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Version: 23.04

Slack notifications

You can post notifications directly to a Slack channel using a Slack incoming webhook and a custom notification command in Centreon.

Configuring Slack notifications

Step 1: Create a Slack webhook

Follow Slack's official documentation to set up an incoming webhook in the channel you want. Here is a summary:

  1. Log in to Slack and access the workspace and channel where you want the notifications to be posted.
  2. Click the 3 vertical dots in the top right corner, then select Edit settings/Modifier les paramètres.
  3. On the Integrations tab, click Add an app.
  4. In the Pre-approved apps for <your_organization> / Applications préapprouvées pour <votre organisation> list, find Incoming webooks and then click Install. A new page opens in your browser.
  5. Click Request configuration and fill in the corresponding form. When you click Submit request, Slack notifies you that your request has been sent to your admins for approval.
  6. Slack notifies you when your request has been approved by your admin: click Go to Slack marketplace.
  7. In the web page that opens, click Add to Slack.
  8. Select the channel in which you want the notifications to be posted, then click Add incoming webhooks integration.
    • You can now retrieve the Webhook URL you will need to use in the command in Centreon.
    • Define the name for your app/integration and the corresponding icon: these will appear when you hover over a notification.
  9. At the bottom of the page, click Save settings.
    • The page also gives you help on how to customize the contents of your notifications.
    • To access this page again later, click the name of your integration next to the message added an integration to this channel:, or click the name of a notification you received via this webhook.

Step 2: Install the Centreon Slack notifications plugin

  1. Install Git on each poller that will post notifications to Slack.
  2. On each poller, execute the following commands:
git clone /usr/lib/centreon/plugins/git-plugins

Step 3: Create notification commands

  1. Go to Configuration > Commands > Notifications, then click Add.

  2. Create a command that will post notifications for hosts and a command for services (replace the sample values by yours):

    • Example for a host:
    $CENTREONPLUGINS$/git-plugins/src/ --plugin=notification::slack::plugin --mode alert --slack-url='' --slack-channel='#your_slack_channel' --slack-username='Centreon notifications' --slack-emoji=':ghost:' --host-name='$HOSTNAME$' --host-state='$HOSTSTATE$' --host-output='$HOSTOUTPUT$' --priority='$_HOSTCRITICALITY_LEVEL$'
    • Example for a service:
    $CENTREONPLUGINS$/git-plugins/src/ --plugin=notification::slack::plugin --mode alert --slack-url='' --slack-channel='#your_slack_channel' --slack-username='Centreon notifications' --slack-emoji=':ghost:' --host-name='$HOSTNAME$' --service-description='$SERVICEDESC$' --service-state='$SERVICESTATE$' --service-output='$SERVICEOUTPUT$' --priority='$_SERCVICECRITICALITY_LEVEL$'
  • --slack-url: the webhook URL you retrieved at the end of step 1.
  • --slack-channel: the name of the channel where you want the notifications to be posted.
  • --slack-username: the name that will be displayed in Slack as the author of the posts. This is just a label, not an actual Slack username.

Step 4: Configure the user and host

  1. Go to Configuration > Users > Contacts/Users.
  2. Create a dedicated user (e.g., slack) and in the Host Notification Commands and Service Notification Commands fields, select the commands your have created at step 3. Also select values for the Host/service Notification Options and Host/service Notification Period fields.
  3. For the hosts you want, on the Notification tab, in the Linked contacts field, select the dedicated user you just created.
  4. Deploy the configuration. A notification will now be posted to Slack when the status changes you have configured go to HARD.