Extensions Commerciales
Vous trouverez dans ce chapitre tout ce qui concerne les extensions commerciales de Centreon.
Il est important de mettre à jour en utilisant la documentation adéquate de mise à jour et de lire attentivement les notes de mise à jour afin d'être au courant des changements qui pourraient impacter votre usage ou votre plateforme ou des développements spécifiques que vous auriez fait.
Pour faire des demandes d'évolutions ou signaler des bugs sur les extensions commerciales, veuillez contacter le support.
Retrouvez plus de détails sur la version 23.04 dans notre post de blog.
Centreon MAP
Release date: January 29, 2025
Security fixes
- [Security] Removed commons-logging (including Log4j).
- [Security] Upgraded Apache Tomcat version.
- [Security] Upgraded DOM purify.
Release date: January 13, 2025
Bug fixes
- [Engine] Updated dependency.
- [Metric links, Gauge and Output widgets] Optimized metric selection.
- [Metric links, Gauge and Output widgets] Ordered metrics alphabetically.
- [Server] Fixed issue that prevented user from using meta service's macros in the output widget.
Security fixes
- [Security] Fixed Tomcat vulnerability.
- [Security] Fixed Log4j vulnerability.
- [Security] Updated JDOM dependency.
- [Security] Updated JSON in Java dependency.
- [Security] Updated logback dependency.
- [Security] Updated spring-security-web dependency.
- [Security] Updated Symfony Security-Http component.
Release date: November 28, 2024
- [Server] Fixed a synchronization issue that could cause resources to disappear from a map.
- [Server] Fixed concurrent access issues causing exceptions in the viewer.
- [Server] Fixed Servicegroup status when configured using Service Templates or Hostgroup Services.
- [Server] Improved logs related to Broker event processing and made event queue size configurable.
- [Server] Optimized the propagation of a resource status change.
Bug fixes
- [API] Fixed issue with the "centreon-map/api/beta/actuator/metrics" endpoint.
- [Legacy server] Fixed an issue preventing the states of resources (acknowledged, in downtime, etc.) from being up to date on maps.
Release date: October 2, 2024
Bug fixes
- [Resource status] Fixed an issue where the status of BAs in maps was not aligned with their status in Resource status.
- [Viewer] Fixed an issue that prevented disaknowledgments from being up-to-date.
Release date: July 29, 2024
- [Selinux] Packaged SELinux rules.
Bug fixes
- [ACL] Fixed an issue which caused some users to be able to duplicate maps when they shouldn't.
- [Diagnostic] Fixed an issue with the diagnostics tool that occurred when MAP was configured in HTTPS.
- [Editor] Fixed an issue causing link labels not to be displayed in editor mode.
- [Map list] Fixed an issue that could prevent the list of maps from being displayed.
- [Server] Fixed an issue with HTML tags causing an error when trying to save maps.
- [Server] Fixed an issue with the initialization of the connection between Centreon Central and MAP that was causing issues with real time updates.
- [Server] Fixed an issue with concurrent accesses leading to inconsistencies in maps.
Release date: July 4, 2024
Bug fixes
- [Viewer] Fixed an issue with the alignment of the label for resources in geometric mode.
- [Viewer] Fixed an issue that made the breadcrumb not correct when selecting a Centreon resource.
- [Viewer] Fixed the position of link anchor points for geometric shapes.
Release date: June 10, 2024
Bug fixes
- [BA] Fixed an issue causing the MAP server to crash at startup due to orphan KPIs.
- [Map list] Fixed an issue that could prevent the map list from being displayed.
- [Viewer] Fixed the interpretation of HTML tags when using carriage returns.
- [Viewer] Fixed an issue that prevented widget values from being updated in real time.
- [Viewer] Fixed an issue that made metric links disappear when the status of a resource was Unknown.
- [Viewer] Fixed an issue that caused the status of disabled resources to be used in inherited status computations.
Release date: April 16, 2024
- [Editor] Removed the possibility to edit link color for status link and metric link.
- [Packaging] Correct rights are now setting for Centreon MAP configuration files.
Bug fixes
- [Editor] Fixed the minimal size of Centreon resources.
- [Geoviews] Fixed the resource name display in the tooltip.
- [Geoviews] Fixed an issue that prevented the selection of more than 10 Business Activities.
- [Geoviews] Fixed the display of tooltip when infrastructure view is defined.
- [UI] Fixed an issue that caused the display of label check box not to work for Business Activities.
- [Viewer] Fixed icon opacity on containers.
Security fixes
- [Security] Updated dependencies.
Release date: March 15, 2024
- [Homepage] The loading page has been improved.
Bug fixes
- [Geoviews] Fixed an issue that prevented the selection of more than 10 host groups.
- [Homepage] Removed incorrect label in MAP homepage.
- [Install] Fixed an issue with the installation of extensions.
- [Viewer] Added "acknowledged" and "in downtime" icons to the list of host services.
- [Viewer] Fixed widget values and resource status updates when compression is activated.
- [Viewer] Fixed the Business Activity name displayed in the tooltip.
- [Viewer] Inverted IN and OUT metric values, for more clarity.
Release date: February 14, 2024
- [Viewer] Added an option to the Pie Chart widget to hide resource labels.
Bug fixes
- [Editor] Fixed an issue when hovering a disabled resource.
- [Editor] Deleted resources that were no longer displayed.
- [Editor] Fixed the label font size in the editor mode.
- [Editor] Removed useless fill parameters.
- [Install] Fixed an issue where MAP failed to start when Anomaly Detection and BAM were also installed.
- [Maps list] Fixed search issue when using pagination.
- [Viewer] Made resource labels contained in shapes (no overflow).
- [Viewer] Fixed an issue with the fill-color parameter of the Output widget.
- [Viewer] Fixed an issue that converted breadcrumb elements to lowercase.
- [Viewer] Fixed wrong color for disabled resource.
- [Viewer] Fixed an issue with the border parameters of the Output widget.
- [Viewer] Fixed graph curves colors and metric names.
- [Widget] Fixed an issue preventing non admin users from saving the position and the zooming of a map.
- [Widget] Fixed missing maps listing.
Release date: January 23, 2024
Bug fixes
- [Viewer] Fixed an issue in the container status color.
Release date: December 22, 2023
- [maps list] Optimized loading of multiple maps.
Bug fixes
- [Editor] Removed border and fill colors parameters for Centreon resources shapes.
- [Viewer] Fixed an issue that occurred when dragging a map containing a lot of elements.
Release date: November 22, 2023
- [CEIP] Fixed telemetry error when Centreon MAP engine is configured.
- [Editor] You can now add Centreon resources to a map by searching their names.
- [Editor] Handled metaservices in output widget.
- [Migration] Improved the image migration process.
- [Viewer] Added the possibility to color the output widget (background or font) according to status.
Security fixes
- [Server] Updated dependencies.
Bug fixes
- [Editor] Fixed an issue which caused links to disappear when editing anchor points.
- [Geoviews] Fixed the display of tooltip when infrastructure view is defined.
- [Server] Fixed an issue that caused server to crash on duplicated Centreon modules.
- [Update] Fixed an issue where map-engine configuration files were overwritten after an update.
- [UX] Fixed miscellaneous translation issues.
- [Viewer] Fixed the redirection to monitoring pages from tooltips.
- [Viewer] Fixed issue with monitoring links containing a double slash.
Release date: October 10, 2023
Bug fixes
- [Server] Updated dependencies.
Release date: September 28, 2023
- No change.
Release date: September 27, 2023
- [Server] Make link anchors consistent between viewer and editor.
Bug fixes
- [Editor] Fixed an issue where copying and pasting an object deleted it.
- [Server] Updated dependencies.
- [Server] Fixed the diagnostic protocol test.
Release date: September 5, 2023
Bug fixes
- [Editor] Fixed an issue that made it impossible to use the extended output in the "output" widget.
- [Server] Fixed MAP service ExecStart command to take JVM parameters into account.
- [Server] Updated dependencies.
- [Viewer] Fixed the alignment of output text in the "output" widget .
Release date: August 11, 2023
Bug fixes
- [Server] Fixed an issue that prevented the MAP Engine server from starting.
Release date: August 03, 2023
Bug fixes
- [Server] Fixed an issue that could prevent some maps from being edited.
Release date: August 03, 2023
Bug fixes
- [Editor] Fixed an issue that could lead to an empty page when trying to edit an existing map.
Release date: July 28, 2023
Bug fixes
- [Geoviews] Fixed an issue that prevented hosts from being displayed on geoviews.
- [Packaging] Fixed packaging issue that caused the map-engine service to fail to start on Debian.
- Allowed elements to be grouped.
- Fixed an issue making Business Activities' size different between viewer and editor.
- Fixed an issue that caused server to crash because of duplicated Centreon modules.
- [UI] You can now freely resize basic geometric shapes.
Release date: July 20, 2023
- [Licensing] Improved automatic license renewal.
- [UI] Made metric link modal labels more explicit by replacing "metric 1" and "metric 2" by "metric in" and "metric out".
- [UI] You can now hide the label of a resource.
- [UX] You can now duplicate maps.
- [Viewer] You can now define a label for a URL shape.
- [Widget] Fixed incorrect behavior when saving the MAP widget.
Bug fixes
- [Editor] Fixed an issue that made duplicated containers point to the same view.
- [Editor] Fixed a bug where empty metric min or max prevented users from saving a map.
- [Editor] Fixed metric links when no metric name was filled in.
- [Install] Fixed a documentation link for Mapbox account linking in configure.sh installation script.
- [Server] Made it possible to parse metrics from Broker NEB packets.
- [Server] Fixed a critical error when editing a Geo view.
- [Server] Fixed an issue causing MAP server to crash at start up due to service group loading.
- [Server] Fixed an issue preventing users from saving a map with a "not a diagram" error message.
- [Server] Fixed an issue which made diagnostic.sh raise an error if a custom URI was used.
- [UI] Fixed cosmetic issues on breadcrumb chips.
- [UI] Fixed the selection of layers in Geo views.
- [UI] Fixed view freezes beyond 500 elements.
- [Viewer] Fixed a regression causing output not to be displayed in the output widget.
- [Viewer] Fixed an issue that caused links not to be reactivated when the associated resource went back online.
- [Viewer] Fixed an issue preventing hosts from being displayed on Geo views.
- [Viewer] Fixed an issue preventing the font color from being applied at the first edition.
- [Viewer] Fixed an issue that prevented graphs from being displayed for non admin users.
- [Widget] Fixed incorrect behavior when saving the MAP widget.
Release date: April 26, 2023
Compatibility with other 23.04 components.
Centreon MAP Legacy
Release date: July 29, 2024
Bug fixes
- [Diagnostic] Fixed the diagnostics performed when MAP was configured in HTTPS.
Release date: November 22, 2023
Bug fixes
- [Server] Fixed an issue that caused server to crash on duplicated Centreon modules.
- [Viewer] Fixed the redirection to monitoring pages from tooltips.
Release date: October 10, 2023
Bug fixes
- [Server] Updated dependencies.
Release date: September 28, 2023
Security fixes
- [Server] Updated dependencies.
Bug fixes
- [Packaging] Fixed a Debian packaging issue preventing MAP from starting.
Release date: September 27, 2023
Security fixes
- [Server] Fixed a vulnerable property.
Centreon BAM
Release date: February 26, 2025
Bug fixes
- [Monitoring] Deactivated Business Views are not displayed anymore.
Release date: January 13, 2025
Security fixes
- [Security] Fixed SQLi in the listing of Boolean KPI, only accessible to authenticated users with high privilege access. (CVE-2024-46924).
Release date: November 28, 2024
Security fixes
- [Security] Fixed SQLi in the user settings form, only accessible to authenticated users with high privilege access. (CVE-2024-45757)
Release date: April 16, 2024
Bug fixes
- Fixed an ACL issue while displaying indicators in BA configuration.
Security fixes
- [Security] Upgraded svg-sanitize dependency.
Release date: March 15, 2024
Bug fixes
- [Install] Fixed an issue with the installation of extensions.
Release date: February 14, 2024
Bug fixes
- Fixed the display of impact tree when deprecated pages were enabled for users.
- Fixed incorrect status displayed in monitoring for boolean rules.
Release date: November 22, 2023
Bug fixes
- [UI] Fixed an issue that caused panel to remain open in top counters.
Release date: October 10, 2023
- [CEIP] Added extra telemetry measures.
Bug fixes
- [UI] Renamed "massive change" to "mass change" in the "more actions" selection box.
Release date: September 28, 2023
Bug fixes
- [Upgrade] Fixed an error in the SQL update.
Release date: July 20, 2023
- [Licensing] Improved automatic license renewal.
Bug fixes
- [Rules] Fixed boolean rules when resource contains boolean operator in its name.
- [UI] Fixed the column name display in the acknowledgment description pop-up.
- Fixed how lists of BAs were retrieved for users with ACLs.
Release date: June 13, 2023
Bug fixes
- Fixed an issue that caused KPIs to be unavailable for selection when configuring a Business Activity as a non-admin user.
- Fixed an issue that caused resources to be displayed for a single ACL group when multiple ACL groups were selected during the BA creation by a non-admin user.
Release date: April 26, 2023
- [Configuration] Removed deprecated "Import SSV" feature from Business Activities configuration.
- [Configuration] Improved Business Activities configuration panel display:
- Display listing pagination icons while displaying the configuration panel
- Allow more space to display indicators' names.
Compatibility with other 23.04 components.
Centreon MBI
Release date: January 13, 2025
Bug fixes
- [MBI] Fixed issue preventing the "report parameters" form to be displayed.
- [MBI] Fixed report generation.
- [MBI] Fixed the documentation link in the reporting server diagnostic script.
Release date: November 28, 2024
Bug fixes
- Fixed the SFTP Connection with configuration key as it was causing an error on job publication.
Security fixes
- [Security] Fixed file permission in purgeArchive cron file, only accessible to authenticated users with high privilege access.
- [Security] Removed obsolete parameters when accessing reporting forms.
- [Security] Upgraded Apache commons dependency.
- [Security] Updated the version of dom4j dependency.
- [Security] Upgraded XmlBeans dependency.
Release date: October 2, 2024
Bug fixes
- [Dependencies] Upgraded Spring framework.
Security fixes
- [Security] Fixed SQLi in configuration pages, only accessible to authenticated users with high privilege access (CVE-2024-45754).
Release date: July 29, 2024
- [Selinux] Packaged SELinux rules for centreon-map and centreon-mbi.
Release date: July 4, 2024
Bug fixes
- [Packaging] Fixed an issue with the report design functionality on Debian.
Release date: June 10, 2024
Bug fixes
- [MBI] Fixed a calculation issue for the VMWare-Cluster-Performances report with multiple datastores monitored by one service.
- [MBI] Fixed the Hostgroup-Storage-Capacity-2 report, which displayed double the total disk size in specific cases.
Release date: April 16, 2024
Bug fixes
- [Packaging] Correct rights are now set for Centreon MBI configuration files.
Release date: March 15, 2024
Bug fixes
- [Install] Fixed an issue with the installation of extensions.
Release date: January 23, 2024
Bug fixes
- [MBI] Fixed a calculation issue for VMWare-Cluster-Performances.
- [Reports] Fixed an issue that prevented reports to be sent by email with Office 365.
Release date: December 22, 2023
Bug fixes
- [MBI] Updated dependency.
Release date: September 5, 2023
Bug fixes
- [Packaging] Fixed ETL script references in Debian packaging.
Release date: July 28, 2023
Bug fixes
- Fixed centreonBIETL_legacy script by calling only legacy scripts.
- Removed old images in forms.
Release date: July 20, 2023
- [Licensing] Improved automatic license renewal.
Bug fixes
- [Install] Added missing Gorgone dependencies required by the MBI ETL.
- [Reporting] Fixed the display of the duration of ongoing alerts in the Hostgroups-Service-Current-Events report.
- [UI] Added CSS in global style files to fix the MBI widget visibility.
- [UI] Fixed empty "Current usage" column in mbi-storage-list-near-saturation widget.
Release date: April 26, 2023
Compatibility with other 23.04 components.
Centreon Auto Discovery
Release date: June 10, 2024
Bug fixes
- [API] Fixed access control for some v2 API endpoints.
Release date: March 15, 2024
Bug fixes
- [Install] Fixed an issue with the installation of extensions.
Release date: November 22, 2023
Security fixes
- [Core] Updated dependencies.
Release date: September 27, 2023
Bug fixes
- Fixed an issue where new services were created when updating the discovery job on existing hosts.
Release date: September 5, 2023
Bug fixes
- Fixed task execution schedule.
Release date: July 20, April 2023
- [Licensing] Improved automatic license renewal.
Bug fixes
- [Install] Fixed missing API routes after an update of Centreon.
Release date: April 26, 2023
- Plugins automatic installation: plugins are now installed automatically on the poller where a Host Discovery Job is scheduled. So, you won't need to install them prior to scheduling discovery jobs.
- Job duplication: Host Discovery jobs can now be duplicated to avoid repetitive work.
- Mapper duplication: Host Discovery Mappers can now be duplicated inside a job.
Compatibility with other 23.04 components.
Centreon Monitoring Connectors Manager (formerly Plugin Packs Manager)
Release date: April 16, 2024
Bug fixes
- Fixed the absence of error displayed when the deletion of a Monitoring Connector is not possible.
Release date: March 15, 2024
Bug fixes
- [Install] Fixed an issue with the installation of extensions.
Release date: July 20, 2023
- [Licensing] Improved automatic license renewal.
Release date: April 26, 2023
Compatibility with other 23.04 components.
Centreon License Manager
Release date: June 10, 2024
Bug fixes
- [Helios] Fixed Centreon Helios cron.
Release date: September 27, 2023
- [UX] Removed the "Exit wizard" popin after having added token or view license.
Release date: July 20, 2023
- [Licensing] Improved automatic license renewal.
- [UI] Improved license upload modal.
Release date: April 26, 2023
Compatibility with other 23.04 components.
Centreon Anomaly Detection
Release date: July 4, 2024
Bug fixes
- [Packaging] Added missing dependencies on anomaly detection.
- [Packaging] Various anomaly detection perl installation scripts are now deployed on /usr/share/perl5/centreon/anomalydetection instead of /%{perl_vendorlib}/centreon.
Release date: March 15, 2024
Bug fixes
- [Install] Fixed an issue with the installation of extensions.
Release date: November 22, 2023
- Added a feature flag to hide exclusion of periods.
Release date: October 10, 2023
Bug fixes
- [UI] Renamed "massive change" to "mass change" in the "more actions" selection box.
Release date: September 27, 2023
- Removed the Beta breadcrumb message.
Bug fixes
- Fixed the management of envelope size.
Release date: July 28, 2023
Bug fixes
- Fixed Stream connector to send Anomaly Detection data to Centreon.
- Fixed Anomaly Detection script that was not sending data history.
Release date: July 20, 2023
- [Logs] The log level is now a parameter and its default value has been lowered to 0 to make it less verbose.
Release date: June 13, 2023
Bug fixes
- Fixed an issue that caused KPIs to be unavailable for selection when configuring a Business Activity as a non-admin user.
- Fixed an issue that caused resources to be displayed for a single ACL group when multiple ACL groups were selected during the BA creation by a non-admin user.
Release date: April 26, 2023
- [Core] It is now possible to exclude unrepresentative data from prediction computation.
- [Core] Anomaly Detection services can now be used in Business Activities.
Compatibility with other 23.04 components.
Centreon IT & Business Extensions
Release date: April 26, 2023
- Added the possibility to customize the login page and the banner. You can now:
- Change the background of the login page.
- Change the logo on the login page.
- Display custom text on the login page.
- Give a name to the platform, that will be visible on the login page and in the banner.
Centreon IT Edition Extensions
Release date: November 28, 2024
- No changes for this module in this version.
Release date: June 10, 2024
Bug fixes
- [IT Extension] Added dependency to centreon-license-manager to validate licenses.
Release date: March 15, 2024
Bug fixes
- [Install] Fixed an issue with the installation of extensions.
- [Licensing] Removed the error that was displayed when a license was missing or invalid.
Release date: January 29, 2024
Bug fixes
- [Update] Fixed the update process to take into account the new package name for Debian.
Release date: January 23, 2024
- [IT Edition Extensions] Added EPP license control mechanism.
Bug fixes
- [Install] Fixed compatibility with MySQL 8.
- [Package] Fixed the naming from
for the Debian package.