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Mulesoft Anypoint


Anypoint Platform helps you build a structured application network that connects applications, data, and devices with reusable APIs. The unified Anypoint Platform makes it easy to discover, create, and manage APIs in a modular, organized layer. Instead of retrieving random and possibly unstable code snippets, you can “shop” for APIs created using the industry’s best practices. The Centreon Plugin and Monitoring Connectors rely on the Mulesoft Anypoint Rest API to collect the status of the Mulesoft resources.

Monitoring Connector Assets​

Monitored Objects​

  • Applications
  • Servers
  • Clusters
  • Queue Messages

Discovery Rules​

Rule nameDescription
App-Mulesoft-Restapi-Application-NameDiscover Anypoint applications and monitor their status
App-Mulesoft-Restapi-Server-NameDiscover Anypoint servers and monitor their status
App-Mulesoft-Restapi-Queue-Messages-NameDiscover Anypoint MQ queues and monitor the related messages count

Collected Metrics​

More information about collected metrics is available in the official Mulesoft Rest API documentation:

Metric nameDescription
statusCurrent status of each application number of applications
mulesoft.applications.status.started.countNumber of started applications
mulesoft.applications.status.stopped.countNumber of stopped applications
mulesoft.applications.status.failed.countNumber of failed applications


API Privileges​

A service account with proper access in the right Mulesoft environment/organization has to be used. This account has to own the privileges to manage Applications, Servers, Clusters and Messages Queues on the designated environment.


  1. Install the Centreon Plugin on every poller monitoring Mulesoft Anypoint resources:
yum install centreon-plugin-Applications-Mulesoft-Restapi.noarch
  1. On the Centreon Web interface in Configuration > Monitoring Connector Manager, install the Mulesoft Anypoint Monitoring Connector


The Monitoring Connector is designed to monitor resources based on one host per Mulesoft environment/organization. Adding a host into Centreon, link it to the template named App-Mulesoft-Restapi-custom. Once the template applied, some Macros have to be configured:

XENVIDMulesoft Environment ID fetched from the Mulesoft Web console
XORGIDMulesoft Organization ID fetched from the Mulesoft Web console
(X)REGIONIDMulesoft MQ region ID to use (only mandatory for messages mode)
XAPIPASSWORDAPI password (password type should be ticked)


How to check in the CLI that the configuration is OK and what are the main options for ?​

Once the Plugin installed, log into your poller using the centreon-engine user account and test by running the following command (Parameters such as environment-id or api-usernamehave to be adjusted):

/usr/lib/centreon/plugins/ \
--plugin=apps::mulesoft::restapi::plugin \
--mode=applications \
--environment-id='1234abc-56de-78fg-90hi-1234abcdefg' \
--organization-id='1234abcd-56ef-78fg-90hi-1234abcdefg' \
--api-username='myapiuser' \
--api-password='myapipassword' \
--filter-name='myapplication1' \
--warning-status='%\{status\} =~ /STOPPED/' \
--critical-status='%\{status\} =~ /FAILED/' \

OK: Total applications Total : 1, Started : 1, Stopped : 0, Failed : 0 - Application 'myapplication1' Id: 123456, Status: STARTED |
''=1;;;0; 'mulesoft.applications.status.started.count'=1;;;0; 'mulesoft.applications.status.stopped.count'=0;;;0; 'mulesoft.applications.status.failed.count'=0;;;0;
Application 'myapplication1' Id: 123456, Status: STARTED

The command above gets the status of a Mulesoft application (--mode=applications) named myapplication1 (--filter-name='myapplication1'). This application stands within the 1234abc-56de-78fg-90hi-1234abcdefg environment and the 234abcd-56ef-78fg-90hi-1234abcdefg organization (---environment-id='1234abc-56de-78fg-90hi-1234abcdefg' --organization-id='1234abcd-56ef-78fg-90hi-1234abcdefg').

This command would trigger a WARNING alert if the returned status of the application contains the word STOPPED (--warning-status='%{status} =~ /STOPPED/') and a CRITICAL alert if it contains the word FAILED (--critical-status='%{status} =~ /FAILED/').

All the options that can be used with this plugin can be found over the --help command:

/usr/lib/centreon/plugins// --plugin=apps::mulesoft::restapi::plugin --mode=applications --help

How do I remove the count perfdatas if I want to filter on just one application ?​

The Plugin adds the count of objects by default. This can be useless if the objects are filtered with the --filter-name parameter. Therefore, these useless perfdatas can be omitted by adding a perfdata filter : --filter-perfdata='^$'.