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Version: ⭐ 24.04

Signl4 Events

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Before starting

  • You can send events from a central server, a remote server or a poller.
  • By default, this stream connector sends host_status and service_status events. The event format is shown there.
  • Aformentioned events are fired each time a host or a service is checked. Various parameters let you filter out events.


Connectez vous en tant que root sur le serveur Centreon central en utilisant votre client SSH préféré.

Lancer la commande adaptée à votre système :

dnf install centreon-stream-connector-signl4


To configure your stream connector, you must head over the Configuration --> Poller --> Broker configuration menu. Select the central-broker-master configuration (or the appropriate broker configuration if it is a poller or a remote server that will send events) and click the Output tab when the broker form is displayed.

Add a new generic - stream connector output and set the following fields as follow:

NameSignl4 events
Filter categoryNeb

Add Signl4 mandatory parameters

Each stream connector has a set of mandatory parameters. To add them you must click on the +Add a new entry button located below the filter category input.

TypeNameValue explanationValue exemple
stringteam_secretTeam secretx3x[..]2c

Add Signl4 optional parameters

Some stream connectors have a set of optional parameters dedicated to the Software that they are associated with. To add them you must click on the +Add a new entry button located below the filter category input.

TypeNameValue explanationdefault value
stringserver_addressurl of your Centreon serversignl4 instance
stringx_s4_source_systemsource system to display in Signl4Centreon
stringlogfilethe file in which logs are written/var/log/centreon-broker/signl4-events-apiv2.log
numberlog_levellogging level from 1 (errors) to 3 (debug)1

Proxy configuration

When using a proxy to connect to the Signl4 endpoint, you can use additional parameters to configure it:

TypeNameValue explanation
stringproxy_addressProxy address
numberproxy_portProxy port (mandatory when proxy_address is set)
stringproxy_usernameProxy username the file in which logs are written
passwordproxy_passwordProxy password (mandatory when proxy_username is set)

Standard parameters

All stream connectors can use a set of optional parameters that are made available through Centreon stream connectors lua modules.

All those parameters are documented here.

Some of them are overridden by this stream connector.

TypeNameDefault value for the stream connector

Event bulking

This stream connector is not compatible with event bulking. Meaning that the option max_buffer_size can't be higher than 1

Event format

This stream connector will send event with the following format.

service_status event

"EventType": "SERVICE",
"Date": "Fri Nov 26 11:54:29 CET 2021",
"Host": "Highway",
"Service": "to hell!",
"Message": "acdc song",
"Status": "CRITICAL",
"Title": "Highway/to hell! is CRITICAL",
"X-S4-SourceSystem": "Centreon",
"X-S4-ExternalID": "HOSTALERT_666",
"X-S4-Status": "new"

host_status event

"EventType": "HOST",
"Date": "Fri Nov 26 11:54:29 CET 2021",
"Host": "Highway",
"Message": "to hell!",
"Status": "DOWN",
"Title": "Highway is DOWN",
"X-S4-SourceSystem": "Centreon",
"X-S4-ExternalID": "HOSTALERT_666",
"X-S4-Status": "new"

Custom event format

This stream connector allows you to change the format of the event to suit your needs. Only the event part of the json is customisable. It also allows you to handle events type that are not handled by default such as ba_status events.

In order to use this feature you need to configure a json event format file and add a new stream connector parameter.


The event format configuration file must be readable by the centreon-broker user

To learn more about custom event format and templating file, head over the following documentation.

Curl commands

Here is the list of all the curl commands that are used by the stream connector.

Send events

You can trigger a signal with the following command:

curl -X POST -H 'content-type: application/json' '<team_secret>' -d '{"EventType": "HOST","Date": "Fri Nov 26 11:54:29 CET 2021","Host": "Highway","Message": "to hell!","Status": "DOWN", "Title": "Highway is DOWN", "X-S4-SourceSystem": "Centreon","X-S4-ExternalID": "HOSTALERT_666","X-S4-Status": "new"}'

You can then close this signal with the following command:

curl -X POST -H 'content-type: application/json' '<team_secret>' -d '{"EventType": "HOST","Date": "Fri Nov 26 12:00:00 CET 2021","Host": "Highway","Message": "to hell!","Status": "OK", "Title": "Highway is UP", "X-S4-SourceSystem": "Centreon","X-S4-ExternalID": "HOSTALERT_666","X-S4-Status": "resolved"}'

You must replace the <team_secret> inside the URL with yours.