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Version: 23.10

MAP troubleshooting

This chapter shows some guidelines on how to troubleshoot your MAP installation.

"Failed to authenticate" error when connecting to the MAP homepage


A "Failed to authenticate" error occurs in the MAP homepage when trying to connect to the Centreon MAP service.


The credentials used by the Web interface user (defined during the installation) to connect to the MAP module are no longer valid because they have been changed, probably due to a password expiration.


You can update the password by accessing this file: /etc/centreon-map/

MAP configuration is not working in HTTPS


The MAP configuration is not working. This issue occurs when the MAP module is installed on the Centreon central server while the MAP platform is secured in HTTPS.


The MAP configuration is not set in TLS.


If you are using IPv6, you need to force the MAP server to use IPv4.

  1. Go to the /etc/centreon-map/centreon-map.conf file.

  2. Edit the file by adding the following option:

    JAVA_OPTS=" -XX:+HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryError -XX:HeapDumpPath=/var/log/centreon-map -Dcentreon-map.signing-key=8uT4BM1RsXRmIPQbTEazUAhQHtyM7xZ4nlFMIUqQ7lRkbWz24yemkGs9tS4eOwDfF -Dcentreon-map.access-token-validity-seconds=15552000 -Xms512m -Xmx4G"

Make sure you installed the correct RPMs

  1. Run the following command:

    dnf info centreon-map-web-client
    dnf info centreon-map-server-engine
  2. In the output, Repository should read centreon-stable-noarch. If this is not the case, you do not have the correct packages installed. Do the following :

    sudo dnf install centreon-map-web-client

Increase the logs level

  1. To increase the logs level, edit the /etc/centreon-map/map-log.xml file by changing the following entries to INFO:

    <logger name="" level="INFO" />
    <logger name="org.springframework" level="INFO" />
    <logger name="org.springframework.web" level="INFO" />
    <logger name="org.apache" level="INFO" />
  2. Restart your centreon-map-engine server:

    systemctl restart centreon-map-engine

Run our diagnostic tool

  1. Run the following script:

    cd /etc/centreon-map

    All entries should be set to OK or INFO.

  2. Try to solve any errors using the guidelines below.

If you still have an error, send us the complete output of the script (see the Still stuck? section).

Here are the main errors that you can encounter:

  • Database connection or authentication: if any of these are not OK, check your credentials, network, and mysql users.

    ########## Database connection ##########

    [ok] Connection to centreon
    [ok] Connection to centreon_storage
    [ok] Connection to centreon_map
  • Connection to broker output: if this is not OK, check broker output configuration, network, and TLS configuration (if used).

    ########## Broker connection ##########

    [ok] Connection to 5758 port
  • Connection or authentication from MAP NG to central server: if this is not OK, check your credentials, network, proxies, and TLS configuration (if used).

    ########## Authentication ##########

    [ok] Centreon Central authentication using user admin

Debug problems with the web interface

  1. Make sure the URL specified in Administration > Extensions > MAP > Options is reachable (both reachable and resolvable) from the computer accessing the web interface.

  2. Check the status of MAP by opening the following URL in the browser (use the same values for MAP_IP_ADDRESS and MAP_PORT as the ones defined in Administration > Extensions > MAP > Options).



    The result should be as follows:

    "status": "UP"

    If not, send us a screenshot of the error (see the Still stuck? section).

Still stuck?

If you still need help, please contact the Centreon support team with the basic information about how Centreon MAP is installed.

Here is an example for a standard installation:

CentralMAPMAP (Legacy)
Is there a direct connection between this element and the central (are they on the same network?)n/aYY
Is this element installed on the same server as the central?n/aYN
Is HTTPS enabled?YYY
Is it a new installation?NYN

Output of

See above Run our diagnostic tool and send us the complete output of the script.

Provide the following log files (default paths):

  • Centreon MAP server:

  • Centreon Central server:


Screenshots from the web interface

If you encounter issues on the web interface, please provide us with screenshots of the interface with the error, with the browser Dev tool opened on the following tabs:

  • Network tab (F12 key), if possible filtered on failing requests.
  • Console tab (F12 key), if possible filtered on errors.

Output of yum list command

Run the following commands and send us their output:

  • On the central:

    yum list centreon-map-web-client --showduplicates -q
  • On the server where centreon-map-engine is installed:

    yum list centreon-map-engine --showduplicates -q