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Version: 23.10

Chart management

Centreon can be used to generate graphs from monitoring information. There are two types of graph:

  • Performance graphs serve to view the evolution of services intuitively. Example: filling level of a hard disk, network traffic, etc.
  • History graphs (or status graphs) are used to view the evolution of the statuses of a service.

Performance graphs always have a time period for the x-axis and a unit as the y-axis (volts, bytes, etc.). History graphs always have a time period for the x-axis, and their y-axes do not vary. Only the color of the graph can be used to view the status of the object:

  • Green for OK status
  • Orange for WARNING status
  • Red for CRITICAL status
  • Gray for UNKNOWN status

Example of performance graph:


Performance graphs

There are several ways to view performance graphs:

  • Viewing the graph in the list of services, from Monitoring > Status Details > Services menu, by mouseover on the icon image
  • Viewing the graphs from the host' detail page by clicking View graphs for host
  • Viewing the graph from the service details page
  • From the Monitoring > Performances > Graphs menu to view multiple graphs

Status graphs

In the same way as for the performance graphs, there are several ways of accessing status history graphs:

  • From the service' details page
  • From the Monitoring > Performances > Graphs menu, by first selecting a specific service.

Viewing multiple graphs

To view all graphs, go to the Monitoring > Performances > Graphs menu.


This page offers several selection options as well as filtering options:

  • The Chart option lets you select the chart you want to display
  • The Period option lets you select a predefined the time window to display the data
  • The From and To fields let you select a manual time window to display the data
  • The Filter by Host option lets you filter the Chart list by presenting only the graphics linked to the selected resources
  • The Filter by Hostgroup option lets you filter the Chart list by presenting only the graphics linked to the selected resources
  • The Filter by Servicegroup option lets you filter the Chart list by presenting only the graphics linked to the selected resources

Several actions are possible on the page:

  • To refresh the data manually by clicking the icon image
  • To automatically refresh the data by clicking the icon image and by selecting a predefined period
  • To display charts on 1, 2 or 3 columns by clicking the associated icon image

Several actions are possible on each graph:

  • Split chart: separates multiple curves of a graph into multiple graphs, each containing one curve
  • Display multiple periods: displays the graph over a period of 1 day, 1 week, 1 month, 1 year
  • To export the graph in a CSV format by clicking the icon image or in PNG by clicking the icon image
  • To move forward in time by clicking the icon image or backward by clicking the icon image
  • It is also possible to zoom in on a time period by clicking the graph and then selecting a time window:
