Creating services manually
To create a service manually, go to Configuration > Services > Services by host and then click Add.
Configuration of the service
General information tab
Service Basic Information
- Name: define the name of the service. The following characters are not authorized:
and spaces. - Hosts: Host(s) to which the service is attached. We recommend that you link a service to only one host.
- Template: indicates the service template to which the service is linked.
Service Check Options
The Check Command field indicates the command used to check the availability of the service.
Custom Macros: add customized macros.
The macro name and macro value fields allow us to define the name and value of the macro. The Password box can be used to hide the value of the macro.
To reinitialize to the default value (defined in template) click
To view the description of the macro, click
To delete the macro, click
To change the order of the macros, click
The Args table defines the arguments given for the check command (the number of arguments varies according to the check command chosen).
Service Scheduling Options
- The Check Period field defines the time period during which the scheduler checks the status of the service.
- The Max Check Attempts of the status field defines the number of checks to be carried out to confirm the status of the service. When the status is validated, the notification process is engaged
- The Normal Check Interval field is expressed in minutes. It defines the interval between checks when the service status is OK.
- The Retry Check Interval field is expressed in minutes. It defines the confirmation interval for the Not-OK service status
- The Active Checks Enabled and Passive Checks Enabled fields enable / disable the type of check on the service.
- The Is Volatile field indicates if the service is volatile or not (normally only passive services are volatile).
Notifications tab
The Notification Enabled field allows us to enable or disable the notifications for the object.
If the Inherit only contacts/contact group from host box is checked, then when generating the configuration, contact and/or host groups of contacts (or those inherited from templates) will overwrite the service or its service templates. This function disables entering contacts and contact groups for this service.
The Implied Contacts indicates the contacts that will receive the notifications.
In the Implied Contact Groups list, all the contacts belonging to the contact groups defined will receive the notifications.
If the Vertical inheritance only option is enabled on the page Administration > Parameters > Centreon UI, two extra checkboxes appear:
- If the Contact additive inheritance box is checked, Centreon does not overwrite the configuration of the parent host template, but adds the contacts in addition to the contacts defined in the parent template.
- If the Contact group additive inheritance box is checked, Centreon does not overwrite the configuration of the parent host template, but adds the contact groups in addition to the contact groups defined in the parent template.
The Notification Interval field is expressed in minutes. It indicates the time between the sending of notifications when the status is Not-OK. If the value is defined as 0, the scheduler sends a single notification per status change.
The Notification Period field defines the time period during which notifications will be sent. No notifications will be sent outside this time period.
The Notification Type defines the statuses for which a notification will be sent.
The First notification delay time is expressed in minutes. It refers to the time delay to be respected before sending the first notification when a Not-OK status is validated.
The Recovery notification delay is the time that must pass before a recovery notification is sent (when the service goes back to an OK state).
Relations tab
- The Servicegroups list allows us to link the service to one or more service groups.
- The Service Trap Relation field allows us to define the SNMP traps that will be able to change the behavior of the service.
Data processing tab
- If the Obsess over service field is enabled, the monitoring feedback command of the host will be enabled.
- The Check freshness field allows us to enable or disable the check on the freshness of the result.
- The Freshness threshold field is expressed in seconds. If no request for a change in the status of the service (passive command) is received during this period, the check command is executed.
- The Flap Detection Enabled field allows us to enable or disable the detection of disruption in the statuses (status value changing too often in a given period).
- The Low flap threshold and High flap threshold fields define the high and low thresholds for the detection of disruption in percentage of status change.
- The Performance data processing field allows us to enable or disable performance data processing (and hence the generation of performance graphics). This option is not necessary when Centreon Broker is used.
- The Retain status information and Retention non status information fields indicate if the information concerning or not concerning the status is saved after every time the check command is repeated.
- The Stalking Options field defines the options to be recorded if retention is enabled.
- The Event handler enabled field allows us to enable or disable the events manager.
- The Event handler field defines the command to be executed if the event manager is enabled.
- The Args field defines the arguments of the events handler command.
Extended Info tab
- Graph template: Defines the graphics model to be use to present the performance data linked to the service.
- Service Categories: Defines the category or categories to which the service belongs.
Monitoring engine
- The Note URL field defines a URL that can be used to give more information on the service.
- The Note field can be used to add optional notes concerning the service.
- The Action URL field defines a URL normally used for giving information on actions on the service (maintenance, etc.).
- The Icon field indicates the icon used for the service.
- The Alt icon field is the text used if the icon cannot be displayed.
- The Host severity field indicates the severity level of the host.
- The Geographic coordinates field defines the geographical coordinates used by the Centreon MAP module to position the resource on a map. Define "Latitude,Longitude"; for example, the set of coordinates for Paris is "48.51,2.20"
Additional information
- The Enable/disable resource field allows us to enable or disable the service.
- The Comments field can be used to add a comment concerning the service.
Detachment of a service
If a service is linked to several hosts, it will be identical for each one of them. Hence it will not be possible to modify the service of one host individually to change a property. This why it is possible to convert this service linked to multiple hosts into a single service for each host:
- In the list of services, select the service linked to multiple hosts (this service is usually highlighted in orange).
- In the More actions... menu, click Detach and confirm.
There is now a single service per host.