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Version: 23.10

Backup & restore

Centreon MBI backup

Backup: Configuration data on the Centreon server

Items to back up

  • Custom report designs and their settings
  • Generated reports.

How the backup script works

The backup script is executed on a daily basis using a cron job located in /etc/cron.d/centreon-bi-backup-web:

Cron to backup Centreon MBI Engine frontend module


rewrite file with new cron line


0 12 * * * root bash /usr/share/centreon-bi-backup/ >> /var/log/centreon-bi/centreon-bi-backup-web.log 2>&1

By default, backups are saved to /var/backup.

To modify this folder, update the BACKUP_DIR value in the backup script (line 63) located here: /usr/share/centreon-bi-backup/

On a Centreon server, only generated reports and report designs need to be backed up. The backup format is centreon-bi-front-reports-and-custom-conf-aaaa-mm-jj.tar.gz

Backup frequency

  • Daily
  • Rotation: 8 days.

To modify this value, update RETENTION_AGE in the backup script (line 67) located here: /usr/share/centreon-bi-backup/

We advise you to export backups to another resource in order to secure them.

Backing up the reporting server

It is important to have at least 5 GB of free space on the Volume Group hosting the data storage MariaDB DBMS. To check your free space, run the following command by entering the name of the Volume Group

vgdisplay vg_data | grep -i free

Items to back up

  • Configuration files
  • Aggregated data
  • Reports & resources.

How the backup script works on the central server

The backup script is executed on a daily basis with a cron job located in /etc/cron.d/centreon-bi-backup-reporting-server:

Cron to backup Centreon MBI Engine server


rewrite file with new cron line


30 12 * * 0 root bash /usr/share/centreon-bi-backup/ --total >> /var/log/centreon-bi/centreon-bi-backup-reporting-server-db.log 2>&1 30 12 * * 1-6 root bash /usr/share/centreon-bi-backup/ --totalincr >> /var/log/centreon-bi/centreon-bi-backup-reporting-server-db.log 2>&1 0 12 * * * root bash /usr/share/centreon-bi-backup/ --centreonbifiles >> /var/log/centreon-bi/centreon-bi-backup-reporting-server-files.log 2>&1

By default, backups are saved to /var/backup.

To modify this folder, update the BACKUP_DIR value in the backup script (line 83) located here: /usr/share/centreon-bi-backup/

Three types of backup are executed during the week:

  • Daily backup of configuration files for the report generation engine. Format: centreon-bin-reports-and-conf-aaaa-mm-jj.tar.gz
  • Every Sunday, full ETL backup. Format: mysql-centreon_storage-bi-aaaa-mm-jj.tar.gz
  • From Monday to Saturday an incremental ETL backup (all tables and only the last partition of partitioned tables). Format: mysql-centreon_storage-bi-aaaa-mm-jj.tar.gz


During backup of the reporting server, ensure that no ETL scripts are running. No job reports should be running either

Backup frequency

  • Daily
  • Rotation: 8 days.

To modify this value, update RETENTION_AGE in the backup script (line 88) located here: /usr/share/centreon-bi-backup/

We advise exporting backups to another server for even better security.

Restore Centreon MBI

The restore process is divided into several steps:

  • Reinstalling the centreon-bi-server module in the same version as the one saved
  • Integrating generated reports
  • Integrating custom report settings
  • Integrating Centreon MBI configuration data
  • Integrating MariaDB data
  • Deleting data extracted from the backup
  • Reinstalling the backup.

Restore configuration data

Re-install centreon-bi-server module in the same version as the one saved

On the main Centreon server, run the following commands:

dnf install centreon-bi-server-x.y.z

Integrate generated reports

Take the latest centreon-bi-front-reports-and-custom-conf-aaaa-mm-jj.tar.gz backup and extract it to the /tmp directory:

cd /tmp tar xzf centreon-bi-front-reports-and-custom-conf-YYYY-MM-DD.tar.gz

Then copy the backed up reports:

/bin/cp -rf /tmp/var/lib/centreon/centreon-bi-server/archives/* /var/lib/centreon/centreon-bi-server/archives

If the directory is different than expected, the user has changed the default settings. Just specify the right path.

Change the rights for the files:

chown -R centreonBI:centreonBI /var/lib/centreon/centreon-bi-server/archives

Integrate custom report settings

Take the latest backup in the format centreon-bi-front-reports-and-custom-conf-aaaa-mm-jj.tar.gz and extract it to the /tmp directory:

cd /tmp tar xzf centreon-bi-front-reports-and-custom-conf-YYYY-MM-DD.tar.gz

Then copy the saved settings:

/bin/cp -rf /tmp/usr/share/centreon/www/modules/centreon-bi-server/configuration/generation/xsl/* /usr/share/centreon/www/modules/centreon-bi-server/configuration/generation/xsl


/bin/cp -rf /tmp/var/lib/centreon/centreon-bi-server/reports/infos/* /var/lib/centreon/centreon-bi-server/reports/infos

Change the rights for the files:

chown -R apache:apache /usr/share/centreon/www/modules/centreon-bi-server/configuration/generation/xsl

Integrate Centreon MBI configuration data

Import the SQL backup using the command:

mysql -u root -p centreon_storage < /tmp/var/backup/dump_centreon_storage.sql

Delete the data from the extracted backup

Delete the extracted data from the backup:

cd /tmp rm -Rf /tmp/usr rm -Rf /tmp/var

Restore Centreon MBI Reporting Server settings

The restore process is divided into several steps:

  • Reinstalling centreon-bi-reporting-server module in the same version as the one saved
  • Integrating the CBIS configuration
  • Integrating the custom report designs
  • Restarting the CBIS engine
  • Deleting the data from the extracted backup
  • Reinstalling the backup.

Reinstall the centreon-bi-reporting-server module in the same version as the one saved

On the main Centreon server run the following command:

yum install centreon-bi-engine-x.y.z

Integrating the CBIS configuration

Take the latest centreon-bin-reports-and-conf-aaaa-mm-jj.tar.gz backup and extract it to /tmp directory:

cd /tmp tar xzf centreon-bin-reports-and-conf-YYYY-MM-DD.tar.gz

Then copy the settings:

/bin/cp -rf /tmp/etc/centreon-bi/* /etc/centreon-bi

Integrating the custom reports settings

Take the latest centreon-bin-reports-and-conf-aaaa-mm-jj.tar.gz backup and extract it to /tmp directory:

cd /tmp tar xzf centreon-bin-reports-and-conf-YYYY-MM-DD.tar.gz

Then copy the report designs:

/bin/cp -rf /tmp/usr/share/centreon-bi/reports/* /usr/share/centreon-bi/reports chown -R centreonBI:centreonBI /usr/share/centreon-bi/reports /bin/cp -rf /tmp/usr/share/centreon-bi/Resources/* /usr/share/centreon-bi/Resources chown -R centreonBI:centreonBI /usr/share/centreon-bi/Resources

Integrating MariaDB data

Stop the MariaDB service:

systemctl stop mysql

Remove the directory /var/lib/mysql from the reporting server:

rm -rf /var/lib/mysql

Extract the latest complete backup(created by default on Sunday):

tar -xzf /var/backup/mysql-centreon_storage-bi-xxxx-xx-xx.tar.gz -C /

Extract all incremental backups created between the latest complete backup and the current date from the oldest to the most recent via the command:

tar -xzf /var/backup/mysql-centreon_storage-bi-xxxx-xx-xx.tar.gz -C /

Change the rights on the directory /var/lib/mysql:

chown -R mysql:root /var/lib/mysql

Start MariaDB service:

systemctl start mysql

Restarting the CBIS engine

Restart CBIS using the command:

systemctl restart cbis Stopping Centreon MBI scheduler : cbis Waiting for cbis to exit .. done. Starting Centreon MBI scheduler : cbis Service started...

Delete the data from the extracted backup

Delete data extracted from the backup:

cd /tmp rm -Rf /tmp/usr rm -Rf /tmp/var