Amazon CloudWatch
Centreon Plugin​
Install this plugin on each needed poller:
yum install centreon-plugin-Cloud-Aws-Cloudwatch-Api
To use it, you can either install 'awscli' (AWS Command Line Interface) or 'paws' (Perl AWS SDK).
Install awscli​
On CentOS, install with following commands:
yum install -y epel-release
# yum install -y python-pip
# pip install awscli
# yum remove -y epel-release
Centreon Configuration​
Create a host using the appropriate template​
Go to Configuration > Hosts and click Add. Then, fill the form as shown by the following table:
Field | Value |
Host name | Name of the host |
Alias | Host description |
IP | Host IP Address |
Monitored from | Monitoring Poller to use |
Host Multiple Templates | Cloud-Aws-Api |
Click on the Save button.