Customizing plugin behavior
Monitoring connectors are provided with a default configuration. However, you can customize their behavior (specifically, the behavior of the plugin, that runs the check command). Here are a few examples using the HTTP Server monitoring connector, that allows you to test the connection to a website.
Centreon Monitoring Agent
Azure Monitoring Prerequisites
Two methods are available to get metrics from Azure:
Centreon NSClient++
Collect OpenMetrics
There is an effort to promote Prometheus exposition format into a standard known
Additional configurations
For some connectors, the credentials to access the monitored resource must be configured on the pollers that are going to do the monitoring. The Additional configurations menu allows you do to this through the Centreon interface rather than having to connect to your pollers manually. At the moment, only some VMWare connectors can be configured like this.
Troubleshooting Plugin errors
When using Plugins and deploying a new monitoring probe, some errors might show up.
Windows WSMAN Configuration tutorial
Offline/online licenses and connectors
The installation procedures for monitoring connectors are slightly different depending on whether your license is offline or online. Here is a summary of their respective characteristics.