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Version: ⭐ 24.10

Backup & restore

Centreon MBI backup

Backup: Configuration data on the Centreon server

Items to back up

  • Custom report designs and their settings
  • Generated reports.

How the backup script works

The backup script is executed on a daily basis using a cron job located in /etc/cron.d/centreon-bi-backup-web:

Cron to backup Centreon MBI Engine frontend module


rewrite file with new cron line


0 12 * * * root bash /usr/share/centreon-bi-backup/ >> /var/log/centreon-bi/centreon-bi-backup-web.log 2>&1

By default, backups are saved to /var/backup.

To modify this folder, update the BACKUP_DIR value in the backup script (line 63) located here: /usr/share/centreon-bi-backup/

On a Centreon server, only generated reports and report designs need to be backed up. The backup format is centreon-bi-front-reports-and-custom-conf-aaaa-mm-jj.tar.gz

Backup frequency

  • Daily
  • Rotation: 8 days.

To modify this value, update RETENTION_AGE in the backup script (line 67) located here: /usr/share/centreon-bi-backup/

We advise you to export backups to another resource in order to secure them.

Backing up the reporting server

It is important to have at least 5 GB of free space on the Volume Group hosting the data storage MariaDB/MySQL DBMS. To check your free space, run the following command by entering the name of the Volume Group

vgdisplay vg_data | grep -i free

Items to back up

  • Configuration files
  • Aggregated data
  • Reports & resources.

How the backup script works on the central server

The backup script is executed on a daily basis with a cron job located in /etc/cron.d/centreon-bi-backup-reporting-server:

Cron to backup Centreon MBI Engine server


rewrite file with new cron line


30 12 * * 0 root bash /usr/share/centreon-bi-backup/ --total >> /var/log/centreon-bi/centreon-bi-backup-reporting-server-db.log 2>&1 30 12 * * 1-6 root bash /usr/share/centreon-bi-backup/ --totalincr >> /var/log/centreon-bi/centreon-bi-backup-reporting-server-db.log 2>&1 0 12 * * * root bash /usr/share/centreon-bi-backup/ --centreonbifiles >> /var/log/centreon-bi/centreon-bi-backup-reporting-server-files.log 2>&1

By default, backups are saved to /var/backup.

To modify this folder, update the BACKUP_DIR value in the backup script (line 83) located here: /usr/share/centreon-bi-backup/

Three types of backup are executed during the week:

  • Daily backup of configuration files for the report generation engine. Format: centreon-bin-reports-and-conf-aaaa-mm-jj.tar.gz
  • Every Sunday, full ETL backup. Format: mysql-centreon_storage-bi-aaaa-mm-jj.tar.gz
  • From Monday to Saturday an incremental ETL backup (all tables and only the last partition of partitioned tables). Format: mysql-centreon_storage-bi-aaaa-mm-jj.tar.gz


During backup of the reporting server, ensure that no ETL scripts are running. No job reports should be running either

Backup frequency

  • Daily
  • Rotation: 8 days.

To modify this value, update RETENTION_AGE in the backup script (line 88) located here: /usr/share/centreon-bi-backup/

We advise exporting backups to another server for even better security.

Restore Centreon MBI

The restore process is divided into several steps:

  • Reinstalling the centreon-bi-server module in the same version as the one saved
  • Integrating generated reports
  • Integrating custom report settings
  • Integrating Centreon MBI configuration data
  • Integrating MariaDB/MySQL data
  • Deleting data extracted from the backup
  • Reinstalling the backup.

Restore configuration data

Re-install centreon-bi-server module in the same version as the one saved

On the main Centreon server, run the following commands:

dnf install centreon-bi-server-x.y.z

Integrate generated reports

Take the latest centreon-bi-front-reports-and-custom-conf-aaaa-mm-jj.tar.gz backup and extract it to the /tmp directory:

cd /tmp tar xzf centreon-bi-front-reports-and-custom-conf-YYYY-MM-DD.tar.gz

Then copy the backed up reports:

/bin/cp -rf /tmp/var/lib/centreon/centreon-bi-server/archives/* /var/lib/centreon/centreon-bi-server/archives

If the directory is different than expected, the user has changed the default settings. Just specify the right path.

Change the rights for the files:

chown -R centreonBI:centreonBI /var/lib/centreon/centreon-bi-server/archives

Integrate custom report settings

Take the latest backup in the format centreon-bi-front-reports-and-custom-conf-aaaa-mm-jj.tar.gz and extract it to the /tmp directory:

cd /tmp tar xzf centreon-bi-front-reports-and-custom-conf-YYYY-MM-DD.tar.gz

Then copy the saved settings:

/bin/cp -rf /tmp/usr/share/centreon/www/modules/centreon-bi-server/configuration/generation/xsl/* /usr/share/centreon/www/modules/centreon-bi-server/configuration/generation/xsl


/bin/cp -rf /tmp/var/lib/centreon/centreon-bi-server/reports/infos/* /var/lib/centreon/centreon-bi-server/reports/infos

Change the rights for the files:

chown -R apache:apache /usr/share/centreon/www/modules/centreon-bi-server/configuration/generation/xsl

Integrate Centreon MBI configuration data

Import the SQL backup using the command:

mysql -u root -p centreon_storage < /tmp/var/backup/dump_centreon_storage.sql

Delete the data from the extracted backup

Delete the extracted data from the backup:

cd /tmp rm -Rf /tmp/usr rm -Rf /tmp/var

Restore Centreon MBI Reporting Server settings

The restore process is divided into several steps:

  • Reinstalling centreon-bi-reporting-server module in the same version as the one saved
  • Integrating the CBIS configuration
  • Integrating the custom report designs
  • Restarting the CBIS engine
  • Deleting the data from the extracted backup
  • Reinstalling the backup.

Reinstall the centreon-bi-reporting-server module in the same version as the one saved

On the main Centreon server run the following command:

yum install centreon-bi-engine-x.y.z

Integrating the CBIS configuration

Take the latest centreon-bin-reports-and-conf-aaaa-mm-jj.tar.gz backup and extract it to /tmp directory:

cd /tmp tar xzf centreon-bin-reports-and-conf-YYYY-MM-DD.tar.gz

Then copy the settings:

/bin/cp -rf /tmp/etc/centreon-bi/* /etc/centreon-bi

Integrating the custom reports settings

Take the latest centreon-bin-reports-and-conf-aaaa-mm-jj.tar.gz backup and extract it to /tmp directory:

cd /tmp tar xzf centreon-bin-reports-and-conf-YYYY-MM-DD.tar.gz

Then copy the report designs:

/bin/cp -rf /tmp/usr/share/centreon-bi/reports/* /usr/share/centreon-bi/reports chown -R centreonBI:centreonBI /usr/share/centreon-bi/reports /bin/cp -rf /tmp/usr/share/centreon-bi/Resources/* /usr/share/centreon-bi/Resources chown -R centreonBI:centreonBI /usr/share/centreon-bi/Resources

Integrating MariaDB/MySQL data

Stop the MariaDB/MySQL service:

systemctl stop mysql

Remove the directory /var/lib/mysql from the reporting server:

rm -rf /var/lib/mysql

Extract the latest complete backup(created by default on Sunday):

tar -xzf /var/backup/mysql-centreon_storage-bi-xxxx-xx-xx.tar.gz -C /

Extract all incremental backups created between the latest complete backup and the current date from the oldest to the most recent via the command:

tar -xzf /var/backup/mysql-centreon_storage-bi-xxxx-xx-xx.tar.gz -C /

Change the rights on the directory /var/lib/mysql:

chown -R mysql:root /var/lib/mysql

Start the MariaDB/MySQL service:

systemctl start mysql

Restarting the CBIS engine

Restart CBIS using the command:

systemctl restart cbis Stopping Centreon MBI scheduler : cbis Waiting for cbis to exit .. done. Starting Centreon MBI scheduler : cbis Service started...

Delete the data from the extracted backup

Delete data extracted from the backup:

cd /tmp rm -Rf /tmp/usr rm -Rf /tmp/var