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Veeam NSClient++ API

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The Monitoring Connector Veeam works with the Centreon NSClient++ monitoring agent and Powershell to check operating status of a Veeam Server. It uses the built-in NSClient++ API.

Pack assets​

Monitored objects​

  • Veeam Servers:
    • Jobs
    • Tapes

Collected metrics​

Coming soon



To monitor Veeam solutions through NSClient++ API, install the Centreon packaged version of the NSClient++ agent. Please follow our official documentation
and make sure that the Webserver / RESTApi configuration is correct.


Powershell and the Veeam.Backup.PowerShell snap-in must be installed on the target Server.

Starting with Veeam 11, the Plugin will try to find the most recent version of the VeeamPSSnapin.


  1. Install the Centreon package on every Centreon Poller expected to monitor Veeam using REST API:
yum install centreon-plugin-Operatingsystems-Windows-Restapi
  1. On the Centreon Web interface, install the Veeam Centreon Pack on the Configuration > Monitoring Connector Manager page

Host configuration​

  • Log into Centreon and add a new Host through Configuration > Hosts.
  • Apply the App-Veeam-NSClient-05-Restapi-custom template and configure all the mandatory Macros:
XNSCPRESTAPIPORTNSClient++ RestAPI port (Default: '8443')
XNSCPRESTAPIPROTONSClient++ RestAPI protocol to use (Default: 'https')
NSCPRESTAPILEGACYPASSWORDPassword to authenticate against the API if relevant
NSCPRESTAPIEXTRAOPTIONSAny extra option you may want to add to the command (eg. a --verbose flag)