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Version: 23.10

Creating a geographic view

This topic provides information about how to create geographic views from the Centreon MAP interface.

The display of the Add a new Geographic view button on the Map page means that you are allowed to create a geographic view and that you belong to an access group that is granted the creator role.


In order to apply geographic coordinates while configuring a new geographic view, it is necessary to provide them on the Extended infos tab corresponding to the resource you want to monitor (a host, a hostgroup or a business activity).

For example, to fill in geographic coordinates for the Central host:

  1. Go to Configuration > Hosts > Hosts. Then click the Central host.
  2. Click the Host Extended Infos tab.
  3. Fill in the Geographic coordinates field with the Latitude, Longitude format. Then click Save.

Create a geographic view

  1. In the Monitoring > Map page, click the Add a new Geographic view button located in the Geographic views section.

  2. Fill in the Add a new geographic view property:

    • Name: provide a name to the geographic view.
  3. Click Add. The new view is added to the Geographic views section. Click it to complete its configuration.

  4. Click the Edit button and fill in the Edit view parameters.

  5. Click Edit to confirm the parameters.

Additional information

How resources are displayed

When a resource (host, hostgroup or business activity) is positioned on a geographic view, it is displayed as a circle whose color is defined using the following rules:

  • Host: worst state between the host and its services.
  • Hostgroups: worst state of hosts belonging to the hostgroups.
  • Business activity: current status.

Worst state order: Critical (red) > Down (red) > Warning(orange) > Unknown(gray) > Unreachable(gray) > Ok(green) > Up(green) > Pending(blue)


When multiple resources are geographically close and you are at a "certain" zoom level, then they are grouped into one single circle displaying two elements:

  • Status of the worst object (displayed as a color between green, orange, red and gray).
  • Number of resources in this state.

This behavior can be disabled in the global Centreon Map options, by setting the Clustering mode option to No.

Blinking resources

If a resource is in a "non-ok" state, it blinks. This behavior can be disabled in the global Centreon Map options by setting the Blink markers option to No.

Datalayers on geographic views

Centreon MAP allows you to display additional data layers on maps to add context to your real time IT infrastructure status.

First you need to add data layers in Centreon Map options, in the Data Layers geographic services section. Then, if the data layer is enabled, you can make it visible or not by checking the dedicated layer using the top left icon.