Extensions Commerciales
Vous trouverez dans ce chapitre tout ce qui concerne les extensions commerciales de Centreon.
Il est important de mettre à jour en utilisant la documentation adéquate de mise à jour et de lire attentivement les notes de mise à jour afin d'être au courant des changements qui pourraient impacter votre usage ou votre plateforme ou des développements spécifiques que vous auriez fait.
Pour faire des demandes d'évolutions ou reporter des bugs sur les extensions commerciales, veuillez contacter le support.
Retrouvez plus de détails sur la version 24.04 dans notre post de blog.
Centreon MAP
Release date: March 11, 2025
- No changes for this module in this version.
Release date: February 17, 2025
- [Gauge widget] Added an option to display the name of the parent resource.
- [Viewer] You can now display the status as the background color for a resource in weather or icon style.
- [URL widget] Added a pointer cursor when hovering the widget, to clearly identify that the link is clickable.
- [URL widget] Labels are now centered vertically.
- [URL widget] Links are now always opened in a dedicated tab.
Bug fixes
- [Editor] Fixed issue that prevented user from editing data of the status link.
- [Geoviews] Fixed an issue that ignored ACLs when listing Business Activities.
- [Map Engine] Fixed a crash that could occur after upgrading the MAP version.
- [Metric links] Fixed an issue that could appear when trying to visualize a graphic.
- [Migration from Legacy] Fixed an incorrect value in identifier generation.
- [Migration from Legacy] Fixed an issue with deleted resources that were still appearing when migrating from MAP Legacy.
- [URL widget] Fixed an issue that made the URL accessible only when clicking two times, instead of one.
- [Viewer] Fixed an issue where links to triangle shapes were shifted in view mode.
- [Viewer] Fixed wrong call to get the details of a resource.
Security fixes
- [Security] Upgraded Apache Tomcat version.
- [Security] Upgraded DOM purify.
- [Security] Removed commons-logging (including Log4j).
Release date: January 6, 2025
- [Database] Extended bend point limitations for links.
- [Packaging] RPM packages are now compressed using the zstd format.
Bug fixes
- [Engine] Updated dependency.
- [Metric links, Gauge and Output widgets] Optimized metric selection.
- [Metric links, Gauge and Output widgets] Ordered metrics alphabetically.
- [Migration] Fixed an issue preventing identifiers from being generated during the migration process.
- [Migration from Legacy] Adjusted the font family, size and weight.
- [Migration from Legacy] Fixed an issue where the opacity of shapes was lost when migrating to MAP.
- [Migration from Legacy] Fixed several issues concerning the migration of images.
- [Process widget] Fixed an issue preventing a command from being launched properly.
- [Server] Fixed an issue that prevented users from using meta service's macros in the output widget.
- [UI] Long resource names are now managed correctly.
- [Viewer] Fixed an issue affecting white fonts in light and dark mode.
- [Viewer] Widgets and links are now propagating their status to their parent map.
Security fixes
- [Security] Fixed Log4j vulnerability.
- [Security] Fixed Tomcat vulnerability.
- [Security] Updated JDOM dependency.
- [Security] Updated JSON in Java dependency.
- [Security] Updated logback dependency.
- [Security] Updated spring-security-web dependency.
- [Security] Updated Symfony Security-Http component.
Release date: December 2, 2024
- [Server] Adapted Protobuf to handle the new event "AdaptiveHostStatus" from Broker.
- [Server] Adapted Protobuf to handle the new event "AdaptiveServiceStatus" from Broker.
- [Server] Fixed a synchronization issue that could cause resources to disappear from a map.
- [Server] Fixed concurrent access issues causing exceptions in the viewer.
- [Server] Improved logs related to Broker event processing and made event queue size configurable.
- [Server] Optimized the propagation of a resource status change.
Bug fixes
- [API] Fixed issue with the "centreon-map/api/beta/actuator/metrics" endpoint.
- [Legacy server] Fixed issue where ViewID couldn't be found when migrating from MAP Legacy.
- [Legacy server] Fixed an issue preventing the states of resources (acknowledged, in downtime, etc.) from being up to date on maps.
- [Server] Fixed boot failure that may occur when using service templates.
- [Server] Fixed Servicegroup status when configured using Service Templates or Hostgroup Services.
- [Server] Improved the parsing of Broker events on creation and deletion of resources.
Release date: October 23, 2024
Bug fixes
- [Server] Fixed a synchronization issue that could cause resources to disappear from a map.
- [Server] Optimized the way the global map status is calculated.
Release date: October 7, 2024
- [Server] Increased the default log level to INFO.
Bug fixes
- [Dashboards] Fixed an issue that prevented different maps from being displayed in the same dashboard.
- [Diagnostic] Fixed the diagnostic results for the SELinux check.
- [Editor] Removed the label from the Output widget as it was not used on the map.
- [Migration] Fixed an issue that caused links to be positioned differently when migrating from MAP Legacy to MAP.
- [Resource status] Fixed an issue where the status of BAs in maps was not aligned with their status in Resource status.
- [Server] Fixed an issue that caused the migration from MAP Legacy to fail.
- [Viewer] Fixed an issue that prevented disaknowledgments from being up-to-date.
Release date: August 8, 2024
- [SELinux] Packaged SELinux rules for EL distributions.
Bug fixes
- [ACL] Fixed an issue which caused user without creator role to be able to duplicate maps.
- [BA] Fixed an issue causing the MAP server to crash at startup due to orphan KPIs.
- [Editor] Fixed an issue causing link labels not to be displayed in the editor.
- [Map list] Fixed an issue that could prevent the map list from being displayed.
- [Server] Fixed an issue causing an error when trying to save maps.
- [Server] Fixed an issue in the connection between Centreon Central and the MAP server initialization causing issues in real time updates.
- [Server] Fixed an issue preventing the diagnostic script from running when the password contained the '#' character.
- [Server] Fixed concurrent access leading to inconsistencies in maps.
- [Server] Fixed the diagnostic when MAP was configured in HTTPS.
- [Viewer] Fixed the interpretation of HTML tags when using carriage returns.
Release date: July 4, 2024
- [Protobuf] Implemented the pb_instance_configuration event.
Bug fixes
- [Server] Fixed an issue causing properties to be overwritten.
- [Viewer] Fixed an issue that made the breadcrumb not correct when selecting a Centreon resource.
- [Viewer] Fixed an issue with the alignment of the label for resources in geometric mode.
- [Viewer] Fixed an issue with the image opacity parameter that was not applied.
- [Viewer] Fixed an issue for the container label that was not correctly centered in geometric style.
- [UI] Fixed a translation issue in the bulk mode and Output status.
Release date: June 21, 2024
Bug fixes
- [Server] Fixed an issue causing properties to be overwritten in MAP configuration files.
Release date: June 12, 2024
Bug fixes
- [API] Fixed access control for some v2 API endpoints.
- [Viewer] Fixed an issue that made metric links disappear when the status of a resource was Unknown.
- [Viewer] Fixed an issue that caused the status of disabled resources to be used in inherited status computations.
Release date: April 30, 2024
- To facilitate a smooth transition from MAP Legacy to MAP, we have made sure that features and enhancements already available in previous versions are fully compatible.
Centreon BAM
Release date: March 11, 2025
Bug fixes
- [Monitoring] Deactivated Business Views are not displayed anymore.
Release date: January 6, 2025
- [Packaging] RPM packages are now compressed using the zstd format.
Security fixes
- [Security] Fixed SQLi in the listing of Boolean KPIs, only accessible to authenticated users with high privilege access. (CVE-2024-46924)
Release date: December 2, 2024
Bug fixes
- The value of the "Conf Changed" column of the poller menu is now correctly updated when a service is added by manual discovery.
Security fixes
- [Security] Fixed SQLi in the user settings form, only accessible to authenticated users with high privilege access. (CVE-2024-45757)
Release date: August 8, 2024
Bug fixes
- [BAM] Fixed a deprecation issue due to Symfony upgrade.
Release date: July 4, 2024
Bug fixes
- Fixed an issue with the name of a KPI whose type was Business Activity. It is now correctly displayed in the details of its parent BA.
Release date: June 12, 2024
- No changes for this module in this version.
Release date: April 30, 2024
- [API] Added an endpoint to GET Business Activities.
Centreon MBI
Release date: January 6, 2025
- [Packaging] RPM packages are now compressed using the zstd format.
Bug fixes
- [MBI] Fixed an issue that prevented the MBI extension from being updated to the latest version.
- [MBI] Fixed issue preventing the "report parameters" form to be displayed.
- [MBI] Fixed report generation.
- [MBI] Updated link to the documentation in the reporting server's diagnostic script.
Release date: December 2, 2024
Bug fixes
- [MBI] Fixed the SFTP Connection with configuration key as it was causing an error on job publication.
- [Packaging] Fixed the rebuild of data after installation by adding a dependency in Debian package.
Security fixes
- [Security] Fixed file permission in purgeArchive cron file, only accessible to authenticated users with high privilege access.
- [Security] Removed obsolete parameters when accessing reporting forms.
- [Security] Upgraded Apache commons dependency.
- [Security] Updated the version of dom4j dependency.
- [Security] Upgraded XmlBeans dependency.
Release date: October 7, 2024
Bug fixes
- [Dependencies] Upgraded Spring framework.
- [Diagnostic] Fixed typo in the diagnostic result.
- [MBI] Fixed the schema of temporary SQL table to avoid missing data in reports.
Security fixes
- [Security] Fixed SQLi in configuration pages, only accessible to authenticated users with high privilege access (CVE-2024-45754).
Release date: August 8, 2024
- [SELinux] Packaged SELinux rules for EL distributions.
Release date: June 12, 2024
Bug fixes
- [MBI] Fixed the Hostgroup-Storage-Capacity-2 report, which displayed double the total disk size in specific cases.
Release date: April 30, 2024
- Compatibility with other 24.04 components.
Centreon Auto Discovery
Release date: January 6, 2025
- [Packaging] RPM packages are now compressed using the zstd format.
Bug fixes
- Fixed an error displayed on Service Discovery rule duplication.
Release date: December 2, 2024
Bug fixes
- Fixed an issue with advanced attributes that were not available when configuring a property mapper.
- Fixed overlapping action icons in the Credentials field.
- The value of the "Conf Changed" column of the poller menu is now correctly updated when a service is added by manual discovery.
Release date: April 30, 2024
- Compatibility with other 24.04 components.
Centreon Monitoring Connectors Manager
Release date: April 30, 2024
- Compatibility with other 24.04 components.
Centreon License Manager
Release date: January 6, 2025
- [Packaging] RPM packages are now compressed using the zstd format.
Release date: December 2, 2024
Bug fixes
- The value of the "Conf Changed" column of the poller menu is now correctly updated when a service is added by manual discovery.
Release date: June 12, 2024
Bug fixes
- [Helios] Fixed Centreon Helios cron.
Release date: April 30, 2024
- Compatibility with other 24.04 components.
Centreon Anomaly Detection
Release date: January 6, 2025
- [Packaging] RPM packages are now compressed using the zstd format.
Release date: August 8, 2024
Bug fixes
- [Anomaly Detection] Fixed wrong package name for Lua curl Debian dependency for anomaly-detection.
Release date: July 4, 2024
Bug fixes
- [Anomaly Detection] Fixed an error that occurred after filling the creation form.
Release date: July 1, 2024
Bug fixes
- [Anomaly Detection] Fixed an issue that prevented Anomaly Detection from sending real time data to the SaaS application.
- [Anomaly Detection] Fixed an issue with the creation of a Centreon Broker configuration output, that occurred when adding an AIOps token.
Release date: April 30, 2024
- [API] Added an endpoint to UPDATE Cloud tokens.
Centreon IT Edition Extensions
Release date: February 17, 2025
- No changes for this module in this version.
Release date: January 6, 2025
- [Packaging] RPM packages are now compressed using the zstd format.
Release date: December 2, 2024
- No changes for this module in this version.
Release date: June 12, 2024
Bug fixes
- [IT Extension] Added dependency to centreon-license-manager to validate licenses.
- [Unattended] Fixed the activation of Centreon IT Edition Extensions that was not enabled by default.
Release date: April 30, 2024
New playlist feature: dashboard playlists allow you to display several dashboards sequentially without any interaction. Ideal for broadcast on a TV screen.
You can now:
- create dashboard playlists.
- display the list of dashboard playlists.
- share playlists.
- display the list of playlist shares.
- revoke the sharing of a playlist to a contact group.
Centreon IT & Business Extensions
Release date: April 30, 2024
- Compatibility with other 24.04 components.
Centreon Monitoring Connectors Manager (formerly Plugin Packs Manager)
Release date: March 11, 2025
Bug fixes
- Fixed a translation issue on menu & breadcrumb and added a submenu for Monitoring Connectors and Additional configuration.
Release date: January 6, 2025
- [Packaging] RPM packages are now compressed using the zstd format.
Release date: December 2, 2024
Bug fixes
- It is now possible to install a connector whose name is similar to another connector's.
Release date: October 7, 2024
Bug fixes
- [Documentation] Updated the links from the Monitoring Connector manager to the Monitoring Connectors documentation.