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Open Source Extensions


Vous trouverez dans ce chapitre tout ce qui concerne les extensions Open Source de Centreon.

Il est important de mettre à jour en utilisant la documentation adéquate de mise à jour et de lire attentivement les notes de mise à jour afin d'être au courant des changements qui pourraient impacter votre usage ou votre plateforme ou des développements spécifiques que vous auriez fait.

Pour faire des demandes d'évolutions ou reporter des bugs sur les extensions commerciales, vous pouvez vous rendre sur notre Github.

Centreon High-Availability​


  • Compatibility with other 21.10 components.

Centreon DSM​


  • Compatibility with other 21.10 components.

Centreon Open Tickets​


Release date: March 15, 2023

Bug fixes​

  • [Provider] Fixed a fatal PHP error on iTop rule form when group is not an array.
  • [Provider] Fixed default iTop URL.


Release date: July 21, 2022


  • [Core] Added PHP 8.0 compatibility
  • [Core] Added the ability to use the variable in Smarty configuration for providers
  • [Install] Added the ability to use a non default database name
  • [Widget] Added an alarm duration filter in the widget configuration
  • [Widget] Added an option to schedule a check when you open a ticket or acknowledge a resource
  • [Widget] Added a preselect option in the select box if only one choice is available

Bug fixes​

  • [Core] Now use the default acknowledgement options defined in administration menu that were not applied
  • [Provider] Fixed the error 400 issue when opening a ticket using Jira provider
  • [Provider] Fixed a regression with the Mail provider
  • [Widget] Fixed the state type column that was displayed the service value instead of the host value


  • Compatibility with other 21.10 components.