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Version: ⭐ 24.10

SMS notifications

You can send notification SMS using an SMS provider and a custom notification command in Centreon. Here is an example with OVH SMS.

Configuring SMS notifications


In our example, with OVH SMS, we need:

  • an OVH SMS account. Its name will look like sms-ab1234-1.
  • the credentials to access this account
  • A properly configured OVH SMS user, that is authorized to use this account.

Step 1: Install the Centreon SMS notifications plugin

  1. Install Git on each poller that will send SMS notifications.
  2. On each poller, execute the following commands:
git clone /usr/lib/centreon/plugins/git-plugins

Step 2: Create notification commands

  1. Go to Configuration > Commands > Notifications, then click Add.

  2. Create a command that will send SMS for hosts and a command that will send SMS for services (replace the sample values and the name of the plugin by the ones you want):

    • Example for a host:
    $CENTREONPLUGINS$/git-plugins/src/ --plugin=notification::ovhsms::plugin --mode=alert --account=sms-ab1234-1 --login=XXXX --password=XXXX --from="Centreon" --to="0033123456789" --message='Alert on host $HOSTNAME$. Status: $HOSTSTATE$, $HOSTOUTPUT$'
    • Example for a service:
    $CENTREONPLUGINS$/git-plugins/src/ --plugin=notification::ovhsms::plugin --mode=alert --account=sms-ab1234-1 --login=XXXX --password=XXXX --from="Centreon" --to="0033123456789" --message='Alert on service $SERVICEDESC$ for host $HOSTNAME$. Status: $SERVICESTATE$, $SERVICEOUTPUT$'
  • --account: in our example, this is the name of the OVH account used to send SMS.
  • --from : in our example, an SMS user that is authorized for this account.
  1. Deploy the configuration.

Step 3: Configure the user and host

  1. Go to Configuration > Users > Contacts/Users.
  2. Create a dedicated user (e.g., sms) and in the Host Notification Commands and Service Notification Commands fields, select the commands your have created at step 2. Also select values for the Host/service Notification Options and Host/service Notification Period fields.
  3. For the hosts you want, on the Notification tab, in the Linked contacts field, select the dedicated user you just created.
  4. Deploy the configuration. A notification SMS will now be sent to the number you defined when the status changes you have configured go to HARD.


The sms process is not parallelized. This means that no check will processed until the last SMS is sent by the server.


  • If you are not receiving SMS notifications, check centengine's log file:
tail -f /var/log/centreon-engine/centengine.log
  • You can also try to execute your notification command from the command line (run the command as user centreon-engine) and see if you receive the SMS instantly or not.