Introduction to the migration process
Migration procedures apply when you wish to install your Centreon on a different server (typically, to change from an unsupported OS to a supported OS). You need to install a new OS and a new Centreon platform, then migrate your old data to the new platform. You may need to upgrade your version of Centreon at the same time, if yours is no longer supported.
Migrate from an EL-type OS to another EL-type OS (from a Centreon 18.10 or newer)
Migrate from an EL-type OS to Debian 11
Migrate from a Centreon 3.4 platform
Nagios Reader to Centreon CLAPI
Nagios Reader to Centreon CLAPI is a free and open source project to analyze
Migrate a platform with Poller Display module
Migrate your Centreon Central server
Migrating from Centreon Centcore
Follow this procedure to migrate from Centreon Centcore to Centreon Gorgone.