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Oracle VM Manager API

Monitoring Connector Assets​

Monitored Objects​

The Monitoring Connector includes monitoring of File-servers, Manager, Server-pools, Servers and Vm.

Collected Metrics​

Metric nameDescriptionUnit usageB spaceB usage in percentage%


To control your Oracle VM Manager, the Rest API must be configured (SOAP legacy is not supported).



  1. Install the Centreon Plugin on every Poller:
yum install centreon-plugin-Applications-Oracle-Ovm-Api
  1. On the Centreon Web interface in Configuration > Monitoring Connector Manager, install the Oracle VM Manager API Monitoring Connector

Host configuration​

  • Add a new Host and apply the App-Oracle-Ovm-Api-custom Host Template

Once the template applied, some Macros have to be configured:

XOVMAPICUSTOMMODEAPI mode (Default: 'rest')
XOVMAPIPORTPort used (Default: 7002)
XOVMAPIPROTOSpecify https if needed (Default: 'https')
XOVMAPIPASSWORDOracle VM Manager username
XOVMAPIUSERNAMEOracle VM Manager password
OVMAPIEXTRAOPTIONSAny extra option you may want to add to the command (eg. a --verbose flag)


How to check in the CLI that the configuration is OK and what are the main options for ?​

Once the Plugin installed, log into your poller using the centreon-engine user account and test by running the following command (Parameters such as api-username or api-passwordhave to be adjusted):

/usr/lib/centreon/plugins/ \
--plugin=apps::oracle::ovm::api::plugin \
--mode=server-pools \
--hostname='' \
--port='7002' \
--proto='https' \
--api-username='myapiusername' \
--api-password='myapipassword' \
--filter-server-pool-name='TESTPOOL01' \
--warning-memory-usage-prct='90' \
--critical-memory-usage-prct='95' \

Output example:

OK: Server pool 'TESTPOOL01' servers running: 2, stopped: 0 - virtual machines running: 3, stopped: 0 - memory usage total: 255.32 GB used: 217.87 GB (85.33%) free: 37.45 GB (14.67%) | 'TESTPOOL01#serverpool.servers.running.count'=2;;;0;2 'TESTPOOL01#serverpool.servers.stopped.count'=0;;;0;2 'TESTPOOL01#serverpool.vm.running.count'=3;;;0;3 'TESTPOOL01#serverpool.vm.stopped.count'=0;;;0;3 'TESTPOOL01#serverpool.memory.usage.bytes'=233939402752B;;;0;274148098048 ''=40208695296B;;;0;274148098048 'TESTPOOL01#serverpool.memory.usage.percentage'=85.33%;90;95;0;100
checking server pool 'TESTPOOL01'
servers running: 2, stopped: 0
virtual machines running: 3, stopped: 0
memory usage total: 255.32 GB used: 217.87 GB (85.33%) free: 37.45 GB (14.67%)

The command above monitors Oracle VM Manager server pools usage (--mode=server-pools) named TESTPOOL01 (--filter-server-pool-name='TESTPOOL01').

It uses api-username (--api-username='myapiusername'), an api-password (--api-password='myapipassword') and it connects to the host (--hostname='') on the port 7002 (--port='7002') using https (--proto='https').

This command would trigger a WARNING alert if the memory used to raise over 90% of the memory capacity (--warning-memory-usage-prct='60') and a CRITICAL alarm over 95% (--critical-memory-usage-prct='75').

All the options that can be used with this plugin can be found over the --help command:

/usr/lib/centreon/plugins/ --plugin=apps::oracle::ovm::api::plugin \
--mode=server-pools \

Why do I get the following error:​

UNKNOWN: 500 Can't connect to​

This error message means that the Centreon Plugin couldn't successfully connect to the Oracle VM Manager API. Check that no third party device (such as a firewall) is blocking the request. A proxy connection may also be necessary to connect to the API. This can be done by using the --proxyurl='http://proxy.mycompany:8080' option in the command.

UNKNOWN: 501 Protocol scheme 'connect' is not supported​

When using a proxy to connect to the Oracle VM Manager API, this error message means that the Centreon Plugin library does not support the proxy connection protocol.

In order to prevent this issue, use the curl HTTP backend by adding the following option to the command: --http-backend='curl'.