Slack notifications
You can post notifications directly to a Slack channel using a Slack incoming webhook and a custom notification command in Centreon.
Configuring Slack notifications
Step 1: Create a Slack webhook
Follow Slack's official documentation to set up an incoming webhook in the channel you want. Here is a summary:
- Log in to Slack and access the workspace and channel where you want the notifications to be posted.
- Click the 3 vertical dots in the top right corner, then select Edit settings/Modifier les paramètres.
- On the Integrations tab, click Add an app.
- In the Pre-approved apps for <your_organization> / Applications préapprouvées pour <votre organisation> list, find Incoming webooks and then click Install. A new page opens in your browser.
- Click Request configuration and fill in the corresponding form. When you click Submit request, Slack notifies you that your request has been sent to your admins for approval.
- Slack notifies you when your request has been approved by your admin: click Go to Slack marketplace.
- In the web page that opens, click Add to Slack.
- Select the channel in which you want the notifications to be posted, then click Add incoming webhooks integration.
- You can now retrieve the Webhook URL you will need to use in the command in Centreon.
- Define the name for your app/integration and the corresponding icon: these will appear when you hover over a notification.
- At the bottom of the page, click Save settings.
- The page also gives you help on how to customize the contents of your notifications.
- To access this page again later, click the name of your integration next to the message added an integration to this channel:, or click the name of a notification you received via this webhook.
Step 2: Install the Centreon Slack notifications plugin
- Install Git on each poller that will post notifications to Slack.
- On each poller, execute the following commands:
git clone /usr/lib/centreon/plugins/git-plugins
Step 3: Create notification commands
Go to Configuration > Commands > Notifications, then click Add.
Create a command that will post notifications for hosts and a command for services (replace the sample values by yours):
- Example for a host:
$CENTREONPLUGINS$/git-plugins/src/ --plugin=notification::slack::plugin --mode alert --slack-url='' --slack-channel='#your_slack_channel' --slack-username='Centreon notifications' --slack-emoji=':ghost:' --host-name='$HOSTNAME$' --host-state='$HOSTSTATE$' --host-output='$HOSTOUTPUT$' --priority='$_HOSTCRITICALITY_LEVEL$'
- Example for a service:
$CENTREONPLUGINS$/git-plugins/src/ --plugin=notification::slack::plugin --mode alert --slack-url='' --slack-channel='#your_slack_channel' --slack-username='Centreon notifications' --slack-emoji=':ghost:' --host-name='$HOSTNAME$' --service-description='$SERVICEDESC$' --service-state='$SERVICESTATE$' --service-output='$SERVICEOUTPUT$' --priority='$_SERCVICECRITICALITY_LEVEL$'
- --slack-url: the webhook URL you retrieved at the end of step 1.
- --slack-channel: the name of the channel where you want the notifications to be posted.
- --slack-username: the name that will be displayed in Slack as the author of the posts. This is just a label, not an actual Slack username.
Step 4: Configure the user and host
- Go to Configuration > Users > Contacts/Users.
- Create a dedicated user (e.g., slack) and in the Host Notification Commands and Service Notification Commands fields, select the commands your have created at step 3. Also select values for the Host/service Notification Options and Host/service Notification Period fields.
- For the hosts you want, on the Notification tab, in the Linked contacts field, select the dedicated user you just created.
- Deploy the configuration. A notification will now be posted to Slack when the status changes you have configured go to HARD.