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Version: 23.04

Stream connectors

Stream connectors transfer in real time the flow of monitoring data coming from the Centreon platform to a third-party tool. This flow can contain events or metrics.

Release notes



  • Splunk Metrics - Fixed an issue with max_buffer_size parameter in Splunk stream connector.
  • Clickhouse - Added a protection on metric names containing spaces.
  • InfluxdDB Metrics - Added a protection on metric names containing spaces.
  • Centreon library: sc_macro - Fixed an issue with _scshort flag leading to the macro name of an event being displayed instead of its value.


  • Canopsis Events - Enhanced a lot of functionalities to catch up with the new version of Canopsis (24.04).
  • Centreon library: sc_event - Added a new parameter allowing a delta between timestamps, to fix an issue with the notification of a host status change.
  • Centreon library: sc_logger - Removed the allow_insecure_connection parameter to convert it to verify_certificate (working the opposite way).
  • Centreon library: sc_params - Added a new verify_certificate parameter (and deprecated allow_insecure_connection).


  • All stream connectors - Added additional debug information when an issue occurs while sending data.
  • Influxdb2 Metrics - Added the possibility to send metric_id.



  • Elastic Metrics - Made elastic username and password optional.
  • Elastic Metrics - Added min/max property with thresholds (warning/critical) in the template.
  • Centreon library: sc_params - Added method to validate Lua patterns and build a table of patterns to compensate the lack of alternation operator (commonly known as | in POSIX regex).



  • Centreon library: sc_common - Adapted some event types (downtime, acknowledgement and ba_status) to the new bbdo3 protocol (introduced with the Centreon 23.10 release).



  • InfluxDB2 Metrics - Initial release of InfluxDB2 Metrics.


