Command Line API (v1) - CLAPI
Centreon CLAPI aims to offer (almost) all the features that are available on the user interface in terms of configuration. Only administrators can use CLAPI.
- Add/Delete/Update objects such as hosts, services, host templates, host groups, contacts etc.
- Generate configuration files
- Test configuration files
- Move configuration files to monitoring pollers
- Restart monitoring pollers
- Import and export objects.
Basic usageβ
All actions in Centreon CLAPI will require authentication, so your commands will always start like this:
centreon -u admin -p 'centreon' [...]
The -u option is for the username and the -p option is for the password. The password can be in plain text or encrypted in the database.
NOTE: If your passwords are encoded with SHA1 in the database (MD5 by default), use the -s option:
centreon -u admin -p 'centreon' -s [...]
Object name: ACL
To reload ACLs, use the RELOAD command:
centreon -u admin -p 'centreon' -o ACL -a reload
To check when the ACLs were last reloaded, use the LASTRELOAD command:
centreon -u admin -p 'centreon' -o ACL -a lastreload
If you wish to get a human readable time format instead of a timestamp, use the following command:
centreon -u admin -p 'centreon' -o ACL -a lastreload -v "d-m-Y H:i:s"
21-02-2012 15:17:01
You can change the date format:
Format character | Description |
d | Day |
m | Month |
Y | Year |
H | Hour |
i | Minute |
s | Second |
Access Groupsβ
Object name: ACLGROUP
To list the available access groups, use the SHOW action:
centreon -u admin -p 'centreon' -o ACLGROUP -a show
The columns are as follows:
Column | Description |
ID | ID |
Name | Name |
Alias | Alias |
Activate | 1 when ACL Group is enabled, 0 otherwise |
To add an access group, use the ADD action:
centreon -u admin -p 'centreon' -o ACLGROUP -a add -v "ACL Group test;my alias"
The required fields are:
Column | Description |
Name | Name |
Alias | Alias |
If you want to remove an access group, use the DEL action. To identify the access group to delete, use its name:
centreon -u admin -p 'centreon' -o ACLGROUP -a del -v "ACL Group test"
If you want to change a specific parameter of an access group, use the SETPARAM action. To identify the access group you want to update, use its name:
centreon -u admin -p 'centreon' -o ACLGROUP -a setparam -v "ACL Group test;alias;my new alias"
Arguments are composed of the following columns:
Order | Column description |
1 | Name of ACL Group |
2 | Parameter name |
3 | Parameter value |
Parameters that you may change are:
Column | Description |
name | |
alias | |
activate | 1 when the access group is enabled, 0 otherwise |
If you want to retrieve the menu rules that are linked to a specific access group, use the GETMENU action:
centreon -u admin -p 'centreon' -o ACLGROUP -a getmenu -v "ACL Group test"
2;Monitoring + Home
Arguments are composed of the following columns:
Order | Column description |
1 | Name of access group |
If you want to retrieve the action rules that are linked to a specific access group, use the GETACTION action:
centreon -u admin -p 'centreon' -o ACLGROUP -a getaction -v "ACL Group test"
1;Simple action rule
Arguments are composed of the following columns:
Order | Column description |
1 | Name of ACL group |
If you want to retrieve the resource rules that are linked to a specific access group, use the GETRESOURCE action:
centreon -u admin -p 'centreon' -o ACLGROUP -a getresource -v "ACL Group test"
1;All Resources
Arguments are composed of the following columns:
Order | Column description |
1 | Name of ACL group |
Getcontact and Getcontactgroupβ
If you want to retrieve the contacts that are linked to a specific access group, use the GETCONTACT action:
centreon -u admin -p 'centreon' -o ACLGROUP -a getcontact -v "ACL Group test"
If you want to retrieve the contact groups that are linked to a specific access group, use the GETCONTACTGROUP action:
centreon -u admin -p 'centreon' -o ACLGROUP -a getcontactgroup -v "ACL Group test"
Arguments are composed of the following columns:
Order | Column description |
1 | Name of access group |
Setmenu, Setaction, Setresource, Addmenu, Addaction, Addresourceβ
If you want to link rules to a specific access group, use the following actions: SETMENU, SETACTION, SETRESOURCE, ADDMENU, ADDACTION, ADDRESOURCE:
centreon -u admin -p 'centreon' -o ACLGROUP -a setmenu -v "ACL Group test;Menu rule 1|Menu rule 2"
centreon -u admin -p 'centreon' -o ACLGROUP -a addresource -v "ACL Group test;All Routers"
Command type | Description |
set* | Overwrites previous definitions. Use the delimiter |
add* | Appends new rules to the previous definitions. Use the delimiter |
Arguments are composed of the following columns:
Order | Column description |
1 | Name of access group |
2 | Name of the ACL rule to link |
Delmenu, Delaction, Delresourceβ
If you want to remove rules from a specific access group, use the following actions: DELMENU, DELACTION, DELRESOURCE:
centreon -u admin -p 'centreon' -o ACLGROUP -a delaction -v "ACL Group test;Ack rule|Downtime rule"
Arguments are composed of the following columns:
Order | Column description |
1 | Name of access group |
2 | Name of the ACL rule to remove |
Setcontact, Setcontactgroup, Addcontact, Addcontactgroupβ
If you want to link contacts or contact groups to a specific access group, use the following actions: SETCONTACT, SETCONTACTGROUP, ADDCONTACT, ADDCONTACTGROUP:
centreon -u admin -p 'centreon' -o ACLGROUP -a setcontact -v "ACL Group test;user1"
centreon -u admin -p 'centreon' -o ACLGROUP -a addcontactgroup -v "ACL Group test;usergroup1"
Arguments are composed of the following columns:
Order | Column description |
1 | Name of access group |
2 | Contact/Contact group to add/set |
Command type | Description |
set* | Overwrites previous definitions. Use the delimiter |
add* | Appends new contacts/contact groups to the previous definitions. Use the delimiter |
Delcontact, Delcontactgroupβ
If you want to remove rules from a specific access group, use the following actions: DELCONTACT, DELCONTACTGROUP:
centreon -u admin -p 'centreon' -o ACLGROUP -a delcontact -v "ACL Group test;user1"
Arguments are composed of the following columns:
Order | Column description |
1 | Name of access group |
2 | Contact/Contact group to remove from access group |
Action ACLsβ
Object name: ACLACTION
To list the available action ACLs, use the SHOW action:
centreon -u admin -p 'centreon' -o ACLACTION -a show
1;Simple User;Simple User;1
Columns are the following:
Column | Description |
ID | |
Name | |
Description | |
Activate | 1 when the action ACL is enabled, 0 otherwise |
To add an action ACL, use the ADD action:
centreon -u admin -p 'centreon' -o ACLACTION -a add -v "ACL Action test;my description"
Required fields:
Column | Description |
Name | |
Description |
If you want to remove an action ACL, use the DEL action. To identify the action ACL to delete, use its name:
centreon -u admin -p 'centreon' -o ACLACTION -a del -v "ACL Action test"
If you want to change a specific parameter of an action ACL, use the SETPARAM action. To identify the action ACL to update, use its name:
centreon -u admin -p 'centreon' -o ACLACTION -a setparam -v "ACL Action test;description;my new description"
Arguments are composed of the following columns:
Order | Column description |
1 | Name of action ACL rule |
2 | Parameter name |
3 | Parameter value |
Parameters that you may change are the following:
Column | Description |
name | |
description | |
activate | 1 when the action ACL is enabled, 0 otherwise |
If you want to retrieve the access groups that are linked to a specific action ACL, use the GETACLGROUP command.
Arguments are composed of the following columns:
Order | Column description |
1 | Name of action ACL rule |
centreon -u admin -p 'centreon' -o ACLACTION -a getaclgroup -v "ACL Action test"
Grant and Revokeβ
If you want to grant or revoke actions in an action ACL rule definition, use the following commands: GRANT, REVOKE.
Arguments are composed of the following columns:
Order | Column description |
1 | Name of ACL action rule |
2 | Actions to grant/revoke |
centreon -u admin -p 'centreon' -o ACLACTION -a grant -v "ACL Action test;host_acknowledgement|service_acknowledgement"
centreon -u admin -p 'centreon' -o ACLACTION -a revoke -v "ACL Action test;host_schedule_downtime|service_schedule_downtime"
The `*` wildcard can be used in order to grant or revoke all actions:
centreon -u admin -p 'centreon' -o ACLACTION -a grant -v "ACL Action test;*"
centreon -u admin -p 'centreon' -o ACLACTION -a revoke -v "ACL Action test;*"
Below is the list of actions that you can grant/revoke:
Action | Description |
global_event_handler | Permission to globally enable/disable event handlers |
global_flap_detection | Permission to globally enable/disable flap detection |
global_host_checks | Permission to globally enable/disable host active checks |
global_host_obsess | Permission to globally enable/disable obsess over host |
global_host_passive_checks | Permission to globally enable/disable host passive checks |
global_notifications | Permission to globally enable/disable notifications |
global_perf_data | Permission to globally enable/disable performance data |
global_restart | Permission to restart the monitoring engine |
global_service_checks | Permission to globally enable/disable service active checks |
global_service_obsess | Permission to globally enable/disable obsess over service |
global_service_passive_checks | Permission to globally enable/disable service passive checks |
global_shutdown | Permission to shut down the monitoring engine |
host_acknowledgement | Permission to acknowledge hosts |
host_checks | Permission to enable/disable host active checks |
host_checks_for_services | Permission to enable/disable active checks of a host's services |
host_comment | Permission to put comments on hosts |
host_event_handler | Permission to enable/disable event handlers on hosts |
host_flap_detection | Permission to enable/disable flap detection on hosts |
host_notifications | Permission to enable/disable notification on hosts |
host_notifications_for_services | Permission to enable/disable notification on hosts' services |
host_schedule_check | Permission to schedule a host check |
host_schedule_downtime | Permission to schedule a downtime on a host |
host_schedule_forced_check | Permission to schedule a host forced check |
host_submit_result | Permission to submit a passive check result to a host |
manage_tokens | Permission to enable/disable organizationβs API Token management |
poller_listing | Permission to see the Poller list on the monitoring console |
poller_stats | Permission to see the poller statistics (on top screen) |
service_acknowledgement | Permission to acknowledge services |
service_checks | Permission to enable/disable service active checks |
service_comment | Permission to put comments on services |
service_event_handler | Permission to enable/disable event handlers on services |
service_flap_detection | Permission to enable/disable flap detection on services |
service_notifications | Permission to enable/disable notification on services |
service_passive_checks | Permission to enable/disable service passive checks |
service_schedule_check | Permission to schedule a service check |
service_schedule_downtime | Permission to schedule a downtime on a service |
service_schedule_forced_check | Permission to schedule a service forced check |
service_submit_result | Permission to submit a passive check result to a service |
top_counter | Permission to see the quick status overview (top right corner of the screen) |
Menu ACLsβ
Object name: ACLMENU
To list the available menu ACLs, use the SHOW action:
centreon -u admin -p 'centreon' -o ACLMENU -a show
2;Monitoring + Home;Monitoring + Home;;1
4;Graphs;Graphs;just a comment;1
The columns are as follows:
Column | Description |
ID | ID |
Name | Name |
Alias | Alias |
Comment | Comment |
Activate | 1 when the menu ACL is enabled, 0 otherwise |
To add a menu ACL, use the ADD action:
centreon -u admin -p 'centreon' -o ACLMENU -a add -v "ACL Menu test;my alias"
The required fields are:
Column | Description |
Name | Name |
Alias | Alias |
If you want to remove a menu ACL, use the DEL action. To identify the menu ACL to delete, use its name:
centreon -u admin -p 'centreon' -o ACLMENU -a del -v "ACL Menu test"
If you want to change a specific parameter of a menu ACL, use the SETPARAM action. To identify the menu ACL to update, use its name:
centreon -u admin -p 'centreon' -o ACLMENU -a setparam -v "ACL Menu test;alias;my new alias"
Arguments are composed of the following columns:
Order | Column description |
1 | Name of menu ACL rule |
2 | Parameter name |
3 | Parameter value |
Parameters that you may change are:
Column | Description |
name | Name |
alias | Alias |
activate | 1 when the menu ACL is enabled, 0 otherwise |
comment | Comment |
If you want to retrieve the access groups that are linked to a specific menu ACL, use the GETACLGROUP action:
centreon -u admin -p 'centreon' -o ACLMENU -a getaclgroup -v "ACL Menu test"
Arguments are composed of the following columns:
Order | Column description |
1 | Name of menu ACL rule |
Grant and Revokeβ
If you want to grant access (Read/Write or Read Only), or revoke access to menus in a menu ACL rule definition, use the following actions: GRANTRW, GRANTRO, REVOKE
Let's assume that you would like to grant full access to the [Monitoring] menu in your menu ACL rule:
centreon -u admin -p 'centreon' -o ACLMENU -a grantrw -v "ACL Menu test;1;Monitoring"
Then you would like to grant access to the [Home] > [Poller statistics] menu:
centreon -u admin -p 'centreon' -o ACLMENU -a grantrw -v "ACL Menu test;1;Home;Poller statistics"
Then you would like to grant read-only access to the [Configuration] > [Hosts] menu:
centreon -u admin -p 'centreon' -o ACLMENU -a grantro -v "ACL Menu test;1;Configuration;Hosts"
Then, you decide to revoke access to the [Monitoring] > [Event Logs] menu:
centreon -u admin -p 'centreon' -o ACLMENU -a revoke -v "ACL Menu test;1;Monitoring;Event Logs"
Arguments are composed of the following columns:
Order | Column description |
1 | Name of menu ACL rule |
2 | Grant/revoke children menus |
3 | Menu name to grant/revoke |
n | Possible sub menu name |
Resource ACLsβ
Object name: ACLRESOURCE
To list the available resource ACLs, use the SHOW action:
centreon -u admin -p 'centreon' -o ACLRESOURCE -a show
1;All Resources;All Resources;;1
The columns are as follows:
Column | Description |
ID | ID |
Name | Name |
Alias | Alias |
Comment | Comment |
Activate | 1 when the resource ACL is enabled, 0 otherwise |
To add a resource ACL, use the ADD action:
centreon -u admin -p 'centreon' -o ACLRESOURCE -a add -v "ACL Resource test;my alias"
The required fields are:
Column | Description |
Name | Name |
Alias | Alias |
If you want to remove a resource ACL, use the DEL action. To identify the resource ACL to delete, use its name:
centreon -u admin -p 'centreon' -o ACLRESOURCE -a del -v "ACL Resource test"
If you want to change a specific parameter of a resource ACL, use the SETPARAM action. To identify the resource ACL to update, use its name:
centreon -u admin -p 'centreon' -o ACLRESOURCE -a setparam -v "ACL Resource test;alias;my new alias"
Arguments are composed of the following columns:
Order | Column description |
1 | Name of resource ACL rule |
2 | Parameter name |
3 | Parameter value |
The parameters that you may change are:
Column | Description |
name | Name |
alias | Alias |
activate | 1 when the resource ACL is enabled, 0 otherwise |
If you want to retrieve the access groups that are linked to a specific resource ACL, use the GETACLGROUP action:
centreon -u admin -p 'centreon' -o ACLRESOURCE -a getaclgroup -v "ACL Resource test"
Arguments are composed of the following columns:
Order | Column description |
1 | Name of access group |
Grant and revokeβ
Arguments are composed of the following columns:
Order | Column description |
1 | Name of access group |
2 | Name of resource |
If you want to grant or revoke access to resources in a resource ACL rule definition, use the following commands:
Command | Description | Example | Wildcard '*' supported |
grant_host | Put host name(s) | [...] -a grant_host -v "ACL Resource Test;srv-esx" | Yes |
grant_hostgroup | Put hostgroup name(s) | [...] -a grant_hostgroup -v "ACL Resource Test;Linux servers" | Yes |
grant_servicegroup | Put servicegroup name(s) | [...] -a grant_servicegroup -v "ACL Resource Test;Ping" | Yes |
grant_metaservice | Put metaservice name(s) | [...] -a grant_metaservice -v "ACL Resource Test;Traffic Average" | No |
addhostexclusion | Put host name(s) | [...] -a addhostexclusion -v "ACL Resource Test;srv-test" | No |
revoke_host | Put host name(s) | [...] -a revoke_host -v "ACL Resource Test;srv-esx" | Yes |
revoke_hostgroup | Put hostgroup name(s) | [...] -a revoke_hostgroup -v "ACL Resource Test;Linux servers" | Yes |
revoke_servicegroup | Put servicegroup name(s) | [...] -a revoke_servicegroup -v "ACL Resource Test;Ping" | Yes |
revoke_metaservice | Put metaservice name(s) | [...] -a revoke_metaservice -v "ACL Resource Test;Traffic Average" | Yes |
delhostexclusion | Put host name(s) | [...] -a delhostexclusion -v "ACL Resource Test;srv-test" | Yes |
addfilter_instance | Put instance name(s) | [...] -a addfilter_instance -v "ACL Resource Test;Monitoring-2" | No |
addfilter_hostcategory | Put host category name(s) | [...] -a addfilter_hostcategory -v "ACL Resource Test;Customer-1" | No |
addfilter_servicecategory | Put service category name(s) | [...] -a addfilter_servicecategory -v "ACL Resource Test;System" | No |
delfilter_instance | Put instance name(s) | [...] -a delfilter_instance -v "ACL Resource Test;Monitoring-2" | Yes |
delfilter_hostcategory | Put host category name(s) | [...] -a delfilter_hostcategory -v "ACL Resource Test;Customer-1" | Yes |
delfilter_servicecategory | Put service category name(s) | [...] -a delfilter_servicecategory -v "ACL Resource Test;System" | Yes |
NOTE: Use the "|" delimiter to define multiple resources.
Centreon Brokerβ
To list the available Centreon Broker CFG configurations, use the SHOW action:
centreon -u admin -p 'centreon' -o CENTBROKERCFG -a show
config id;config name;instance
1;Central CFG;Central
2;Sattelite CFG;Sattelite
The columns are as follows:
Order | Description |
1 | ID |
2 | Name of configuration |
3 | Instance that is linked to broker cfg |
To add a Centreon Broker CFG, use the ADD action:
centreon -u admin -p 'centreon' -o CENTBROKERCFG -a add -v "broker cfg for poller test;Poller test"
The required fields are:
Order | Description |
1 | Name of configuration |
2 | Instance that is linked to broker cfg |
If you want to remove a Centreon Broker CFG, use the DEL action. To identify the configuration to delete, use its name:
centreon -u admin -p 'centreon' -o CENTBROKERCFG -a del -v "broker cfg for poller test"
If you want to change a specific parameter of a Centreon Broker configuration, use the SETPARAM action. To identify the configuration to update, use its name:
centreon -u admin -p 'centreon' -o CENTBROKERCFG -a setparam -v "broker cfg for poller test;name;new broker cfg name"
Arguments are composed of the following columns:
Order | Column description |
1 | Name of Centreon Broker configuration |
2 | Parameter name |
3 | Parameter value |
The parameters that you may change are:
Column | Description |
filename | Filename of configuration (.json extension) |
name | Name of configuration |
instance | Instance that is linked to Centreon Broker CFG |
event_queue_max_size | Event queue max size (when number is reached, temporary output will be used). |
event_queues_total_size | Event queues maximum total size |
cache_directory | Path for cache files |
daemon | Link this configuration to cbd service (0 or 1) |
pool_size | Number of threads used (by default, use the number of CPUs) |
stats_activate | |
command_file | Filename of command |
log_directory | Directory of log files |
log_filename | Filename of log file |
Listinput and Listoutputβ
If you want to list specific input or output types of Centreon Broker, use one of the following commands:
- listinput
- listoutput
centreon -u admin -p 'centreon' -o CENTBROKERCFG -a listoutput -v "broker cfg for poller test"
The columns are as follows:
Column | Description |
ID | I/O ID |
Name | I/O Name |
Getinput and Getoutputβ
To get parameters of a specific I/O object, use one of the following commands:
- getinput
- getoutput
centreon -u admin -p 'centreon' -o CENTBROKERCFG -a getoutput -v "broker cfg for poller test;3"
parameter key;parameter value
The ID is used to identify the I/O to get.
The columns are as follows:
Order | Description |
1 | Parameter key of the I/O |
2 | Parameter value of the I/O |
Addinput and Addoutputβ
To add a new I/O object, use one of the following commands:
centreon -u admin -p 'centreon' -o CENTBROKERCFG -a addoutput -v "broker cfg for poller test;MyFileOutput;file"
centreon -u admin -p 'centreon' -o CENTBROKERCFG -a listoutput -v "broker cfg for poller test"
Arguments are composed of the following columns:
Order | Column description |
1 | Name of Centreon Broker CFG |
2 | Name of the I/O object |
3 | Nature of I/O object |
Delinput and Deloutputβ
To remove an I/O object from the Centreon Broker configuration, use one of the following commands:
centreon -u admin -p 'centreon' -o CENTBROKERCFG -a deloutput -v "broker cfg for poller test;4"
The I/O ID is used to identify the object to delete.
Setintput and Setoutputβ
To set the parameters of an I/O object, use one of the following commands:
centreon -u admin -p 'centreon' -o CENTBROKERCFG -a setoutput -v "broker cfg for poller test;1;retry_interval;5'"
Arguments are composed of the following columns:
Order | Column description |
1 | Name of Centreon Broker CFG |
2 | ID of I/O object |
3 | Parameter name |
4 | Parameter value. For multiple values, use the "," delimiter |
You may get help with the following CLAPI commands:
centreon -u admin -p 'centreon' -o CENTBROKERCFG -a gettypelist -v "output"
type id;short name;name
27;bam_bi;BI engine (BAM)
16;sql;Broker SQL Database
28;db_cfg_reader;Database configuration reader
29;db_cfg_writer;Database configuration writer
26;bam;Monitoring engine (BAM)
14;storage;Perfdata Generator (Centreon Storage)
13;rrd;RRD File Generator
30;graphite;Storage - Graphite
31;influxdb;Storage - InfluxDB
centreon -u admin -p 'centreon' -o CENTBROKERCFG -a getfieldlist -v "ipv4"
field id;short name;name
3;ca_certificate;Trusted CA's certificate;text
2;host;Host to connect to;text
46;negotiation;Enable negotiation;radio
48;one_peer_retention_mode;One peer retention;radio
1;port;Connection port;int
4;private_key;Private key file.;text
12;protocol*;Serialization Protocol;select
5;public_cert;Public certificate;text
6;tls;Enable TLS encryption;radio
NOTE: Note that the "protocol" entry is followed by a star. This means that you must use one of the possible values.
This is how you get the list of possible values for a given field:
centreon -u admin -p 'centreon' -o CENTBROKERCFG -a getvaluelist -v "protocol"
possible values
The following chapters describe the parameters of each object type.
ID | Label | Description | Possible values |
buffering_timeout | Buffering timeout | Time in seconds to wait before launching failover. | |
compression compression_buffer compression_level | Compression (zlib) Compression buffer size Compression level | Enable or not data stream compression. The higher the buffer size is, the best compression. This however increase data streaming latency. Use with caution. Ranges from 0 (no compression) to 9 (best compression). Default is -1 (zlib compression) | |
retry_interval | Retry interval | Time in seconds to wait between each connection attempt. | |
category | Filter category | Category filter for flux in input | |
ca_certificate host | Trusted CA's certificate Host to connect to | Trusted CA's certificate. IP address or hostname of the host to connect to (leave blank for listening mode). | |
one_peer_retention_mode port | One peer retention Connection port | This allows the retention to work even if the socket is listening Port to listen on (empty host) or to connect to (with host filled). | |
private_key | Private key file. | Private key file path when TLS encryption is used. | |
protocol | Serialization protocol | Serialization protocol. | ndo |
public_cert | Public certificate | Public certificate file path when TLS encryption is used. | |
tls | Enable TLS encryption | Enable TLS encryption. |
ID | Label | Description | Possible values |
buffering_timeout | Buffering timeout | Time in seconds to wait before launching failover. | |
compression compression_buffer compression_level | Compression (zlib) Compression buffer size Compression level | Enable or not data stream compression. The higher the buffer size is, the best compression. This however increase data streaming latency. Use with caution. Ranges from 0 (no compression) to 9 (best compression). Default is -1 (zlib compression) | |
retry_interval | Retry interval | Time in seconds to wait between each connection attempt. | |
category | Filter category | Category filter for flux in input | |
ca_certificate host | Trusted CA's certificate Host to connect to | Trusted CA's certificate. IP address or hostname of the host to connect to (leave blank for listening mode). | |
one_peer_retention_mode port | One peer retention Connection port | This allows the retention to work even if the socket is listening Port to listen on (empty host) or to connect to (with host filled). | |
private_key | Private key file. | Private key file path when TLS encryption is used. | |
protocol | Serialization protocol | Serialization protocol. | ndo |
public_cert | Public certificate | Public certificate file path when TLS encryption is used. | |
tls | Enable TLS encryption | Enable TLS encryption. |
ID | Label | Description | Possible values |
buffering_timeout | Buffering timeout | Time in seconds to wait before launching failover. | |
compression compression_buffer compression_level | Compression (zlib) Compression buffer size Compression level | Enable or not data stream compression. The higher the buffer size is, the best compression. This however increase data streaming latency. Use with caution. Ranges from 0 (no compression) to 9 (best compression). Default is -1 (zlib compression) | |
retry_interval | Retry interval | Time in seconds to wait between each connection attempt. | |
max_size | Maximum size of file | Maximum size in bytes. | |
path | File path | Path to the file. | |
protocol | Serialization protocol | Serialization protocol. | ndo |
ID | Label | Description | Possible values |
config | Configuration messages | Enable or not configuration messages logging. | |
debug | Debug messages | Enable or not debug messages logging. | |
error | Error messages | Enable or not error messages logging. | |
info | Informational messages | Enable or not informational messages logging. | |
level | Logging level | How much messages must be logged. | high,low,medium |
max_size name | Max file size in bytes Name of the logger | The maximum size of log file. For a file logger this is the path to the file. For a standard logger, one of 'stdout' or 'stderr'. |
ID | Label | Description | Possible values |
config | Configuration messages | Enable or not configuration messages logging. | |
debug | Debug messages | Enable or not debug messages logging. | |
error | Error messages | Enable or not error messages logging. | |
info | Informational messages | Enable or not informational messages logging. | |
level name | Logging level Name of the logger | How much messages must be logged. For a file logger this is the path to the file. For a standard logger, one of 'stdout' or 'stderr'. | high,low,medium |
ID | Label | Description | Possible values |
config | Configuration messages | Enable or not configuration messages logging. | |
debug | Debug messages | Enable or not debug messages logging. | |
error | Error messages | Enable or not error messages logging. | |
info | Informational messages | Enable or not informational messages logging. | |
level | Logging level | How much messages must be logged. | high,low,medium |
ID | Label | Description | Possible values |
config | Configuration messages | Enable or not configuration messages logging. | |
debug | Debug messages | Enable or not debug messages logging. | |
error | Error messages | Enable or not error messages logging. | |
info | Informational messages | Enable or not informational messages logging. | |
level name | Logging level Name of the logger | How much messages must be logged. For a file logger this is the path to the file. For a standard logger, one of 'stdout' or 'stderr'. | high,low,medium |
ID | Label | Description | Possible values |
buffering_timeout | Buffering timeout | Time in seconds to wait before launching failover. | - |
compression | Compression (zlib) | Enable or not data stream compression. | - |
compression_buffer | Compression buffer size | The higher the buffer size is, the better the compression is. This however increases data streaming latency. Use with caution. | - |
compression_level | Compression level | Ranges from 0 (no compression) to 9 (best compression). Default is -1 (zlib compression) | - |
retry_interval | Retry interval | Time in seconds to wait between each connection attempt. | - |
category | Filter category | Category filter for flux in input | - |
ca_certificate | Trusted CA's certificate | Trusted CA's certificate. | - |
host | Host to connect to | IP address or hostname of the host to connect to (leave blank for listening mode). | - |
one_peer_retention_mode | one peer retention | This allows the retention to work even if the socket is listening | - |
port | Connection port | Port to listen on (empty host) or to connect to (with host filled). | - |
private_key | Private key file. | Private key file path when TLS encryption is used. | - |
protocol | Serialization protocol | Serialization protocol. | ndo |
public_cert | Public certificate | Public certificate file path when TLS encryption is used. | - |
tls | Enable TLS encryption | Enable TLS encryption | - |
ID | Label | Description | Possible values |
buffering_timeout | Buffering timeout | Time in seconds to wait before launching failover. | - |
compression | Compression (zlib) | Enable or not data stream compression. | - |
compression_buffer | Compression buffer size | The higher the buffer size is, the better the compression is. This however increases data streaming latency. Use with caution. | - |
compression_level | Compression level | Ranges from 0 (no compression) to 9 (best compression). Default is -1 (zlib compression) | - |
retry_interval | Retry interval | Time in seconds to wait between each connection attempt. | - |
category | Filter category | Category filter for flux in input | - |
ca_certificate | Trusted CA's certificate | Trusted CA's certificate. | - |
host | Host to connect to | IP address or hostname of the host to connect to (leave blank for listening mode). | - |
one_peer_retention_mode | one peer retention | This allows the retention to work even if the socket is listening | - |
port | Connection port | Port to listen on (empty host) or to connect to (with host filled). | - |
private_key | Private key file. | Private key file path when TLS encryption is used. | - |
protocol | Serialization protocol | Serialization protocol. | ndo |
public_cert | Public certificate | Public certificate file path when TLS encryption is used. | - |
tls | Enable TLS encryption | Enable TLS encryption | - |
ID | Label | Description | Possible values |
buffering_timeout | Buffering timeout | Time in seconds to wait before launching failover. | - |
compression | Compression (zlib) | Enable or not data stream compression. | - |
compression_buffer | Compression buffer size | The higher the buffer size is, the better the compression is. This however increases data streaming latency. Use with caution. | - |
compression_level | Compression level | Ranges from 0 (no compression) to 9 (best compression). Default is -1 (zlib compression) | - |
failover | Failover name | Name of the output which will act as failover | - |
retry_interval | Retry interval | Time in seconds to wait between each connection attempt. | - |
category | Filter category | Category filter for flux in output. | - |
max_size | Maximum size of file | Maximum size in bytes. | - |
path | File path | Path to the file. | - |
protocol | Serialization protocol | Serialization protocol. | ndo |
ID | Label | Description | Possible values |
buffering_timeout | Buffering timeout | Time in seconds to wait before launching failover. | |
failover | Failover name | Name of the output which will act as failover | |
retry_interval | Retry interval | Time in seconds to wait between each connection attempt. | |
category | Filter category | Category filter for flux in output. | |
metrics_path path port | RRD file directory for metrics Unix socket TCP port | RRD file directory, for example /var/lib/centreon/metrics The Unix socket used to communicate with rrdcached. This is a global option, go to Administration > Options > RRDTool to modify it. The TCP port used to communicate with rrdcached. This is a global option, go to Administration > Options > RRDTool to modify it. | |
status_path | RRD file directory for statuses | RRD file directory, for example /var/lib/centreon/status | |
write_metrics | Enable write_metrics | Enable or not write_metrics. | |
write_status | Enable write_status | Enable or not write_status. | |
store_in_data_bin | Enable store_in_data_bin | Enable or not the storage of performance data in 'data_bin' |
ID | Label | Description | Possible values |
buffering_timeout | Buffering timeout | Time in seconds to wait before launching failover. | |
failover | Failover name | Name of the output which will act as failover | |
retry_interval | Retry interval | Time in seconds to wait between each connection attempt. | |
category check_replication | Filter category Replication enabled | Category filter for flux in output. When enabled, the broker engine will check whether or not the replication is up to date before attempting to update data. | |
db_host | DB host | IP address or hostname of the database server. | |
db_name | DB name | Database name. | |
db_password | DB password | Password of database user. | |
db_port | DB port | Port on which the DB server listens | |
db_type | DB type | Target DBMS. | db2,ibase,mysql,oci,odbc,postgresql,sqlite,tds |
db_user | DB user | Database user. | |
interval | Interval length | Interval length in seconds. | |
length | RRD length | RRD storage duration in seconds. | |
queries_per_transaction | Maximum queries per transaction | The maximum queries per transaction before commit. | |
read_timeout rebuild_check_interval | Transaction commit timeout Rebuild check interval in seconds | The transaction timeout before running commit. The interval between checks if some metrics must be rebuilt. The default value is 300s. | |
store_in_data_bin | Enable store_in_data_bin | Enable or not the storage of performance data in 'data_bin. |
ID | Label | Description | Possible values |
buffering_timeout | Buffering timeout | Time in seconds to wait before launching failover. | |
failover | Failover name | Name of the output which will act as failover | |
retry_interval | Retry interval | Time in seconds to wait between each connection attempt. | |
category check_replication | Filter category Replication enabled | Category filter for flux in output. When enabled, the broker engine will check whether or not the replication is up to date before attempting to update data. | |
db_host | DB host | IP address or hostname of the database server. | |
db_name | DB name | Database name. | |
db_password | DB password | Password of database user. | |
db_port | DB port | Port on which the DB server listens. | |
db_type | DB type | Target DBMS. | db2,ibase,mysql,oci,odbc,postgresql,sqlite,tds |
db_user | DB user | Database user. | |
queries_per_transaction | Maximum queries per transaction | The maximum queries per transaction. | |
read_timeout | Transaction commit timeout | Timeout delay for a transaction. |
Centreon Engineβ
Object name: ENGINECFG
To list the available Centreon Engine configurations, use the SHOW action:
centreon -u admin -p 'centreon' -o ENGINECFG -a show
1;Centreon Engine CFG 1;Central;Default CentreonEngine.cfg
The columns are as follows:
Order | Description |
1 | Centreon Engine ID |
2 | Centreon Engine configuration name |
3 | Instance that is linked to centreon-engine.cfg |
4 | Comments regarding the configuration file |
To add a Centreon Engine configuration, use the ADD action:
centreon -u admin -p 'centreon' -o ENGINECFG -a add -v "Centreon Engine cfg for poller NY;Poller-NY;Just a small comment"
The required fields are:
Order | Description |
1 | Centreon Engine configuration name |
2 | Instance that is linked to centreon-engine.cfg |
3 | Comment regarding the configuration file |
If you want to remove a Centreon Engine configuration, use the DEL action. To identify the configuration to delete, use its name:
centreon -u admin -p 'centreon' -o ENGINECFG -a del -v "Centreon Engine cfg for poller NY"
If you want to change a specific parameter of a Centreon Engine configuration, use the SETPARAM action. To identify the configuration to update, use its name:
centreon -u admin -p 'centreon' -o ENGINECFG -a setparam -v "Centreon Engine cfg for poller NY;cfg_dir;/usr/local/nagios/etc"
Arguments are composed of the following columns:
Order | Column description |
1 | Name of Centreon Engine configuration |
2 | Parameter name |
3 | Parameter value |
The parameters that you may change are:
Column | Description |
nagios_name | Name |
instance | Instance that is linked to centreon-engine.cfg |
broker_module | example: [...] -v "Engine CFG NY;broker_module;/usr/lib64/nagios/ /etc/centreon-broker/central-module.json", you can use a | delimiter for defining multiple broker modules |
nagios_activate | 1 if activated, 0 otherwise |
* | Centreon CLAPI handles pretty much all the options available in a centreon-engine configuration file. Because the list is quite long, it is best to refer to the official documentation of Centreon Engine. |
If you want to add a new broker module without removing existing modules, use ADDBROKERMODULE:
centreon -u admin -p 'centreon' -o ENGINECFG -a addbrokermodule -v "Centreon Engine cfg for poller NY;/usr/lib64/centreon-engine/"
Arguments are composed of the following columns:
Order | Column description |
1 | Name of Centreon Engine configuration |
2 | Module name |
To add multiple modules in one line, it will put the separator "/etc/centreon-broker/central-module.json"
If you want to delete a broker module, use DELBROKERMODULE:
centreon -u admin -p 'centreon' -o ENGINECFG -a delbrokermodule -v "Centreon Engine cfg for poller NY;/usr/lib64/centreon-engine/"
Arguments are composed of the following columns:
Order | Column description |
1 | Name of Centreon Engine configuration |
2 | Module name |
To delete multiple modules in one line, add the separator "/etc/centreon-broker/central-module.json"
Object name: CMD
To list the available commands, use the SHOW action:
centreon -u admin -p 'centreon' -o CMD -a show
1;check-ping;check;$USER1$/check_ping -H $HOSTADDRESS$ -w $ARG1$ -c $ARG2$
2;check_dummy;check;$USER1$/check_dummy -o $ARG1$ -s $ARG2$
You can also specify the command to search:
centreon -u admin -p 'centreon' -o CMD -a show -v 'check-ping'
1;check-ping;check;$USER1$/check_ping -H $HOSTADDRESS$ -w $ARG1$ -c $ARG2$
The columns are as follows:
Column | Description |
Command ID | |
Command name | |
Command type | check, notif, misc or discovery |
Command line | System command line that will be run on execution |
To add a command, use the ADD action:
centreon -u admin -p 'centreon' -o CMD -a ADD -v 'check-host-alive;check;$USER1$/check_ping -H $HOSTADDRESS$ -w 3000.0,80% -c 5000.0,100% -p 1'
The required columns are as follows:
Column | Description |
Command name | |
Command type | check, notif, misc or discovery |
Command line | System command line that will be run on execution |
NOTE: You need to generate your configuration file and restart the monitoring engine in order to apply changes.
If you want to remove a command, use the DEL action:
centreon -u admin -p 'centreon' -o CMD -a del -v 'check-host-alive'
NOTE: You need to generate your configuration file and restart the monitoring engine in order to apply changes.
If you want to change a specific parameter for a command, use the SETPARAM command:
centreon -u admin -p 'centreon' -o CMD -a setparam -v 'check-host-alive;type;notif'
centreon -u admin -p 'centreon' -o CMD -a setparam -v 'check-host-alive;name;check-host-alive2'
The parameters that you can change are the following:
Parameter | Description |
name | Name of command |
line | Command line |
type | check, notif, misc or discovery |
graph | Graph template applied on command |
example | Example of arguments (i.e: !80!90) |
comment | Comments regarding the command |
activate | Activate or disable the command |
enable_shell | Enable/Disable shell |
NOTE: You need to generate your configuration file and restart the monitoring engine in order to apply changes.
To get specific parameters on a command, use the GETPARAM action:
centreon -u admin -p 'centreon' -o CMD -a getparam -v "test;name"
centreon -u admin -p 'centreon' -o CMD -a getparam -v "test;name|alia|comment"
Object not found:alia
centreon -u admin -p 'centreon' -o CMD -a getparam -v "test;name|line|type"
check-ping;check;$USER1$/check_ping;Check ping
You may edit the following parameters:
Parameter | Description |
name | Name of command |
line | Command line |
type | check, notif, misc or discovery |
graph | Graph template applied on command |
example | Example of arguments (i.e: !80!90) |
comment | Comments regarding the command |
activate | Activate or disable the command |
enable_shell | Enable/Disable shell |
To retrieve the argument descriptions for a command, use the getargumentdescr command:
centreon -u admin -p 'centreon' -o CMD -a getargumentdesc -v 'test-cmd'
ARG0;First Argument ARG1;Second Argument
If you want to change all argument descriptions for a command, use the setargumentdescr command:
centreon -u admin -p 'centreon' -o CMD -a setargumentdescr -v 'check_centreon_ping;ARG1:count;ARG2:warning;ARG3:critical'
Contact Groupsβ
Object name: CG
To list the available contact groups, use the SHOW action:
centreon -u admin -p 'centreon' -o CG -a show
Guest;Guests Group;guest-user1,guest-user2
Supervisors;Centreon supervisors;Admin
The columns are as follows:
Column | Description |
Name | |
Alias | |
Members | List of contacts that are in the contact group |
To add a contact group, use the ADD action:
centreon -u admin -p 'centreon' -o CG -a ADD -v "Windows;Windows admins"
The required fields are:
Column | Description |
Name | Name |
Alias | Alias |
NOTE: You need to generate your configuration file and restart the monitoring engine in order to apply changes.
To delete one contact group, use the DEL action:
centreon -u admin -p 'centreon' -o CG -a DEL -v "Windows"
NOTE: You need to generate your configuration file and restart the monitoring engine in order to apply changes.
To change the name or the alias of a contactgroup, use the SETPARAM action:
centreon -u admin -p 'centreon' -o CG -a setparam -v "Windows;name;Windows-2K"
centreon -u admin -p 'centreon' -o CG -a setparam -v "Cisco;alias;Cisco-Routers"
The parameters that you can change are the following:
Parameter | Description |
name | Name |
alias | Alias |
NOTE: You need to generate your configuration file and restart the monitoring engine in order to apply changes.
To enable a contact group, use the ENABLE action:
centreon -u admin -p 'centreon' -o CG -a enable -v "Guest"
NOTE: You need to generate your configuration file and restart the monitoring engine in order to apply changes.
To disable a contact group, use the DISABLE action:
centreon -u admin -p 'centreon' -o CG -a disable -v "Guest"
NOTE: You need to generate your configuration file and restart the monitoring engine in order to apply changes.
To view the contact list of a contact group, use the GETCONTACT action:
centreon -u admin -p 'centreon' -o CG -a getcontact -v "Guest"
The columns are as follows:
Column | Description |
ID | Id of contact |
Name | Name of contact |
Addcontact and Setcontactβ
To add a contact to a contact group, use the ADDCONTACT or SETCONTACT action, where 'add' will append and 'set' will overwrite previous definitions:
centreon -u admin -p 'centreon' -o CG -a addcontact -v "Guest;User1"
centreon -u admin -p 'centreon' -o CG -a setcontact -v "Guest;User1|User2"
NOTE: You need to generate your configuration file and restart the monitoring engine in order to apply changes.
To remove a contact from a contact group, use the DELCONTACT action:
centreon -u admin -p 'centreon' -o CG -a delcontact -v "Guest;User1"
centreon -u admin -p 'centreon' -o CG -a delcontact -v "Guest;User2"
NOTE: You need to generate your configuration file and restart the monitoring engine in order to apply changes.
Object name: CONTACT
To list the available contacts, use the SHOW action:
centreon -u admin -p 'centreon' -o contact -a show
id;name;alias;email;pager;gui access;admin;activate
The columns are as follows:
Column | Description |
ID | ID of contact |
Name | Name of contact |
Alias | Alias of contact (also login id) |
Email of contact | |
Pager | Phone number of contact |
GUI Access | 1 (can access UI) or 0 (cannot access UI) |
Admin | 1 (admin) or 0 (non admin) |
activate | 1 (enabled) or 0 (disabled) |
To add a contact, use the ADD action:
centreon -u admin -p 'centreon' -o CONTACT -a ADD -v "user;user;;mypassword;1;1;en_US;local"
The required parameters are as follows:
Parameter | Description |
Name | Name of contact |
Alias (login) | Alias of contact (also login id) |
Email of contact | |
Password | Password of contact (this field doesn't apply to contact templates) |
Admin | 1 (admin) or 0 (non admin) |
GUI Access | 1 (can access UI) or 0 (cannot access UI) |
Language | Language pack has to be installed on Centreon |
Authentication type | local or ldap |
NOTE: You need to generate your configuration file and restart the monitoring engine in order to apply changes.
To delete one contact, use the DEL action. To identify the contact to delete, use its name:
centreon -u admin -p 'centreon' -o contact -a del -v "user"
NOTE: You need to generate your configuration file and restart the monitoring engine in order to apply changes.
If you want to change a specific parameter for a contact, use the SETPARAM action:
centreon -u admin -p 'centreon' -o contact -a setParam -v "contact alias;hostnotifcmd;command name"
centreon -u admin -p 'centreon' -o contact -a setParam -v "contact alias;svcnotifcmd;command name"
centreon -u admin -p 'centreon' -o contact -a setParam -v "contact alias;hostnotifperiod;period name"
centreon -u admin -p 'centreon' -o contact -a setparam -v "contact alias;timezone;Europe/Berlin"
The required parameters are as follows:
Parameter | Description |
Contact alias | Alias of contact to update |
Parameter | Parameter to update |
Value | New value of parameter |
The parameters that you can change are the following:
Parameter | Description |
name | Name |
alias | Alias |
comment | Comment |
Email Address | |
password | User Password |
access | Can reach centreon, 1 if user has access, 0 otherwise |
language | Locale |
admin | 1 if user is admin, 0 otherwise |
authtype | ldap or local |
hostnotifcmd | host notification command(s). Multiple commands can be defined with delimiter " |
svcnotifcmd | service notification command(s). Multiple commands can be defined with delimiter " |
hostnotifperiod | host notification period |
svcnotifperiod | service notification period |
hostnotifopt | can be d,u,r,f,s,n |
servicenotifopt | can be w,u,c,r,f,s,n |
address1 | Address #1 |
address2 | Address #2 |
address3 | Address #3 |
address4 | Address #4 |
address5 | Address #5 |
address6 | Address #6 |
ldap_dn | LDAP domain name |
enable_notifications | 1 when notification is enabled, 0 otherwise |
autologin_key | Used for auto login |
template | Name of the template to apply to the contact |
timezone | Timezone |
reach_api | 1 if the user has access to the API configuration, 0 otherwise |
reach_api_rt | 1 if the user has access to the API realtime, 0 otherwise |
NOTE: You need to generate your configuration file and restart the monitoring engine in order to apply changes.
To enable a contact, use the ENABLE action:
centreon -u admin -p 'centreon' -o contact -a enable -v "test"
NOTE: You need to generate your configuration file and restart the monitoring engine in order to apply changes.
To disable a contact, use the DISABLE action:
centreon -u admin -p 'centreon' -o contact -a disable -v "test"
NOTE: You need to generate your configuration file and restart the monitoring engine in order to apply changes.
Contact templatesβ
Object name: CONTACTTPL
Refer to the CONTACT <contacts>
Object name: DEP
To list the available dependencies, use the SHOW action:
centreon -u admin -p 'centreon' -o DEP -a show
62;my dependency;a description;1;n;n
The columns are as follows:
Column | Description |
ID | Unique ID of the dependency |
Name | Name |
Description | Short description of the dependency |
inherits_parent | Whether or not dependency inherits higher level dependencies |
execution_failure_criteria | Defines which parent states prevent dependent resources from being checked |
notification_failure_criteria | Defines which parent states prevent notifications on dependent resources |
To add a new dependency, use the ADD action:
centreon -u admin -p 'centreon' -o DEP -a ADD -v "my new dependency;any description;HOST;dummy-host"
The required parameters are as follows:
Order | Description |
1 | Name of the dependency |
2 | Description of the dependency |
3 | Dependency type: HOST, HG, SG, SERVICE, META |
4 | Name of the parent resource(s) |
NOTE: You need to generate your configuration file and restart the monitoring engine in order to apply changes.
To delete a dependency, use the DEL action. To identify the dependency to delete, use its name:
centreon -u admin -p 'centreon' -o DEP -a DEL -v "my dependency"
NOTE: You need to generate your configuration file and restart the monitoring engine in order to apply changes.
To set a specific parameter for a dependency, use the SETPARAM action:
centreon -u admin -p 'centreon' -o DEP -a setparam -v "my dependency;name;my new dependency name"
You may change the following parameters:
Parameter | Description |
name | Name |
description | Description |
comment | Comment |
inherits_parent | 0 or 1 |
execution_failure_criteria | o,w,u,c,p,d,n |
notification_failure_criteria | o,w,u,c,p,d,n |
NOTE: You need to generate your configuration file and restart the monitoring engine in order to apply changes.
If you want to retrieve the dependency definition of a dependency object, use the LISTDEP action:
centreon -u admin -p 'centreon' -o DEP -a LISTDEP -v "my dependency"
Addparent and Addchildβ
If you want to add a new parent or a new child to a dependency definition, use the ADDPARENT or ADDCHILD action:
centreon -u admin -p 'centreon' -o DEP -a ADDPARENT -v "my dependency;my_parent_host"
centreon -u admin -p 'centreon' -o DEP -a ADDCHILD -v "my dependency;my_child_host"
centreon -u admin -p 'centreon' -o DEP -a ADDCHILD -v "my dependency;my_child_host2,my_child_service2"
NOTE: You need to generate your configuration file and restart the monitoring engine in order to apply changes.
Delparent and Delchildβ
To delete a parent or a child from a dependency definition, use the DELPARENT or DELCHILD action:
centreon -u admin -p 'centreon' -o DEP -a DELPARENT -v "my dependency;my_parent_host"
centreon -u admin -p 'centreon' -o DEP -a DELCHILD -v "my dependency;my_child_host"
centreon -u admin -p 'centreon' -o DEP -a DELCHILD -v "my dependency;my_child_host2,my_child_service2"
NOTE: You need to generate your configuration file and restart the monitoring engine in order to apply changes.
Object name: DOWNTIME
To list the available recurring downtime periods, use the SHOW action:
centreon -u admin -p 'centreon' -o DOWNTIME -a show
1;mail-backup;sunday backup;1
2;my downtime;a description;1
The columns are as follows:
Column | Description |
ID | Unique ID of the recurring downtime |
Name | Name |
Description | Short description of the recurring downtime |
Activate | Whether or not downtime is activated |
To show the resources of a downtime period, use the Show action with parameters:
centreon -u admin -p 'centreon' -o DOWNTIME -a show -v "mail-backup;host"
The parameters are the following:
Order | Description |
1 | Name of the downtime |
2 | (optional) Object type (host, hg, service, sg) |
To add a new downtime period, use the ADD action:
centreon -u admin -p 'centreon' -o DOWNTIME -a ADD -v "my new downtime;any description"
The required parameters are as follows:
Order | Description |
1 | Name of downtime |
2 | Description of downtime |
To delete downtime, use the DEL action. To identify the recurring downtime to delete, use its name:
centreon -u admin -p 'centreon' -o DOWNTIME -a DEL -v "my downtime"
To set a specific parameter for downtime, use the SETPARAM action:
centreon -u admin -p 'centreon' -o DOWNTIME -a setparam -v "my downtime;name;my new downtime name"
You may change the following parameters:
Parameter | Description |
name | Name |
description | Description |
If you want to retrieve the periods set on a recurring downtime period, use the LISTPERIODS action:
centreon -u admin -p 'centreon' -o DOWNTIME -a LISTPERIODS -v "my downtime"
position;start time;end time;fixed;duration;day of week;day of month;month cycle
The columns are as follows:
Column | Description |
Position | Position of the period; used to delete a period from a recurring downtime period |
Start time | Start time of the recurring downtime period |
End time | End time of the recurring downtime period |
Fixed | Type of downtime (1 = fixed, 0 = flexible) |
Duration | Duration of downtime when in flexible mode (seconds) |
Day of week | 1 - 7 (1 = monday ... 7 = sunday) |
Day of month | 1 - 31 |
Month cycle | "all", "none", "first" or "last". Determines when downtime will take effect on specific days of the week (e.g.: all Sundays, last Sunday of the month, first Sunday of the month...) |
To add a weekly period, use the ADDWEEKLYPERIOD action:
centreon -u admin -p 'centreon' -o DOWNTIME -a ADDWEEKLYPERIOD -v "my downtime;00:00;04:00;0;7200;saturday,sunday"
The above example will set a downtime period every Saturday and Sunday between 00:00 and 04:00.
Parameter | Description |
Name | Name of the recurring downtime period |
Start time | Start time of the recurring downtime period |
End time | End time of the recurring downtime period |
Fixed | 0 for flexible downtime, 1 for fixed |
Duration | Duration of downtime when in flexible mode (seconds) |
Day of week | Can be written with letters or numbers (1 to 7 or Monday to Sunday) |
To add a monthly period, use the ADDMONTHLYPERIOD action:
centreon -u admin -p 'centreon' -o DOWNTIME -a ADDMONTHLYPERIOD -v "my downtime;19:00;22:00;1;;14,21"
The above example will set a downtime period on every 14th and 21st day for all months.
Parameter | Description |
Name | Name of the recurring downtime period |
Start time | Start time of the recurring downtime period |
End time | End time of the recurring downtime period |
Fixed | 0 for flexible downtime, 1 for fixed |
Duration | Duration of downtime when in flexible mode (seconds) |
Day of month | 1 to 31 |
To add a specific period, use the ADDSPECIFICPERIOD action:
centreon -u admin -p 'centreon' -o DOWNTIME -a ADDSPECIFICPERIOD -v "my downtime;19:00;22:00;1;;wednesday;first"
The above example will set a downtime period on every first Wednesday for all months.
Parameter | Description |
Name | Name of the recurring downtime period |
Start time | Start time of the recurring downtime period |
End time | End time of the recurring downtime period |
Fixed | 0 for flexible downtime, 1 for fixed |
Duration | Duration of downtime when in flexible mode (seconds) |
Day of week | Can be written with letters or numbers (1 to 7 or Monday to Sunday) |
Month cycle | first or last |
Addhost, addhostgroup, addservice, addservicegroupβ
If you want to associate a host, host group, service or service group to a recurring downtime period, use the ADDHOST, ADDHOSTGROUP, ADDSERVICE or ADDSERVICEGROUP action:
centreon -u admin -p 'centreon' -o DOWNTIME -a ADDHOST -v "my downtime;host_1"
centreon -u admin -p 'centreon' -o DOWNTIME -a ADDSERVICE -v "my downtime;host_1,service_1"
Use the "|" delimiter in order to define multiple relationships.
Delhost, delhostgroup, delservice, delservicegroupβ
If you want to remove a host, host group, service or service group from a recurring downtime, use the DELHOST, DELHOSTGROUP, DELSERVICE or DELSERVICEGROUP action:
centreon -u admin -p 'centreon' -o DOWNTIME -a DELHOST -v "my downtime;host_1"
centreon -u admin -p 'centreon' -o DOWNTIME -a DELSERVICE -v "my downtime;host_1,service_1"
Sethost, sethostgroup, setservice, setservicegroupβ
The SETHOST, SETHOSTGROUP, SETSERVICE AND SETSERVICEGROUP actions are similar to their ADD counterparts, but they will overwrite the relationship definitions instead of appending them:
centreon -u admin -p 'centreon' -o DOWNTIME -a ADDHOST -v "my downtime;host_1|host_2"
centreon -u admin -p 'centreon' -o DOWNTIME -a ADDSERVICE -v "my downtime;host_1,service_1|host_2,service_2"
Use the "|" delimiter in order to define multiple relationships.
Host categoriesβ
Object name: HC
To list the available host categories, use the SHOW action:
centreon -u admin -p 'centreon' -o HC -a show
1;Linux;Linux Servers;host1
2;Windows;Windows Server;host2
3;AS400;AS400 systems;host3,host4
The columns are as follows:
Column | Description |
Name | Name of host category |
Alias | Alias of host category |
To add a host category, use ADD:
centreon -u admin -p 'centreon' -o HC -a add -v "Databases;Databases servers"
The required parameters are as follows:
Order | Description |
1 | Name of host category |
2 | Alias of host category |
To delete a host category, use the DEL action. The name is used to identify the host category you want to delete:
centreon -u admin -p 'centreon' -o HC -a DEL -v "Databases"
To view the list of hosts in a host category, use the GETMEMBER action:
centreon -u admin -p 'centreon' -o HC -a getmember -v "Linux"
Addmember and Setmemberβ
To add a host or a host template to a host category, use the ADDMEMBER or SETMEMBER action, where add will append and set will overwrite previous definitions:
centreon -u admin -p 'centreon' -o HC -a addmember -v "Linux;host7"
centreon -u admin -p 'centreon' -o HC -a setmember -v "Windows;host7|host8|host9"
The required parameters are as follows:
Order | Description |
1 | Host category name |
2 | Host names to add/set. For multiple definitions, use the * |
To turn a host category into a severity, use the SETSEVERITY action:
centreon -u admin -p 'centreon' -o HC -a setseverity -v "Critical;3;16x16/critical.gif"
The required parameters are as follows:
Order | Description |
1 | Host category name |
2 | Severity level - must be a number |
3 | Icon that represents the severity |
To turn a severity into a regular host category, use the UNSETSEVERITY action:
centreon -u admin -p 'centreon' -o HC -a unsetseverity -v "Critical"
The required parameters are as follows:
Order | Description |
1 | Host category name |
To remove a host or a host template from a host category, use the DELMEMBER action:
centreon -u admin -p 'centreon' -o HC -a delmember -v "Linux;host7"
centreon -u admin -p 'centreon' -o HC -a delmember -v "Windows;host8"
The required parameters are as follows:
Order | Description |
1 | Host category name |
2 | Host names to remove from host category |
Host group servicesβ
Object name: HGSERVICE
Refer to the SERVICE <services>
NOTE: HGSERVICE works just like SERVICE; you only need to replace the host name with the host group name.
Host groupsβ
Object name: HG
To list the available host groups, use the SHOW action:
centreon -u admin -p 'centreon' -o HG -a show
53;Linux-Servers;All linux servers
54;Windows-Servers;All windows servers
55;Networks;All other equipments
56;Printers;All printers
58;Routers;All routers
59;Switches;All switches
60;Firewall;All firewalls
61;Unix-Servers;All Unix servers
The columns are as follows:
Column | Description |
ID ID | |
Name | Name |
Alias | Alias |
To add a hostgroup, use the ADD action:
centreon -u admin -p 'centreon' -o HG -a add -v "SAP;SAP servers"
The required parameters are as follows:
Order | Description |
1 | Name of host group |
2 | Alias of host group |
NOTE: You need to generate your configuration file and restart the monitoring engine in order to apply changes.
To delete one hostgroup, use the DEL action. To identify the host group to delete, use its name:
centreon -u admin -p 'centreon' -o HG -a DEL -v "SAP"
NOTE: You need to generate your configuration file and restart the monitoring engine in order to apply changes.
To set a specific parameter for a host group, use the SETPARAM action:
centreon -u admin -p 'centreon' -o HG -a setparam -v "SAP;name;hg1"
centreon -u admin -p 'centreon' -o HG -a setparam -v "SAP;alias;hg2"
You may change the following parameters:
Parameter | Description |
name | Name |
alias | Alias |
comment | Comment |
activate | 1 when enabled, 0 otherwise |
notes | Notes |
notes_url | Notes URL |
action_url | Action URL |
icon_image | Icon image |
map_icon_image | Map icon image |
NOTE: You need to generate your configuration file and restart the monitoring engine in order to apply changes.
To get specific parameters on a host group, use the GETPARAM action:
centreon -u admin -p 'centreon' -o HG -a getparam -v "test;alias"
centreon -u admin -p 'centreon' -o HG -a getparam -v "test;alias|alia|comment"
Object not found:alia
centreon -u admin -p 'centreon' -o HOST -a getparam -v "test;alias|comment|notes"
test;my comment;my notes
You may edit the following parameters:
Parameter | Description |
name | Name |
alias | Alias |
comment | Comment |
activate | 1 when enabled, 0 otherwise |
notes | Notes |
notes_url | Notes URL |
action_url | Action URL |
icon_image | Icon image |
map_icon_image | Map icon image |
If you want to retrieve the members of a host group, use the GETMEMBER action:
centreon -u admin -p 'centreon' -o HG -a getmember -v "Linux-Servers"
Addmember and Setmemberβ
If you want to add members to a specific host group, use the SETMEMBER or ADDMEMBER action:
centreon -u admin -p 'centreon' -o HG -a setmember -v "Linux-Servers;srv-test|srv-test2"
centreon -u admin -p 'centreon' -o HG -a addmember -v "Linux-Servers;srv-new"
Action | Description |
set* | Overwrites previous definitions. Use the ` |
add* | Appends new members to the existing ones. Use the ` |
NOTE: You need to generate your configuration file and restart the monitoring engine in order to apply changes.
If you want to remove members from a specific host group, use the DELMEMBER action:
centreon -u admin -p 'centreon' -o HG -a delmember -v "Linux-Servers;srv-test"
NOTE: You need to generate your configuration file and restart the monitoring engine in order to apply changes.
Object name: HOST
To list the available hosts, use the SHOW action:
centreon -u admin -p 'centreon' -o HOST -a show
You can also specify the host to search:
centreon -u admin -p 'centreon' -o HOST -a show -v 'sri-dev1'
The columns are as follows:
Column | Description |
ID | ID of host |
Name | Host name |
Alias | Host alias |
IP/Address | IP of host |
Activate | 1 when enabled, 0 when disabled |
Show by addressβ
To list the available hosts by address, use the SHOWBYADDRESS action:
centreon -u admin -p 'centreon' -o HOST -a showbyaddress -v 'localhost'
The columns are as follows:
Column | Description |
ID | ID of host |
Name | Host name |
Alias | Host alias |
IP/Address | IP of host |
Activate | 1 when enabled, 0 when disabled |
To add a host, use the ADD action:
centreon -u admin -p 'centreon' -o HOST -a ADD -v "test;Test host;;generic-host;central;Linux"
Required parameters:
Order | Description |
1 | Host name |
2 | Host alias |
3 | Host IP address |
4 | Host templates; for multiple definitions, use delimiter ** |
5 | Instance name (poller) |
6 | Hostgroup; for multiple definitions, use delimiter ** |
NOTE: You need to generate your configuration file and restart the monitoring engine in order to apply changes.
To delete one host, use the DEL action. You need to list the available hosts in order to identify the one you want to delete:
centreon -u admin -p 'centreon' -o HOST -a DEL -v "test"
NOTE: You need to generate your configuration file and restart the monitoring engine in order to apply changes.
To change the parameters on a host configuration, use the SETPARAM action:
centreon -u admin -p 'centreon' -o HOST -a setparam -v "test;alias;Development test"
centreon -u admin -p 'centreon' -o HOST -a setparam -v "test;address;"
centreon -u admin -p 'centreon' -o HOST -a setparam -v "test;check_period;24x7"
centreon -u admin -p 'centreon' -o HOST -a setparam -v "test;timezone;Europe/Berlin"
You may edit the following parameters:
Parameter | Description |
geo_coords | Geo coordinates |
2d_coords | 2D coordinates (used by statusmap) |
3d_coords | 3D coordinates (used by statusmap) |
action_url | Action URL |
activate | Whether or not host is enabled |
active_checks_enabled | Whether or not active checks are enabled |
acknowledgement_timeout | Acknowledgement timeout (in seconds) |
address | Host IP Address |
alias | Alias |
check_command | Check command |
check_command_arguments | Check command arguments |
check_interval | Normal check interval |
check_freshness | Enables check freshness |
check_period | Check period |
contact_additive_inheritance | Enables contact additive inheritance |
cg_additive_inheritance | Enables contactgroup additive inheritance |
event_handler | Event handler command |
event_handler_arguments | Event handler command arguments |
event_handler_enabled | Whether or not event handler is enabled |
first_notification_delay | First notification delay (in seconds) |
flap_detection_enabled | Whether or not flap detection is enabled |
flap_detection_options | Flap detection options 'o' for Up, 'd' for Down, 'u' for Unreachable |
host_high_flap_threshold | High flap threshold |
host_low_flap_threshold | Low flap threshold |
icon_image | Icon image |
icon_image_alt | Icon image text |
max_check_attempts | Maximum number of attempt before a HARD state is declared |
name | Host name |
notes | Notes |
notes_url | Notes URL |
notifications_enabled | Whether or not notification is enabled |
notification_interval | Notification interval |
notification_options | Notification options |
notification_period | Notification period |
recovery_notification_delay | Recovery notification delay |
obsess_over_host | Whether or not obsess over host option is enabled |
passive_checks_enabled | Whether or not passive checks are enabled |
retain_nonstatus_information | Whether or not there is non-status retention |
retain_status_information | Whether or not there is status retention |
retry_check_interval | Retry check interval |
snmp_community | Snmp Community |
snmp_version | Snmp version |
stalking_options | Comma-separated options: 'o' for OK, 'd' for Down, 'u' for Unreachable |
statusmap_image | Status map image (used by statusmap) |
host_notification_options | Notification options (d,u,r,f,s) |
timezone | Timezone |
comment | Comment |
NOTE: You need to generate your configuration file and restart the monitoring engine in order to apply changes.
To get specific parameters on a host configuration, use the GETPARAM action:
centreon -u admin -p 'centreon' -o HOST -a getparam -v "test;alias"
centreon -u admin -p 'centreon' -o HOST -a getparam -v "test;alias|alia|timezone"
Object not found:alia
centreon -u admin -p 'centreon' -o HOST -a getparam -v "test;alias|address|timezone"
You may edit the following parameters:
Parameter | Description |
2d_coords | 2D coordinates (used by statusmap) |
3d_coords | 3D coordinates (used by statusmap) |
action_url | Action URL |
activate | Whether or not host is enabled |
active_checks_enabled | Whether or not active checks are enabled |
acknowledgement_timeout | Acknowledgement timeout (in seconds) |
address | Host IP Address |
alias | Alias |
check_command | Check command |
check_command_arguments | Check command arguments |
check_interval | Normal check interval |
check_freshness | Enables check freshness |
check_period | Check period |
contact_additive_inheritance | Enables contact additive inheritance |
cg_additive_inheritance | Enables contactgroup additive inheritance |
event_handler | Event handler command |
event_handler_arguments | Event handler command arguments |
event_handler_enabled | Whether or not event handler is enabled |
first_notification_delay | First notification delay (in seconds) |
flap_detection_enabled | Whether or not flap detection is enabled |
flap_detection_options | Flap detection options 'o' for Up, 'd' for Down, 'u' for Unreachable |
host_high_flap_threshold | High flap threshold |
host_low_flap_threshold | Low flap threshold |
icon_image | Icon image |
icon_image_alt | Icon image text |
max_check_attempts | Maximum number of attempts before a HARD state is declared |
name | Host name |
notes | Notes |
notes_url | Notes URL |
notifications_enabled | Whether or not notification is enabled |
notification_interval | Notification interval |
notification_options | Notification options |
notification_period | Notification period |
recovery_notification_delay | Recovery notification delay |
obsess_over_host | Whether or not obsess over host option is enabled |
passive_checks_enabled | Whether or not passive checks are enabled |
process_perf_data | Process performance data command |
retain_nonstatus_information | Whether or not there is non-status retention |
retain_status_information | Whether or not there is status retention |
retry_check_interval | Retry check interval |
snmp_community | Snmp Community |
snmp_version | Snmp version |
stalking_options | Comma-separated options: 'o' for OK, 'd' for Down, 'u' for Unreachable |
statusmap_image | Status map image (used by statusmap) |
host_notification_options | Notification options (d,u,r,f,s) |
timezone | Timezone |
comment | Comment |
To set the instance from which a host will be monitored, use the SETINSTANCE action:
centreon -u admin -p 'centreon' -o HOST -a setinstance -v "Centreon-Server;Poller 1"
To determine the instance from which a host will be monitored, use the SHOWINSTANCE action:
centreon -u admin -p 'centreon' -o HOST -a showinstance -v "Centreon-Server"
2;Poller 1
To view the custom macro list of a host, use the GETMACRO action:
centreon -u admin -p 'centreon' -o HOST -a getmacro -v "Centreon-Server"
macro name;macro value;is_password;description
$_HOSTMACADDRESS$;00:08:C7:1B:8C:02;0;description of macro
To set a custom host macro, use the SETMACRO action:
centreon -u admin -p 'centreon' -o HOST -a setmacro -v "Centreon-Server;warning;80;0;description of macro"
centreon -u admin -p 'centreon' -o HOST -a setmacro -v "Centreon-Server;critical;90;0;description of macro"
The required parameters are as follows:
Order | Description |
1 | Host name |
2 | Macro name |
3 | Macro value |
4 | 1 for a password macro, 0 otherwise |
5 | Description of macro |
NOTE: If the macro already exists, this action will only update the macro value. Otherwise, the macro will be created.
To delete a macro host, use the DELMACRO action:
centreon -u admin -p 'centreon' -o HOST -a delmacro -v "Centreon-Server;warning"
centreon -u admin -p 'centreon' -o HOST -a delmacro -v "Centreon-Server;critical"
To view the template list for a host, use the GETTEMPLATE action:
centreon -u admin -p 'centreon' -o HOST -a gettemplate -v "Centreon-Server"
Addtemplate and Settemplateβ
To add a host template to an existing host, use the ADDTEMPLATE or the SETTEMPLATE action, where add will append and set will overwrite previous definitions:
centreon -u admin -p 'centreon' -o HOST -a addtemplate -v "Centreon-Server;srv-Linux"
centreon -u admin -p 'centreon' -o HOST -a settemplate -v "Centreon-Server;hardware-Dell"
NOTE: All service templates linked to the new host template will be automatically deployed on the existing host (no longer the case with versions later than 1.3.0; use the 'applytpl' action manually).
NOTE: You need to generate your configuration file and restart the monitoring engine in order to apply changes.
To remove a host template from an existing host, use the DELTEMPLATE action:
centreon -u admin -p 'centreon' -o HOST -a deltemplate -v "test;srv-Linux|hardware-Dell"
NOTE: You need to generate your configuration file and restart the monitoring engine in order to apply changes.
When you add a service template to a host template, the change is not automatically reflected in hosts using that template. For the change to take effect, you must re-apply the template to this host. For this, use the APPLYTPL action:
centreon -u admin -p 'centreon' -o HOST -a applytpl -v "test"
All new services are now created.
NOTE: You need to generate your configuration file and restart the monitoring engine in order to apply changes.
To view the parents of a host, use the GETPARENT action:
centreon -u admin -p 'centreon' -o HOST -a getparent -v "Centreon-Server"
Addparent and Setparentβ
To add a parent host to a host, use the ADDPARENT or SETPARENT actions, where add will append and set will overwrite the previous definitions:
centreon -u admin -p 'centreon' -o HOST -a addparent -v "host;hostParent1"
centreon -u admin -p 'centreon' -o HOST -a setparent -v "host;hostParent1|hostParent2"
NOTE: You need to generate your configuration file and restart the monitoring engine in order to apply changes.
To remove a parent, use the DELPARENT action:
centreon -u admin -p 'centreon' -o HOST -a delparent -v "Centreon-Server;server-parent1|server-parent2"
To view the notification contact groups for a host, use the GETCONTACTGROUP action:
centreon -u admin -p 'centreon' -o HOST -a getcontactgroup -v "Centreon-Server"
Addcontactgroup and Setcontactgroupβ
If you want to add notification contact groups to a host, use the ADDCONTACTGROUP or SETCONTACTGROUP actions, where add will append and set will overwrite previous definitions:
centreon -u admin -p 'centreon' -o HOST -a addcontactgroup -v "Centreon-Server;Contactgroup1"
centreon -u admin -p 'centreon' -o HOST -a setcontactgroup -v "Centreon-Server;Contactgroup1|Contactgroup2"
NOTE: You need to generate your configuration file and restart the monitoring engine in order to apply the changes.
If you want to remove notification contact groups from a host, use the DELCONTACTGROUP action:
centreon -u admin -p 'centreon' -o HOST -a delcontactgroup -v "Centreon-Server;Contactgroup2"
NOTE: You need to generate your configuration file and restart the monitoring engine in order to apply changes.
To view the notification contacts for a host, use the GETCONTACT action:
centreon -u admin -p 'centreon' -o HOST -a getcontact -v "Centreon-Server"
Addcontact and Setcontactβ
If you want to add notification contacts to a host, use the ADDCONTACT or SETCONTACT actions, where add will append and set will overwrite previous definitions:
centreon -u admin -p 'centreon' -o HOST -a addcontact -v "Centreon-Server;Contact1"
centreon -u admin -p 'centreon' -o HOST -a setcontact -v "Centreon-Server;Contact1|Contact2"
NOTE: You need to generate your configuration file and restart the monitoring engine in order to apply changes.
If you want to remove a notification contact from a host, use the DELCONTACT action:
centreon -u admin -p 'centreon' -o HOST -a delcontact -v "Centreon-Server;Contact2"
NOTE: You need to generate your configuration file and restart the monitoring engine in order to apply changes.
To view the hostgroups that are linked to a host, use the GETHOSTGROUP action:
centreon -u admin -p 'centreon' -o HOST -a gethostgroup -v "Centreon-Server"
Addhostgroup and Sethostgroupβ
If you want to link hostgroups to a host, use the ADDHOSTGROUP or SETHOSTGROUP actions, where add will append and set will overwrite previous definitions:
centreon -u admin -p 'centreon' -o HOST -a addhostgroup -v "Centreon-Server;Hostgroup1"
centreon -u admin -p 'centreon' -o HOST -a sethostgroup -v "Centreon-Server;Hostgroup1|Hostgroup2"
NOTE: You need to generate your configuration file and restart the monitoring engine in order to apply changes.
If you want to remove hostgroups from a host, use the DELHOSTGROUP action:
centreon -u admin -p 'centreon' -o HOST -a delhostgroup -v "Centreon-Server;Hostgroup2"
NOTE: You need to generate your configuration file and restart the monitoring engine in order to apply changes.
To associate a severity to a host, use the SETSEVERITY action:
centreon -u admin -p 'centreon' -o HOST -a setseverity -v "Centreon-Server;Critical"
Required parameters:
Order | Description |
1 | Host name |
2 | Severity name |
To remove the severity from a host, use the UNSETSEVERITY action:
centreon -u admin -p 'centreon' -o HOST -a unsetseverity -v "Centreon-Server"
Required parameters:
Order | Description |
1 | Host name |
To enable a host, use the ENABLE action:
centreon -u admin -p 'centreon' -o HOST -a enable -v "test"
NOTE: You need to generate your configuration file and restart the monitoring engine in order to apply changes.
To disable a host, use the DISABLE action:
centreon -u admin -p 'centreon' -o HOST -a disable -v "test"
NOTE: You need to generate your configuration file and restart the monitoring engine in order to apply changes.
Host templatesβ
Object name: HTPL
Refer to the HOST <hosts>
NOTE: You cannot use the APPLYTPL and SETINSTANCE actions on HTPL objects.
If you want to link a service template to a host template, refer to the ADDHOSTTEMPLATE/SETHOSTTEMPLATE command
for the STPL <addhosttemplate-and-sethosttemplate>
Instances (Pollers)β
Object name: INSTANCE
To list the available instances, use the SHOW action:
centreon -u admin -p 'centreon' -o INSTANCE -a show
id;name;localhost;ip address;activate;status;init script;monitoring engine;bin;stats bin;perfdata;ssh port
The columns are as follows:
Column | Description |
ID | ID |
Name | Name |
Localhost | 1 if it is the main poller, 0 otherwise |
IP Address | IP address of the poller |
Activate | 1 if poller is enabled, 0 otherwise |
Status | 1 if poller is running, 0 otherwise |
Init script | Init script path |
Bin | Path of the Scheduler binary |
Stats Bin | Path of the Nagios Stats binary |
SSH Port | SSH Port |
To add an instance, use the ADD action:
centreon -u admin -p 'centreon' -o INSTANCE -a add -v "Poller test;;22;ZMQ;5556"
The required fields are:
Column | Description |
Name | |
Address | IP address of the poller |
SSH Port | SSH port |
Gorgone Communication Type | ZMQ (1) or SSH (2) |
Gorgone Communication Port | Port used by Gorgone to communicate |
If you want to remove an instance, use the DEL action. To identify the instance to delete, use its name:
centreon -u admin -p 'centreon' -o INSTANCE -a del -v "Poller test"
If you want to change a specific parameter of an instance, use the SETPARAM command. To identify the instance to update, use its name:
centreon -u admin -p 'centreon' -o INSTANCE -a setparam -v "Poller test;ns_ip_address;"
Arguments are composed of the following columns:
Order | Column description |
1 | Name of instance |
2 | Parameter name |
3 | Parameter value |
The parameters that you may change are:
Column | Description |
name | Name of the poller |
localhost | 1 if it is the main poller, 0 otherwise |
ns_ip_address | IP address of the poller |
ns_activate | 1 if poller is enabled, 0 otherwise |
engine_start_command | Command to start the Centreon Engine process |
engine_stop_command | Command to stop the Centreon Engine process |
engine_restart_command | Command to restart the Centreon Engine process |
engine_reload_command | Command to reload the Centreon Engine process |
nagios_bin | Path of the Scheduler binary |
nagiostats_bin | Path of the Nagios Stats binary |
ssh_port | SSH Port |
broker_reload_command | Command to reload the Centreon Broker process |
centreonbroker_cfg_path | Centreon Broker Configuration path |
centreonbroker_module_path | Centreon Broker Module path |
If you want to list all hosts that are monitored by a poller, use the GETHOSTS action. To identify the instance to query, use its name:
centreon -u admin -p 'centreon' -o INSTANCE -a GETHOSTS -v "Poller test"
The following information is returned:
Order | Description |
1 | Host ID |
2 | Host name |
3 | Host address |
LDAP configurationβ
Object name: LDAP
To list the available LDAP configurations, use the SHOW action:
centreon -u admin -p 'centreon' -o LDAP -a show
3;ad;my ad conf;1
2;openldap;my openldap conf;1
The columns are as follows:
Order | Description |
1 | ID |
2 | Configuration name |
3 | Configuration description |
4 | 1 when enabled, 0 when disabled |
To add an LDAP configuration, use the ADD action:
centreon -u admin -p 'centreon' -o LDAP -a add -v "my new configuration;my description"
The required fields are:
Order | Description |
1 | Configuration name |
2 | Configuration description |
If you want to remove an LDAP configuration, use the DEL action. To identify the LDAP configuration to delete, use its name:
centreon -u admin -p 'centreon' -o LDAP -a del -v "my new configuration"
If you want to change a specific parameter of an LDAP configuration, use the SETPARAM action. To identify the LDAP configuration to update, use its name:
centreon -u admin -p 'centreon' -o LDAP -a SETPARAM -v "my new configuration;description;my new desc"
The parameters use the following order:
Order | Description |
1 | Configuration to update |
2 | Parameter key |
3 | Parameter value |
The parameters that you may change are the following:
Key | Description |
name | Configuration name |
description | Configuration description |
enable | 1 when enabled, 0 when disabled |
alias | Alias |
bind_dn | Bind DN |
bind_pass | Bind password |
group_base_search | Group base search |
group_filter | Group filter |
group_member | Group member |
group_name | Group name |
ldap_auto_import | Enable or disable auto import (0 or 1) |
ldap_contact_tmpl | Contact template to use on import |
ldap_dns_use_domain | Use domain or not (0 or 1) |
ldap_search_limit | Search size limit |
ldap_search_timeout | Timeout delay (in seconds) |
ldap_srv_dns | DNS server (only used when ldap_dns_use_domain is set to 1) |
ldap_store_password | Store password in database or not (0 or 1) |
ldap_template | Possible values: Posix, Active Directory |
ldap_auto_sync | Enable LDAP synchronization on login (0 or 1) |
ldap_sync_interval | Specify the interval between LDAP synchronizations (in hours) |
protocol_version | Protocol version (2 or 3) |
user_base_search | User base search |
user_email | User email |
user_filter | User filter |
user_firstname | User firstname |
user_lastname | User lastname |
user_name | User name |
user_pager | User phone number |
user_group | User group |
To show the list of servers for an LDAP configuration, use the SHOWSERVER action. To identify the LDAP configuration to query, use its name:
centreon -u admin -p 'centreon' -o LDAP -a SHOWSERVER -v "openldap"
To add a server to an LDAP configuration, use the ADDSERVER action:
centreon -u admin -p 'centreon' -o LDAP -a ADDSERVER -v "openldap;;389;0;1"
The required parameters are as follows:
Order | Description |
1 | Configuration name |
2 | Server address |
3 | Server port |
4 | Use SSL or not |
5 | Use TLS or not |
To remove a server from an LDAP configuration, use the DELSERVER action. The server ID is used to identify the server to delete:
centreon -u admin -p 'centreon' -o LDAP -a DELSERVER -v 2
To update the server parameters of an LDAP configuration, use the SETPARAMSERVER action. The server ID is used to identify the server to update:
centreon -u admin -p 'centreon' -o LDAP -a SETPARAMSERVER -v "2;use_ssl;1"
Parameters that you may update are the following:
Key | Description | Possible values |
host_address | Address of the server | |
host_port | Port of the server | |
host_order | Priority order in case of failover | |
use_ssl | Use SSL or not | 0 or 1 |
use_tls | Use TLS or not | 0 or 1 |
Realtime acknowledgementβ
Show acknowledgements on a hostβ
To list the acknowledgements that have been applied to a host, use the SHOW action. You can use the "HOST" value to display all the acknowledgements:
centreon -u admin -p 'centreon' -o RTACKNOWLEDGEMENT -a show -v "HOST;host-name"
6;generic-host;2017/09/28 14:21;admin;'generic-comment';2;0;1
The columns are as follows:
Column | Description |
Id | ID of the acknowledgement |
Host_name | Name of the host |
Entry_time | Beginning of the acknowledgement |
Author | Name of the author |
Comment_data | Short description of the acknowledgement |
Sticky | Acknowledgement will be maintained in case of a change of Not-OK status (0/2) |
Notify_contacts | Notification send to the contacts linked to the object (0/1) |
Persistent_comment | Acknowledgement will be maintained in the case of a restart of the scheduler (0/1) |
Show acknowledgements on a serviceβ
To list the acknowledgements that have been applied to a service, use SHOW. You can use the "SVC" value to display all the acknowledgements:
centreon -u admin -p 'centreon' -o RTACKNOWLEDGEMENT -a show -v "SVC;host-name,service-name"
42;generic-host;generic-service;2017/09/28 14:21;admin;'generic-comment';2;0;1
The columns are as follows:
Column | Description |
Id | ID of the acknowledgement |
Host_name | Name of the host |
Service_name | Name of the service |
Entry_time | Beginning of the acknowledgement |
Author | Name of the author |
Comment_data | Short description of the acknowledgement |
Sticky | Acknowledgement will be maintained in case of a change of Not-OK status (0/2) |
Notify_contacts | Notification send to the contacts linked to the object (0/1) |
Persistent_comment | Acknowledgement will be maintained in the case of a restart of the scheduler (0/1) |
Acknowledge a hostβ
If you want to apply an acknowledgement to a host, use the ADD action:
centreon -u admin -p 'centreon' -o RTACKNOWLEDGEMENT -a add -v "HOST;host-name;my comments;2;0;1"
The required parameters are the following :
Order | Description |
1 | Value you want to associate (HOST) |
2 | Name of the host |
3 | Short description of the realtime acknowledgement |
4 | Acknowledgement maintained in case of a change of status (sticky use 0 or 2) |
5 | Notification send to the contacts linked to the object (notify use 0 or 1) |
6 | Maintained the acknowledgement in the case of a restart of the scheduler (persistent use 0 or 1) |
Acknowledge a serviceβ
If you want to apply an acknowledgement to a service or service group, use the ADD action:
centreon -u admin -p 'centreon' -o RTACKNOWLEDGEMENT -a add -v "SVC;central,ping|central,memory;my comments;2;0;1"
The required parameters are the following :
Order | Description |
1 | Value you want to associate |
2 | Name of the host, name of the service |
3 | Short description of the realtime acknowledgement |
4 | Acknowledgement maintained in case of a change of status (sticky use 0 or 2) |
5 | Notification send to the contacts linked to the object (notify use 0 or 1) |
6 | Maintained the acknowledgement in the case of a restart of the scheduler (persistent use 0 or 1) |
Cancel an acknowledgementβ
To cancel an acknowledgement, use the CANCEL action:
centreon -u admin -p 'centreon' -o RTACKNOWLEDGEMENT -a cancel -v "central,ping"
The required parameters are the following:
Order | Description |
1 | Name of acknowledged resource(s) |
Realtime downtimeβ
Object name: RTDOWNTIME
Show downtimes on hostsβ
To list the downtime periods that have been applied to a host, use the SHOW action. You can use the "HOST" value to display all the downtime periods:
centreon -u admin -p 'centreon' -o RTDOWNTIME -a show -v "HOST;host-name"
6;generic-host;admin;2017/09/28 14:21;N/A;2017/09/26 17:00;2017/09/30 19:00;'generic-comment';3600;1
The columns are as follows:
Column | Description |
id | Name of the downtime |
Host_name | Name of the host |
Author | Name of the author |
Actual_start_time | Actual start date in case of flexible downtime |
Actual_end_time | Actual end date in case of flexible downtime |
Start_time | Beginning of downtime |
End_time | End of downtime |
Comment_data | Short description of the realtime downtime |
Duration | Duration of downtime |
Fixed | Downtime starts and stops at the exact start and end times |
Show downtimes on servicesβ
To list the downtime periods that have been applied to a service, use SHOW. You can use the value "SVC" to display all the downtimes:
centreon -u admin -p 'centreon' -o RTDOWNTIME -a show -v "SVC;host-name,service-name"
42;generic-host;generic-service;admin;2017/09/28 14:21;N/A;2017/09/26 17:00;2017/09/30 19:00;'generic-comment';3600;1
The columns are as follows:
Column | Description |
id | Name of the downtime |
Host_name | Name of the host |
Service_name | Name of the service |
Author | Name of the author |
Actual_start_time | Actual start date in case of flexible downtime |
Actual_end_time | Actual end date in case of flexible downtime |
Start_time | Beginning of downtime |
End_time | End of downtime |
Comment_data | Short description of the realtime downtime |
Duration | Duration of downtime |
Fixed | Downtime starts and stops at the exact start and end times |
Add host or host group downtimeβ
If you want to apply downtime to a host or a host group, use the ADD action. To set the value of the start/end time, use the following format: YYYY/MM/DD HH:mm
centreon -u admin -p 'centreon' -o RTDOWNTIME -a add -v "HOST;central;2017/09/24 10:00;2017/09/24 12:00;1;3600;my comments;1"
centreon -u admin -p 'centreon' -o RTDOWNTIME -a add -v "HG;linux-servers;2017/09/24 10:00;2017/09/24 12:00;1;3600;my comments;1"
The required parameters are the following:
Order | Description |
1 | Value you want to associate (HOST or HG) |
2 | Name of the host |
3 | Beginning of downtime |
4 | End of downtime |
5 | Type of downtime (1 = fixed, 0 = flexible) |
6 | Duration of downtime for flexible mode (seconds) |
7 | Short description of the realtime downtime |
8 | Apply downtime on linked services (0/1) |
Add service or service group downtimeβ
If you want to apply downtime to a service or service group, use the ADD action. To set the value of the start/end time, use the following format: YYYY/MM/DD HH:mm
centreon -u admin -p 'centreon' -o RTDOWNTIME -a add -v "SVC;central,ping|central,memory;2017/09/24 10:00;2017/09/24 12:00;1;3600;my comments"
centreon -u admin -p 'centreon' -o RTDOWNTIME -a add -v "SG;servicegroup1;2017/09/24 10:00;2017/09/24 12:00;1;3600;my comments"
The required parameters are the following:
Order | Description |
1 | Value you want to associate (SVC or SG) |
2 | Name of the host (Name of the service) |
3 | Beginning of downtime |
4 | End of downtime |
5 | Type of downtime (1 = fixed, 0 = flexible) |
6 | Duration of downtime for flexible mode (seconds) |
7 | Short description of the realtime downtime |
Add instance downtimeβ
To apply downtime to a poller, use the ADD action. To set the value of the start/end time, use the following format : YYYY/MM/DD HH:mm
centreon -u admin -p 'centreon' -o RTDOWNTIME -a add -v "INSTANCE;Central;2017/09/24 10:00;2017/09/24 12:00;1;3600;my comments
The required parameters are the following:
Order | Description |
1 | Value you want to associate (INSTANCE) |
2 | Name of the poller |
3 | Beginning of downtime |
4 | End of downtime |
5 | Type of downtime (1 = fixed, 0 = flexible) |
6 | Duration of downtime for flexible mode (seconds) |
7 | Short description of the realtime downtime |
Cancel downtimeβ
To cancel downtime, use the CANCEL action. To get the value of the ID, use the SHOW action:
centreon -u admin -p 'centreon' -o RTDOWNTIME -a cancel -v "6|42"
The required parameters are the following:
Order | Description |
1 | Id of downtime |
CFG resourceβ
Object name: RESOURCECFG
To list the available resource variables, use the SHOW action:
centreon -u admin -p 'centreon' -o RESOURCECFG -a show
1;$USER1$;/usr/local/nagios/libexec;path to the plugins;1;Central
The columns are as follows:
Column | Description |
ID | ID |
Name | Name |
Value | Value of $USERn$ macro |
Comment | Comment |
Activate | 1 when activated, 0 otherwise |
Instance | Instances that are tied to the $USERn$ macro |
To add a resource macro, use the ADD action:
centreon -u admin -p 'centreon' -o RESOURCECFG -a add -v "USER2;public;Poller test;my comment"
The required fields are:
Column | Description |
Name | Macro name; do not use the $ symbol |
Value | Macro value |
Instances | Instances that are tied to $USERn$ macro |
Comment | Comment |
If you want to remove a resource variable, use the DEL action. To identify the variable to delete, use its ID:
centreon -u admin -p 'centreon' -o RESOURCECFG -a del -v "1"
If you want to change a specific parameter of a resource macro, use the SETPARAM action. To identify the macro to update, use its ID:
centreon -u admin -p 'centreon' -o RESOURCECFG -a setparam -v "1;instance;Poller test|AnotherPoller"
Arguments are composed of the following columns:
Order | Column description |
1 | ID number of resource configuration |
2 | Parameter name |
3 | Parameter value |
The parameters that you may change are:
Column | Description |
name | Macro name; do not use the $ symbol |
value | Macro value |
activate | 1 when activated, 0 otherwise |
comment | Comment |
instance | Instances that are tied to $USERn$ macro Use delimiter * |
Service categoriesβ
Object name: SC
To list the available service categories, use the SHOW action:
centreon -u admin -p 'centreon' -o SC -a show
The columns are as follows:
Column | Description |
Name | Name of service category |
Description | Description of service category |
To add a service category, use the ADD action:
centreon -u admin -p 'centreon' -o SC -a ADD -v "Alfresco;Alfresco Services"
The required parameters are:
Column | Description |
Name | Name of service category |
Description | Description of service category |
To remove a service category, use DEL:
centreon -u admin -p 'centreon' -o SC -a del -v "Alfresco"
To change the parameters for a service category, use the SETPARAM action:
centreon -u admin -p 'centreon' -o SC -a setparam -v "SG1;name;Web Service"
You can change the following parameters:
Parameter | Description |
Name | Name of service category |
Description | Description of service category |
Getservice and Getservicetemplateβ
To view the services in a service category, use the GETSERVICE or GETSERVICETEMPLATE action:
centreon -u admin -p 'centreon' -o SC -a getservice -v "Ping-Category"
host id;host name;service id;service description
centreon -u admin -p 'centreon' -o SC -a getservicetemplate -v "Ping-Category"
template id;service template description
Addservice, Setservice , Addservicetemplate and Setservicetemplateβ
To add a new element to a specific service category, use the ADDSERVICETEMPLATE action, where add will append and set will overwrite previous definitions:
centreon -u admin -p 'centreon' -o SC -a addservicetemplate -v "Ping-Category;my template"
Delservice and Delservicetemplateβ
To remove a service from a specific service category, use the DELSERVICE OR DELSERVICETEMPLATE actions:
centreon -u admin -p 'centreon' -o SC -a delservice -v "Ping-Category;my host,my service"
centreon -u admin -p 'centreon' -o SC -a delservicetemplate -v "Ping-Category;my template"
To turn a service category into a severity, use the SETSEVERITY action:
centreon -u admin -p 'centreon' -o SC -a setseverity -v "Critical;3;16x16/critical.gif"
The required parameters are as follows:
Order | Description |
1 | Service category name |
2 | Severity level - must be a number |
3 | Icon that represents the severity |
To turn a severity into a regular service category, use the UNSETSEVERITY action:
centreon -u admin -p 'centreon' -o SC -a unsetseverity -v "Critical"
The required parameters are as follows:
Order | Description |
1 | Service category name |
Service groupsβ
Object name: SG
To list all servicegroups, use the SHOW action:
centreon -u admin -p 'centreon' -o SG -a show
11;Alfresco;Alfresco Services
You can also search for a specific service group:
centreon -u admin -p 'centreon' -o SG -a show -v 'Alfresco'
11;Alfresco;Alfresco Services
To add a servicegroup, use the ADD action:
centreon -u admin -p 'centreon' -o SG -a ADD -v "Alfresco;Alfresco Services"
The required fields are:
Order | Description |
1 | Name of service group |
2 | Alias of service group |
NOTE: You need to generate your configuration file and restart the monitoring engine in order to apply changes.
To remove a servicegroup, use the DEL action:
centreon -u admin -p 'centreon' -o SG -a del -v "Alfresco"
NOTE: You need to generate your configuration file and restart the monitoring engine in order to apply changes.
To change the parameters for a servicegroup, use the SETPARAM action:
centreon -u admin -p 'centreon' -o SG -a setparam -v "SG1;name;Web Service"
You can change the following parameters:
Parameter | Description |
activate | 1 when service is enabled, 0 otherwise |
name | Name of service group |
alias | Alias of service group |
comment | Comments regarding service group |
NOTE: You need to generate your configuration file and restart the monitoring engine in order to apply changes.
To get specific parameters on a servicegroup, use the GETPARAM action:
centreon -u admin -p 'centreon' -o SG -a getparam -v "test;alias"
centreon -u admin -p 'centreon' -o SG -a getparam -v "test;alias|alia|comment"
Object not found:alia
centreon -u admin -p 'centreon' -o SG -a getparam -v "test;alias|name|comment"
Web service;app1;my best app1
You may edit the following parameters:
Parameter | Description |
activate | 1 when service is enabled, 0 otherwise |
name | Name of service group |
alias | Alias of service group |
comment | Comments regarding service group |
Getservice and Gethostgroupserviceβ
To view the members of a service group, use the GETSERVICE or GETHOSTGROUPSERVICE actions:
centreon -u admin -p 'centreon' -o SG -a getservice -v "Web-Access"
host id;host name;service id;service description
centreon -u admin -p 'centreon' -o SG -a gethostgroupservice -v "Web-Access"
hostgroup id;hostgroup name;service id;service description
22;Web group;31;mysql
NOTE: hostgroupservice is a service by hostgroup
Addservice, Setservice, Addhostgroupservice and Sethostgroupserviceβ
To add a new element to a specific service group, you can use ADDSERVICE, SETSERVICE, ADDHOSTGROUPSERVICE, SETHOSTGROUPSERVICE where add will append and set will overwrite previous definitions:
centreon -u admin -p 'centreon' -o SG -a addservice -v "Web-Access;,http"
centreon -u admin -p 'centreon' -o SG -a setservice -v "Web-Access;,TCP-80|,http|,mysql"
centreon -u admin -p 'centreon' -o SG -a sethostgroupservice -v "Web-Access;web group,TCP-80"
NOTE: hostgroupservice is a service by hostgroup
NOTE: You need to generate your configuration file and restart the monitoring engine in order to apply changes.
Delservice and Delhostgroupserviceβ
To remove a service from a service group, use the DELSERVICE or DELHOSTGROUPSERVICE actions:
centreon -u admin -p 'centreon' -o SG -a delservice -v "Web-Access;,http"
centreon -u admin -p 'centreon' -o SG -a delhostgroupservice -v "Web-Access;Web group,mysql"
NOTE: hostgroupservice is a service by hostgroup
NOTE: You need to generate your configuration file and restart the monitoring engine in order to apply changes.
Object name: SERVICE
To list all services, use the SHOW action:
centreon -u admin -p 'centreon' -o SERVICE -a show
host id;host name;id;description;check command;check command arg;normal check interval;retry check interval;max check attempts;active checks enabled;passive checks enabled;activate
You can also search for a specific service:
centreon -u admin -p 'centreon' -o SERVICE -a show -v 'Disk-/'
host id;host name;id;description;check command;check command arg;normal check interval;retry check interval;max check attempts;active checks enabled;passive checks enabled;activate
Or search for a service attached to a specific host:
centreon -u admin -p 'centreon' -o SERVICE -a show -v 'Centreon-Server;Disk-/'
host id;host name;id;description;check command;check command arg;normal check interval;retry check interval;max check attempts;active checks enabled;passive checks enabled;activate
The columns are as follows:
Column | Description |
Host ID | Host ID |
Host name | Host name |
Service ID | Service ID |
Service description | Service description |
Check Command | Check command |
Command arguments | Check command arguments |
Normal check interval | Normal check interval |
Retry check interval | Retry check interval |
Max check attempts | Maximum check attempts |
Active check enable | 1 when active checks are enabled, 0 otherwise |
Passive check enable | 1 when passive checks are enabled, 0 otherwise |
Activate | 1 when enabled, 0 when disabled |
To add a service, use the ADD action:
centreon -u admin -p 'centreon' -o SERVICE -a add -v "Host-Test;ping;Ping-LAN"
The required fields are:
Order | Description |
1 | Host name |
2 | Service description |
3 | Service template - Only one service template can be defined |
NOTE: You need to generate your configuration file and restart the monitoring engine in order to apply changes.
To remove a service, use the DEL action:
centreon -u admin -p 'centreon' -o SERVICE -a del -v "test;ping"
The required fields are:
Order | Description |
1 | Host name |
2 | Service description |
NOTE: You need to generate your configuration file and restart the monitoring engine in order to apply changes.
To set a specific parameter for a particular service, use the SETPARAM action:
centreon -u admin -p 'centreon' -o SERVICE -a setparam -v "test;ping;max_check_attempts;10"
centreon -u admin -p 'centreon' -o SERVICE -a setparam -v "test;ping;normal_check_interval;2"
centreon -u admin -p 'centreon' -o SERVICE -a setparam -v "test;ping;normal_check_interval;10"
The required fields are:
Order | Description |
1 | Host name |
2 | Service description |
3 | Parameter that you want to update |
4 | New parameter value |
Parameters that may be modified:
Parameter | Description |
activate | 1 when service is enabled, 0 otherwise |
description | Description |
template | Name of the service template |
is_volatile | 1 when service is volatile, 0 otherwise |
check_period | Name of the check period |
check_command | Name of the check command |
check_command_arguments | Arguments that go along with the check command, prepend each argument with the '!' character |
max_check_attempts | Maximum number of attempt before a HARD state is declared |
normal_check_interval | value in minutes |
retry_check_interval | value in minutes |
active_checks_enabled | 1 when active checks are enabled, 0 otherwise |
passive_checks_enabled | 1 when passive checks are enabled, 0 otherwise |
notifications_enabled | 1 when notification is enabled, 0 otherwise |
contact_additive_inheritance | Enables contact additive inheritance |
cg_additive_inheritance | Enables contactgroup additive inheritance |
notification_interval | value in minutes |
notification_period | Name of the notification period |
notification_options | Status linked to notifications |
first_notification_delay | First notification delay in seconds |
recovery_notification_delay | Recovery notification delay |
obsess_over_service | 1 when obsess over service is enabled, 0 otherwise |
check_freshness | 1 when check freshness is enabled, 0 otherwise |
freshness_threshold | Value in seconds |
event_handler_enabled | 1 when event handler is enabled, 0 otherwise |
flap_detection_enabled | 1 when flap detection is enabled, 0 otherwise |
retain_status_information | 1 when status information is retained, 0 otherwise |
retain_nonstatus_information | 1 when non status information is retained, 0 otherwise |
event_handler | Name of the event handler command |
event_handler_arguments | Arguments that go along with the event handler, prepend each argument with the '!' character |
notes | Notes |
notes_url | Notes URL |
action_url | Action URL |
icon_image | Icon image |
icon_image_alt | Icon image alt text |
comment | Comment |
service_notification_options | Notification options (w,u,c,r,f,s) |
NOTE: You need to generate your configuration file and restart the monitoring engine in order to apply changes.
To get specific parameters on a service configuration, use the GETPARAM action:
centreon -u admin -p 'centreon' -o SERVICE -a getparam -v "test;comment"
centreon -u admin -p 'centreon' -o SERVICE -a getparam -v "test;comment|alia|description"
Object not found:alia
centreon -u admin -p 'centreon' -o HOST -a getparam -v "test;comment|template|description"
Check disk /;ST_DISK;DIsk-/
You may edit the following parameters:
Parameter | Description |
activate | 1 when service is enabled, 0 otherwise |
description | Description |
template | Name of the service template |
is_volatile | 1 when service is volatile, 0 otherwise |
check_period | Name of the check period |
check_command | Name of the check command |
check_command_arguments | Arguments that go along with the check command, prepend each argument with the '!' character |
max_check_attempts | Maximum number of attempt before a HARD state is declared |
normal_check_interval | value in minutes |
retry_check_interval | value in minutes |
active_checks_enabled | 1 when active checks are enabled, 0 otherwise |
passive_checks_enabled | 1 when passive checks are enabled, 0 otherwise |
notifications_enabled | 1 when notification is enabled, 0 otherwise |
contact_additive_inheritance | Enables contact additive inheritance |
cg_additive_inheritance | Enables contactgroup additive inheritance |
notification_interval | value in minutes |
notification_period | Name of the notification period |
notification_options | Status linked to notifications |
first_notification_delay | First notification delay in seconds |
recovery_notification_delay | Recovery notification delay |
obsess_over_service | 1 when obsess over service is enabled, 0 otherwise |
check_freshness | 1 when check freshness is enabled, 0 otherwise |
freshness_threshold | Value in seconds |
event_handler_enabled | 1 when event handler is enabled, 0 otherwise |
flap_detection_enabled | 1 when flap detection is enabled, 0 otherwise |
retain_status_information | 1 when status information is retained, 0 otherwise |
retain_nonstatus_information | 1 when non status information is retained, 0 otherwise |
event_handler | Name of the event handler command |
event_handler_arguments | Arguments that go along with the event handler, prepend each argument with the '!' character |
notes | Notes |
notes_url | Notes URL |
action_url | Action URL |
icon_image | Icon image |
icon_image_alt | Icon image alt text |
comment | Comment |
service_notification_options | Notification options (w,u,c,r,f,s) |
Addhost and Sethostβ
You may want to tie a service to an extra host. To do so, use the ADDHOST or SETHOST actions, where add will append and set will overwrite previous definitions:
centreon -u admin -p 'centreon' -o SERVICE -a sethost -v "host1;ping;host2"
centreon -u admin -p 'centreon' -o SERVICE -a addhost -v "host1;ping;host2"
NOTE: You need to generate your configuration file and restart the monitoring engine in order to apply changes.
To remove the relationship between a host and a service, use the DELHOST action:
centreon -u admin -p 'centreon' -o SERVICE -a delhost -v "host1;ping;host2"
The service called ping which was originally linked to host1 and host2 is now only linked to host1.
NOTE: You need to generate your configuration file and restart the monitoring engine in order to apply changes.
To view the custom macro list for a service, use the GETMACRO action:
centreon -u admin -p 'centreon' -o SERVICE -a getmacro -v "host1;ping"
macro name;macro value;is_password;description
$_SERVICETIME$;80;0;description of macro
$_SERVICEPL$;400;0;description of macro
To set a macro for a specific service use the SETMACRO action:
centreon -u admin -p 'centreon' -o SERVICE -a setmacro -v "test;ping;time;80;0;description of macro"
centreon -u admin -p 'centreon' -o SERVICE -a setmacro -v "test;ping;pl;400;0;description of macro"
The required parameters are as follows:
Order | Description |
1 | Host name |
2 | Service name |
3 | Macro name |
4 | Macro value |
5 | 1 for a password macro, 0 otherwise |
6 | Description of macro |
NOTE: You need to generate your configuration file and restart the monitoring engine in order to apply changes.
To remove a macro from a specific service, use the DELMACRO action:
centreon -u admin -p 'centreon' -o SERVICE -a delmacro -v "test;ping;time"
centreon -u admin -p 'centreon' -o SERVICE -a delmacro -v "test;ping;pl"
NOTE: You need to generate your configuration file and restart the monitoring engine in order to apply changes.
To associate a severity to a service, use the SETSEVERITY action:
centreon -u admin -p 'centreon' -o SERVICE -a setseverity -v "Centreon-Server;ping;Critical"
Required parameters:
Order | Description |
1 | Host name |
2 | Service description |
3 | Severity name |
To remove the severity from a service, use the UNSETSEVERITY action:
centreon -u admin -p 'centreon' -o SERVICE -a unsetseverity -v "Centreon-Server;ping"
Required parameters:
Order | Description |
1 | Host name |
2 | Service description |
To view the contact list for a service, use the GETCONTACT action:
centreon -u admin -p 'centreon' -o "SERVICE" -a getcontact -v "Centreon-Server;Ping"
Addcontact and Setcontactβ
To add a new contact to the notification contact list, use the ADDCONTACT or SETCONTACT actions, where add will append and set will overwrite previous definitions:
centreon -u admin -p 'centreon' -o SERVICE -a addcontact -v "test;ping;User1"
centreon -u admin -p 'centreon' -o SERVICE -a setcontact -v "test;ping;User1|User2"
NOTE: You need to generate your configuration file and restart the monitoring engine in order to apply changes.
To remove a contact from the notification contact list, use the DELCONTACT action:
centreon -u admin -p 'centreon' -o SERVICE -a delcontact -v "test;ping;User1"
centreon -u admin -p 'centreon' -o SERVICE -a delcontact -v "test;ping;User2"
NOTE: You need to generate your configuration file and restart the monitoring engine in order to apply changes.
To view the contact group list for a service, use the GETCONTACTGROUP action:
centreon -u admin -p 'centreon' -o "SERVICE" -a getcontactgroup -v "Centreon-Server;Ping"
Addcontactgroup and Setcontactgroupβ
To add a new contact group to the notification contact group list, use ADDCONTACTGROUP or SETCONTACTGROUP, where add will append and set will overwrite previous definitions:
centreon -u admin -p 'centreon' -o SERVICE -a addcontactgroup -v "test;ping;Group1"
centreon -u admin -p 'centreon' -o SERVICE -a setcontactgroup -v "test;ping;Group1|Group2"
NOTE: You need to generate your configuration file and restart the monitoring engine in order to apply changes.
To remove a contactgroup from the notification contact group list, use the DELCONTACTGROUP action:
centreon -u admin -p 'centreon' -o SERVICE -a delcontactgroup -v "test;ping;Group1"
centreon -u admin -p 'centreon' -o SERVICE -a delcontactgroup -v "test;ping;Group2"
NOTE: You need to generate your configuration file and restart the monitoring engine in order to apply changes.
To view the trap list of a service, use the GETTRAP action:
centreon -u admin -p 'centreon' -o "SERVICE" -a gettrap -v "Centreon-Server;Ping"
Addtrap and Settrapβ
To add a new trap, use the ADDTRAP or SETTRAP actions, where add will append and set will overwrite previous definitions:
centreon -u admin -p 'centreon' -o SERVICE -a addtrap -v "test;ping;snOspfVirtIfConfigError"
centreon -u admin -p 'centreon' -o SERVICE -a settrap -v "test;ping;snOspfVirtNbrStateChange|snTrapAccessListDeny"
NOTE: You need to generate your configuration file and restart the monitoring engine in order to apply changes.
To remove a trap from a service, use the DELTRAP command:
centreon -u admin -p 'centreon' -o SERVICE -a deltrap -v "test;ping;snOspfVirtIfConfigError"
To view the servicegroup of a service, use the GETSERVICEGROUP action:
centreon -u admin -p 'centreon' -o "SERVICE" -a getservicegroup -v "Centreon-Server;Ping"
Addservicegroup and Setservicegroupβ
To add a new service group, use the ADDSERVICEGROUP or SETSERVICEGROUP actions, where add will append and set will overwrite previous definitions:
centreon -u admin -p 'centreon' -o SERVICE -a addservicegroup -v "test;ping;SG2"
centreon -u admin -p 'centreon' -o SERVICE -a setservicegroup -v "test;ping;SG1|SG2"
NOTE: You need to generate your configuration file and restart the monitoring engine in order to apply the changes.
To remove a service group from a service, use the DELSERVICEGROUP command:
centreon -u admin -p 'centreon' -o SERVICE -a delservicegroup -v "test;ping;SG1"
To view the category of a service, use the GETCATEGORY action:
centreon -u admin -p 'centreon' -o "SERVICE" -a getcategory -v "Centreon-Server;Ping"
Addcategory and Setcategoryβ
To add a new category, use the ADDCATEGORY or SETCATEGORY actions, where add will append and set will overwrite previous definitions:
centreon -u admin -p 'centreon' -o SERVICE -a addcategory -v "test;ping;CPU"
centreon -u admin -p 'centreon' -o SERVICE -a setcategory -v "test;ping;CPU"
NOTE: You need to generate your configuration file and restart the monitoring engine in order to apply the changes.
To remove a category from a service, use the DELCATEGORY command:
centreon -u admin -p 'centreon' -o SERVICE -a delcategory -v "test;ping;CPU"
Service templatesβ
Object name: STPL
To list all service templates, use the SHOW action:
centreon -u admin -p 'centreon' -o STPL -a show
id;description;check command;check command arg;normal check interval;retry check interval;max check attempts;active checks enabled;passive checks enabled
You can also search for a specific service template:
centreon -u admin -p 'centreon' -o STPL -a show -v 'Ping-LAN'
id;description;check command;check command arg;normal check interval;retry check interval;max check attempts;active checks enabled;passive checks enabled
The columns are as follows:
Order | Description |
1 | Service ID |
2 | Service description |
3 | Check command |
4 | Check command arguments |
5 | Normal check interval |
6 | Retry check interval |
7 | Maximum check attempts |
8 | 1 when active checks are enabled, 0 otherwise |
9 | 1 when passive checks are enabled, 0 otherwise |
To add a service template, use the ADD action:
centreon -u admin -p 'centreon' -o STPL -a add -v "MyTemplate;mytemplate;Ping-LAN"
The required fields are:
Order | Description |
1 | Service template description |
2 | Alias will be used when services are deployed through host templates |
3 | Service template; Only one service template can be defined |
NOTE: You need to generate your configuration file and restart the monitoring engine in order to apply the changes.
To remove a service template, use the DEL action:
centreon -u admin -p 'centreon' -o STPL -a del -v "MyTemplate"
NOTE: You need to generate your configuration file and restart the monitoring engine in order to apply the changes.
To set a specific parameter for a service template, use the SETPARAM action:
centreon -u admin -p 'centreon' -o STPL -a setparam -v "MyTemplate;max_check_attempts;10"
centreon -u admin -p 'centreon' -o STPL -a setparam -v "MyTemplate;normal_check_interval;2"
centreon -u admin -p 'centreon' -o STPL -a setparam -v "MyTemplate;normal_check_interval;"
You must set the following fields:
Order | Description |
1 | Service template description |
2 | Parameter that you want to update |
3 | New parameter value |
Parameters that may be modified:
Parameter | Description |
activate | 1 when service is enabled, 0 otherwise |
description | Service template description |
alias | Service template alias |
template | Name of the service template |
is_volatile | 1 when service is volatile, 0 otherwise |
check_period | Name of the check period |
check_command | Name of the check command |
check_command_arguments | Arguments that go along with the check command, prepend each argument with the '!' character |
max_check_attempts | Maximum number of attempt before a HARD state is declared |
normal_check_interval | value in minutes |
retry_check_interval | value in minutes |
active_checks_enabled | 1 when active checks are enabled, 0 otherwise |
passive_checks_enabled | 1 when passive checks are enabled, 0 otherwise |
contact_additive_inheritance | Enables contact additive inheritance= |
cg_additive_inheritance | Enables contactgroup additive inheritance |
notification_interval | value in minutes |
notification_period | Name of the notification period |
notification_options | Status linked to notifications |
first_notification_delay | First notification delay in seconds |
recovery_notification_delay | Recovery notification delay |
parallelize_check | 1 when parallelize checks are enabled, 0 otherwise |
obsess_over_service | 1 when obsess over service is enabled, 0 otherwise |
check_freshness | 1 when check freshness is enabled, 0 otherwise |
freshness_threshold | Service freshness threshold in seconds |
event_handler_enabled | 1 when event handler is enabled, 0 otherwise |
flap_detection_enabled | 1 when flap detection is enabled, 0 otherwise |
process_perf_data | 1 when process performance data is enabled, 0 otherwise |
retain_status_information | 1 when status information is retained, 0 otherwise |
retain_nonstatus_information | 1 when non status information is retained, 0 otherwise |
stalking_options | Comma separated options: 'o' for OK, 'w' for Warning, 'u' for Unknown and 'c' for Critical |
event_handler | Name of the event handler command |
event_handler_arguments | Arguments that go along with the event handler, prepend each argument with the "!" character |
notes | Notes |
notes_url | Notes URL |
action_url | Action URL |
icon_image | Icon image |
icon_image_alt | Icon image alt text |
graphtemplate | Graph template namei |
comment | Comment |
service_notification_options | Notification options (w,u,c,r,f,s) |
NOTE: You need to generate your configuration file and restart the monitoring engine in order to apply the changes.
To get specific parameters on a service template, use the GETPARAM action:
centreon -u admin -p 'centreon' -o STPL -a getparam -v "test;alias"
centreon -u admin -p 'centreon' -o STPL -a getparam -v "test;alias|alia|comment"
Object not found:alia
centreon -u admin -p 'centreon' -o STPL -a getparam -v "test;alias|notes|comment"
test;my notes;my comment
You may edit the following parameters:
Parameter | Description |
activate | 1 when service is enabled, 0 otherwise |
description | Service template description |
alias | Service template alias |
template | Name of the service template |
is_volatile | 1 when service is volatile, 0 otherwise |
check_period | Name of the check period |
check_command | Name of the check command |
check_command_arguments | Arguments that go along with the check command, prepend each argument with the '!' characteri |
max_check_attempts | Maximum number of attempt before a HARD state is declared |
normal_check_interval | value in minutes |
retry_check_interval | value in minutes |
active_checks_enabled | 1 when active checks are enabled, 0 otherwise |
passive_checks_enabled | 1 when passive checks are enabled, 0 otherwise |
contact_additive_inheritance | Enables contact additive inheritance= |
cg_additive_inheritance | Enables contactgroup additive inheritance |
notification_interval | value in minutes |
notification_period | Name of the notification period |
notification_options | Status linked to notifications |
first_notification_delay | First notification delay in seconds |
recovery_notification_delay | Recovery notification delay |
parallelize_check | 1 when parallelize checks are enabled, 0 otherwise |
obsess_over_service | 1 when obsess over service is enabled, 0 otherwise |
check_freshness | 1 when check freshness is enabled, 0 otherwise |
freshness_threshold | Service freshness threshold in seconds |
event_handler_enabled | 1 when event handler is enabled, 0 otherwise |
flap_detection_enabled | 1 when flap detection is enabled, 0 otherwise |
process_perf_data | 1 when process performance data is enabled, 0 otherwise |
retain_status_information | 1 when status information is retained, 0 otherwise |
retain_nonstatus_information | 1 when non status information is retained, 0 otherwise |
stalking_options | Comma separated options: 'o' for OK, 'w' for Warning, 'u' for Unknown and 'c' for Critical |
event_handler | Name of the event handler command |
event_handler_arguments | Arguments that go along with the event handler, prepend each argument with the "!" character |
notes | Notes |
notes_url | Notes URL |
action_url | Action URL |
icon_image | Icon image |
icon_image_alt | Icon image alt text |
graphtemplate | Graph template namei |
comment | Comment |
service_notification_options | Notification options (w,u,c,r,f,s) |
Addhosttemplate and Sethosttemplateβ
You may want to tie a service template to an extra host template. To do so, use the ADDHOSTTEMPLATE or SETHOSTTEMPLATE actions, where add will append and set will overwrite previous definitions:
centreon -u admin -p 'centreon' -o STPL -a sethosttemplate -v "MyTemplate;generic-host-template"
centreon -u admin -p 'centreon' -o STPL -a addhosttemplate -v "MyTemplate;Linux-Servers"
NOTE: You need to generate your configuration file and restart the monitoring engine in order to apply the changes.
To remove the relationship between a host template and a service template, use the DELHOSTTEMPLATE action:
centreon -u admin -p 'centreon' -o STPL -a delhosttemplate -v "MyTemplate;Linux-Servers"
NOTE: You need to generate your configuration file and restart the monitoring engine in order to apply the changes.
To view the custom macro list of a service template, use the GETMACRO action:
centreon -u admin -p 'centreon' -o STPL -a getmacro -v "MyTemplate"
macro name;macro value;description;is_password
$_SERVICETIME$;80;description of macro1;0
$_SERVICEPL$;400;description of macro2;0
To set a macro for a specific service template, use the SETMACRO action:
centreon -u admin -p 'centreon' -o STPL -a setmacro -v "MyTemplate;time;80"
centreon -u admin -p 'centreon' -o STPL -a setmacro -v "MyTemplate;pl;400;description"
centreon -u admin -p 'centreon' -o STPL -a setmacro -v "MyTemplate;password;mypassword;;1"
NOTE: You need to generate your configuration file and restart the monitoring engine in order to apply the changes.
To remove a macro from a specific service template, use the DELMACRO action:
centreon -u admin -p 'centreon' -o STPL -a delmacro -v "MyTemplate;time"
centreon -u admin -p 'centreon' -o STPL -a delmacro -v "MyTemplate;pl"
NOTE: You need to generate your configuration file and restart the monitoring engine in order to apply the changes.
To view the contact list of a service template, use the GETCONTACT action:
centreon -u admin -p 'centreon' -o STPL -a getcontact -v "MyTemplate"
Addcontact and Setcontactβ
To add a new contact to the notification contact list, use the ADDCONTACT or SETCONTACT actions, where add will append and set will overwrite previous definitions:
centreon -u admin -p 'centreon' -o STPL -a addcontact -v "MyTemplate;User1"
centreon -u admin -p 'centreon' -o STPL -a setcontact -v "MyTemplate;User1|User2"
NOTE: You need to generate your configuration file and restart the monitoring engine in order to apply the changes.
To remove a contact from the notification contact list, use the DELCONTACT action:
centreon -u admin -p 'centreon' -o STPL -a delcontact -v "MyTemplate;User1"
centreon -u admin -p 'centreon' -o STPL -a delcontact -v "MyTemplate;User2"
NOTE: You need to generate your configuration file and restart the monitoring engine in order to apply the changes.
To view the contact group list for a service template, use the GETCONTACTGROUP action:
centreon -u admin -p 'centreon' -o STPL -a getcontactgroup -v "MyTemplate"
To add a new contact group to a notification contact group list, use the ADDCONTACTGROUP or SETCONTACTGROUP actions, where add will append and set will overwrite previous definitions:
centreon -u admin -p 'centreon' -o STPL -a addcontactgroup -v "MyTemplate;Group1"
centreon -u admin -p 'centreon' -o STPL -a setcontactgroup -v "MyTemplate;Group1|Group2"
NOTE: You need to generate your configuration file and restart the monitoring engine in order to apply the changes.
To remove a contact group from the notification contact group list, use the DELCONTACTGROUP action:
centreon -u admin -p 'centreon' -o STPL -a delcontactgroup -v "MyTemplate"
centreon -u admin -p 'centreon' -o STPL -a delcontactgroup -v "MyTemplate;Group1"
NOTE: You need to generate your configuration file and restart the monitoring engine in order to apply the changes.
To view the trap list for a service template, use the GETTRAP action:
centreon -u admin -p 'centreon' -o "STPL" -a gettrap -v "Ping-LAN"
To add a trap to a service template, use the ADDTRAP or SETTRAP actions, where add will append and set will overwrite previous definitions:
centreon -u admin -p 'centreon' -o STPL -a addtrap -v "Ping-LAN;snOspfVirtIfConfigError"
centreon -u admin -p 'centreon' -o STPL -a settrap -v "Ping-LAN;snOspfVirtNbrStateChange|snTrapAccessListDeny"
NOTE: You need to generate your configuration file and restart the monitoring engine in order to apply the changes.
To remove a trap from a service template, use the DELTRAP action:
centreon -u admin -p 'centreon' -o STPL -a deltrap -v "Ping-LAN;snOspfVirtIfConfigError"
To view the category of a service template, use the GETCATEGORY action:
centreon -u admin -p 'centreon' -o STPL -a getcategory -v "ping"
Addcategory and Setcategoryβ
To add a new category, use the ADDCATEGORY or SETCATEGORY actions, where add will append and set will overwrite previous definitions:
centreon -u admin -p 'centreon' -o STPL -a addcategory -v "ping;CPU"
centreon -u admin -p 'centreon' -o STPL -a setcategory -v "ping;CPU"
NOTE: You need to generate your configuration file and restart the monitoring engine in order to apply the changes.
To remove a category from a service template, use the DELCATEGORY command:
centreon -u admin -p 'centreon' -o SERVICE -a delcategory -v "ping;CPU"
Object name: Settings
To list the editable settings, use the SHOW action:
centreon -u admin -p 'centreon' -o SETTINGS -a show
If you want to change a specific parameter of a vendor, use the SETPARAM action:
centreon -u admin -p 'centreon' -o SETTINGS -a setparam -v ";"
Arguments are composed of the following columns:
Order | Column description |
1 | Parameter name |
2 | Parameter value |
The parameters that you may change are:
Column | Description | Possible values and examples |
centstorage | Enable/disable CentStorage | Enable: '1', Disable: '0' |
debug_auth | Enable/disable authentication debug | Enable: '1', Disable: '0' |
debug_ldap_import | Enable/disable LDAP debug | Enable: '1', Disable: '0' |
debug_nagios_import | Enable/disable Nagios configuration import | Enable: '1', Disable: '0' |
debug_path | Debug log files directory | /var/log/centreon/ |
debug_rrdtool | Enable/disable RRDTool debug | Enable: '1', Disable: '0' |
enable_autologin | Enable/disable autologin | Enable: '1', Disable: '0' |
enable_gmt | Enable/disable GMT management | Enable: '1', Disable: '0' |
enable_logs_sync | Enable/disable CentCore log synchronization (not necessary when using Centreon Broker) | Enable: '1', Disable: '0' |
enable_perfdata_sync | Enable/disable Centcore PerfData synchronization (not necessary when using Centreon Broker) | Enable: '1', Disable: '0' |
gmt | GMT timezone of monitoring system | 2 (for GMT+2) |
interval_length | Monitoring interval length in seconds (default: 60) | 120 |
mailer_path_bin | Mail client bin path | /bin/mail |
nagios_path_img | Nagios image path | /usr/share/nagios/html/images/logos/ |
perl_library_path | Perl library path | /usr/local/lib |
rrdtool_path_bin | RRDTool bin path | /usr/bin/rrdtool |
snmpttconvertmib_path_bin | SNMPTT mib converter bin path | /usr/share/centreon/bin/snmpttconvertmib |
snmptt_unknowntrap_log_file | SNMPTT unknown trap log file | snmptrapd.log |
Time periodsβ
Object name: TP
To list all time periods, use the SHOW action:
centreon -u admin -p 'centreon' -o TP -a show
2;none;No Time Is A Good Time;;;;;;;
3;nonworkhours;Non-Work Hours;00:00-24:00;00:00-09:00,17:00-24:00;00:00-09:00,17:00-24:00;00:00-09:00,17:00-24:00;00:00-09:00,17:00-24:00;00:00-09:00,17:00-24:00;00:00-24:00
4;workhours;Work hours;;09:00-17:00;09:00-17:00;09:00-17:00;09:00-17:00;09:00-17:00;
To add a time period, use the ADD action:
centreon -u admin -p 'centreon' -o TP -a add -v "Timeperiod_Test;Timeperiod_Test"
The required fields are:
Order | Description |
1 | Name |
2 | Alias |
If you want to remove a time period, use the DEL action. To identify the time period to delete, use its name:
centreon -u admin -p 'centreon' -o TP -a del -v "Timeperiod_Test"
If you want to change a specific parameter for a time period, use the SETPARAM action. To identify the time period to update, use its name:
centreon -u admin -p 'centreon' -o TP -a setparam -v "Timeperiod_Test;monday;00:00-24:00"
Arguments are composed of the following columns:
Order | Column description |
1 | Name of time period |
2 | Parameter name |
3 | Parameter value |
The parameters that you may change are:
Column | Description |
name | Name |
alias | Alias |
sunday | Time Period definition for Sunday |
monday | Time Period definition for Monday |
tuesday | Time Period definition for Tuesday |
wednesday | Time Period definition for Wednesday |
thursday | Time Period definition for Thursday |
friday | Time Period definition for Friday |
saturday | Time Period definition for Saturday |
include | example: [...] -v "Timeperiod_Test;include;workhours"; Use delimiter | for multiple inclusion definitions |
To view the exception list for a time period, use the GETEXCEPTION action:
centreon -u admin -p 'centreon' -o TP -a getexception -v "mytimeperiod"
january 1;00:00-00:00
december 25;00:00-00:00
To set an exception on a timeperiod, use the SETEXCEPTION action:
centreon -u admin -p 'centreon' -o TP -a setexception -v "mytimeperiod;january 1;00:00-24:00"
NOTE: If an exception does not exist, it will be created, otherwise it will be overwritten.
To delete an exception, use the DELEXCEPTION action:
centreon -u admin -p 'centreon' -o TP -a delexception -v "mytimeperiod;january 1"
Arguments are composed of the following columns:
Order | Column description |
1 | Name of time period |
2 | Exception to remove from time period |
Object name: TRAP
To list the available traps, use the SHOW action:
centreon -u admin -p 'centreon' -o TRAP -a show
To add a trap, use the ADD action:
centreon -u admin -p 'centreon' -o TRAP -a add -v "aNewTrap;."
The required fields are:
Order | Description |
1 | Trap name |
2 | OID of the SNMP Trap |
If you want to remove a trap, use the DEL action. To identify the trap to delete, use its name:
centreon -u admin -p 'centreon' -o TRAP -a del -v "aNewTrap"
If you want to change a specific parameter for a trap, use the SETPARAM command. To identify the trap to update, use its name:
centreon -u admin -p 'centreon' -o TRAP -a setparam -v "aNewTrap;vendor;3com"
Arguments are composed of the following columns:
Order | Column description |
1 | Name of Trap |
2 | Parameter name |
3 | Parameter value |
The parameters that you may change are:
Column | Description | Possible values |
name | Name | |
comments | Comments | |
output | Output | |
oid | OID | |
status | Status | ok, warning, critical, unknown or 0, 1, 2, 3 |
vendor | Vendor name | A valid vendor name |
matching_mode | Advanced regexp matching mode | 1 to enable, 0 to disable |
reschedule_svc_enable | Whether or not will reschedule service check when trap is received | 1 to enable, 0 to disable |
execution_command | Command to be executed when trap is received | A valid Unix command line |
execution_command_enable | Whether or not will execute the 'execution_command' | 1 to enable, 0 to disable |
submit_result_enable | Whether or not will submit result to Service | 1 to enable, 0 to disable |
To display the list of matching rules defined for a specific trap, use the GETMATCHING command:
centreon -u admin -p 'centreon' -o TRAP -a getmatching -v "aNewTrap"
Column | Description |
ID | ID of the matching rule |
String | String to match |
Regexp | Matching Regular Expression |
Status | Status to submit |
Order | Priority order of the matching rule |
To add a matching rule, use the ADDMATCHING command:
centreon -u admin -p 'centreon' -o TRAP -a addmatching -v "aNewTrap;@OUTPUT@;/test2/;critical"
The required fields are:
Order | Description | Possible values |
1 | Trap name | |
2 | String to match | |
3 | Matching Regular Expression | |
4 | Status to submit | ok, warning, critical, unknown or 0, 1, 2, 3 |
To delete a matching rule, use the DELMATCHING command:
centreon -u admin -p 'centreon' -o TRAP -a delmatching -v "8"
The required fields are:
Column | Description |
ID | ID of the matching rule |
To update a matching rule, use the UPDATEMATCHING command:
centreon -u admin -p 'centreon' -o TRAP -a updatematching -v "8;status;critical"
Arguments are composed of the following columns:
Order | Column description |
1 | ID of the matching rule |
2 | Parameter name |
3 | Parameter value |
The parameters that you may change are:
Column | Description | Possible values |
string | String to match | |
order | Priority order | |
status | Status to submit | ok, warning, critical, unknown or 0, 1, 2, 3 |
regexp | Matching Regular Expression |
Object name: VENDOR
To list the available vendors, use the SHOW action:
centreon -u admin -p 'centreon' -o VENDOR -a show
1;Cisco;Cisco Networks
2;HP;HP Networks
11;HP-Compaq;HP and Compaq Systems
To add a vendor, use the ADD action:
centreon -u admin -p 'centreon' -o VENDOR -a add -v "DLink;DLink routers"
The required fields are:
Order | Description |
1 | Name |
2 | Alias |
If you want to remove a vendor, use the DEL action. To identify the vendor to delete, use their name:
centreon -u admin -p 'centreon' -o VENDOR -a del -v "DLink"
If you want to change a specific parameter for a vendor, use the SETPARAM command. To identify the vendor to update, use their name:
centreon -u admin -p 'centreon' -o VENDOR -a setparam -v "3com;name;HP"
Arguments are composed of the following columns:
Order | Column description |
1 | Name of vendor |
2 | Parameter name |
3 | Parameter value |
The parameters that you may change are:
Column | Description |
name | Name |
alias | Alias |
description | Description |
It is possible to generate new SNMP traps from a given MIB file. To do so, use the GENERATETRAPS command:
centreon -u admin -p 'centreon' -o VENDOR -a generatetraps -v "3com;/usr/share/mymibs/3com/A3COM-SWITCHING-SYSTEMS-MIB.mib"
Total translations: 10.
Successful translations: 10.
Failed translations: 0.
NOTE: Make sure to put all the MIB file dependencies in the /usr/share/snmp/mibs/ directory before starting the generation. Then, remove them when it is done.
The required fields are:
Column | Description |
Name | Name of Vendor |
Mib file | File path of .mib |
Service Mappingβ
The service mapping capabilities in Centreon rely on the Centreon Business Activity Monitoring (BAM) extension.
Centreon BAM is a Centreon extension that requires a valid license key. To purchase one and retrieve the necessary repositories, contact Centreon.
Business Viewβ
Object name: BV
To list all BVs, use the SHOW action:
./centreon -u admin -p 'centreon' -o BV -a SHOW
The following columns are required:
Column | Description |
BV ID | Business View id |
BV name | Business View name |
BV description | Business View description |
To add a BV, use the ADD action:
./centreon -u admin -p 'centreon' -o BV -a ADD -v 'BV1;BV1'
The following columns are required:
Column | Description |
Name | Business View name |
Description | Business View description |
To remove a BV, use the DEL action:
./centreon -u admin -p 'centreon' -o BV -a DEL -v 'BV1'
To change specific parameters for a BV, use the SETPARAM action:
./centreon -u admin -p 'centreon' -o BV -a SETPARAM -v 'BV1;description;BV description'
You can change the following parameters:
Parameter | Description |
name | Business Activity name |
description | Business Activity description |
overview | Visible in overview (0 or 1) |
To add a Business Activity (BA) to a BV, use the SETBA action:
./centreon -u admin -p 'centreon' -o BV -a SETBA -v 'bv1;ba1'
The following columns are required:
Column | Description |
Bv name | Business View name |
Ba name | Business Activity name (multiple with "pipe" separator) |
To add a BA to a BV, use the ADDBA action:
./centreon -u admin -p 'centreon' -o BV -a ADDBA -v 'bv1;ba1'
The following columns are required:
Column | Description |
Bv name | Business View name |
Ba name | Business Activity name (multiple with a "pipe" separator) |
To delete a BA from a BV, use the DELBA action:
./centreon -u admin -p 'centreon' -o BV -a DELBA -v 'bv1;ba1'
The following columns are required:
Column | Description |
Bv name | Business View name |
Ba name | Business Activity name (multiple with a "pipe" separator) |
To link an access group to a BV, use the SETACLGROUP action:
./centreon -u admin -p 'centreon' -o BV -a SETACLGROUP -v 'bv1;ALL'
The following columns are required:
Column | Description |
Bv name | Business View name |
Acl group name | Access group name (multiple with a pipe separator) |
To link an access group to a BV, use the ADDACLGROUP action:
./centreon -u admin -p 'centreon' -o BV -a ADDACLGROUP -v 'bv1;ALL'
The following columns are required:
Column | Description |
Bv name | Business View name |
Acl group name | Access group name (multiple with a "pipe" separator) |
To unlink an access group from a BV, use the DELACLGROUP action:
./centreon -u admin -p 'centreon' -o BV -a DELACLGROUP -v 'bv1;ALL'
The following columns are required:
Column | Description |
Bv name | Business View name |
Acl group name | Access group name (multiple with a "pipe" separator) |
Business Activity (BA)β
Object name: BA
To list all business activities, use the SHOW action:
./centreon -u admin -p 'centreon' -o BA -a SHOW
The following columns are displayed:
- BA ID: Business Activity id
- BA name: Business Activity name
- Ba description: Business Activity description
- Ba state_source: Business Activity calculation method
- level_w: Warning threshold (only applicable for Impact and Ratio modes)
- level_c: Critical threshold (only applicable for Impact and Ratio modes)
Business Activity calculation methods (state_source):
- 0 - Impact Mode (requires level_w to be > level_c)
- 1 - Best Status
- 2 - Worst Status
- 3 - Ratio Percentage (requires level_c to be > level_w)
- 4 - Ratio Number (requires level_c to be > level_w)
To add a BA, use the ADD action:
./centreon -u admin -p 'centreon' -o BA -a ADD -v 'ba1;ba1;0;90;80;5'
The following columns are required:
Column | Description |
Name | Business Activity name |
Description | Business Activity description |
State Source | BA Calculation Method |
Warning threshold | Warning threshold (if needed) |
Critical threshold | Critical threshold (if needed) |
Notification interval | Notification interval (minutes) |
To remove a BA, use the DEL action:
./centreon -u admin -p 'centreon' -o BA -a DEL -v 'ba1'
To change a specific parameter for a BV, use the SETPARAM action:
./centreon -u admin -p 'centreon' -o BA -a SETPARAM -v 'ba1;enable;1'
./centreon -u admin -p 'centreon' -o BA -a SETPARAM -v 'ba1;comment;new comments'
./centreon -u admin -p 'centreon' -o BA -a SETPARAM -v 'ba1;notification_options;r,w,c'
The parameters that you can change are the following:
Parameter | Description | Possible values |
name | Business Activity name | |
description | Business Activity description | |
level_w | Warning threshold | |
level_c | Critical threshold | |
reporting_period | reporting period | |
comment | Comments | |
notifications_enabled | Enable notifications (0 or 1) | |
notification_options | Notification options (r, w, c, f) | |
notification_period | Notification period | |
notification_interval | Notification interval | |
first_notification_delay | Delay before sending first notification when entering non-OK status | |
recovery_notification_delay | Delay before sending first notification when entering OK status | |
icon | Business Activity icon | |
inherit_kpi_downtimes | Inherit planned downtimes from KPIs | 0 to ignore the planned downtime, 1 to inherit the planned downtime on the business activity, 2 to ignore the indicator in the calculation |
geo_coords | Geo-coordinate to position the BA | |
enable | Enable (0 or 1) | |
state_source | 0 - Impact, 1 - Best, 2 - Worst, 3 - Ratio Nr., 4 - Ratio Percent |
Note: Changing State Source will require updating your Level W and Level C to match the appropriate calculation method!
To add a BV to a BA, use the SETBV action:
./centreon -u admin -p 'centreon' -o BA -a SETBV -v 'ba1;bv1'
./centreon -u admin -p 'centreon' -o BA -a SETBV -v 'ba1;bv1|bv2'
The following columns are required:
Column Description
Ba name Business Activity name Bv name Business View name (multiple with | separator)
To add a BV to a BA, use the ADDBV action:
./centreon -u admin -p 'centreon' -o BA -a ADDBV -v 'ba1;bv1'
./centreon -u admin -p 'centreon' -o BA -a ADDBV -v 'ba1;bv2|bv3'
The following columns are required:
Column | Description |
Ba name | Business View name |
Bv name | Business View name (multiple with a "pipe" separator) |
To remove a BV from a BA, use the DELBV action:
./centreon -u admin -p 'centreon' -o BA -a DELBV -v 'ba1;bv1'
The following columns are required:
Column | Description |
Ba name | Business View name |
Bv name | Business View name (multiple with a "pipe" separator) |
To link a contact group to a BA, use the SETCONTACTGROUP action:
./centreon -u admin -p 'centreon' -o BA -a SETCONTACTGROUP -v 'ba1;Guest'
./centreon -u admin -p 'centreon' -o BA -a SETCONTACTGROUP -v 'ba1;Guest|Supervisors'
The following columns are required:
Column | Description |
Ba name | Business View name |
Contact group name | Contact group name (multiple with a "pipe" separator) |
To link a contact group to a BA, use the ADDCONTACTGROUP action:
./centreon -u admin -p 'centreon' -o BA -a ADDCONTACTGROUP -v 'ba1;Guest'
The following columns are required:
Column | Description |
Ba name | Business View name |
Contact group name | Contact group name (multiple with a "pipe" separator) |
To unlink a contact group from a BA, use the DELCONTACTGROUP action:
./centreon -u admin -p 'centreon' -o BA -a DELCONTACTGROUP -v 'ba1;Guest'
The following columns are required:
Column | Description |
Ba name | Business View name |
Contact group name | Contact group name (multiple with a "pipe" separator) |
To set extra reporting periods for Centreon MBI, use the SETEXTRAREPORTINGPERIOD action:
./centreon -u admin -p 'centreon' -o BA -a SETEXTRAREPORTINGPERIOD -v 'ba1;workhours'
The following columns are required:
Column | Description |
Ba name | Business View name |
Extra reporting period | Extra reporting period (multiple with a "pipe" separator) |
To add extra reporting periods for Centreon MBI, use the ADDEXTRAREPORTINGPERIOD action:
./centreon -u admin -p 'centreon' -o BA -a ADDEXTRAREPORTINGPERIOD -v 'ba1;workhours'
The following columns are required:
Column | Description |
Ba name | Business View name |
Extra reporting period | Extra reporting period (multiple with a "pipe" separator) |
To delete extra reporting periods from a BA, use the DELEXTRAREPORTINGPERIOD action:
./centreon -u admin -p 'centreon' -o BA -a DELEXTRAREPORTINGPERIOD -v 'ba1;workhours'
The following columns are required:
Column | Description |
Ba name | Business View name |
Extra reporting period | Extra reporting period (multiple with a "pipe" separator) |
To set the poller where the BA is calculated (in addition to the central), use the SETPOLLER action:
./centreon -u admin -p 'centreon' -o BA -a SETPOLLER -v 'ba1;poller1'
The following columns are required:
Column | Description |
Ba name | Business View name |
Poller name | Poller name where Business Activity can be calculated |
To delete the poller where the BA is calculated, use the DELPOLLER action:
./centreon -u admin -p 'centreon' -o BA -a DELPOLLER -v 'ba1;poller1'
The following columns are required:
Column | Description |
Ba name | Business Aiew name |
Poller name | Poller name where Business Activity is calculated |
Indicators (KPI)β
Object name: KPI
To list the available KPIs, use the SHOW action:
./centreon -u admin -p 'centreon' -o KPI -a SHOW
1;service;Centreon-Server Load;ba1;25;50;20
The columns are as follows:
Column | Description |
KPI ID | KPI id |
KPI type | service, metaservice, ba or boolean |
KPI name | KPI name |
Impacted BA | Impacted business activity |
Warning impact | Warning impact |
Critical impact | Critical impact |
Unknown impact | Unknown impact |
To add a KPI, use the ADD action:
./centreon -u admin -p 'centreon' -o KPI -a ADD -v 'service;host1|service1;ba1;10;20;5'
./centreon -u admin -p 'centreon' -o KPI -a ADD -v 'metaservice;meta11;ba2;minor;major;null'
./centreon -u admin -p 'centreon' -o KPI -a ADD -v 'ba;ba1;ba3;10;20;5'
./centreon -u admin -p 'centreon' -o KPI -a ADD -v 'boolean;rule1;ba4;10;20;5'
The required columns are as follows:
Column | Description |
KPI type | service, metaservice, ba or boolean |
Object | Object used in KPI |
Impacted BA | Impacted business activity |
Warning impact | Warning impact |
Critical impact | Critical impact |
Unknown impact | Unknown impact |
If you want to remove a KPI, use the DEL action:
./centreon -u admin -p 'centreon' -o KPI -a DEL -v 'ba;ba1;ba3'
If you want to change a specific parameter for a KPI, use the SETPARAM action: