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Version: ⭐ 24.04


If you want to automate standard maps creation or maintenance, you may use the Centreon MAP extension API.


With this API, you can create / update / delete standard maps. To be able to use the API, the account you use needs to have one of the following privileges:

  • Centreon Admin account.
  • Map creation rights and editing rights for maps you wish to update / delete.

How to use Centreon MAP API

Because the Centreon MAP API is not trivial to use, here is a scenario to authenticate, then create a map and add a shape on it.


POST : http://{{serverURL}}:8081/centreon-map/api/beta/auth/sign-in
Headers {
Content-Type = application/json
X-Client-Version = 24.04.0

Body {
"login" : "admin"
"password" : "denied"
  • In the result, retrieve the {jwtToken}. You will need to use it for all your API calls. The headers will look like this:
Headers {
Content-Type = application/json
X-client-version = 24.04.0
Authorization = Bearer {jwtToken}

Create a map

POST http://{{serverURL}}:8081/centreon-map/api/beta/maps
Headers {
Content-Type = application/json
X-client-version = 24.04.0
Authorization = Bearer {jwtToken}

Body {
"name": "My new map created from API"
  • Retrieve the ID of the map {mapId} and the view {viewId} returned.

Open the map

GET http://{{serverURL}}:8081/centreon-map/api/beta/maps/{mapId}/views/{viewId}

Create and attach a "shape" element to the opened map

In this scenario, the "shape" element is a rectangle.

PUT http://{{serverURL}}:8081/centreon-map/api/beta/maps/{mapId}/views
Body: {
"id": {viewId},
"shapes": [
"type": "RECTANGLE",
"graphics": {
"label": "EN - Rectangle",
"x": 120,
"y": 120,
"width": 130,
"height": 53,
"color": "#0096FF",
"thickness": 1,
"borderColor": "#F0F0F0",
"line": "SOLID"

More information

Follow this link to access the Centreon API documentation and preview the API capabilities.