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Version: ⭐ 24.04

Centreon Open Source


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Pour faire des demandes d'évolutions ou signaler des bugs sur les extensions commerciales, vous pouvez vous rendre sur notre Github.

Retrouvez plus de détails sur la version 24.04 dans notre post de blog.

Centreon Web


Release date: July 18, 2024

  • [API] Fixed access control for host configuration endpoints.
  • [centreon-web] Fixed SELinux dependencies for centreon-common-selinux.
  • [Dashboard] Fixed an issue where the legend of the Metrics Graph widget was empty when the user locale was different from en_US. status charts and the status grid widget now display the status of a service's parent host when only services are selected instead of a "no host found" error.
  • [Dashboards] Fixed an error that occurred when renaming a dashboard that had an empty description.
  • [Dashboards] Fixed inconsistent values between top counter and status widgets.
  • [Dashboards] Search results for services are no longer limited to 30 items.
  • Fixed incorrect user rights computations for Dashboard admins.


Release date: July 3, 2024

  • [Packaging] Fixed an issue in update file for centreon-web.


Release date: June 26, 2024

  • [Metrics Graph widget] Curves for metrics with the same name are now differentiated by automatically adjusting colors.
  • [Resource Status] In the filter window, you can now filter by resource type.
  • [Widget edition] Removed incompatible resources when filtering using multiple resource types.
Bug fixes
  • [API] Fixed API access control for monitoring endpoints.
  • [API] Fixed access control for some v2 API service configuration endpoints.
  • [Configuration] Fixed mass change on services.
  • [Dashboards] Added missing default curve settings to the Metrics Graph widget.
  • [Dashboards, Resource Status] All services are now displayed in the dataset resources section.
  • [Resource Status] Fixed an issue with adding comments on hosts and meta-services in their details panel.
  • [Resource Status] Filters can now be deselected in the search window.
  • [Resource Status] Fixed redirection to "Performance > Graphs" menu in graph panel for meta-services.
  • [Resource Status] The passive check icon is now displayed next to the correct resources.
  • [Widget edition] Removed incompatible resources when filtering using multiple resource types.
  • [Widgets] Widgets are now loaded correctly.
Security fixes
  • [Security] Fixed several SLQi issues.


Release date: May 28, 2024

Bug fixes
  • [API] Fixed access control for some v2 API endpoints.
  • [CEIP] Fixed an error on Dashboard telemetry.
  • [Unattended] The script now allows new options (Debian12, MariaDB versioning, MySQL 8).
  • [Unattended] Bug fixes on various issues (httpd services not restarting, it-edition-extensions installation, script run issue on Oracle Linux distributions).
  • [Unattended] The installation and the activation of Centreon IT Edition Extensions is now available
  • [UX] Fixed an issue where the top counter pop-up was not closed when users clicked outside of it.
  • [UX] Removed autocomplete for credentials fields in administration pages.


Release date: May 16, 2024

Bug fixes
  • [Packaging] Fixed an issue where and were replaced by default files.


Release date: April 30, 2024

New features

Dashboards GA

Dashboards are now in Global Availability (GA) and fully supported by Centreon. Many features have been added in this version.

  • Playlists feature: You can now create dashboard playlists. Selected dashboards will be displayed sequentially without any interaction, allowing you to broadcast them on TVs in public spaces.
  • New widgets
    • The "Status Chart" widget displays the distribution of current statuses on selected resources, as a chart.
    • The "Group Monitoring" widget displays the distribution of current statuses on selected groups of resources, as a table.
  • Resource Status: Widgets now include a link to the Resource Status page. When you access this link, Resources Status will be filtered according to the criteria used in the widget.
  • User Experience
    • You can now search for a dashboard by its name.
    • You can now navigate more easily with the pagination.
    • You can now duplicate a dashboard.
    • You can now access widgets more easily thanks to pictograms representing each type of widget.
    • You can now display dashboards as a list, with the View as list button.
    • A modal now appears when deleting widgets, dashboards or playlists.
    • A warning modal is now preventing users from leaving the dashboard without saving it first.

Dashboards GA

  • Improvements made on global Dashboard behavior

    • When sharing a dashboard, only contacts and contact groups that have access to the dashboard are displayed.
    • Optimized the rendering of widgets.
    • Optimized legend and thickened curves on graphs.
    • Moved the parameter used for hiding widgets' descriptions.
    • Updated the dashboard global refresh icon.
    • Widgets can now be edited quickly and easily by using an "Edit widget" shortcut that opens widget edition mode.
    • Made the dashboard library's "view as list" the default view.
    • Reorganized rich text options for widget descriptions.
  • Improvements made to specific widgets

    • [MAP widget] Added an information message displayed when editing the widget.
    • [Metrics Graph widget] Added a warning message indicating that thresholds have been hidden when selecting two different metric units.
    • [Metrics Graph widget] Added an information tooltip when hovering over an element on the graph.
    • [Single Metric widget] Simplified metric selection.
    • [Single Metric widget] Simplified dataset selection by forcing a "host + service" pair.
    • [Status Grid widget] Added an "unhandled" state property.
    • [Status Grid widget] Added a new "condensed" view.

BREAKING CHANGE: The way metrics are handled has been changed to allow for more flexibility (e.g., you now have the possibiliyy to exclude metrics). If you used the metrics graph widget, you may have to select your metrics again.

User Experience

  • Added full screen mode for the entire application.


  • Dashboards

    • Added new endpoints to manage playlists.
    • Added a new endpoint to duplicate dashboards.
    • Updated endpoints to handle the Status Grid "condensed" view.
  • Configuration

    • Added an endpoint to update a service severity.
    • Added an endpoint to create Broker outputs.
    • Added an endpoint to list all installed connectors.
    • Added an endpoint to list graph templates.
    • Added an endpoint to list and delete Business Activities.
    • Added an endpoint to update a service.
    • Added an endpoint to update a host partially.
    • Added an endpoint to handle the file format associated with a Stream Connector.
  • Monitoring

    • Added an endpoint to list all metrics of a given service.
    • Metrics linked to a resource are now retrieved by the endpoint that lists resources.
  • Administration:

    • Added endpoints to upload and list media.


  • Added support for the Debian 12 operating system.
  • Added compatibility with MySQL 8.0.
  • Updated the MariaDB version to its latest LTS, 10.11.
  • Improved the script to offer the possibility to select which DBMS will be installed.

Centreon Collect


Release date: July 17, 2024

Bug fixes
  • [Broker] Fixed an issue that occurred when inserting too large metrics into the database, which resulted in an error log.
  • [Broker] There were two errors concerning the gnutls version check:
  1. The gnutls library on Centreon had to be at least the same version as the one used to compile Broker. Now, Broker checks that the version of the gnutls library is at least 3.6.0.
  2. The packaging required a very old version of gnutls. Now, when Broker is installed we check that the version of gnutls is at least 3.6.0. If the version is older, it will be updated.
  • [Broker] Added support for the default connection method to MySQL 8.0.35.


Release date: June 17, 2024

  • [Engine] Added a new centengine parameter (send_recovery_notifications_anyways) to force sending a recovery notification even when the resource is outside of its notification period. This aims at keeping third-party tools up-to-date at any time when they are fed notifications.
  • [Engine] The whitelist works with all the commands executed by Engine.
  • [Engine] Engine can now handle extra configuration files to complement/overload the centengine.cfg file. This enhancement allows you to keep a custom configuration unchanged when exporting the configuration.
Bug fixes
  • [Broker] Fixed an issue where incomplete BAM queries resulted in unnecessary error messages.
  • [Broker] Fixed an issue where grpc layers crashed if a channel was deleted by a grpc thread.
  • [Broker] Fixed a stability issue that could occur when an LVM snapshot was launched to backup the database.


Release date: May 28, 2024

Bug fixes
  • [Packaging] Fixed an issue with permissions on Engine and Broker files.


Release date: April 30, 2024

Bug fixes
  • Fixed some incorrect statuses in Broker's statistics retrieved by the broker-stats.json file.
  • [Packaging] Added symbolic link from /usr/lib64/nagios/plugins to /usr/lib/nagios/plugins.
  • Semicolons are no longer considered as the beginning of a comment in Engine's configuration files. This is because comments were not useful in these files, and they prevented the use of semicolons in macros (e.g., passwords).

Centreon Engine

  • Compatibility with other 24.04 components.

Centreon Broker

  • Compatibility with other 24.04 components.

Centreon Gorgone


Release date: July 18, 2024

Bug fixes
  • [Gorgone] Fixed an issue where a host category was not present in MBI if it was applied on a host template instead of directly on the host.
  • [Gorgone] Fixed an issue with the Gorgone API at upgrade, that caused the Autodiscovery feature to not work.


Release date: June 26, 2024

Bug fixes
  • Fixed gorgone whitelist for HA architecture.


Release date: April 30, 2024

  • Moved gorgone whitelists to a dedicated file.

Centreon High Availability


Release date: April 30, 2024

  • Compatibility with other 24.04 components.

Centreon DSM


Release date: May 28, 2024

Bug fixes
  • No changes for this module in this version.


Release date: May 16, 2024

Bug fixes
  • [Packaging] Fixed an issue where wasn't deployed by the centreon-dsm-client package.


Release date: May 16, 2024

Bug fixes
  • [Packaging] Fixed an issue where wasn't deployed by the centreon-dsm-client package.


Release date: April 30, 2024

  • Compatibility with other 24.04 components.

Centreon Open Tickets


Release date: April 30, 2024

  • Compatibility with other 24.04 components.