Updating MAP
Use the following procedure to update your MAP version:
- Stop the centreon-map-engine service by running this command on the machine hosting the Centreon MAP service:
sudo systemctl stop centreon-map-engine
- Update the packages by running this command on the machine(s) hosting the central service and the Centreon MAP service:
- Alma / RHEL / Oracle Linux 8
- Alma / RHEL / Oracle Linux 9
- Debian 11 & 12
- On the central server:
sudo dnf update centreon-map-web-client
- On the MAP server:
sudo dnf update centreon-map-engine
- On the central server:
sudo dnf update centreon-map-web-client
- On the MAP server:
sudo dnf update centreon-map-engine
- If MAP only is installed:
On the central server:
sudo apt install centreon-map-web-client
On the MAP server:
sudo apt install centreon-map-engine
If MAP and MAP Legacy are installed on the same server:
- Make a backup of the map.cnf file:
cp /etc/my.cnf.d/map.cnf /etc/my.cnf.d/map.cnf.bk
- Update the centreon-map-engine package
On the central server:
sudo apt install -o Dpkg::Options::="--force-overwrite" centreon-map-web-client
On the MAP server:
sudo apt install -o Dpkg::Options::="--force-overwrite" centreon-map-engine
- Retrieve the configuration file backup:
cp /etc/my.cnf.d/map.cnf.bk /etc/my.cnf.d/map.cnf
- Answer Y when prompted. Then restart MySQL:
systemctl restart mariadb
Clear your browser cache.
Finalize the update of the module and the widget in the Centreon interface Administration > Extensions > Manager.
Restart the centreon-map-engine service using the following command:
sudo systemctl start centreon-map-engine