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Version: ⭐ 24.04

Centreon Broker Event Mapping

Centreon Broker uses global mapping tables for events that can be exchanged. This page lists properties available for each event type.



The acknowledgement of an incident means that the problem has been taken into account by a user of the monitoring service. When the user acknowledges the problem, Centreon Engine emits an acknowledgement event. This event is different in BBDO v2 and BBDO v3.



The content of this message is serialized as follows:

acknowledgement_typeshort integer0 for a host acknowledgement, 1 for a service acknowledgement.
authorstringAcknowledgement author.
commentstringComment associated with the acknowledgement.
deletion_timetimeTime at which the acknowledgement was deleted. If 0, it was not deleted.
entry_timetimeTime at which the acknowledgement was created.
host_idunsigned integerHost ID.
instance_idunsigned integerInstance ID.
is_stickybooleanSticky flag.
notify_contactsbooleanNotification flag.
persistent_commentbooleanTrue if the comment is persistent.
service_idunsigned integerService ID. 0 for a host acknowledgement.
stateshort integerHost / service state.
notify_only_if_not_already_acknowledgedbooleanA notification should be sent only if not already acknowledged.


In several situations, the user must enter a comment in the Centreon interface. When they validate it, Centreon Engine emits a comment event. This event is different in BBDO v2 and BBDO v3.



The content of this message is serialized as follows:

authorstringComment author.
comment_typeshort integer1 for a host comment, 2 for a service comment.
datastringComment data (text).
deletion_timetimeTime at which the comment was deleted. 0 if the comment was not deleted (yet).
entry_timetimeTime at which the comment was created.
entry_typeshort integer1 for a user comment (through external command), 2 for a downtime comment, 3 for a flapping comment and 4 for an acknowledgement comment.
expire_timetimeComment expiration time. 0 if no expiration time.
expiresboolTrue if the comment expires.
host_idunsigned integerHost ID.
internal_idunsigned integerInternal monitoring engine ID of the comment.
persistentbooleanTrue if the comment is persistent.
instance_idunsigned integerInstance ID.
service_idunsigned integerService ID. 0 if this is a host comment.
sourceshort integer0 when the comment originates from the monitoring engine (internal) or 1 when the comment comes from another source (external).

Custom variable​

A custom variable is essentially a variable with a name and a value. It often comes from Centreon Engine macros. For Centreon to work correctly, these custom variables must be sent to Centreon Broker. Each one is sent thanks to a custom variable event. This event is different in BBDO v2 and BBDO v3.



The content of this message is serialized as follows:

enabledbooleanTrue if the custom variable is enabled.
host_idunsigned integerHost ID.
modifiedbooleanTrue if the variable was modified.
namestringVariable name.
service_idunsigned integerService ID or 0 if this is a host custom variable.
update_timetimeLast time at which the variable was updated.
var_typeshort integer0 for a host custom variable, 1 for a service custom variable.
valuestringVariable value.
default_valuestringThe default value of the custom var.

Custom variable status​

Custom variable status events are generated when a custom variable needs to be updated.



The content of this message is serialized as follows:

host_idunsigned integerHost ID.
modifiedbooleanTrue if the variable was modified.
namestringVariable name.
service_idunsigned integerService ID. 0 if this is a host custom variable.
update_timetimeLast time at which the variable was updated.
valuestringVariable value.


This event is emitted by Centreon Engine when a downtime is set on a resource.



The content of this message is serialized as follows:

actual_end_timetimeActual time at which the downtime ended.
actual_start_timetimeActual time at which the downtime started.
authorstringDowntime creator.
downtime_typeshort integer1 for service downtime, 2 for host downtime.
deletion_timetimeTime at which the downtime was deleted.
durationtimeDowntime duration.
end_timetimeScheduled downtime end time.
entry_timetimeTime at which the downtime was created.
fixedbooleanTrue if the downtime is fixed, false if it is flexible.
host_idunsigned integerHost ID.
instance_idunsigned integerInstance ID.
internal_idunsigned integerInternal monitoring engine ID.
service_idunsigned integerService ID. 0 if this is host downtime.
start_timetimeScheduled downtime start time.
triggered_byunsigned integerInternal ID of the downtime that triggered this downtime.
was_cancelledbooleanTrue if the downtime was canceled.
was_startedbooleanTrue if the downtime has been started.
commentstringDowntime comment.
is_recurringbooleanTrue if this downtime is recurring.
recurring_tpstringThe recurring time period of the recurring downtime.
come_fromshortId of the parent recurring downtime for spawned downtimes.

Event handler​

Event handlers are optional system commands (scripts or executables) that are run whenever a resource state change occurs. When such a command is configured, an event handler event is emitted by Centreon Engine. These BBDO events are usually sent when Centreon Engine is restarted or reloaded.



The content of this message is serialized as follows:

early_timeoutbooleanTrue if the event handler timed out.
end_timetimeTime at which the event handler execution ended.
execution_timerealExecution time in seconds.
handler_typeshort integer0 for host-specific event handler, 1 for service-specific event handler, 2 for global host event handler and 3 for global service event handler.
host_idunsigned integerHost ID.
return_codeshort integerValue returned by the event handler.
service_idunsigned integerService ID. 0 if this is a host event handler.
start_timetimeTime at which the event handler started.
stateshort integerHost / service state.
state_typeshort integer0 for SOFT, 1 for HARD.
timeoutshort integerEvent handler timeout in seconds.
command_argsstringEvent handler arguments.
command_linestringEvent handler command line.
outputstringOutput returned by the event handler.
source_idunsigned integerThe id of the source instance of this event.
destination_idunsigned integerThe id of the destination instance of this event.

Flapping status​

When the status of a resource is unstable, Centreon Engine tags it as flapping. In the past, a flapping status event was emitted in such cases. This no longer occurs. The flapping status event does not exist anymore.


The tag is a new configuration event currently used for categories and groups.

At the moment, it is used in parallel with group events and other things, but in the near future it should be more global.

There are no tag events in BBDO v2.


This event is emitted every time a change is made to the configuration of a host and the configuration is deployed.



The content of this message is serialized as follows:

acknowledgedbooleantrue if the problem has been acknowledged
acknowledgement_typeshort integer0 none, 1 normal, 2 sticky
action_urlstringurl to obtain information about host
active_checks_enabledbooleanactive check
addressstringIP of the host
check_freshnessbooleanpassive freshness check activated
check_intervalrealinterval in units (usually 60s) between 2 checks
check_periodstringtime period when checks are authorized
check_typeshort integer0 active, 1 passive
current_check_attemptshort integernumber of failed checks
current_stateshort integer0 up, 1 down, 2 unreachable
default_active_checks_enabledbooleansame as active_checks_enabled
default_event_handler_enabledbooleansame as event_handler_enabled
default_flap_detection_enabledbooleansame as flap_detection_enabled
default_notifications_enabledbooleansame as notifications_enabled
default_passive_checks_enabledbooleansame as passive_checks_enabled
downtime_depthshort integernumber of active downtimes
display_namestringname displayed in UI
event_handlerstringcommand executed when state changes
event_handler_enabledbooleanevent_handler enabled
execution_timerealduration of last check
first_notification_delayrealdelay before notify in units (usually 60s)
flap_detection_enabledbooleanflap detection enabled
flap_detection_on_downbooleandown state is taken into account for flap detection
flap_detection_on_unreachablebooleanunreachable state is taken into account for flap detection
flap_detection_on_upbooleanup state is taken into account for flap detection
freshness_thresholdrealdelay after check result is stale
has_been_checkedbooleancheck has been executed at least once
high_flap_thresholdrealif percent state change is higher than this, host is considered flapping
host_idunsigned integerid of the host
host_namestringname of the host
icon_imagestringicon displayed in the UI for the host
icon_image_altstringalternate string for icon_image
instance_idunsigned integerid of the poller that checks host
is_flappingbooleanhost is flapping
last_checktimetime of last check
last_hard_stateshort integerlast hard state
last_hard_state_changetimetime of last hard state change
last_notificationtimetime of last notification sent
last_state_changetimetime of last state change
last_time_downtimetime of the last failed check
last_time_unreachabletimetime of the last failed check with all parent hosts down
last_time_uptimetime of the last successful check
last_updatetimetime of message create
latencyrealdelay between scheduled check time and real check time
low_flap_thresholdrealif percent state change is lower than this, host is not considered flapping
max_check_attemptsshort integernumber of failed check after which host state become a hard fail state
next_checktimenext scheduled check time
next_notificationtimenext renotification time
no_more_notificationsbooleanno other notification will be sent
notesstringtooltip in resources status page
notes_urlstringclickable url in resources status page
notification_intervalrealinterval between two notifications
notification_numbershort integernumber of notifications sent since the start of the problem
notification_periodstringtime period during which notifications are allowed
notifications_enabledbooleannotifications allowed
notify_on_downbooleanusers are notified if the host becomes down
notify_on_downtimebooleanusers are notified if the host enters in downtime
notify_on_flappingbooleanusers are notified if the host is flapping
notify_on_recoverybooleanusers are notified if the host becomes up
notify_on_unreachablebooleanusers are notified if the host becomes down and parents are down
obsess_overbooleantrue if ocsp command is executed after check or notification command
passive_checks_enabledbooleanpassive check
percent_state_changerealused by flapping and compared with high and low flap thresholds
retry_intervalrealinterval between two checks when host isn't in up state and state type is soft
should_be_scheduledbooleanno next check should be scheduled
stalk_on_downbooleanlogs check output event changes if state is down
stalk_on_unreachablebooleanlogs check output event if state is unreachable
stalk_on_upbooleanlogs check output event if state is up
statusmap_imagestringimage displayed in map
state_typeshort integerstate soft 0 or hard 1
check_commandstringcommand executed
outputstringoutput of the command
perf_datastringperfdata extracted from the command's output
timezonestringtime zone of the host

Host check​

This type of event is emitted by Centreon Engine when a check is performed on a host.



The content of this message is serialized as follows:

active_checks_enabledbooleanTrue if active checks are enabled on the host.
check_typeshort integer
host_idunsigned integerHost ID.
next_checktimeTime at which the next check is scheduled.
command_linestringCheck command line.
source_idunsigned integerThe id of the source instance this event.
destination_idunsigned integerThe id of the destination instance of this event.

Host dependency​

This event is emitted when a dependency between hosts is defined, and the configuration is deployed.



The content of this message is serialized as follows:

dependency_periodstringTime period when the dependency is available.
dependent_host_idunsigned integerHost ID of the resource this host is dependent on
enabledbooleanTrue if the dependency is enabled.
execution_failure_optionsstringSome values among "up", "down", "unreachable", "pending", "none", "all"
inherits_parentbooleanTrue if the dependency is inherited from a parent
host_idunsigned integerHost ID.
notification_failure_optionsstringSame values as for execution_failure_options

Host group​

This event is emitted when a host group is created.



The content of this message is serialized as follows:

host_group_idunsigned integerid of the group
namestringGroup name.
enabledbooleanTrue if the group is enabled, false if it is not (deletion).
poller_idunsigned integerid of the poller

Host group member​

This is a configuration event. It is sent just after a hostgroup event to detail members of the group to configure. Even in BBDO v3, we still use the BBDO v2 version of this event.



The content of this message is serialized as follows:

enabledbooleanTrue if the membership is enabled, false if it is not (deletion).
groupstringGroup name.
instance_idunsigned integerInstance ID.
host_idunsigned integerHost ID.
source_idunsigned integerThe id of the source instance of this event.
destination_idunsigned integerThe id of the destination instance of this event.

Host parent​

This is a configuration event sent when a host parent is defined. Even in BBDO v3, we still use the BBDO v2 version of this event.



The content of this message is serialized as follows:

enabledbooleanTrue if parenting is enabled, false if it is not (deletion).
child_idunsigned integerChild host ID.
parent_idunsigned integerParent host ID.

Host status​

This is an event emitted by Centreon Engine when a host has real time modifications (status, output, metrics, etc.).



The content of this message is serialized as follows:

acknowledgedbooleanproblem has been acknowledged
acknowledgement_typeshort integer0 none, 1 normal, 2 sticky
active_checks_enabledbooleanTrue if active checks are enabled on the host.
check_intervalrealinterval in units (usually 60 s) between 2 checks
check_periodstringtime period when checks are authorized
check_typeshort integer0 active, 1 passive
current_check_attemptshort integernumber of failed checks
current_stateshort integer0 up, 1 down, 2 unreachable
downtime_depthshort integernumber of active downtimes
event_handlerstringcommand executed when state changes
event_handler_enabledbooleanevent_handler enabled
execution_timerealduration of last check
flap_detection_enabledbooleanflap detection enabled
has_been_checkedbooleancheck has been executed at least once
host_idunsigned integerid of the host
is_flappingbooleanhost is flapping
last_checktimetime of last check
last_hard_stateStatelast hard state
last_hard_state_changetimetime of last hard state change
last_notificationtimetime of last notification sent
last_state_changetimetime of last state change
last_time_downtimetime of the last failed check
last_time_unreachabletimetime of the last failed check with all parent hosts down
last_time_uptimetime of the last successful check
last_updatetimetime of message creation
latencyrealdelay between scheduled check time and real check time
max_check_attemptsshort integernumber of failed checks after which host state becomes a hard fail state
next_checktimeTime at which the next check is scheduled.
next_host_notificationtimenext renotification time
no_more_notificationsbooleanno other notification will be sent
notification_numbershort integernumber of notifications sent since the start of the problem
notifications_enabledbooleannotifications allowed
obsess_overbooleantrue if ocsp command is executed after check or notification command
passive_checks_enabledbooleanpassive check
percent_state_changerealused by flapping and compared with high and low flap thresholds
retry_intervalrealinterval between two checks when host isn't in up state and state type is soft
should_be_scheduledbooleannext check should be scheduled
state_typeStateTypeSOFT HARD
check_commandstringcommand executed
outputstringoutput of the command
perf_datastringperfdata extracted from the command's output


This event is emitted by Centreon Engine when Engine starts to send its configuration or when Engine stops.



The content of this message is serialized as follows:

enginestringName of the monitoring engine used on this instance.
idunsigned integerInstance ID.
namestringInstance name.
is_runningbooleanWhether or not this instance is running.
pidunsigned integerMonitoring engine PID.
program_endtimeTime at which the instance shut down.
program_starttimeTime at which the instance started.
versionstringVersion of the monitoring engine used on this instance.

Instance status​

This event is emitted by Centreon Engine regularly as a watchdog. This event tells Broker that the poller is still alive (with various other information).



The content of this message is serialized as follows:

active_host_checks_enabledbooleanWhether or not active host checks are globally enabled.
active_service_checks_enabledbooleanWhether or not active service checks are globally enabled.
check_hosts_freshnessbooleanWhether or not host freshness checking is globally enabled.
check_services_freshnessbooleanWhether or not service freshness checking is globally enabled.
event_handler_enabledbooleanWhether or not event handlers are globally enabled.
flap_detection_enabledbooleanWhether or not flap detection is globally enabled.
idunsigned integerInstance ID.
last_alivetimeLast time the instance was known alive.
last_command_checktimeLast time a check command was executed.
notifications_enabledbooleanWhether or not notifications are globally enabled.
obsess_over_hostsbooleanWhether or not the monitoring engine should obsess over hosts.
obsess_over_servicesbooleanWhether or not the monitoring engine should obsess over services.
passive_host_checks_enabledbooleanWhether or not passive host checks are globally enabled.
passive_service_checks_enabledbooleanWhether or not passive service checks are globally enabled.
global_host_event_handlerstringGlobal host event handler.
global_service_event_handlerstringGlobal service event handler.

Log entry​

Centreon Engine generates many logs. Some of them are sent to Centreon Broker to be stored in the database. These logs are sent using log entry events.



The content of this message is serialized as follows:

c_timetimeLog time.
host_idunsigned integerHost ID. 0 if log entry does not refer to a specific host or service.
host_namestringHost name. Can be empty if log entry does not refer to a specific host or service.
instance_namestringInstance name.
log_typeshort integer0 for SOFT, 1 for HARD.
msg_typeshort integer0 for SERVICE ALERT (sent on service state change), 1 for HOST ALERT (sent on host state change(, 2 for SERVICE NOTIFICATION (notification sent out for a service), 3 for HOST NOTIFICATION (notification sent out for a host), 4 for Warning (Centreon Engine warning), 5 for EXTERNAL COMMAND (external command received), 6 for CURRENT SERVICE STATE (current state of monitored service, usually sent at configuration reload), 7 for CURRENT HOST STATE (current state of monitored host, usually sent at configuration reload), 8 for INITIAL SERVICE STATE (initial state of service, after retention processing, sent at process start), 9 for INITIAL HOST STATE (initial state of monitored host, after retention processing, sent at process start), 10 for ACKNOWLEDGE_SVC_PROBLEM external command (special case of EXTERNAL COMMAND for service acknowledgement), 11 for ACKNOWLEDGE_HOST_PROBLEM external command (special case of EXTERNAL COMMAND for host acknowledgement).
notification_cmdstringNotification command.
notification_contactstringNotification contact.
retryintegerCurrent check attempt.
service_descriptionstringService description. Empty if log entry does not refer to a specific service.
service_idunsigned integerService ID. 0 if log entry does not refer to a specific service.
statusshort integerHost / service status.


Module events are generated when Centreon Engine modules are loaded or unloaded. This message is not very useful, since the only modules available in Engine are external command and cbmod, which are mandatory.

That is why it will be removed in the near future.



The content of this message is serialized as follows:

argsstringModule arguments.
enabledbooleanWhether or not this module is enabled.
filenamestringPath to the module file.
instance_idunsigned integerInstance ID.
loadedbooleanWhether or not this module is loaded.
should_be_loadedbooleanWhether or not this module should be (should have been) loaded.


This is a configuration event. It is emitted by Centreon Engine when a change is made to the configuration of a service and the configuration is deployed.



The content of this message is serialized as follows:

acknowledgedbooleantrue if the problem has been acknowledged
acknowledgement_typeshort integer0 none, 1 normal, 2 sticky
action_urlstringurl to obtain information about service
active_checks_enabledbooleanactive check
check_freshnessbooleanpassive freshness check activated
check_intervalrealinterval in units (usually 60s) between 2 checks
check_periodstringtime period when checks are authorized
check_typeshort integer0 active, 1 passive
current_check_attemptshort integernumber of failed checks
current_stateshort integer0 up, 1 down, 2 unreachable
default_active_checks_enabledbooleansame as active_checks_enabled
default_event_handler_enabledbooleansame as event_handler_enabled
default_flap_detection_enabledbooleansame as flap_detection_enabled
default_notifications_enabledbooleansame as notifications_enabled
default_passive_checks_enabledbooleansame as passive_checks_enabled
downtime_depthshort integernumber of active downtimes
display_namestringname displayed in UI
event_handlerstringcommand executed when state changes
event_handler_enabledbooleanevent_handler enabled
execution_timerealduration of last check
first_notification_delayrealdelay before notification in units (usually 60 s)
flap_detection_enabledbooleanflap detection enabled
flap_detection_on_criticalbooleancritical state is taken into account for flap detection
flap_detection_on_okbooleanok state is taken into account for flap detection
flap_detection_on_unknownbooleanunknown state is taken into account for flap detection
flap_detection_on_warningbooleanwarning state is taken into account for flap detection
freshness_thresholdrealdelay after check result is stale
has_been_checkedbooleancheck has been executed at least once
high_flap_thresholdrealif percent state change is higher than this, service is considered flapping
host_idunsigned integerid of the host
host_namestringname of the host
icon_imagestringicon displayed in the UI for the service
icon_image_altstringalternate string for icon_image
service_idunsigned integerid of the service
is_flappingbooleanservice is flapping
is_volatilebooleanservice is volatile
last_checktimetime of last check
last_hard_stateshort integerlast hard state
last_hard_state_changetimetime of last hard state change
last_notificationtimetime of last notification sent
last_state_changetimetime of last state change
last_time_criticaltimetime of the last check critical return code
last_time_oktimetime of the last check ok return code
last_time_unknowntimetime of the last check unknown return code
last_time_warningtimetime of the last check warning return code
last_updatetimetime of message create
latencyrealdelay between scheduled check time and real check time
low_flap_thresholdrealif percent state change is lower than this, service is not considered flapping
max_check_attemptsshort integernumber of failed check after which service state become a hard fail state
next_checktimenext scheduled check time
next_notificationtimenext renotification time
no_more_notificationsbooleanno other notification will be sent
notesstringtooltip in resources status page
notes_urlstringclickable url in resources status page
notification_intervalrealinterval between two notifications
notification_numbershort integernumber of notifications sent since the start of the problem
notification_periodstringtime period during which notifications are allowed
notifications_enabledbooleannotifications enabled
notify_on_criticalbooleanusers are notified if service state becomes critical
notify_on_downtimebooleanusers are notified if service enters downtime
notify_on_flappingbooleanusers are notified if service is flapping
notify_on_recoverybooleanusers are notified if service becomes ok
notify_on_unknownbooleanusers are notified if service state becomes unknown
notify_on_warningbooleanusers are notified if service state becomes warning
obsess_overbooleantrue if ocsp command if executed after check or notification command
passive_checks_enabledbooleanpassive check
percent_state_changerealused by flapping and compared with high and low flap thresholds
retry_intervalrealinterval between two checks when service is not in up state and state type is soft
scheduled_downtime_depthshort integernumber of active downtime periods
service_descriptionstringname of the service
should_be_scheduledbooleanno next check should be scheduled
stalk_on_criticalbooleanlogs check output event change if state is critical
stalk_on_okbooleanlogs check output event change if state is ok
stalk_on_unknownbooleanlogs check output event change if state is unknown
stalk_on_warningbooleanlogs check output event change if state is warning
state_typeshort integerstate soft 0 or hard 1
check_commandstringcommand executed
outputstringoutput of the command
perf_datastringperfdata extracted from the command's output

Service check​

This event is emitted by Centreon Engine when a check is performed on a service.



The content of this message is serialized as follows:

active_checks_enabledbooleanTrue if active checks are enabled on the service.
host_idunsigned integerHost ID.
next_checktimeTime at which the next check is scheduled.
service_idunsigned integerService ID.
command_linestringCheck command line.

Service dependency​

This is a configuration event sent when a dependency between services is defined.



The content of this message is serialized as follows:

dependent_host_idunsigned integer
dependent_service_idunsigned integer
host_idunsigned integer
service_idunsigned integer

Service group​

This is a configuration event that is emitted when a service group is created.



The content of this message is serialized as follows:

idunsigned integer
namestringGroup name.
enabledenabledTrue if the group is enable, false if it is not (deletion).
poller_idunsigned integer

Service group member​

This is a configuration event. It is sent just after a servicegroup event to detail members of the group to configure. Even in BBDO v3, we still use the BBDO v2 version of this event.



The content of this message is serialized as follows:

idunsigned integer
host_idunsigned integer
service_idunsigned integer
enabledenabledTrue if the group is enabled, false if it is not (deletion).
group_namestringGroup name.
poller_idunsigned integer

Service status​

This is an event emitted by Centreon Engine when a service has real time modifications.



The content of this message is serialized as follows:

acknowledgedbooleantrue if the problem has been acknowledged
acknowledgement_typeshort integer0 none, 1 normal, 2 sticky
active_checks_enabledbooleanactive check
check_intervalrealinterval in units (usually 60 s) between 2 checks
check_periodstringtime period when checks are authorized
check_typeshort integer0 active, 1 passive
current_check_attemptshort integernumber of failed checks
current_stateshort integer0 up, 1 down, 2 unreachable
downtime_depthshort integernumber of active downtimes
event_handlerstringcommand executed when state changes
event_handler_enabledbooleanevent_handler enabled
execution_timerealduration of last check
flap_detection_enabledbooleanflap detection enabled
has_been_checkedbooleancheck has been executed at least once
host_idunsigned integerid of the host
host_namestringname of the host
is_flappingbooleanservice is flapping
last_checktimetime of last check
last_hard_stateshort integerlast hard state
last_hard_state_changetimetime of last hard state change
last_notificationtimetime of last notification sent
last_state_changetimetime of last state change
last_time_criticaltimetime of the last check critical return code
last_time_oktimetime of the last check ok return code
last_time_unknowntimetime of the last check unknown return code
last_time_warningtimetime of the last check warning return code
last_updatetimetime of message create
latencyrealdelay between scheduled check time and real check time
max_check_attemptsshort integernumber of failed checks after which service state become a hard fail state
next_checktimenext scheduled check time
next_notificationtimenext renotification time
no_more_notificationsbooleanno other notification will be sent
notification_numbershort integernumber of notifications sent since the start of the problem
notifications_enabledbooleannotifications enabled
obsess_overbooleantrue if ocsp command is executed after check or notification command
passive_checks_enabledbooleanpassive check
percent_state_changerealused by flapping and compared with high and low flap thresholds
retry_intervalrealinterval between two checks when service is not in up state and state type is soft
service_descriptionstringname of the service
service_idunsigned integerid of the service
should_be_scheduledbooleanno next check should be scheduled
state_typeshort integerstate soft 0 or hard 1
check_commandstringcommand executed
outputstringoutput of the command
perf_datastringperfdata extracted from the command's output

Instance configuration​

Here is a configuration event announcing all the configuration events that are going to be sent by a poller.



The content of this message is serialized as follows:

loadedbooleanTrue if the instance loaded successfully.
poller_idunsigned integerID of the poller that received a configuration update request (reload).

Responsive instance​

This event is emitted by cbd. It tells if a poller is responsive or not.



The content of this message is serialized as follows:

poller_idunsigned integerID of the poller which received a configuration update request (reload).
responsivebooleanA boolean telling if the poller with ID poller_id is responsive or not.

Adaptive service​

This event was introduced with BBDO v3. It is emitted when a service has its configuration updated on the fly (for example with an external command)

No Adaptive service available in BBDO v2.

Adaptive host​

This event was introduced with BBDO v3. It is emitted when a host has its configuration updated on the fly (for example with an external command).

No Adaptive host available in BBDO v2.


This is a configuration event. It defines a severity. This event was introduced with BBDO v3.

No BBDO v2 version of this event exists.



This event is generated by a Storage endpoint to notify that an RRD metric graph should be updated.



The content of this message is serialized as follows:

ctimetimeTime at which the metric value was generated.
intervalunsigned integerNormal service check interval in seconds.
metric_idunsigned integerMetric ID (from the metrics table).
namestringMetric name.
rrd_lenintegerRRD retention length in seconds.
valuerealMetric value.
value_typeshort integerMetric type (1 =3D counter, 2 =3D derive, 3 =3D absolute, other =3D gauge).
is_for_rebuildbooleanSet to true when a graph is being rebuilt (see the rebuild event).
host_idunsigned integerThe id of the host this metric is attached to.
service_idunsigned integerThe id of the service this metric is attached to.


Rebuild events are generated when a Storage endpoint detects that some graphs should be rebuilt. It first sends a rebuild start event (end false), then metric values (metric event with is_for_rebuild set to true) and finally a rebuild end event (end true).

This message and its principle are only available in BBDO v2. With BBDO v3, we take advantage of the power of Protobuf. To rebuild graphs, we use the event Storage::PbRebuildMessage.



The content of this message is serialized as follows:

endbooleanEnd flag. Set to true if rebuild is starting, false if it is ending.
idunsigned integerID of metric to rebuild if is_index is false, or ID of index to rebuild (status graph) if is_index is true.
is_indexbooleanIndex flag. Rebuild index (status) if true, rebuild metric if false.

Remove graph​

A Storage endpoint generates a remove graph event when some graphs must be deleted.

This message and its principle are only available in BBDO v2. With BBDO v3, we take advantage of the power of Protobuf. To remove graphs, we use the event Storage::PbRemoveGraphMessage.



The content of this message is serialized as follows:

idunsigned integerIndex ID (is_index =true) or metric ID (is_index =false) to remove.
is_indexbooleanIndex flag. If true, a index (status) graph will be deleted. If false, a metric graph will be deleted.


This event is emitted by cbd when a Service Status or a Host Status event is received. It essentially contains a resource with its status.



The content of this message is serialized as follows:

ctimetimeTime at which the status was generated.
index_idunsigned integerIndex ID.
intervalunsigned integerNormal service check interval in seconds.
rrd_lentimeRRD retention in seconds.
stateshort integerService state.
is_for_rebuildbooleanSet to true when a graph is being rebuilt (see the rebuild event).

Metric mapping​

This event is emitted by Centreon Broker when a new service configuration is received. It associates an index ID (the one created for a service - see Index mapping) to a metric ID.



The content of this message is serialized as follows:

index_idunsigned integerIndex ID.
metric_idunsigned integerIndex ID.

Index mapping​

This event is emitted by Centreon Broker when a new service configuration is received. It associates an ID to the pair (host ID/service ID). This new ID is useful for the service metrics declaration.



The content of this message is serialized as follows:

index_idunsigned integerIndex ID.
host_idunsigned integerHost ID.
service_idunsigned integerService ID.

Rebuild Message​

This event comes with BBDO 3, when some graphs have to be rebuilt. Messages handling these rebuilds are of that type. They replace the old BBDO v2 rebuild message.

Not available with BBDO v2.

See Storage::Rebuild

Remove Graph Message​

This event comes with BBDO 3. When we want to remove graph files, we can use the centengine gRPC API and this call makes cbd generate a Storage::PbRemoveGraphMessage event. There are two possibilities concerning this event. We can remove graphs matching some index data or graphs matching some metric data. It is also possible to mix the two kinds.

Not available with BBDO v2.

See Storage::RemoveGraph


Version response​

This is the negotiation message used until BBDO v3.0.0. Each time a BBDO connection is established, this message is sent by the connector and by the acceptor to negotiate options.



The content of this message is serialized as follows:

bbdo_majorshort integerBBDO protocol major used by the peer sending this version_response packet. The sole current protocol version is 1.0.0.
bbdo_minorshort integerBBDO protocol minor used by the peer sending this version_response packet.
bbdo_patchshort integerBBDO protocol patch used by the peer sending this version_response packet.
extensionsstringSpace-separated string of extensions supported by the peer sending this version_response packet.


Usually, a BBDO sender sends events and a BBDO receiver consumes events. But the sender keeps events until the receiver tells it they have been handled. To do that, the receiver emits an Ack message with the number of events already handled.



The content of this message is serialized as follows:

acknowledged eventsunsigned integerNumber of acknowledged events. Only used by "smart" clients (i.e able to acknowledge events). Not to be used by dumb clients.


When one side of a BBDO connection is going to exit, it emits a Stop event so that if the other side has events already handled it can send an Ack event.



The content of this message is empty.


BA status event​

This event is sent when a BA's status changes.



The content of this message is serialized as follows:

ba_idunsigned integerThe id of the BA.
in_downtimebooleanTrue if the BA is in downtime.
last_state_changetimeThe time of the last state change of the BA.
level_acknowledgementrealThe acknowledgment level of the BA.
level_downtimerealThe downtime level of the BA.
level_nominalrealThe nominal level of the BA.
stateshort integerThe state of the BA.
state_changedbooleanTrue if the state of the BA just changed.

KPI status event​

This event is sent when a KPI's status changes.



The content of this message is serialized as follows:

kpi_idunsigned integerThe id of the KPI.
in_downtimeboolTrue if the KPI is in downtime.
level_acknowledgement_hardrealThe hard acknowledgement level of the KPI.
level_acknowledgement_softrealThe soft acknowledgement level of the KPI.
level_downtime_hardrealThe hard downtime level of the KPI.
level_downtime_softrealThe soft downtime level of the KPI.
level_nominal_hardrealThe hard nominal level of the KPI.
level_nominal_softrealThe soft nominal level of the KPI.
state_hardshort integerThe hard state of the KPI.
state_softshort integerThe soft state of the KPI.
last_state_changetimeThe time of the last state change of the KPI.
last_impactrealThe last impact of the KPI.
validboolTrue if the KPI is valid.

Meta service status event​

This event was designed to send meta service's status changes.

At the moment meta services are not managed by Centreon Broker, so this event is not used.



The content of this message is serialized as follows:

meta_service_idunsigned integerThe id of the meta service.
valuerealThe value of the meta service.
state_changedbooleanTrue if the state just changed.

BA-event event​

This event is sent when a new BA event is opened, or an old one is closed.



The content of this message is serialized as follows:

ba_idunsigned integerThe id of the BA.
first_levelrealThe first level of the BA event.
end_timetimeThe end_time of the event. 0 or (time)-1 for an opened event.
in_downtimebooleanTrue if BA was in downtime during the BA event.
start_timetimeThe start_time of the event.
statusshort integerThe status of the BA during the event.

KPI Event​

This event is sent when a new KPI event is opened, or an old one is closed.



The content of this message is serialized as follows:

kpi_idunsigned integerThe id of the KPI.
end_timetimeThe end_time of the event. 0 or (time)-1 for an opened event.
impact_levelintegerThe level of the impact.
in_downtimebooleanTrue if BA was in downtime during the BA event.
first_outputstringThe first output of the KPI during the event.
perfdatastringThe first perfdata of the KPI during the event.
start_timetimeThe start_time of the event.
statusshort integerThe status of the BA during the event.

BA duration event event​

This event is sent when a new BA duration event is computed by the BAM broker.



The content of this message is serialized as follows:

ba_idunsigned integerThe id of the BA.
real_start_timetimeThe first level of the BA event.
end_timetimeThe end_time of the event, in the given time period.
start_timetimeThe start_time of the event, in the given time period.
durationunsigned integerend_time - start_time.
sla_durationunsigned integerThe duration of the event in the given time period.
timeperiod_is_defaultbooleanTrue if the time period is the default for this BA.

Dimension BA​

This event is part of the dimension (i.e configuration) dump occurring at startup and after each BAM configuration reload.



The content of this message is serialized as follows:

ba_idunsigned integerThe id of the BA.
ba_namestringThe name of the BA.
ba_descriptionstringThe description of the BA.
sla_month_duration_critunsigned integer
sla_month_duration_warnunsigned integer

Dimension KPI​

This event is part of the dimension (i.e configuration) dump occurring at startup and after each BAM configuration reload.



The content of this message is serialized as follows:

kpi_idunsigned integerThe id of the KPI.
ba_idunsigned integerThe id of the parent BA of this KPI.
ba_namestringThe name of the parent BA of this KPI.
host_idunsigned integerThe id of the host associated with this KPI for service KPI.
host_namestringThe name of the host associated with this KPI for service KPI.
service_idunsigned integerThe id of the service associated with this KPI for service KPI.
service_descriptionstringThe description of the service associated with this KPI for service KPI.
kpi_ba_idunsigned integerThe id of the BA associated with this KPI for BA KPI.
kpi_ba_namestringThe name of the BA associated with this KPI for BA KPI.
meta_service_idunsigned intThe id of the meta-service associated with this KPI for meta-service KPI.
meta_service_namestringThe name of the meta-service associated with this KPI for meta-service KPI.
boolean_idunsigned intThe id of the boolean expression associated with this KPI for boolean KPI.
boolean_namestringThe name of the boolean expression associated with this KPI for boolean KPI.
impact_warningrealThe impact of a warning state for this KPI.
impact_criticalrealThe impact of a critical state for this KPI.
impact_unknownrealThe impact of an unknown state for this KPI.

Dimension BA BV relation​

This event is part of the dimension (i.e configuration) dump occurring at startup and after each BAM configuration reload.



The content of this message is serialized as follows:

ba_idunsigned integerThe id of the BA.
bv_idunsigned integerThe id of the BV.

Dimension BV​

This event is part of the dimension (i.e configuration) dump occurring at startup and after each BAM configuration reload.



The content of this message is serialized as follows:

bv_idunsigned integerThe id of the BV.
bv_namestringThe name of the BV.
bv_descriptionstringThe description of the BV.

Dimension Truncate Table Signal​

This event is part of the dimension (i.e configuration) dump occurring at startup and after each BAM configuration reload.

This signal is sent before the dump of all the dimensions, and again at the end of the dump.



The content of this message is serialized as follows:

update_startedbooleanTrue if this is the start of the dump, false if it's the end.

Rebuild signal​

This event is sent when a rebuild of event durations and availabilities is received by the BAM broker endpoint.



The content of this message is serialized as follows:

bas_to_rebuildstringA string containing the id of all the BAs to rebuild, separated by a comma and a space (i.e "1, 5, 8, 12").

Dimension timeperiod​

This event is part of the dimension (i.e configuration) dump occurring at startup and after each BAM configuration reload.



The content of this message is serialized as follows:

tp_idunsigned integerThe ID of the time period.
namestringThe name of the time period.
mondaystringThe time period rule for this day.
tuesdaystringThe time period rule for this day.
wednesdaystringThe time period rule for this day.
thursdaystringThe time period rule for this day.
fridaystringThe time period rule for this day.
saturdaystringThe time period rule for this day.
sundaystringThe time period rule for this day.

Dimension BA timeperiod relation​

This event is part of the dimension (i.e configuration) dump occurring at startup and after each BAM configuration reload.



The content of this message is serialized as follows:

ba_idunsigned integerThe ID of the BA.
timeperiod_idunsigned integerThe ID of the time period.
is_defaultbooleanTrue if the time period is the default one for this BA.

Inherited downtime​



The content of this message is serialized as follows:

bad_idunsigned integerThe id of the BA in downtime.
in_downtimebooleanTrue if the BA is in downtime.