necessary to unmanage all Centreon resources, as well as MariaDB.
pcs property set maintenance-mode=true
Perform a backup
Be sure that you have fully backed up your environment for the following servers:
- Central server
- Database server
Update the RPM signing key
For security reasons, the keys used to sign Centreon RPMs are rotated regularly. The last change occurred on October 14, 2021. When upgrading from an older version, you need to go through the key rotation procedure, to remove the old key and install the new one.
Upgrade process
Update the Centreon repository
Run the following commands:
yum install -y yum-utils
yum-config-manager --add-repo https://packages.centreon.com/rpm-standard/22.10/el7/centreon-22.10.repo
WARNING: to avoid broken dependencies, please refer to the documentation of the additional modules to update the Centreon Business Repositories.
Upgrade PHP
Centreon 22.04 uses PHP in version 8.1.
First, you need to install the remi repository:
yum install -y yum-utils
yum install -y https://dl.fedoraproject.org/pub/epel/epel-release-latest-7.noarch.rpm
yum install -y https://rpms.remirepo.net/enterprise/remi-release-7.rpm
Then, you need to enable the php 8.1 repository!
yum-config-manager --enable remi-php81
Upgrade the Centreon solution
Please, make sure all users are logged out from the Centreon web interface before starting the upgrade procedure.
Clean yum cache:
yum clean all --enablerepo=*
Then upgrade all the components with the following command:
- HA 2 Nodes
- HA 4 Nodes
yum remove centreon-ha
yum update centreon\*
yum install centreon-ha-web centreon-ha-common
mv /etc/centreon-ha/centreon_central_sync.pm.rpmsave /etc/centreon-ha/centreon_central_sync.pm
mv /etc/centreon-ha/mysql-resources.sh.rpmsave /etc/centreon-ha/mysql-resources.sh
On the Central Servers:
yum remove centreon-ha
yum update centreon\*
yum install centreon-ha-web centreon-ha-common
mv /etc/centreon-ha/centreon_central_sync.pm.rpmsave /etc/centreon-ha/centreon_central_sync.pm
On the Database Servers:
yum remove centreon-ha
yum update centreon\*
yum install centreon-ha-common
mv /etc/centreon-ha/mysql-resources.sh.rpmsave /etc/centreon-ha/mysql-resources.sh
The PHP timezone should be set. Run the command on both Central Server nodes:
echo "date.timezone = Europe/Paris" >> /etc/php.d/50-centreon.ini
Replace Europe/Paris by your time zone. You can find the list of supported time zones here.
This section only applies if you customized your Apache configuration. When upgrading your platform, the Apache configuration file is not upgraded automatically: the new configuration file brought by the rpm does not replace the old file. You must copy the changes manually to your customized configuration file.
Run a diff between the old and the new Apache configuration files:
On the Central Servers:
diff -u /opt/rh/httpd24/root/etc/httpd/conf.d/10-centreon.conf /opt/rh/httpd24/root/etc/httpd/conf.d/10-centreon.conf.rpmnew
Before starting the web upgrade process, reload the Apache server with the following command:
systemctl stop rh-php72-php-fpm
systemctl start php-fpm
systemctl reload httpd24-httpd
- 10-centreon.conf (post upgrade): this file contains the custom configuration. It does not contain anthing new brought by the upgrade.
- 10-centreon.conf.rpmnew (post upgrade): this file is provided by the rpm; it does not contain any custom configuration.
For each difference between the files, assess whether you should copy it from 10-centreon.conf.rpmnew to 10-centreon.conf.
Then to perform the WEB UI upgrade, please follow the official documentation Only on the active central node.
On the passive central node, move the "install" directory to avoid getting the "upgrade" screen in the WUI in the event of a further exchange of roles.
mv /usr/share/centreon/www/install /var/lib/centreon/installs/install-update-YYYY-MM-DD
sudo -u apache /usr/share/centreon/bin/console cache:clear
Removing cron jobs
The RPM upgrade puts cron job back in place. Remove them to avoid concurrent executions:
rm -rf /etc/cron.d/centreon
rm -rf /etc/cron.d/centstorage
rm -f /etc/cron.d/centreon-ha-mysql
As you have deleted the centreon-ha-mysql cron, check that the following line appears in the server section of the /etc/my.cnf.d/server.cnf file:
If the line is not there, add it, then restart the ms_mysql resource:
pcs resource restart ms_mysql
Reset the permissions for centreon_central_sync resource
The RPM upgrade puts the permissions back in place on the Central servers. Change it using these commands:
chmod 775 /var/log/centreon-engine/
mkdir /var/log/centreon-engine/archives
chown centreon-engine: /var/log/centreon-engine/archives
chmod 775 /var/log/centreon-engine/archives/
find /var/log/centreon-engine/ -type f -exec chmod 664 {} \;
find /usr/share/centreon/www/img/media -type d -exec chmod 775 {} \;
find /usr/share/centreon/www/img/media -type f \( ! -iname ".keep" ! -iname ".htaccess" \) -exec chmod 664 {} \;
Cluster ugprade
Since Centreon 22.04, The mariaDB Replication is now based on GTID. It's necessary to destroy completely the cluster and configure back again with the latest version of Centreon and MariaDB Replication mechanismes.
Maintenance mode and backup
Perform a backup of the cluster using:
pcs config backup centreon_cluster
pcs config export pcs-commands | sed -e :a -e '/\\$/N; s/\\\n//; ta' | sed 's/-f tmp-cib.xml//' | egrep "create|group" | egrep -v "(mysql|php|cbd_rrd)" > centreon_pcs_command.sh
Check the file centreon_cluster.tar.bz2
exist before continuing this procedure.
ls -l centreon_cluster.tar.bz2
You should have a result like this:
-rw------- 1 root root 2777 May 3 17:49 centreon_cluster.tar.bz2
Then check the file centreon_pcs_command.sh, the export command may display some Warning lines but it's not blocking.
cat centreon_pcs_command.sh
The content should looks like this:
pcs resource create vip ocf:heartbeat:IPaddr2 broadcast=@VIP_BROADCAST_IPADDR@ cidr_netmask=@VIP_CIDR_NETMASK@ flush_routes=true ip=@VIP_IPADDR@ nic=@VIP_IFNAME@ op monitor interval=10s timeout=20s start interval=0s timeout=20s stop interval=0s timeout=20s meta target-role=started
pcs resource create http systemd:httpd24-httpd op monitor interval=5s timeout=20s start interval=0s timeout=40s stop interval=0s timeout=40s meta target-role=started
pcs resource create gorgone systemd:gorgoned op monitor interval=5s timeout=20s start interval=0s timeout=90s stop interval=0s timeout=90s meta target-role=started
pcs resource create centreon_central_sync systemd:centreon-central-sync op monitor interval=5s timeout=20s start interval=0s timeout=90s stop interval=0s timeout=90s meta target-role=started
pcs resource create cbd_central_broker systemd:cbd-sql op monitor interval=5s timeout=30s start interval=0s timeout=90s stop interval=0s timeout=90s meta target-role=started
pcs resource create centengine systemd:centengine op monitor interval=5s timeout=30s start interval=0s timeout=90s stop interval=0s timeout=90s meta multiple-active=stop_start target-role=started
pcs resource create centreontrapd systemd:centreontrapd op monitor interval=5s timeout=20s start interval=0s timeout=30s stop interval=0s timeout=30s meta target-role=started
pcs resource create snmptrapd systemd:snmptrapd op monitor interval=5s timeout=20s start interval=0s timeout=30s stop interval=0s timeout=30s meta target-role=started
pcs resource group add centreon vip http gorgone centreon_central_sync cbd_central_broker centengine centreontrapd snmptrapd
This file will be necessary to recreate all the ressources of your cluster.
Delete the resources
These command should run only the active central node:
- HA 2 Nodes
- HA 4 Nodes
pcs resource delete ms_mysql --force
pcs resource delete cbd_rrd --force
pcs resource delete php7 --force
pcs resource delete centreon --force
pcs resource delete ms_mysql --force
pcs resource delete vip_mysql --force
pcs resource delete cbd_rrd --force
pcs resource delete php7 --force
pcs resource delete centreon --force
Reconfigure MariaDB
It's necessary to modify the mysql configuration by editing the file /etc/my.cnf.d/server.cnf
On the 2 Central servers in HA 2 nodes On the 2 Database servers in HA 4 nodes.
Upgrading MariaDB
You have to uninstall then reinstall MariaDB to upgrade between major versions (i.e. to switch from version 10.3 to version 10.5).
WARNING : the following commands must be executed first on the active database node. Once the active database node is in 10.5, you can upgrade the passive database node.
Stop the mariadb service:
systemctl stop mariadb
Uninstall the current version:
rpm --erase --nodeps --verbose MariaDB-server MariaDB-client MariaDB-compat MariaDB-common
Install version 10.5:
yum install MariaDB-server-10.5\* MariaDB-client-10.5\* MariaDB-shared-10.5\* MariaDB-compat-10.5\* MariaDB-common-10.5\*
Replace the configuration:
mv /etc/my.cnf.d/server.cnf.rpmsave /etc/my.cnf.d/server.cnf
Start the mariadb service:
systemctl start mariadb
Launch the MariaDB upgrade process:
If your database is password-protected, enter:
mysql_upgrade -u <database_admin_user> -p
Example: if your database_admin_user is
, enter:mysql_upgrade -u root -p
Refer to the official documentation for more information or if errors occur during this last step.
Launch GTID replication
Run this command on the secondary database node:
mysqladmin -p shutdown
It is important to make sure that MariaDB is completely shut down. You will run this command and check that it returns no output:
ps -ef | grep mariadb[d]
Once the service is stopped on the secondary database node, you will run the synchronization script from the primary database node:
This script's output is very verbose and you can't expect to understand everything, so to make sure it went well, focus on the last lines of its output, checking that it looks like:
Umount and Delete LVM snapshot
Logical volume "dbbackupdatadir" successfully removed
Start MySQL Slave
Start Replication
Id User Host db Command Time State Info Progress
[variable number of lines]
The important thing to check is that Start MySQL Slave
and Start Replication
are present and that no errors follow it.
In addition, the output of this command must display only OK
The expected output is:
Connection Status '@CENTRAL_MASTER_NAME@' [OK]
Connection Status '@CENTRAL_SLAVE_NAME@' [OK]
Slave Thread Status [OK]
Position Status [OK]
Restart Centreon process
Then to restart all the processes on the active central node:
systemctl restart cbd-sql cbd gorgoned centengine centreontrapd
And on the passive central node:
systemctl restart cbd
Clean broker memory files
WARNING : perform this command only the passive central node.
Before resuming the cluster resources management, to avoid broker issues, cleanup all the .memory., .unprocessed. or .queue. files:
rm -rf /var/lib/centreon-broker/central-broker-master.memory*
rm -rf /var/lib/centreon-broker/central-broker-master.queue*
rm -rf /var/lib/centreon-broker/central-broker-master.unprocessed*
Recreate the cluster resources
To be run only on one central node:
WARNING: the syntax of the following command depends on the Linux Distribution you are using.
- RHEL 7
- CentOS 7
pcs resource create "ms_mysql" \
ocf:heartbeat:mariadb-centreon \
config="/etc/my.cnf.d/server.cnf" \
pid="/var/lib/mysql/mysql.pid" \
datadir="/var/lib/mysql" \
socket="/var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock" \
binary="/usr/bin/mysqld_safe" \
replication_user="@MARIADB_REPL_USER@" \
replication_passwd='@MARIADB_REPL_PASSWD@' \
test_user="@MARIADB_REPL_USER@" \
test_passwd="@MARIADB_REPL_PASSWD@" \
pcs resource create "ms_mysql" \
ocf:heartbeat:mariadb-centreon \
config="/etc/my.cnf.d/server.cnf" \
pid="/var/lib/mysql/mysql.pid" \
datadir="/var/lib/mysql" \
socket="/var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock" \
binary="/usr/bin/mysqld_safe" \
replication_user="@MARIADB_REPL_USER@" \
replication_passwd='@MARIADB_REPL_PASSWD@' \
test_user="@MARIADB_REPL_USER@" \
test_passwd="@MARIADB_REPL_PASSWD@" \
test_table='centreon.host' \
WARNING: the syntax of the following command depends on the Linux Distribution you are using.
- HA 2 Nodes
- HA 4 Nodes
- RHEL 7
- CentOS 7
pcs resource master ms_mysql \
master-node-max="1" \
clone_max="2" \
globally-unique="false" \
clone-node-max="1" \
pcs resource meta ms_mysql-master \
master-node-max="1" \
clone_max="2" \
globally-unique="false" \
clone-node-max="1" \
- RHEL 7
- CentOS 7
pcs resource master ms_mysql \
master-node-max="1" \
clone_max="2" \
globally-unique="false" \
clone-node-max="1" \
VIP Address of databases servers
pcs resource create vip_mysql \
ocf:heartbeat:IPaddr2 \
nic="@VIP_SQL_IFNAME@" \
cidr_netmask="@VIP_SQL_CIDR_NETMASK@" \
flush_routes="true" \
meta target-role="stopped" \
op start interval="0s" timeout="20s" \
stop interval="0s" timeout="20s" \
monitor interval="10s" timeout="20s"
pcs resource meta ms_mysql-master \
master-node-max="1" \
clone_max="2" \
globally-unique="false" \
clone-node-max="1" \
VIP Address of databases servers
pcs resource create vip_mysql \
ocf:heartbeat:IPaddr2 \
nic="@VIP_SQL_IFNAME@" \
cidr_netmask="@VIP_SQL_CIDR_NETMASK@" \
flush_routes="true" \
meta target-role="stopped" \
op start interval="0s" timeout="20s" \
stop interval="0s" timeout="20s" \
monitor interval="10s" timeout="20s"
PHP resource
pcs resource create "php" \
systemd:php-fpm \
meta target-role="started" \
op start interval="0s" timeout="30s" \
stop interval="0s" timeout="30s" \
monitor interval="5s" timeout="30s" \
RRD broker resource
pcs resource create "cbd_rrd" \
systemd:cbd \
meta target-role="started" \
op start interval="0s" timeout="90s" \
stop interval="0s" timeout="90s" \
monitor interval="20s" timeout="30s" \
Recreating the centreon resource group
bash centreon_pcs_command.sh
Recreating the constraint
- HA 2 Nodes
- HA 4 Nodes
pcs constraint colocation add master "ms_mysql-master" with "centreon"
pcs constraint order stop centreon then demote ms_mysql-master
In order to glue the Primary Database role with the Virtual IP, define a mutual Constraint:
pcs constraint colocation add "vip_mysql" with master "ms_mysql-master"
pcs constraint colocation add master "ms_mysql-master" with "vip_mysql"
Then recreate the Constraint that prevent Centreon Processes to run on Database nodes and vice-et-versa:
pcs constraint location centreon avoids @DATABASE_MASTER_NAME@=INFINITY @DATABASE_SLAVE_NAME@=INFINITY
pcs constraint location ms_mysql-master avoids @CENTRAL_MASTER_NAME@=INFINITY @CENTRAL_SLAVE_NAME@=INFINITY
pcs constraint location cbd_rrd-clone avoids @DATABASE_MASTER_NAME@=INFINITY @DATABASE_SLAVE_NAME@=INFINITY
pcs constraint location php-clone avoids @DATABASE_MASTER_NAME@=INFINITY @DATABASE_SLAVE_NAME@=INFINITY
Resuming the cluster resources management
Now that the update is finished, the resources can be managed again:
pcs property set maintenance-mode=false
pcs resource cleanup
Check cluster's health
You can monitor the cluster's resources in real time using the crm_mon -fr
option allows you to display all resources even if they are disable.
- HA 2 Nodes
- HA 4 Nodes
Stack: corosync
Current DC: @CENTRAL_SLAVE_NAME@ (version 1.1.20-5.el7_7.2-3c4c782f70) - partition with quorum
Last updated: Thu Feb 20 13:14:17 2020
Last change: Thu Feb 20 09:25:54 2020 by root via crm_attribute on @CENTRAL_MASTER_NAME@
2 nodes configured
14 resources configured
Active resources:
Master/Slave Set: ms_mysql-master [ms_mysql]
Clone Set: cbd_rrd-clone [cbd_rrd]
Resource Group: centreon
vip (ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr2): Started @CENTRAL_MASTER_NAME@
http (systemd:httpd24-httpd): Started @CENTRAL_MASTER_NAME@
gorgone (systemd:gorgoned): Started @CENTRAL_MASTER_NAME@
centreon_central_sync (systemd:centreon-central-sync): Started @CENTRAL_MASTER_NAME@
centreontrapd (systemd:centreontrapd): Started @CENTRAL_MASTER_NAME@
snmptrapd (systemd:snmptrapd): Started @CENTRAL_MASTER_NAME@
cbd_central_broker (systemd:cbd-sql): Started @CENTRAL_MASTER_NAME@
centengine (systemd:centengine): Started @CENTRAL_MASTER_NAME@
Clone Set: php-clone [php]
4 nodes configured
21 resources configured
Active resources:
Master/Slave Set: ms_mysql-master [ms_mysql]
vip_mysql (ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr2): Started @DATABASE_MASTER_NAME@
Clone Set: php-clone [php]
Clone Set: cbd_rrd-clone [cbd_rrd]
Resource Group: centreon
vip (ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr2): Started @CENTRAL_MASTER_NAME@
http (systemd:httpd24-httpd): Started @CENTRAL_MASTER_NAME@
gorgone (systemd:gorgoned): Started @CENTRAL_MASTER_NAME@
centreon_central_sync (systemd:centreon-central-sync): Started @CENTRAL_MASTER_NAME@
cbd_central_broker (systemd:cbd-sql): Started @CENTRAL_MASTER_NAME@
centengine (systemd:centengine): Started @CENTRAL_MASTER_NAME@
centreontrapd (systemd:centreontrapd): Started @CENTRAL_MASTER_NAME@
snmptrapd (systemd:snmptrapd): Started @CENTRAL_MASTER_NAME@
Disabled resources
When you do a crm_mon -fr
and you have a resource that is disable :
Master/Slave Set: ms_mysql-master [ms_mysql]
vip_mysql (ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr2): Stopped (disabled)
You must enable the resource with the following command :
pcs resource enable @RESSOURCE_NAME@
In our case :
pcs resource enable vip_mysql
Verifying the platform stability
You should now check that eveything works fine:
- Access to the web UI menus.
- Poller configuration generation + reload and restart method.
- Schedule immediate checks (Central + Pollers) , acknowledgements, downtimes, etc.
- Move resources or reboot active server and check again that everything is fine.