Centreon Open Source
In this chapter, you can find all the changelogs concerning Centreon Open Source.
It is very important when you update your system to refer to this section in order to learn about behavior changes or major changes that have been made on this version. This will inform you about the impact of installing these versions on the features you use or the specific developments that you have built on your platform (modules, widgets, plugins).
If you have feature requests or want to report a bug, please go to our Github.
Read more about version 23.10 in our blog post.
Centreon Webβ
Release date: February 10, 2025
Security fixes
- [Event Logs] Fixed access issue with non admin users.
Release date: January 27, 2025
- [API] Added missing configuration change logs for host severities configuration.
- [API] Added missing configuration change logs for service severities configuration.
- [API] Added missing configuration change logs for host template configuration.
- [API] Added missing configuration change logs written when the configuration of services is deployed.
Bug fixes
- [Authentication] Fixed an issue preventing LDAP users with more than one email address to log in to Centreon.
Security fixes
- [Security] Fixed a vulnerability in the contact creation form.
- [Security] Fixed SQLi in "Host Monitoring" widget in Custom Views, for authenticated users having sufficient rights to export data in CSV.
- [Security] Fixed SQLi in "Hostgroup Monitoring" widget in Custom Views, for authenticated users having sufficient rights to export data in CSV.
- [Security] Fixed SQLi in "Service Monitoring" widget in Custom Views, for authenticated users having sufficient rights to edit the widget.
- [Security] Updated Symfony Security-Http component.
Release date: January 9, 2025
- [API] Added missing configuration change logs for timeperiods configuration.
- [Install] Added 23.10 support for unattended script.
- [UX] Aligned the Centreon logo in the "Lost in space" page.
Bug fixes
- [Action Log] Fixed an issue on actions details column in Action Log.
- [API] Time period definitions containing the value 00:00-00:00 are now correctly taken into account.
- [Authentication] Fixed an issue with SSO authentication with SAML that occurred when users had a legacy page as default page.
- [Core] Changed log file for the cron job that removed outdated tokens.
- [Custom Views] Fixed an issue with how the edit widget pencil icon was displayed.
- [Custom Views] Fixed an issue preventing some filters from functioning in the "Hostgroup monitoring" and "Host monitoring" widgets.
Security fixes
- [Security] Fixed an issue on virtual metrics' RPN field.
- [Security] Fixed a security issue in media binary.
- [Security] Fixed SQLi in "Hostgroup Monitoring" widget in Custom Views, for authenticated users having sufficient rights to export the results in CSV format.
- [Security] Fixed SQLi in "Hostgroup Monitoring" widget in Custom Views, for authenticated users having sufficient rights to edit the widget.
- [Security] Fixed SQLi in "Host Monitoring" widget in Custom Views, for authenticated users having sufficient rights to edit the widget.
- [Security] Fixed SQLi in "TOP10 CPU usage" widget in Custom Views, for authenticated users having sufficient rights to edit the widget.
- [Security] Fixed SQLi in "TOP10 Memory usage" widget in Custom Views, for authenticated users having sufficient rights to edit the widget.
- [Security] Improved an SQL query triggered via the Event Logs menu for better protection.
Release date: November 21, 2024
- [Core] Improved the way the logo on the login page can be customized.
Bug fixes
- [Administration] The names of the metaservices are now correctly displayed in the "Administration > Parameters > Data" menu.
- [API] Fixed ACLs allowing access to a resource (host or service) upon its creation via the APIs by a non-administrator user.
- [API] The is_notifications_enabled value in the host configuration endpoint of the API is now correctly updated when notifications are enabled.
- [API Token] Fixed an issue with the expiration date of tokens in the API tokens page.
- [Configuration] Custom macros are now correctly exported to the Remote Server when the configuration is deployed.
- [Configuration] Engine log options are now correctly displayed, regardless of the user's language and the selected log level.
- [Configuration] Fixed incorrect links in the Export configuration page.
- [Configuration] Notification configuration data is no longer automatically added to services that are auto-created when creating a host based on a template.
- [Configuration] Updated the list of standard macros in the command creation form.
- [Discovery] Automatic execution of host discovery jobs (export and reload of the poller configuration) no longer fails with an "insufficient rights" message.
- [Custom Login page] Fixed an issue with hyperlinks that are now clickable.
- [Debian] Fixed dependencies between Centreon packages.
- [Graphs] Fixed an issue where non-admin users were downloading empty CSV files.
- [i18n] Fixed langage translation mismatch in performance graphs, in the predefined periods list.
- [i18n] Fixed typo in the Event Logs and ACL Resource Access pages.
- [Resource Status] Custom column definitions are now saved correctly.
- [Resource Status] Duration units are now displayed correctly in the downtime windows.
- [Resource Status] Fixed an issue preventing selected filters from being removed by clicking the 'x' symbol in the timeline tab.
- [Resource Status] Fixed an issue where actions in one browser tab were being replicated to another tab that was open on the same menu.
- [Resource Status] Fixed an issue with the date and time in the downtime window: the user's time zone is now correctly taken into account.
- [Resource Status] Fixed an issue with the behavior of group chips in the resource's detail panel.
- [Resource Status] Fixed behavior of page refresh button that was changing the resource displayed in the open panel.
- [Resource Status] Fixed display of scale/units on graphs containing multiple curves.
- [Resource Status] Fixed search filter for Anomaly Detection services.
- [Resource Status] Fixed the redirection from the Event Logs page to Resource Status: the details panel is now opened on the correct resource.
- [Resource Status] If no notification has ever been sent, the "Last notification" field in the details panel is left blank instead of displaying 1970.
- [Resource Status] In the downtime creation window, the controls to select the start and end hours are now displayed correctly.
- [Resource Status] Made downtime and acknowledge icons more visible in light and dark modes.
- [Resource Status] Removed list refresh that was triggered by hovering over the left main menu.
- [Resource Status] The monitoring server filter now takes into account spaces in poller names correctly.
- [Resource Status] The value of the "Conf Changed" column of the poller menu is now correctly updated when a service is added by manual discovery.
- [Widget Graph] Fixed "invalid metric format" error when using "threshold area color" parameter for curves.
Security fixes
- [Security] Improved checks on changed objects that update the "conf changed" column in the list of pollers.
- [Security] Fixed XSS vulnerability in "Administration > Logs" menu (CVE-2024-47863).
- [Security] Fixed XSS vulnerability on poller name in several menus.
Release date: September 30, 2024
- [Authentication] Rescheduled the task of deleting expired tokens.
Bug fixes
- [API] Fixed access control for monitoring servers configuration endpoints.
- [API] Fixed ACL for meta-service endpoint.
- [Authorization] Fixed an issue on ACLs reloading.
- [Authentication] Fixed an issue with the βX509, MultiFactorβ authentication method.
- [Authentication] Fixed incorrect URL redirection issue with OpenID Connect.
- [Configuration] Fixed an issue on mass change which enabled disabled services.
- [Configuration] The central serverβs ID is now correctly configured in the Gorgone configuration.
- [Configuration] The correct value for the notification activation option is now written to the Engine configuration file.
- [CLAPI] The -V command now displays the version of Centreon with no unnecessary message.
- [Dashboard] When the user locale is different from en_US, the legend for the Metrics Graph widget is no longer empty.
- [Graph] Fixed an error that occurred when editing curves.
- [Graph] You can now select a metric in the curve and virtual metric configuration forms.
- [Packaging] Fixed invalid permissions on the cron that deletes obsolete tokens.
- [Performance] Fixed a query performance issue with some specific data on the Resource status page.
- [Resource Status] Fixed an issue with the "Force Active Checks" option, which was ignored in some cases.
Security fixes
- [Security] Fixed SQLi in contacts form (CVE-2024-39843).
- [Security] Updated jQuery & jQuery-UI dependencies (CVE-2022-31160).
Release date: September 11, 2024
Security fixes
- [Security] Fixed SQLi in contacts form (CVE-2024-39843).
Release date: August 6, 2024
Bug fixes
- [Resource Status] Fixed an issue that occurred when users accessed the Graph panel for a resource.
Release date: July 18, 2024
Bug fixes
- [Unattended] Backported recent bug fixes on the Unattended script (http services not restarting, it-edition-extensions installation, unattended issue on Oracle Linux distributions).
Release date: June 26, 2024
Bug fixes
- [API] Fixed API access control for monitoring endpoints.
- [Authentication] Fixed a random disconnection issue occurring with SAML authentication.
- [Configuration] Fixed mass change on services.
- [Configuration] Exporting the configuration no longer fails when a host severity and a service severity have the same name.
- [Resource Status] Filters can now be deselected in the search window.
- [Resource Status] Fixed redirection to "Performance > Graphs" menu in graph panel for meta-services.
- [Resource Status] In the filter window, you can now filter by resource type.
- [Resource Status] The passive check icon is now displayed next to the correct resources.
Security fixes
- [Security] Fixed several SLQi issues.
Release date: May 29, 2024
Bug fixes
- [API] Fixed an issue affecting downtimes on services linked to a service group via a service template.
- [API] Fixed an issue with is_password when using Service and Service Template POST endpoint.
- [API] Fixed access control for some v2 API endpoints.
- [Auto Discovery] Fixed rights for temporary files created during the generation of the configuration.
- [Configuration] Fixed an issue where the Service Categories configuration page could appear blank.
- [Packaging] Fixed symbolic link between /usr/lib/nagios/plugins and /usr/lib64/nagios/plugins.
- [Resource Status] Fixed access to "View report" icon in the resource details panel.
- [Resource Status] Disabled pollers can no longer be selected in filters.
- [UX] Fixed an issue where the top counter pop-up was not closed when users clicked outside of it.
Security fixes
- [Security] Fixed several SQLi issues.
- [Security] Fixed XSS in a configuration page.
Release date: April 9, 2024
- [API] Dashboard lists can now be ordered by creator, creation date and update date.
Bug fixes
- [API] Fixed an issue where categories did not appear in service and service template creation responses.
- [API V1] Fixed an issue that occurred when filtering Resources Status by criticality.
- [Resource Status] Fixed a bug occurring when users cleared the search bar.
- [Dashboards] Fixed an error that occurred while granting viewer rights as an administrator from the admin dashboard.
- [Update] Fixed chmod warning on configuration export after a system update.
Security fixes
- [Security] Upgraded axios dependency.
Release date: March 13, 2024
- [Resource Status] Improved the update of filters by removing an unnecessary dialog box.
Bug fixes
- [Authentication] Fixed issue with SSO authentication.
- [API] Fixed a visibility issue with the UserFilter endpoint.
- [API] Fixed an issue where an error 500 was returned when a host had no alias.
- [CLAPI] Fixed a decoding issue affecting the export of HTML entities.
- [CLAPI] Duplicates are no longer generated when exporting services and hosts.
- [Dashboards - Map widget] Fixed an issue where Maps, Geoviews and perspectives couldn't be saved.
Security fixes
- [Security] Improved allowed commands for Centreon Gorgone.
Release date: February 22, 2024
Bug fixes
- [Install] Fixed an issue that prevented the Dashboard module from being updated from 23.10.2 to 23.10.3.
Release date: February 14, 2024
Dashboards Betaβ
- [API] Added "name" and "parent_name" parameters to metrics/performances and metrics/top endpoints.
- [API] Added an endpoint to manage dashboard shares in batch.
- [API] Retrieved only users with dashboard ACLs in contact listing.
- [Breaking change] Simplified metric selection by displaying corresponding service names.
- [UI] Added pictograms to represent each widget type.
- [UI] Moved the parameter used for hiding widget's description.
- [UX] Added links to Resources Status page on widgets.
- [UX] Added a new way to display dashboards, as a list.
- [UX] Added a search functionality.
- [UX] Added pagination.
- [UX] Handled the new shares system on Dashboards.
- [UX] Retrieved correctly contact and contactgroup shares for non admin users.
- [Widget] Added the new "Resource Table" widget.
- [Widget] Added default message when no resource has been selected yet.
- [Widget] Metrics Graph: added a warning message indicating that thresholds have been hidden when selecting two different metric units.
- [Widget] Single Metric: simplified dataset selection by forcing a host + service pair.
- [Widget] Status Grid: added "unhandled" state property.
Bug fixes
Dashboards Betaβ
- [ACLs] Fixed an issue that was retrieving all contactgroups despite Dashboard ACLs.
- [API] Fixed a security issue on category and severity displaying.
- [Dataset] Fixed an issue that allowed to select a resource type more than once.
- [MySQL] Fixed an issue preventing to search a host in a widget.
- [Widget] Status Grid: fixed tiles ordering by status.
- [Widget] Status Grid: fixed an issue preventing the user from deleting the value for the number of tiles to display.
- [Widget] Status Grid: fixed the "Metric not found" message that was not supposed to appear.
- [UI] Fixed the display of inappropriate 404 error page when loading MAP homepage.
Release date: January 24, 2024
Bug fixes
- [API] Prevented API calls from being cancelled when switching to another page.
Release date: January 15, 2024
- [API] Added dashboard shares to the dashboard list.
Bug fixes
- [Authentication] Fixed hardcoded email value that blocked SSO authentication with OpenId Connect when parameter was not an email.
- [Configuration] Fixed error message displayed in configuration generation after upgrading to 23.04 version.
- [Event Logs] Fixed period in CSV export.
- [Installation] Fixed installation issue occurring when database user already existed.
- [Installation] Fixed issue adding twice poller ID in Centreon Gorgone configuration.
- [My Account] Made the name, login and password fields read-only for non-local users so as to prevent issues where users who had edited these properties were locked out of the platform.
- [Resource Status] Fixed bad host redirection in the services panel.
- [Resource Status] Fixed default sorting order in Resources status: from worst to best.
- [Web] Fixed an issue where inherited contacts/contact groups were not displayed in the notifications tab.
Release date: January 2, 2024
Security fixes
- [Security] Fixed an SQLi vulnerability (CVE-2024-0637, CVE-2024-23115, CVE-2024-23116, CVE-2024-23117, CVE-2024-23118, CVE-2024-23119).
Release date: December 21, 2023
- [API] Added new endpoint to create a playlist of dashboards.
- [API] Added new endpoint to share playlist of dashboards to contacts/contact groups.
- [API] Added new endpoint to delete playlist of dashboards.
- [Graph] Optimized legend.
- [Map widget] Added information message when editing.
- [UX] Reorganized rich text options for widget description.
- [Widget] Added new "Status Grid" widget.
- [Widget edit] Renamed "Add resource" button to "Refine filter".
- [Widget edit] Made the dataset selection header sticky.
Bug fixes
- [API] Fixed an issue with the "Service group update" service template.
- [API] POST/administration/tokens endpoint documentation now includes 201 response details.
- [API] Fixed a visibility issue with configuration/users endpoint.
- [Metrics Graph widget] Fixed an issue where labels for the ordinate axis were cropped.
- [Server] URL patterns have been modified.
- [Single Metric widget] Simplified metric selection.
- [UI] Fixed a cursor issue that occurred when editing a widget.
- [Widget edition] Fixed an issue that occurred when removing a resource or a metric.
Security fixes
- [Security] Prevented a command injection.
Release date: December 5, 2023
- No change on on-premises version. Changes are on cloud version.
Release date: November 29, 2023
Bug fixes
- [API] Fixed an issue where service queries didn't return all the results.
- [Resources Status] Fixed the issue that automatically disabled the option to access the UI when user clicked on the compact/extended button.
Release date: November 17, 2023
- [API] Added new endpoint to list all metrics for a given service.
- [Graph] Thickened curves.
- [Widgets] Simplified the selection of resources.
- [UI] Updated dashboard global refresh icon.
- [UX] Made the widget edition command more accessible.
- [UX] A warning message is now displayed when dashboard modifications have not been saved yet.
- Added metrics by service listing endpoint to service resource type.
Bug fixes
- [API] Fixed issue occurring when using special characters in metric names.
- [API] Fixed a security issue concerning some API responses.
- [Authentication] Fixed an issue with the retrieval of attributes used to identify users.
- [Authentication] The "Reach Centreon Front-end" option is now automatically enabled for imported users authenticated through SSO.
- [Core] Fixed access to pages when Symfony debug mode was enabled.
- [Event Logs] Fixed pagination.
- [Packaging] Fixed an issue where centreontrapd was configured for a poller rather than for a central on Debian.
- [Widget] Fixed an issue that prevented a widget from loading correctly.
- Fixed crash caused by partitioning script when database server did not support partitioning.
- Fixed an issue where widgets were cloned in a new dashboard that was created while another dashboard was being edited at the same time.
Security fixes
- Fixed potential XSS vulnerability in the list of discovered hosts (CVE-2023-51633).
Release date: October 30, 2023
New features
- Dashboards Beta: with Dashboards, you can effortlessly create and share intuitive dashboards for real-time monitoring of metrics, host/service statuses, and much more. Join our Dashboards Beta group on our community platform The Watch!
- Resources Status:
In addition to the current view (All view), you can now access to two new views to see only the services (By Services view), as well as a view to see the hosts and all their attached services (By Hosts view). These two new views have been designed based on what was done in deprecated pages.
We have also completely redesigned filters, making it easier to select resources.
Deprecated pages will be removed in the next major version.
- [ACL] You can now manage API tokens with an action & menu access.
- [API] API restrictions (ro/rw) are now applied while deleting a host or a service using the API.
- [API] CLAPI now ignores empty lines and lines starting with the
character. - [API] The field "notify" has been added to the monitoring/services GET route.
- [API] The field "is_activated" has been removed from host template and service template routes.
- [API] Added service search in hostGroups/serviceGroups endpoints.
- [API] Added telemetry and statistics to the token management API.
- [API] Added a route to create a service template.
- [API] Added a route to delete a service template.
- [API] Added a route to list service templates.
- [API] Added a route to create a host template.
- [API] Added a route to delete a host template.
- [API] Added a route to list commands.
- [API] Added a route to handle templates of a host template (PATCH).
- [API] Added a route to update a host category of a host template (PATCH).
- [API] Added a route to link a service template to host templates (PATCH).
- [API] Added a route to update a host category of a host template (POST).
- [API] Added a route to update macros of a host template (PATCH).
- [API] Added a route to handle templates of a host template (POST).
- [API] Added a route to list host templates.
- [API] Added a route to update/find host severity.
- [API] Added a route to get a host category.
- [API] Added a route to update a host category.
- [API] Added a route to update one host group (PUT).
- [API] Added a route to retrieve one host group (PUT).
- [API] Added routes to create and delete hosts.
- [API] Added routes to create, delete and list services.
- [API] Added routes to create, delete and list tokens.
- [API] Updated the service template creation route to handle relations with service groups.
- [API] Updated the service template partial update route to handle relations with service groups.
- [API] Updated the service template create route to handle macros.
- [API] Updated the service template partial update route to handle macros.
- [API] Updated the service template partial update route to handle all properties.
- [API] Updated the service template create route to handle all properties.
- [API] Updated the service template partial update route to link a service template to service categories.
- [API] Updated the host template create route to handle all properties.
- [API] Updated the service template partial update route to link a service template to host templates.
- [API] Updated the AddHostTemplate route to handle macros (POST).
- [API] Updated the host create API route to handle host groups.
- [Authentication] Added user attributes received from IdP in Centreon login file if debug is enabled.
- [Authentication] Removed password fields if contact is not local type.
- [CEIP] Added a debug option to display CEIP telemetry data sent to Centreon.
- [Configuration] Added the support of BBDO 3.0.1 for Centreon Broker configuration.
- [Core] Implemented a simple feature flag system.
- [Monitoring] The breadcrumb for monitoring legacy pages now states that we will remove these pages in the next major version.
- [Resources Status] Added a tooltip to understand how to use filters.
Bug fixes
- [API] Fixed an issue where values for contact additive inheritance were not updated with new endpoints.
- [API] Fixed issues on duplicate display, encoding and add_inherited_contact in host and host template endpoints.
- [API] Fixed access to list of groups of resources regarding ACL definition.
- [CLAPI] Fixed a bug that duplicated the host template / service template relations.
- [CLAPI] Removed the possibility to link a regular resource with a template.
- [CLAPI] Added the missing parameters to handle new Broker logging options (thanks to a community member's contribution).
- [CLAPI] Fixed the export of severities to be able to reimport them.
- [CLAPI] Fixed a PHP warning that was displayed when using getparam on a service.
Breaking changes
- All acknowledgements are not persistent. We removed the Persistent option from the acknowledgement window so that it cannot be unchecked. This is because an acknowledgement must persist even when Centreon engine is restarted.
- [CLAPI] Macros are now displayed identically for hosts, host templates and service templates.
Centreon Collectβ
Release date: December 19, 2024
Bug fixes
- [Engine] Fixed an issue where retention.dat files were deleted after an upgrade.
Release date: November 25, 2024
Bug fixes
- [Broker] Adapted Broker to a new behavior of the MariaDB database concerning errors: Broker no longer fails to reconnect after an error.
- [Broker] The Stream Connector cache behavior with host groups and service groups has been improved. When a host group or service group is deleted, it is also correctly removed from the Stream Connector caches.
Release date: September 30, 2024
Bug fixes
- [Broker] If a plugin sends the same metric several times, an error log from broker explains the issue and only the first occurrence of the metric is kept.
- [Engine] Fixed issues on external commands output.
Release date: August 05, 2024
Bug fixes
- Fixed a conflict between centreon-collect 23.04 and centreon-collect 23.10 that was occurring because of a change in the way we provide the MariaDB caching sha2 password plugin.
Release date: July 17, 2024
Bug fixes
- [Broker] Fixed an issue that occurred when inserting too large metrics into the database, which resulted in an error log.
- [Broker] There were two errors concerning the gnutls version check:
- The gnutls library on Centreon had to be at least the same version as the one used to compile Broker. Now, Broker checks that the version of the gnutls library is at least 3.6.0.
- The packaging required a very old version of gnutls. Now, when Broker is installed we check that the version of gnutls is at least 3.6.0. If the version is older, it will be updated.
- [Broker] Added support for the default connection method to MySQL 8.0.35.
Release date: June 17, 2024
- [Engine] Added a new centengine parameter (
) to force sending a recovery notification even when the resource is outside of its notification period. This aims at keeping third-party tools up-to-date at any time when they are fed notifications. - [Engine] Engine can now handle extra configuration files to complement/overload the centengine.cfg file. This enhancement allows you to keep a custom configuration unchanged when exporting the configuration.
Bug fixes
- [Engine] Fixed an issue with GRPC communications where coredumps could occur when Broker or Engine were stopped.
Release date: May 28, 2024
Bug Fixes
- [Broker] Fixed a stability issue that could occur when an LVM snapshot was launched to backup the database.
- [Broker] Fixed an issue where incomplete BAM queries resulted in unnecessary error messages.
- [Broker] Fixed an issue that caused MySQL errors in Broker logs, due to attempts to insert relations between BAs and disabled time periods.
- [Packaging] Added symbolic link from /usr/lib64/nagios/plugins to /usr/lib/nagios/plugins.
Release date: April 08, 2024
Bug Fixes
- [Broker] BA initialization could result in KPIs having incoherent statuses. This was breaking the statuses of the BAs.
- [Broker] Fixed an issue that caused Broker to crash if an event was dispatched at the same time the process was reloaded.
- [Collect] Removed the unnecessary check of Anomaly Detection configuration files during the configuration test before deployment.
- [Collect] To limit dependencies, perl-interpretor is now used instead of perl in the centreon-connector-perl package (rpm).
- [Collect] To limit dependencies, perl-base is now used instead of perl in the centreon-connector-perl package (deb).
Release date: March 19, 2024
Centreon Brokerβ
Bug Fixes
- [Broker] Fixed an issue causing hostgroups to fail to appear if they had been used before and emptied of their hosts and then populated again.
Release date: March 12, 2024
Centreon Brokerβ
- [Broker] When Broker is restarted or reloaded, BAM creates a cache with the BA states to be able to restore them when reloaded.
Bug fixes
- [Broker] Fixed the permissions of the RRD files produced by the rebuild mechanism when RRDcached is used.
- [Broker] Fixed a memory leak that occurred when using stream connectors with Broker's v2 API.
- [Broker] Fixed some incorrect statuses in Broker's statistics retrieved by the
file. - [Broker] Semicolons are no longer considered as the beginning of a comment in Engine's configuration files. This is because comments were not useful in these files, and they prevented the use of semicolons in macros (e.g., passwords).
Release date: February 14, 2024
Centreon Brokerβ
Bug fixes
- [Broker] Fixed an issue in the installation process that emptied the
file, causing the temporary loss of all resources' statuses and the permanent loss of current acknowledgements and downtimes.
Release date: January 11, 2024
Centreon Brokerβ
Bug fixes
- [Broker] Fixed a bug occurring when a Business Activity was updated after a status change for a KPI with a BA type.
- [Install] Fixed rights on SSH directory for Debian.
- [Packaging] Fixed an error that was returned during the installation of centreon-broker-cbmod.
Release date: December 15, 2023
Centreon Brokerβ
- KPIs are now designated by their type and name instead of KPIxx.
Bug fixes
- Fixed a bug that made Broker crash when rebuilding RRD files for unexisting metrics.
Release date: October 30, 2023
Centreon Engineβ
- Compatibility with other 23.10 components.
Centreon Brokerβ
New features
- An experimental output type has been added to send internal performance data to OpenTelemetry receivers. This cannot be used from the WUI at the moment.
- An experimental output type has been added to send the monitored metrics to VictoriaMetrics time-series databases. This cannot be used from the WUI at the moment.
- Broker management of SQL database connections has been improved. It now uses auto-commited bulk inserts in tables where insert is safe while using transactions for all other write operations, keeping the latter bound to the same connection. This secures the utilization of up to 3 connections to the database, improving the performance in updating the real time data.
- The RRD files used to store status history are now rebuilt at the same time as metric files.
- Broker now ignores incorrect filter settings if these prevent some features from functioning.
- New performance counters have been added to the gRPC API in order to track the longest queries and statements.
- Compatibility with other 23.10 components.
Centreon Gorgoneβ
Release date: September 30, 2024
Bug fixes
- [Gorgone] Added a partition for the Gorgone MBI mod_bi_metriccentileweeklyvalue and mod_bi_metriccentilemonthlyvalue tables, which are required by the ETL to run correctly.
- [Gorgone] Fixed an issue affecting CPU load when a poller was not responding.
- [Gorgone] Fixed an issue stopping the nmap discovery provider from working after a Gorgone whitelist was created.
- [Gorgone] Fixed an issue where Gorgone running on a central server was leaking file descriptors when pollers were disconnected.
- [Gorgone] In MBI, fixed the perfdataStatisticsBuilder.pl script: when using the '-r --centile-only' parameters, the mod_bi_metrichourlyvalue table is no longer truncated.
- [Gorgone] The password of an MBI database user can now include special characters.
Release date: July 18, 2024
Bug fixes
- [Gorgone] Fixed an issue where a host category was not present in MBI if it was applied on a host template instead of directly on the host.
Release date: June 26, 2024
Bug fixes
- Fixed gorgone whitelist for HA architecture.
Release date: May 29, 2024
Bug fixes
- [Gorgone] Fixed a path issue on systemctl (Gorgone whitelist).
- [Gorgone] Fixed an issue where unnecessary error messages were displayed.
- [Packaging] Fixed inconsistent system permissions on /var/log/centreon-engine/centengine.log.
Release date: April 9, 2024
Bug fixes
- Fixed a bug affecting service auto discovery, where only half of the host was correctly discovered.
Release date: March 28, 2024
- Moved Gorgone whitelists to a dedicated file.
Release date: March 13, 2024
Bug fixes
- Added the Auto Discovery patterns to the default commands whitelist.
- Improved list of allowed commands for Auto Discovery.
- [Packaging] Fixed missing perl dependency for centreon-web installation on Debian 11.
Release date: February 14, 2024
Security fixes
[Security] Enabled whitelist of Centreon Gorgone commands by default to manage Centreon Engine and Broker processes in order to limit escalations of potential future vulnerabilities.23.10.2β
Release date: December 21, 2023
Bug fixes
- [Gorgone] Fixed a stability issue causing the kernel to kill the gorgoned process.
Release date: November 17, 2023
Bug fixes
- [Configuration] Fixed warning chmod during generation of configuration.
Release date: October 30, 2023
- Compatibility with other 23.10 components.
Centreon High Availabilityβ
Release date: October 30, 2023
- Compatibility with other 23.10 components.
Centreon DSMβ
Release date: January 27, 2025
Bug fixes
- [DSM] Fixed an issue where a blank page could be displayed when accessing the "Administration > Extensions > Configure" menu.
Release date: November 21, 2024
Securtity fixes
- [Security] Fixed SQLi in the Centreon DSM slot configuration form, only accessible to authenticated users with high privilege access. (CVE-2024-45755)
Release date: October 30, 2023
- Compatibility with other 23.10 components.
Centreon Open Ticketsβ
Release date: December 5, 2024
Bug fixes
- [Open Ticket widget] Fixed an issue preventing non admin users from opening tickets.
Release date: November 21, 2024
Securtity fixes
- [Security] Fixed SQLi in the ticket creation form, only accessible to authenticated users with high privilege access. (CVE-2024-45756)
Release date: October 30, 2023
- Compatibility with other 23.10 components.
Centreon AWIEβ
Release date: October 30, 2023
- Compatibility with other 23.10 components.