Nagios Reader to Centreon CLAPI
Nagios Reader to Centreon CLAPI is a free and open source project to analyze Nagios CFG configuration files and to transform a monitoring configuration to a Centreon CLAPI command in order to import a configuration into the Centreon web interface.
First of all, you need a Centreon server installed and ready to use. Please see the documentation to install a Centreon server.
Be sure that you have fully backed up your environment for the following servers:
- Central server
- Database server
If you use Open Ticket providers with custom configurations, make a backup of these before updating Centreon.
This script uses the Perl-Nagios-Object library to read CFG files. To install it, please follow these steps on your Nagios(R) server:
- Alma / RHEL / Oracle Linux 8
- Alma / RHEL / Oracle Linux 9
- Debian 12
dnf install perl-Module-Build
dnf install perl-Module-Build
apt-get install libmodule-build-perl
cd /tmp
tar xzf Nagios-Object-0.21.20.tar.gz
cd Nagios-Object-0.21.20
perl Build.PL
./Build test
./Build install
Download script from GitHub on your Nagios(R) server:
cd /tmp
git clone
cd nagiosToCentreon
On a fresh Centreon server,the default poller is named "Central". If you rename it or if you want to link this Nagios configuration to a predefined poller, you must change the poller name on line 65:
my $default_poller = "Central";
To display help use the following command:
$ perl --help
# Copyright (c) 2005-2015 Centreon #
# Bugs to #
-V (--version) Show script version
-h (--help) Usage help
-C (--config) Path to nagios.cfg file
To run the script, please use the following command:
perl --config /usr/local/nagios/etc/ > /tmp/centreon_clapi_import_commands.txt
Export the file /tmp/centreon_clapi_import_commands.txt on your Centreon server.
Run the following command to import the configuration into Centreon on your Centreon server:
/usr/share/centreon/bin/centreon -u admin -p <PASSWORD> -i /tmp/centreon_clapi_import_commands.txt
Replace <PASSWORD> with the password of the admin Centreon web user.