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Version: 23.10


This lets you set the parameters needed by Centreon to interact with Gorgone.

Go to Administration > Parameters > Gorgone.


  • The Enable Broker statistics collection field enables the retrieval of statistics from the Centreon Broker.
  • The Timeout value for Gorgone commands field can be used to define a global timeout for commands run by Gorgone.
  • The Illegal characters for Gorgone commands field lets you define characters that will be removed from commands forwarded by the process.
  • The IP address or hostname field lets you define the IP Address or hostname to communicate with Gorgone API.
  • The Port field lets you define the port to communicate with Gorgone API.
  • The Username field lets you define the username used to connect to Gorgone API.
  • The Password field lets you define the password used to connect to Gorgone API.
  • Use SSL/TLS lets you define whether SSL/TLS must be used to communicate with Gorgone API.
  • Allow self signed certificate lets you define whether self-signed certificates are allowed.