Stream connectors
Les stream connectors ont pour but de transmettre en temps réel le flux des données issu de la supervision par la plateforme Centreon vers un outil tiers. Ce flux peut porter sur les évènements comme sur les métriques.
Notes de release
- Fix
- Canopsis Events - Fixed downtimes.
- ServiceNow Incident - Fixed oauth refresh token parameters.
- InfluxDB 2 Metrics - Fixed subinstances.
- Fix
- Centreon library: sc_flush - Fixed return code when payload is empty.
- Fix
- Enhancement
- Splunk Metrics - Fixed an issue with max_buffer_size parameter in Splunk stream connector.
- Clickhouse - Added a protection on metric names containing spaces.
- InfluxDB 2 Metrics - Added a protection on metric names containing spaces.
- Centreon library: sc_macro - Fixed an issue with _scshort flag leading to the macro name of an event being displayed instead of its value.
- Centreon library: sc_params - Added a new enable_bam_host parameter to send BAM "services".
- Centreon library: sc_flush - Enhanced error report when using send_data method in stream connector log files.
- Enhancement
- Canopsis Events - Enhanced a lot of functionalities to catch up with the new version of Canopsis (24.04).
- Centreon library: sc_event - Added a new parameter allowing a delta between timestamps, to fix an issue with the notification of a host status change.
- Centreon library: sc_logger - Removed the allow_insecure_connection parameter to convert it to verify_certificate (working the opposite way).
- Centreon library: sc_params - Added a new verify_certificate parameter (and deprecated allow_insecure_connection).
- Enhancement
- All stream connectors - Added additional debug information when an issue occurs while sending data.
- InfluxDB 2 Metrics - Added the possibility to send metric_id.
- New Stream connector
- Clickhouse Metrics - Initial release of Clickhouse Metrics.
- Enhancement
- Elastic Metrics - Made elastic username and password optional.
- Elastic Metrics - Added min/max property with thresholds (warning/critical) in the template.
- Centreon library: sc_params - Added method to validate Lua patterns and build a table of patterns to compensate the lack of alternation operator (commonly known as | in POSIX regex).
- Breaking-change
- Enhancement
- Centreon library: sc_common - Adapted some event types (downtime, acknowledgement and ba_status) to the new bbdo3 protocol (introduced with the Centreon 23.10 release).
- Centreon library: sc_event - Added a "rejected" filter for hostgroups, servicegroups, bvs, pollers and authors.
- Enhancement
- Centreon library: sc_params - Added a way to handle deprecated parameters like max_buffer_age.
- New Stream connector
- InfluxDB2 Metrics - Initial release of InfluxDB2 Metrics.
- Enhancement
- New Stream connector
- Centreon library: sc_params - Added a new accepted_metrics parameter to filter metrics that will be sent to metric-oriented stream connectors.
- Centreon library: sc_logger - Added a new basic_auth parameter to handle HTTP basic authentication.
- Centreon library: sc_metrics - Added a way to filter out metrics based on their name and the accepted_metrics parameter.
- Elastic Metrics - Initial release of Elastic Metrics.
- Fix
- Centreon library: sc_event - Fixed an issue occuring when checking if an event was monitored by an accepted poller.
- Enhancement
- Fix
- Centreon library: sc_logger - Allowed the possibility to log curl commands with a new method called log_curl_command.
- sc_event - Added a new log_curl_commands parameter to enable logging curl commands.
- Centreon library: sc_event - Handled event flapping with a new method (is_valid_event_flapping_state).
- Centreon library: sc_params - Added a new flapping parameter to filter flapping events.
- Centreon library: sc_flush - Added a new add_queue_metadata method to properly add metadata to a queue.
- Centreon library: sc_event - The long output of the stream connector was incorrectly using the standard output, leading to loss of data.
- Centreon library: sc_event - Used the correct cache entry when checking the state of a service in a downtime event.