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Secure your MAP platform

This chapter describes advanced procedures to secure your Centreon MAP platform.

Mistakes when editing configuration files can lead to malfunctions of the software. We recommend that you make a backup of the file before editing it and that you only change the settings advised by Centreon.

Configure HTTPS/TLS on the MAP server​

HTTPS/TLS configuration with a recognized key​

This section describes how to add a recognized key to the Centreon MAP server.

If you want to create an auto-signed key and add it to your server, please refer to the following section

You will require:

  • A key file, referred to as key.key.
  • A certificate file, referred to as certificate.crt.

Access the Centreon MAP server through SSH.

Create a PKCS12 file with the following command line:

openssl pkcs12 -inkey key.key -in certificate.crt -export -out keys.pkcs12

Then, import this file into a new keystore (a Java repository of security certificates):

keytool -importkeystore -srckeystore keys.pkcs12 -srcstoretype pkcs12 -destkeystore studio.jks

Put above keystore file (studio.jks) to the folder "/etc/centreon-studio/", and set below parameters inside /etc/centreon-studio/


Replace the keystore-pass value "xxx" with the password you used for the keystore and adapt the path (if it was changed) to the keystore.

HTTPS/TLS configuration with an auto-signed key​

Enabling the TLS mode with an auto-signed key will force every user to add an exception for the certificate before using the web interface.

Enable it only if your Centreon also uses this protocol.

Users will have to open the URL:


The solution we recommend is to use a recognized key method, as explained above.

On the Centreon MAP server, create a keystore.

Go to the folder where Java is installed:

cd $JAVA_HOME/bin

Then generate a keystore file with the following command:

keytool -genkey -alias studio -keyalg RSA -keystore /etc/centreon-studio/studio.jks

The alias value "studio" and the keystore file path /etc/centreon-studio/studio.jks may be changed, but unless there is a specific reason, we advise keeping the default values.

Provide the needed information when creating the keystore.

At the end of the screen form, when the "key password" is requested, use the same password as the one used for the keystore itself by pressing the ENTER key.

Put above keystore file (studio.jks) to the folder "/etc/centreon-studio/", and set below parameters inside /etc/centreon-studio/


Replace the keystore-pass value "xxx" with the password you used for the keystore and adapt the path (if it was changed to the keystore).

Activate TLS profile of Centreon MAP service​

  1. Stop Centreon MAP service:

    systemctl stop centreon-map
  2. Edit the file /etc/centreon-studio/centreon-map.conf, adding ",tls" after "prod" profile:

  3. Restart Centreon MAP service:

    systemctl start centreon-map

Centreon MAP server is now configured to respond to requests from HTTPS at port 8443.

To change the default port, refer to the dedicated procedure.

Don't forget to modify the URL on Centreon side in the Map server address field in the Administration > Extensions > Map > Options menu. image

Don't forget to update your connection profile in the desktop client by checking the ssl checkbox. image

Configure TLS on the Broker connection​

An additional Broker output for Centreon Central (centreon-broker-master) has been created during the installation.

You can check it in your Centreon web interface, from the Configuration > Pollers > Broker Configuration menu, by editing the centreon-broker-master configuration.

The output configuration should look like this:


Broker configuration​

You can enable TLS output and set up Broker's private key and public certificate as described below:


To create a self-signed certificate, you can use the following commands:

openssl req -new -newkey rsa:2048 -nodes -keyout broker_private.key -out broker.csr
openssl x509 -req -in broker.csr -CA ca.crt -CAkey ca.key -CAcreateserial -out broker_public.crt -days 365 -sha256

And then, copy the private key and the certificate into the /etc/centreon/broker_cert/ directory:

mv broker_private.key /etc/centreon/broker_cert/
mv broker_public.crt /etc/centreon/broker_cert/

"Trusted CA's certificate" field is optional. If you activate Broker's client authentication by setting this "ca_certificate.crt", then you must setup a keystore for MAP server

You MUST push the new broker configuration and restart the broker after configuration.

MAP server configuration​

First of all, you should [activate HTTPS/TLS on the web


Then, set the following parameter in MAP server configuration at /etc/centreon-studio/

To set the communication protocol with Centreon server to HTTPS:


To enable TLS socket connection with Broker :


Configuration with a self signed certificate​

If the Broker public certificate is self signed, you must create a trust store containing given certificate or its CA certificate with the following command line:

keytool -import -alias centreon-broker -file broker_public.crt -keystore truststore.jks
  • "broker_public.crt" is Broker public certificate or its CA certificate in PEM format,
  • "truststore.jks" is the generated trust store in JKS format,
  • a store password is required during generation.

Then, put the generated output file "truststore.jks" into "/etc/centreon-studio" of MAP server host.

And add truststore parameters in /etc/centreon-studio/


Replace the trustStorePassword value "xxx" with the password you used when generate the trust store.

Meanwhile, you should activate the "tls_broker" profile of Centreon MAP service.

Edit the file /etc/centreon-studio/centreon-map.conf, and replace ",tls" by ",tls_broker" after "prod" profile:


"tls_broker" profile implies "tls" profile. So Centreon MAP service serves necessarily HTTPS.

Once you add a truststore, Centreon MAP will use it to validate self-signed certificates. This means that if you use a self-signed certificate for the central server, you must add it to the truststore. If you don't, the Monitoring > Map page will be blank, and the logs (/var/log/centreon-map/centreon-map.log) will show the following error : unable to find valid certification path to requested target.

  1. Copy the central server's .crt certificate to the MAP server.

  2. Add the certificate to the truststore:

    keytool -import -alias centreon-broker -file central_public.crt -keystore truststore.jks

Configuration with a recognized CA certificate​

If the broker public certificate is signed with a recognized CA, the JVM default trust store "cacerts (/etc/pki/java/cacerts)" will be used. Nothing to configure for Centreon MAP service