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Version: 23.10

EasyVista RestAPI

The EasyVista Open Tickets provider uses the EasyVista Rest API to open incidents about your monitoring alerts.


  • Before going any further, make sure that you have correctly set up Centreon Open Tickets on your Centreon instance.

  • Then you need to configure Open Tickets in order for resources (hosts and services) to receive a ticket number.

Installing the EasyVistaRest provider

  1. Download the EasyVistaRest folder into /usr/share/centreon/www/modules/centreon-open-tickets/providers on the central server, or a remote server.

  2. Edit the /usr/share/centreon/www/modules/centreon-open-tickets/providers/register.php file by adding a line for EasyVistaRest at the end, as follows:

    $register_providers['RequestTracker2'] = 12;
    $register_providers['Itop'] = 13;
    $register_providers['EasyVistaRest'] = 14;

Configuring your EasyVista server

You may need to configure your EasyVista server so that it can receive data from Centreon. Please refer to EasyVista's documentation. Make sure EasyVista is able to receive data sent by Centreon: flows must not be blocked by EasyVista's configuration or by a security equipment.

Configuring the connector in Centreon

  1. In Centreon, go to Configuration > Notification > Rules to configure Centreon Open Tickets. This opens the Rules form.

  2. Click Add and enter a new Rule name for EasyVistaRest.

  3. Select EasyVistaRest in the Provider list.

Set mandatory parameters

You must enter the following parameters in the Easyvista Rest Api section:

  • Address: IP address of the EasyVista server you want to open tickets on.
  • API path
  • Account: user account to access the API.
  • Bearer token or account password: the use of an API token (Bearer token) is recommended but you still can set a standard authentication. If you set a Bearer token, refer to the EasyVista documentation.
  • Use token: enter 0 if you set a standard authentication.

Add EasyVista custom fields

If you have created custom fields in EasyVista, you must create them in Centreon too.

Your custom fields will appear in the pop up that will allow you to open a ticket. You must use EasyVista's specific syntax: the name of a custom field must begin with e_.

In this procedure, we will add the e_city field.

Add the field to the form template

  1. In the Easyvista Rest Api section, click +Add a new entry.

  2. In the Argument list, select Custom Field.

  3. Fill in the Value using the following format: {$select.e_city.value} (with e_city in this example).

    The element e_city must be identical to the EasyVista ID.

    The element .value can be replaced with .placeholder, see this step.

  4. Add as many entries as you need.

Define the type of the field

Now you need to define the type of the argument you previously added. As you have added custom fields, the argument should have the custom type.

  1. In the Common section, click +Add a new entry in the Lists parameter.
  2. Following our example, enter:
    • e_city in the Id field,
    • City in the Label field (this will be the label for the dropdown list in the ticket creation pop-up),
    • Custom in the Type field.

      Ensure the Id is identical to what you entered in the custom field above: e_city in this case.

Define possible values

Now the custom field is configured, you need to associate possible values to it. This is the list of values users will see in Centreon when opening a ticket. In this case, you will define the possible values for e_city.

For the value you set previously in the Argument field:

  • if you specified {$select.e_city.value}: the name of the value parameter will be sent to EasyVista,
  • if you specified {$select.e_city.placeholder}: the name of the label parameter will be sent to EasyVista. The Label field will be the one users will see in the value selection list when opening the ticket.
  1. In the Custom list definition, click +Add a new entry.
  2. Fill in the Value (for instance the zip code of the city) and Label (for instance the name of the city) parameters.
  3. Add as many new entries as you need. In this case, this would be several cities with their zip code and name.

Set filters for assets

All information sent from Centreon to EasyVista comes from Centreon. The only exception may be assets (equipments, configuration items and monitored resources) that can be retrieved from EasyVista APIs.

The filter field will have the following format (this is an example): search=field:value1,field:value2 (see the EasyVista documentation).

Follow this procedure if you need to import assets from EasyVista:

  1. In the Common section, click +Add a new entry in the Lists parameter.
  2. Fill in the parameters as follows (this is an example):
    • Id
    • Label: Asset
    • Type: Asset
    • Filter: search=field:value

Testing the connector

To help you analyze problems, use the following curl commands to test the stream connector.

Note that you must adapt the following commands with your own values. For instance, <easy_vista_address> should be replaced with the address of your EasyVista server.

The commands below assume that you are using the Bearer token authentication method. If you use the standard authentication method (user and password), you need to replace -H 'Authorization: Bearer with -u ':'.

The commands below are given as examples.

Test the opening of a ticket

curl -X POST -k 'https://<easy_vista_address>/api/v1/requests' -H 'Content-Type:
application/json' -H 'Authorization: Bearer <token>' -d '{"requests":

This is an example. See the EasyVista documentation.

Test the closing of a ticket

curl -X PUT -k 'https://<easy_vista_address>/api/v1/requests/<ticket_id>' -H
'Content-Type: application/json' -H 'Authorization: Bearer <token>' -d '{"closed":

Retrieve assets

  • With filter:

    curl -X GET -k 'https://<easy_vista_address>/api/v1/assets/?fields=asset_tag,HREF'
    -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -H 'Authorization: Bearer <token>'
  • Without filter:

    curl -X GET -k 'https://<easy_vista_address>/api/v1/assets/?
    fields=asset_tag,HREF&search=field:value' -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -H
    'Authorization: Bearer <token>'