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Version: ⭐ 24.04

Centreon UI

This part covers the configuration of the general options of the Centreon web interface.

Go to Administration > Parameters > Centreon UI.

General options

  • Directory indicates the directory where Centreon is installed
  • Contacts & Contact groups method calculation lets you define how notification inheritance for hosts and services will be calculated.
  • The Limit per page (default) field defines the number of objects displayed per Configuration page
  • The Limit per page for Monitoring field defines the number of objects displayed per page in the Monitoring menu
  • The Graph per page for Performances field defines the maximum number of charts displayed on the Performance page
  • The Number of elements loaded in select field defines the maximum number in the selection box
  • The Sessions Expiration Time field, expressed in minutes, indicates the maximum session duration
  • The Refresh Interval for statistics field, expressed in seconds, indicates the refreshment interval for the statistics page
  • The Refresh Interval for monitoring field, expressed in seconds, indicates the refreshment interval for the objects on the monitoring page
  • The Sort problems by field is used to choose how to sort the incidents in the Monitoring menu
  • The Order sort problems field indicates the display order for incidents, by ascending or descending order of gravity
  • Display downtime and acknowledgment on chart is used to display downtime and acknowledgments on a chart
  • Display comment on chart is used to display comments from the service on a chart
  • The Timezone field indicates the timezone of your monitoring server.
  • The Centreon Support Email field indicates the e-mail address of the Customer service support center for the Centreon platform. This e-mail address will be displayed at the bottom of the page on the Centreon Support link.
  • The Send anonymous statistics box defines whether or not the platform will send anonymous information for Centreon Customer Experience Improvement

Proxy configuration

The proxy configuration is mandatory when using the Centreon IT Edition.


Define the required information:

  • Proxy URL
  • Proxy port
  • Proxy user
  • Proxy password

Once you have defined the settings, test your configuration by clicking the Test Internet Connection button.

To validate the configuration, click the Test Internet Connection button. If the message Connection Successful appears, your configuration is valid. If not, modify your parameters.