Centreon Open Source
In this chapter, you can find all the changelogs concerning Centreon Open Source.
It is very important when you update your system to refer to this section in order to learn about behavior changes or major changes that have been made on this version. This will inform you about the impact of installing these versions on the features you use or the specific developments that you have built on your platform (modules, widgets, plugins).
If you have feature requests or want to report a bug, please go to our Github.
Read more about version 24.10 in our blog post.
Centreon Webβ
Release date: February 12, 2025
- [Additional Connector Configuration] The Poller filter now displays an error message if users try to create a second configuration for the same poller.
- [API] Added missing configuration change logs for command configuration (ADD).
- [API] Added missing configuration change logs for host categories configuration.
- [API] Added missing configuration change logs for service categories configuration.
- [Authentification] Improved the way errors are logged for authentications with OpenID.
- [CEIP] Added telemetry to the Poller/Agent configuration feature.
- [Dashboards] Added the possibility to mark a dashboard as a favorite one, and to list all favorites.
- [Resource status] In the details panel, the interface of the Export button has been improved.
- [Resource status] In the Resource Status page, custom order for filters can now be saved.
- [Resource Status] Renamed "Edit filters" to "Manage filters" to better reflect what the command does.
- [UI] Centered the reset password form.
- [UI] Login page customizations now also apply to the reset password form.
- [UX] Enhanced translation and user experience for the Additional Connectors Configuration feature.
- [VMWare] Improved the interface for the Additional Connectors Configuration feature.
Bug fixes
- [Administration] Empty values for the "Retention duration for downtimes" parameter are now correctly detected.
- [Cron] The script that deletes expired tokens is now run with the apache user to avoid invalid permissions on the web log file.
- [Dashboards] Selecting multiple resources of the same type now works correctly.
- [Discovery] Fixed incorrect rights on centreon_vmware.json, that triggered an error when executing host discovery jobs.
- [Install] Fixed issue with SQL schema missing when upgrading version.
- [Metrics Graph widget] Legends are now displayed correctly when a lot of metrics are selected.
- [Poller/Agent configuration] Fixed an issue where the listing page was replaced by the default page when searching for an unknown value.
- [Public Playlists] Fixed an issue preventing public playlists to be displayed on some browsers.
- [Resource Status] Linked contacts now appear in the detail panel for hosts and services, even if a timeperiod is not explicitly configured for both of them.
- [Resource status] Fixed an issue with the notification tab for services, where the corresponding contacts were not displayed.
- [Resource Status] Fixed an issue where the notification icon was not displayed in the corresponding column in the Resource Status page.
- [Status Chart/Grid widgets] Passive hosts and hosts without services are now displayed correctly in these widgets.
- [Status Chart widget] Optimized the responsiveness of stacked bars.
- [Top counter] Fixed an issue that prevented users from deploying the configuration on more than 10 pollers.
Security fixes
- [Event Logs] Fixed access issue with non admin users.
- [Security] Fixed a security vulnerability in API Token management.
- [Security] Fixed a vulnerability in the contact management form.
Release date: December 19, 2024
- [API] Added missing configuration change logs for timeperiods configuration.
- [API] Added missing configuration change logs for host template configuration.
- [API] Added missing configuration change logs for host severities configuration.
- [API] Added missing configuration change logs for service severities configuration.
- [Configuration] Improved the tooltip for Broker's Unified SQL output.
- [Dashboards] Added meta-services to metric widgets (Single metric, Metrics graph, Top/Bottom).
- [Install] Added 24.10 support for unattended script.
- [Library - view by card] Added a thumbnail that shows a snapshot of your data, taken when the dashboard is saved.
- [Poller/Agent configurations] You can now manage the configuration of agents through an interface. This includes Centreon Monitoring Agent and Telegraf.
Bug fixes
- [ACC] Fixed an issue with ACC where configuration files were not copied to the central server.
- [Authentication] Fixed an issue preventing LDAP users with more than one email address to log in to Centreon.
- [Custom Views] Fixed an issue with how the edit widget pencil icon was displayed.
- [Custom Views] Fixed an issue preventing some filters from functioning in the "Hostgroup monitoring" and "Host monitoring" widgets.
- [Downtimes] The action details column now displays the correct information in the Action Log page.
- [Dashboards][Widgets] In the resource selection fields, services containing a slash ("/") in their name no longer trigger an error.
Security fixes
- [Security] Fixed an issue on virtual metrics' RPN field.
- [Security] Fixed a security issue in media binary.
- [Security] Fixed SQLi in "Hostgroup Monitoring" widget in Custom Views, for authenticated users having sufficient rights to export the results in CSV format.
- [Security] Fixed SQLi in "Hostgroup Monitoring" widget in Custom Views, for authenticated users having sufficient rights to edit the widget.
- [Security] Fixed SQLi in "Host Monitoring" widget in Custom Views, for authenticated users having sufficient rights to edit the widget.
- [Security] Fixed SQLi in "TOP10 CPU usage" widget in Custom Views, for authenticated users having sufficient rights to edit the widget.
- [Security] Fixed SQLi in "TOP10 Memory usage" widget in Custom Views, for authenticated users having sufficient rights to edit the widget.
- [Security] Improved an SQL query triggered via the Event Logs menu for better protection.
- [Security] Updated Symfony Security-Http component.
Release date: November 27, 2024
- [API] Added missing configuration change logs for service template configuration.
- [API] Added missing configuration change logs written when the configuration of services is deployed.
- [Core] Improved the way the logo on the login page can be customized.
- [UX] Added a button to copy the breadcrumbs on ReactJS pages.
Bug fixes
- [API] Fixed the listing of commands containing quotes and/or double quotes.
- [API] The is_notifications_enabled value in the host configuration endpoint of the API is now correctly updated when notifications are enabled.
- [API] Time period definitions containing the value 00:00-00:00 are now correctly taken into account.
- [API Token] Fixed an issue with the expiration date of tokens in the API tokens page.
- [API Token] Using pagination, fixed the list of contacts that didn't return enough results.
- [Authentication] Fixed an issue with SSO authentication with SAML protocol that occurred when users had a legacy page as default page.
- [Clapi] Fixed a duplicate function issue that occurred when using CLAPI with APIv1.
- [Configuration] Adding a Centreon Broker output with lua parameters now works properly: values are no longer mixed up.
- [Configuration] Fixed incorrect links in the Export configuration page.
- [Core] Changed log file for the cron job that removed outdated tokens.
- [Core] The correct user theme is now applied even when options are changed in a user's profile.
- [Custom Login Page] Fixed the visibility of the text area border.
- [Discovery] Automatic execution of host discovery jobs (export and reload of the poller configuration) no longer fails with an "insufficient rights" message.
- [Install] Added a missing ACL column in the Centreon database.
- [Playlists] Fixed an issue where an unwanted 404 screen blinked when first loading a playlist using its public link.
- [Playlists] Fixed an issue with the order of dashboards.
- [Resource Status] Custom column definitions are now saved correctly.
- [Resource Status] Fixed an issue with the behavior of group chips in the resource detail panel.
- [Resource Status] Fixed an issue with the status_type filter: you can now enter values either in lower or upper case.
- [Resource Status] Fixed the redirection from the Event Logs page to Resource Status: the details panel is now opened on the correct resource.
- [Resource Status] If no notification has ever been sent, the "Last notification" field in the details panel is not displayed.
- [Resource Status] Made downtime and acknowledge icons more visible in light and dark mode.
- [Resource Status] Tooltips on quick action buttons are now displayed only briefely when they are hovered, so as not to block the action button just below.
- [Status Chart widget] Filters on selected resources are now handled properly.
- [Status Grid] Fixed an issue where an incorrect number of resources were displayed on hover.
- [Vmware] Fixed an issue in /ect/sudoers.d/centreon for the vmware service.
Security fixes
- [Security] Improved checks on changed objects that update the "conf changed" column in the list of pollers.
- [Security] Fixed XSS vulnerability on poller name in several menus.
Release date: November 8, 2024
Bug fixes
- Fixed an issue preventing users from creating hosts, templates or broker inputs/outputs, when using HTTPS.
Release date: October 31, 2024
- Non-admin users can now see freshly-created host groups and service groups in the list of host/service groups immediately.
Additional Connector Configurations
The Additional connector configurations menu allows you to define the credentials to access a monitored resource through the Centreon interface rather than having to connect to your pollers manually.
Warning: If you were using the following monitoring connectors, from version 24.10 you must declare all of their configurations using the Configuration > Additional connector configurations page before deploying the configuration of the corresponding poller:
- Added an endpoint that automatically deploys the services brought by the host template.
- Added an endpoint to list Pollers.
- Added an endpoint to create Broker inputs.
- Added endpoints to create, delete, update and list/get Additional Connector Configurations.
- Added API endpoints to return the complete hierarchy for a given BA.
- Added configuration change logs for hostgroup endpoints.
- Added missing configuration change logs for host configuration.
- CLAPI now manages multiline values.
- Expired tokens are now deleted faster.
- You can now enable/disable API Tokens.
- You can now duplicate a locked command.
- Added an option that allows users to disable checks for a service whose host is down.
- You can now configure several more Broker loggers from the interface.
Dashboards and widgets
- Added last update time to widgets and enabled refresh directly from inside widgets.
- Allowed smaller dimensions for widgets through more responsive behavior.
- Optimized data payload required by widgets to retrieve resource data.
- When users select a resource, only the data that is linked to this resource is displayed in the lists for the other types of data. Irrelevant entries are filtered out.
- New widgets:
- The "Web Page" widget displays a web page using its URL.
- The "Clock / Timer" widget displays the time according to the selected time zone, or a timer.
- Metrics Graph widget:
- Curves can now have a linear, smooth or step style.
- Added multiple options to customize graphs.
- Colors are now automatically adjusted to distinguish curves for the same metric name.
- Enabled visualization using bar charts and stacked bar charts.
- Resource Table widget:
- Added ticketing feature, by third-party provider.
- Added the same action buttons as in Resource Status (Acknowledge, Downtime, Forced check).
- Added filtering options by severity and by status type.
- The "display view" options are now available inside the widget itself.
- Added meta-services.
- Status Grid widget
- Pictograms now show the type of the resource and its state (acknowledged, in downtime).
- A colored banner now shows the resource's state.
- Status Grid and Status Chart widgets
- When users filter by service / service group / service category and choose to display the data by host, the tiles corresponding to the hosts are displayed correctly instead of displaying "no host found".
Resource Status
- In the filter window, you can now filter by resource type.
- Users can now filter by host name in "view by host" mode.
- Removed autocomplete for credentials fields in administration pages.
Bug fixes
- Fixed access control for meta-service endpoint.
- Fixed access control for monitoring servers configuration endpoints.
- Fixed access control for notification configuration endpoints.
- Fixed access control for some v2 API endpoints.
- Fixed access control for some v2 API service configuration endpoints.
- Fixed an issue on ACL checks for Administration endpoints.
- Fixed an issue on ACL checks for Platform endpoints.
- [ACL] Fixed access rights for dashboard configuration endpoints.
- [API] Fixed access control for hosts configuration endpoints.
- [Graphs] Fixed an issue with MySQL 8 that occurred when users edited a curve definition.
- [Packaging] Fixed an issue that prevented centreontrapd from starting properly due to conflicting perl dependencies.
Centreon Collectβ
Release date: January 11, 2025
- [CMA] Added a native Health check for Windows & Linux.
- [CMA] Added a native Service check for Windows.
- [CMA] Added an option in Windows installer to use embedded plugins in case of offline execution.
Bug fixes
- [Engine] Fixed an issue where defining an icon for a service caused the interface to display information concerning another service instead.
Release date: December 18, 2024
- [CMA] Added a native CPU check for Windows & Linux.
- [CMA] Added native checks for Windows: Memory, Uptime and Storage.
- [CMA] Agent check scheduling has been optimized to avoid delay in case of check timeouts.
- [CMA] Fixed a listening issue occurring when using the "Poller initiated connection" option.
- [CMA] The Centreon Monitoring Agent and its installer are now signed.
Bug fixes
- [Broker] Adapted Broker parsing so as to avoid breaking a metric name ending with the ] character.
- [Broker] Fixed a typo in an SQL query.
- [CMA] Fixed a listening issue that occurred when using "Poller-initiated connection" mode.
- [Engine] Fixed errors in RRD logs that appeared following the upgrade to the new log engine in Collect.
Release date: November 27, 2024
Bug fixes
- [Broker] Adapted Broker to a new behavior of the MariaDB database concerning errors: Broker no longer fails to reconnect after an error.
- [CMA] Added a native CPU check for Windows & Linux.
- [CMA] Agent check scheduling has been optimized to avoid delay in case of check timeouts.
- [CMA] Centreon Monitoring Agent & the installer are now signed.
- [CMA] Fixed a listening issue when using "Poller initiated connection".
- [Engine] Delivered the correct libraries for Collect, so as to avoid issues with template inheritance or Engine crashes.
- [Engine]Fixed an issue where a segmentation fault could occur when host relations were modified.
Release date: November 7, 2024
Bug fixes
- Delivered the correct libraries for Collect, so as to avoid issues with template inheritance or Engine crashes.
Release date: October 31, 2024
- Engine can now handle extra configuration files to complement/overload the centengine.cfg file so that custom configurations remain unchanged when the standard configuration is exported.
- Added a new centengine parameter (
) to force sending a recovery notification even when the resource is outside of its notification period. This aims at keeping third-party tools up-to-date at any time when they are fed notifications. - The whitelist now works with all the commands executed by Engine, including notifications and event handlers.
- [Broker]The spdlog logger library has been mutualized for Engine and Broker, as well as the log files. This change will not impact Broker's logs, but Engine will log all its messages (including broker-module's messages) in centengine.log.
- [gRPC API] The GetHost function has been improved to return more information.
- [Packaging] Collect packages are now also available for Debian 12 (bookworm) ARM64 (for pollers on Raspberry Pi).
Centreon Monitoring Agentβ
- [CMA] The Centreon Monitoring Agent is now available with a Windows installer, which installs the service and deploys Centreon plugins on the host.
- [CMA] Added a silent mode (CLI) to the agent's Windows installer.
- [CMA] Made Telegraf and Centreon Monitoring Agent commands compliant with Engine whitelists.
Centreon Gorgoneβ
Release date: January 11, 2024
Bug fixes
- [Database] Adapted queries for MySQL8 compatibility.
- [Packaging] Fixed centreon-engine restart issue affecting pollers, caused by a missing service binary.
Release date: December 18, 2024
Bug fixes
- [Gorgone] Fixed a bug in Gorgone affecting platforms with thousands of hosts, where deploying the configuration failed and the connection with Gorgone was lost.
Release date: November 27, 2024
Bug fixes
- [Gorgone] centreon-engine and centreon-broker are no longer installed on MBI servers.
Release date: October 31, 2024
- [Gorgone] Whitelist errors now have an ERROR level in Gorgone logs.
Centreon High Availabilityβ
Release date: October 31, 2024
- Compatibility with other 24.10 components.
Centreon DSMβ
Release date: October 31, 2024
- Compatibility with other 24.10 components.
Centreon Open Ticketsβ
Release date: December 5, 2024
Bug fixes
- [Open Ticket widget] Fixed an issue preventing non admin users from opening tickets.
Release date: October 31, 2024
Bug fixes
- [Open Tickets widget] Fixed redirection to monitoring pages according to the value of the "use deprecated pages" option.