Troubleshooting Plugin errors
Hello community! We're looking for a contributor to help us to translate this page into French and provide a sample execution command. If it's you, let us know by offering a PR or pinging us on our community platform The Watch When using Plugins and deploying a new monitoring probe, some errors might show up.
Most of the time, the cause of these failures is a misconfiguration or a third-party device. This section compiles the most common errors you may face and some hints to identify the root cause.
Remember that most of the Plugin Packs have documentation and, more specifically, "Prerequisites" and "Host Configuration" sections to help you avoid some of the most common pitfalls.
The Centreon Pollers run a scheduler responsible for planning and executing checks. To troubleshoot a Plugin, you must always:
- Copy/Paste the command from the Centreon Web UI to troubleshoot it from the CLI
- Use the centreon-engine user to execute the Plugin manually (and never root!).
Common problems​
(no output returned from plugin)​
When getting this error, please focus on the command line executed and ensure that the binary it uses exists or doesn't contain a typo.
On RPM-based systems, you can use the following command to identify what's the
package is providing the missing binary: yum whatprovides "*/the_binary_name"
UNKNOWN: Cannot write statefile '/var/lib/centreon/centplugins/<cache_file_name>'​
The most common cause is inappropriate rights on the cache directory (/var/lib/centreon/centplugins
or the cache file itself. It can also be the result of an inconsistent installation
or simply that the directory doesn't exist.
Check that the directory exists and has the appropriate rights using the stat utility:
stat /var/lib/centreon/centplugins
. The expected result is:
File: '/var/lib/centreon/centplugins'
Access: (0775/drwxrwxr-x) Uid: ( 998/centreon) Gid: ( 997/centreon)`
If directory rights are ok, check also the rights of the cache file:
stat /var/lib/centreon/centplugins/<cache_file_name>
. The expected result is:
File: '/var/lib/centreon/centplugins/\<cache_file_name\>'
Access: (0664/-rw-rw-r--) Uid: ( 994/centreon-engine) Gid: ( 991/centreon-engine)
(Process Timeout)​
This error means that a command reached the timeout defined at the engine's level. Centreon-engine has its own timeout allowing him to kill a Plugin execution as soon as it overrides a given number of seconds. It prevents infinite Plugin execution.
By default, this value is 60 seconds for Services and 10 seconds for Hosts.
Frequently, this error is a consequence of a misconfiguration or a lack of a timeout configured at the Plugin level.
In some cases, it can be normal just because of the complexity of the check or the processing time on the monitoring object side. To measure the time required to finish a check, copy/paste the command-line and execute it through CLI using centreon-engine users.
You can modify the engine timeout value in the Configuration > Pollers > Engine Configuration menu. To apply it, export the Poller's configuration and restart it.
Check output or metrics is not complete​
When a Plugin execution looks partial or incomplete, it usually means that there's a bug somewhere in the code. If this is the case, you will likely see some stderr lines printed when executing the check through the CLI.
A message similar to the one below confirms that this is a bug:
Use of uninitialized value $options{"value"} in pattern match (m//) and critical return
In this situation, reach us on our community platform The Watch or, even better, track an issue within the centreon-plugins Github repository so we can patch it.
Troubleshooting SNMP​
SNMPv3 options mapping​
To set up SNMPv3, Centreon is advising first to try to query your device by using the "snmpwalk" command line and options, then using the following mapping table to make it work with the centreon-plugin.
Configure those extra SNMP options in the host/host template configuration in the SNMPEXTRAOPTIONS macro.
snmpwalk | centreon-plugins |
-a | --authprotocol |
-A | --authpassphrase |
-u | --snmp-username |
-x | --privprotocol |
-X | --privpassphrase |
-l | not needed (automatic) |
-e | --securityengineid |
-E | --contextengineid |
UNKNOWN: SNMP GET Request : Timeout​
Often, a timeout comes from:
- An SNMP Agent or Centreon Host misconfiguration, like a wrong SNMP port, version, or community string
- Third-party equipment (e.g., a firewall) blocking the communication between the Poller and the remote device
To go further, troubleshoot using an SNMP utility to mimic the Plugin behavior and
see if you get a timeout. On Linux, the net-snmp
package provides a snmpwalk
Here is a sample command:
snmpwalk -v <1/2c> -c <community-string> <IP_ADDR> .1
UNKNOWN: SNMP GET Request : Can't get a single value​
SNMP Plugins request one or several OIDs from the target devices' MIBS. When it doesn't obtain a value for one of these OIDs, it returns an UNKNOWN state to warn the user.
Frequently, the device doesn't ship the MIB or one of the OIDs the Plugin utilizes. In other words, the Plugin used is not suitable for this device.
UNKNOWN: SNMP Session: Unable to create​
This error is specific to SNMP v3 checks. It means that the credentials provided are either wrong or incomplete.
It can also happen when performing SNMPv3 requests on a device or server where the SNMP process is not running, or the port is not listening.
UNKNOWN: Can't construct cache...​
To check the storage attached to a device or system, Centreon Plugins use standard OIDs. From time to time, only some of these are implemented by the manufacturer.
You should look for available OIDs using the snmpwalk
utility and modify the check
command to use the available ones.
The interfaces' bandwidth and status monitoring is a textbook case: the Plugin default
behavior uses the ifName
OID to build its cache. If it cannot find it then you
run into this error.
For interfaces and storage checks, options exist to ask the probe to use
an other OID (e.g. --oid-filter='ifDesc' --oid-display='ifDesc'
Problème d'uptime​
Contexte sur le sysUpTime dans SNMP​
Lorsque l'uptime dépasse 497 jours, un problème spécifique peut se produire en raison de la
manière dont l'uptime est représenté dans le format TimeTicks utilisé par SNMP. Le sysUpTime
dans SNMP est un nombre exprimé en TimeTicks, qui représente le nombre de centi-secondes
écoulées depuis le dernier démarrage du système. Ce nombre est stocké dans un format de
32 bits, ce qui signifie qu'il peut stocker des valeurs comprises entre 0 et 4 294 967 295.
Ainsi l'uptime atteint sa valeur maximale après environ 497 jours
(environ 4 294 967 295 centi-secondes). Lorsque cette limite est dépassée, un débordement
(overflow) se produit, ce qui signifie que le compteur recommence à zéro.
Comment identifier le problème ?​
Vous pouvez identifier que l'uptime a dépassé la limite de 497 jours en vérifiant directement sur l'équipement (si c'est possible) son uptime (sans interroger via SNMP). Par exemple pour Linux, utilisez la commande suivante :
14:32:12 up 500 days, 3:04, 2 users, load average: 0.15, 0.10, 0.09
Ce qui indique que le système est en fonctionnement depuis 500 jours, 3 heures et 4 minutes.
Solution proposée en amont : l'option --check-overload​
La majorité des modèles de services associés à l'uptime via SNMP utilisent l'option --check-overload
qui va permettre de gérer le débordement de l'uptime après 497 jours. Pour cela ils vont utiliser le cache
du plugin pour déterminer l'ancien uptime et calculer le dépassement qui a eu lieu afin d'ajuster la
valeur d'uptime retournée par le plugin. Ainsi le débordement est transparent et ne génère pas de
fausse alerte vis-Ă -vis de l'uptime et l'utilisateur n'a rien Ă faire de particulier.
Si le dépassement a eu lieu mais l'option --check-overload n'était pas présente dans la commande du plugin​
Dans le cas oĂą l'option --check-overload
n'était pas présente dans la commande du plugin avant que le
dépassement ait lieu, il est possible de corriger la situation de la façon suivante :
Lancez la commande du plugin en ajoutant l'option --check-overload
/usr/lib/centreon/plugins/ --plugin=os::linux::snmp::plugin --mode=uptime --hostname=XXXX --snmp-version='2c' --snmp-community='public' --check-overload
OK: System uptime is: 11h 28m 39s | 'uptime'=41319.00s;;;0;
Ensuite vérifiez que l'option s'est ajoutée dans le cache du plugin :
cat /var/lib/centreon/centplugins/cache_<hostname>_uptime
Remplacez la valeur de l'option "overload" par 1 et vérifiez que cela a fonctionné :
sed -i 's/"overload":0/"overload":1/g' /var/lib/centreon/centplugins/cache_<hostname>_uptime
cat /var/lib/centreon/centplugins/cache_<hostname>_uptime
Vous pouvez ensuite relancer la commande du plugin avec l'option --check-overload
: le
résultat devrait tenir compte du dépassement et correspondre aux informations d'uptime du
système que vous avez pu vérifier manuellement :
/usr/lib/centreon/plugins/ --plugin=os::linux::snmp::plugin --mode=uptime --hostname=XXXX --snmp-version='2c' --snmp-community='public' --check-overload
OK: System uptime is: 497d 13h 58m 41s | 'uptime'=42991121.00s;;;0;
HTTP and API checks​
UNKNOWN: Cannot decode response (add --debug option to display returned content)​
Plugins perform API calls and decode the content obtained from the API to use it as status, message, or metrics. This way, it expects a specific data formatting depending on what the API supports (XML or JSON).
If the API doesn't send the data a Plugin expects, the library it uses will fail to decode the data.
The most common cause is that a Proxy blocks the primary query and returns an error
message that is not in the expected format. You can specify the address and the port
of a proxy through the --proxyurl=<proto>://<address>:<port>
It may also happen when the API returns an error instead of the expected data structure.
You may want to dig deeper into this by adding the --debug
flag to your command line
to get more information on the query and data received.
UNKNOWN: 500 Can't connect to <ip_address>:<port>
When grabbing metrics or statuses from an API, multiple issues can show up because of proxies, remote devices' certificates, or simply the check configuration.
This section focuses on the most common error reasons and shares some tips to solve them.
An important thing to know is that Plugins can rely on several backends to perform
HTTP requests. You can specify which backend you want to use to perform checks using
the --http-backend
option. The default value is lwp
, though curl
is also
available and generally easier to debug.
In the same way, if you use a proxy, you can tell the Plugin how to go through
by adding the --proxyurl
option to your command line. The expecte format is:
UNKNOWN: 500 Can't connect to <ip_address>:<port>
(Connection refused)​
This issue generally means that the port or protocol used by the Plugin is incorrect, misconfigured, or unsupported.
In this situation, at the Host configuration level, double-check that:
- the port used is correct, primarily if you use a non-standard port for security reasons
- the protocol used (http or https) matches the one configured on the API-side
Each Plugin using HTTP backends does have --proto
and --port
options allowing
you to specify these values.
UNKNOWN: 500 Can't connect to <ip_address>:<port>
The timeout error occurs when the Plugin doesn't succeed in contacting the server or when a third-party device is blocking or filtering the client's request.
UNKNOWN: 500 Can't connect to <ip_address>:<port>
(<SSL Error>
SSL Errors indicate that the Plugin has some trouble establishing a secure connection to get the monitoring information.
The primary cause could be the certificate used. In this case, the best practice would be either to:
- renew the certificate when it expired
- sign the remote certificate officially
- deploy the certificate locally so the Plugin can recognize it
Regardless of what HTTP backend you're using, it's possible to ignore SSL certificate errors by adding specific flags:
- lwp backend:
--ssl-opt='--ssl-opt="SSL_verify_mode => SSL_VERIFY_NONE'
- curl backend:
--curl-opt='CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER => 0'
Sometimes, the remote host doesn't support negotiation about the SSL implementation,
so you must specify explicitly which one the Plugin has to use thanks to the --ssl
option (e.g. --ssl='tlsv1'
). Refer to the manufacturer or software publisher documentation.
Troubleshooting AWS​
UNKNOWN: No metrics. Check your options or use --zeroed option to set 0 on undefined values
Le résultat de cette commande signifie qu'Amazon Cloudwatch ne dispose d'aucune valeur pour la période demandée.
Ce résultat peut être annulé en ajoutant l'option --zeroed dans la commande. Cela forcera une valeur de 0 lorsqu'aucune métrique n'a été collectée et évitera le message d'erreur UNKNOWN.
UNKNOWN: Command error: - An error occurred (AuthFailure) [...]
Le résultat de cette commande signifie que les informations d'identification fournies n'ont pas les privilèges suffisants pour exécuter l'opération AWS sous-jacente.
UNKNOWN: 500 Can't connect to |
Ce message d'erreur signifie que le plugin Centreon n'a pas pu se connecter avec succès à l'API AWS Cloudwatch. Vérifiez qu'aucun dispositif tiers (tel qu'un pare-feu) ne bloque la demande. Une connexion proxy peut également être nécessaire pour se connecter à l'API. Pour ce faire, utilisez l'option suivante dans la commande : --proxyurl='http://proxy.mycompany:8080'.
SSH and CLI checks​
UNKNOWN: Command error: <interpreter>
: <command_name>
: command not found​
This error warns that the Plugin is not able to execute the <command_name>
because it
doesn't exist in PATH or is not installed.
Depending on how the check is performed (locally or remotely), make sure that the utility the Plugin uses is available to your monitoring user.
UNKNOWN: Command error: Host key verification failed.​
SSH-Based checks can use several backends. Whether you use the ssh
or plink
you have to manually validate the remote system fingerprint from the centreon-engine
user on the monitoring Poller. If you don't do that, the Plugin will hang and cause a timeout
because it cannot accept the fingerprint for obvious security reasons.
NRPE checks​
CHECK_NRPE STATE (CRITICAL|UNKNOWN): Socket timeout after 10 seconds​
Here are the questions you may want to ask yourself when obtaining this result:
- Does my IP Address and port parameters are correct?
- Is the NRPE daemon running on the remote system?
- Is there any firewall or security policy that might block the request?
connect to address x.x.x.x port 5666: Connection refused​
This error means that the client made a successful connection to the remote host and port but the server refused the connection.
Frequently, this is because the client is trying to connect to a server from an unauthorized IP.
Check that the allowed_hosts
directive defined in the NRPE Server config file
allows your monitoring server to send remote command execution.
Do not forget to restart your NRPE daemon to update the configuration.
NRPE: Command <a_command> not defined​
The NRPE Server throws this error when the client asks to run a command it doesn't understand.
It might highlight either a configuration issue on the server-side or a typo in the command line on the client-side.
Check the NRPE Server configuration to ensure that the command exists:
[a_command]=/path/to/a/command --option1='<value_or_macro>' --optionN='<value_or_macro>'
Do not forget to restart your NRPE daemon to update the configuration.
NRPE: unable to read output​
This error can occur when the NRPE server fails to execute the command for some reason. In this situation, connect to the server running the NRPE server and execute the command manually with the NRPE user.
Most of the time, it's due to unsufficient rights (missing execution bit or wrong owner) or a missing dependency at code level.